48 research outputs found

    Review of algorithms estimating export production from satellite derived properties

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    Whereas the vertical transport of biomass from productive surface waters to the deep ocean (the biological pump) is a critical component of the global carbon cycle, its magnitude and variability is poorly understood. Global-scale estimates of ocean carbon export vary widely, ranging from ∼5 to ∼20 Gt C y – 1 due to uncertainties in methods and unclear definitions. Satellite-derived properties such as phytoplankton biomass, sea surface temperature, and light attenuation at depth provide information about the oceanic ecosystem with unprecedented coverage and resolution in time and space. These products have been the basis of an intense effort over several decades to constrain different biogeochemical production rates and fluxes in the ocean. One critical challenge in this effort has been to estimate the magnitude of the biological pump from satellite-derived properties by establishing how much of the primary production is exported out of the euphotic zone, a flux that is called export production. Here we present a review of existing algorithms for estimating export production from satellite-derived properties, available in-situ datasets that can be used for testing the algorithms, and earlier evaluations of the proposed algorithms. The satellite-derived products used in the algorithm evaluation are all based largely on the Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) products, and carbon products derived from them. The different resources are combined in a meta-analysis

    Lessons learned about the effect of reduced anthropogenic activities on water quality in a large lake system and opportunities towards sustainable management

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    Despite considerable efforts to protect vulnerable marine, coastal, and freshwater ecosystems, anthropogenic activities remain one of the main causes of poor water quality in rivers, lakes and wetland systems worldwide [1]. To move towards the sustainable management of coastal and aquatic ecosystems, it is important to understand how both natural and anthropogenic processes affect water quality. In 2020, a unique opportunity arose to study water quality in a large lake system in the southwest of India during a period when anthropogenic pressures were reduced due to a nationwide lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Using remote sensing and in situ observations to analyse changes in five different water quality indicators, we showed that water quality improved in large areas of Lake Vembanad during the lockdown in 2020 [2]. The lessons learned illustrate that a coordinated response in reducing anthropogenic activities, as seen during the lockdown, could help achieve the targets set out in United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals 3, 6 and 14 and significantly reduce aquatic pollution and improve water quality by 2030

    Using Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing for Flood Mapping: A Case Study in Lake Vembanad, India

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    Water is an essential natural resource, but increasingly water also forms a threat to the human population, with floods being the most common natural disaster worldwide. Earth Observation has the potential for developing cost-effective methods to monitor risk, with free and open data available at the global scale. In this study, we present the application of remote sensing observations to map flooded areas, using the Vembanad-Kol-Wetland system in the southwest of India as a case study. In August 2018, this region experienced an extremely heavy monsoon season, which caused once-in-a-century floods that led to nearly 500 deaths and the displacement of over a million people. We review the use of existing algorithms to map flooded areas in the Lake Vembanad region using the spectral reflectances of the green, red and near-infrared bands from the MSI sensor on board Sentinel-2. Although the MSI sensor has no cloud-penetrating capability, we show that the Modified Normalised Difference Water Index and the Automated Water Extraction Index can be used to generate flood maps from multi-spectral visible remote sensing observations to complement commonly used SAR-based techniques to enhance temporal coverage (from 12 to 5 days). We also show that local knowledge of paddy cultivation practices can be used to map the manoeuvring of water levels and exclude inundated paddy fields to improve the accuracy of flood maps in the study region. The flood mapping addressed here has the potential to become part of a solution package based on multi-spectral visible remote sensing with capabilities to simultaneously monitor water quality and risk of human pathogens in the environment, providing additional important services during natural disasters

    Effect of Reduced Anthropogenic Activities on Water Quality in Lake Vembanad, India

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    The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal Life Below Water (SDG-14) aims to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development”. Within SDG-14, targets 14.1 and 14.2 deal with marine pollution and the adverse impacts of human activities on aquatic systems. Here, we present a remote-sensing-based analysis of short-term changes in the Vembanad-Kol wetland system in the southwest of India. The region has experienced high levels of anthropogenic pressures, including from agriculture, industry, and tourism, leading to adverse ecological and socioeconomic impacts with consequences not only for achieving the targets set out in SDG-14, but also those related to water quality (SDG-6) and health (SDG-3). To move towards the sustainable management of coastal and aquatic ecosystems such as Lake Vembanad, it is important to understand how both natural and anthropogenic processes affect water quality. In 2020, a unique opportunity arose to study water quality in Lake Vembanad during a period when anthropogenic pressures were reduced due to a nationwide lockdown in response to the global pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 (25 March–31 May 2020). Using Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 multi-spectral remote sensing and in situ observations to analyse changes in five different water quality indicators, we show that water quality improved in large areas of Lake Vembanad during the lockdown in 2020, especially in the more central and southern regions, as evidenced by a decrease in total suspended matter, turbidity, and the absorption by coloured dissolved organic matter, all leading to clearer waters as indicated by the Forel-Ule classification of water colour. Further analysis of longer term trends (2013–2020) showed that water quality has been improving over time in the more northern regions of Lake Vembanad independent of the lockdown. The improvement in water quality during the lockdown in April–May 2020 illustrates the importance of addressing anthropogenic activities for the sustainable management of coastal ecosystems and water resources

    Ocean mover’s distance: using optimal transport for analysing oceanographic data

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    Remote sensing observations from satellites and global biogeochemical models have combined to revolutionize the study of ocean biogeochemical cycling, but comparing the two data streams to each other and across time remains challenging due to the strong spatial-temporal structuring of the ocean. Here, we show that the Wasserstein distance provides a powerful metric for harnessing these structured datasets for better marine ecosystem and climate predictions. The Wasserstein distance complements commonly used point-wise difference methods such as the root-mean-squared error, by quantifying differences in terms of spatial displacement in addition to magnitude. As a test case, we consider chlorophyll (a key indicator of phytoplankton biomass) in the northeast Pacific Ocean, obtained from model simulations, in situ measurements, and satellite observations. We focus on two main applications: (i) comparing model predictions with satellite observations, and (ii) temporal evolution of chlorophyll both seasonally and over longer time frames. The Wasserstein distance successfully isolates temporal and depth variability and quantifies shifts in biogeochemical province boundaries. It also exposes relevant temporal trends in satellite chlorophyll consistent with climate change predictions. Our study shows that optimal transport vectors underlying the Wasserstein distance provide a novel visualization tool for testing models and better understanding temporal dynamics in the ocean

    Ocean mover’s distance: using optimal transport for analysing oceanographic data

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    Remote sensing observations from satellites and global biogeochemical models have combined to revolutionize the study of ocean biogeochemical cycling, but comparing the two data streams to each other and across time remains challenging due to the strong spatial-temporal structuring of the ocean. Here, we show that the Wasserstein distance provides a powerful metric for harnessing these structured datasets for better marine ecosystem and climate predictions. The Wasserstein distance complements commonly used point-wise difference methods such as the root-mean-squared error, by quantifying differences in terms of spatial displacement in addition to magnitude. As a test case, we consider chlorophyll (a key indicator of phytoplankton biomass) in the northeast Pacific Ocean, obtained from model simulations, in situ measurements, and satellite observations. We focus on two main applications: (i) comparing model predictions with satellite observations, and (ii) temporal evolution of chlorophyll both seasonally and over longer time frames. The Wasserstein distance successfully isolates temporal and depth variability and quantifies shifts in biogeochemical province boundaries. It also exposes relevant temporal trends in satellite chlorophyll consistent with climate change predictions. Our study shows that optimal transport vectors underlying the Wasserstein distance provide a novel visualization tool for testing models and better understanding temporal dynamics in the ocean