586 research outputs found


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    The Reliability Of The Navicular Drop Test and Its Transferability To Dynamic Movement

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    Background: Navicular drop can be defined as the distance the navicular tuberosity moves from a standing weight bearing to a standing neutral position, as the subtalar joint moves from a relaxed position to a neutral position. Navicular drop is an important measurement for clinicians used to describe foot function, pronation, and excessive movement seen in several pathologies. Objective: The purpose of this study is to see if navicular drop is influenced by mode or speed of locomotion, if it is will there be other influences such as the forefoot and heel soft tissue, and will those factors influence those measures. The secondary purpose of this study is to see if the static and dynamic measures of navicular drop will be reliable. Methods: This study included fourteen 21-25 year old recreationally active individuals. Three reflective markers were placed on the medial aspect of the participant’s right foot. Static measure of navicular drop was taken, and then the participants were instructed to walk, and run on a treadmill at different speeds. Statistical Analysis: Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version (23.0) was used. Intraclass correlation coefficients (2,1) model were analyzed in SPSS to determine reliability values of the static and dynamic measures of navicular position and drop. An Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) was analyzed for differences under different conditions. Results: Navicular drop was higher during running (14.83 ± 0.61mm) compared to walking (8.19 ± 0.52mm) PNavicular drop during dynamic movement is greater than the static measure, and navicular drop is greater during running compared to walking

    Paul Gerhardt In Statu Confessionis A Study of Paul Gerhardt\u27s Confession of Christ

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    The attempt will therefore be made to approach Gerhardt’s hymnody with his theology and piety in mind, and to examine systematically how these elements influenced and formed his confession of Christ within his hymnody. For itis in the confession of Christ in the arms of the Virgin, upon the cross and in word and sacrament that the purity of the Gospel comes to the fore. Remarkably it is this confession of Christ which is most frequently censured, disregarded, or ignored in Gerhardt\u27s hymnody. Ultimately his hymns will have to speak for themselves

    Propter Absolutionem: Holy Absolution in the Theology of Martin Luther and Philipp Jacob Spener A Comparative Study

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    The approach to Luther\u27s theological development which will be taken here is a chronological one. This is in no small part due to the character of Luther\u27s writings themselves, many of which are occasional in nature and therefore inherently reflect Luther\u27s theological development. It is therefore imperative that the time of writing and the occasion of a quotation must always be taken into account. What becomes evident in following such a chronological approach is that we are then learning him all the way through and may be kept from selecting pieces which fit into a preconceived pattern. Indeed, any such foreshortened attempt at presenting Luther as definitive wherever and whenever he uttered a statement regarding Holy Absolution ultimately leads to the creation of a theology of the author writing about Luther, but scarcely a theology of Lutheranism. Here the attempt will be made to trace Luther’s thought as it develops on the basis of whole documents rather than individual statements in isolation, finally noting when a line of development actually comes to full fruition. This study will also be done with respect for the major phases in the reformer\u27s work, spanning the years 1514 - 1537. Luther\u27s early years as a professor of theology to the Diet of Worms will be examined extensively, since this was clearly the most fluid and formative period in Luther’s theological development; the next period sees Luther apply his reformational discovery to the ordering and defining of Holy Absolution in the church. This will also include the controversy at Nuremberg which sprang from Osiander\u27s desire to abolish general confession, and will culminate with Luther\u27s own confession of Holy Absolution in the Smalcald Articles. The procedure which will first be followed will provide the historical context of Luther’s thought on the subject of absolution and will secondly provide an examination of the major documents in each period outlined above along with a summary analysis of the isolated references made by Luther in various writings which deal with absolution that are contemporaneous

    The Supreme Court of Missouri Splashes with Precedent in Waterslide Injury Case

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    This Note reviews the legal history of amusement park operator liability in Missouri, discusses the application of that law to a recent incident involving a young girl injured at a Kansas City waterpark, and analyzes the various applications of the law made by the Supreme Court of Missouri, the Missouri Court of Appeals, and the dissenting Supreme Court of Missouri judges. This Note concludes by discussing relevant public policy concerns

    Controlling clostridium difficile

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    Clostridium difficile infection causes colitis and is closely associated with the use of antimicrobials, probably due to disruption of the normal bowel flora. Avoiding inappropriate antimicrobial use is the most important way to prevent this potentially life-threatening infection. Emergent hypervirulent variants of C. difficile are associated with increased transmission, morbidity and mortality and have caused epidemics in North America and Europe. Cases have also been reported in Australia so intensified surveillance and antimicrobial stewardship is more important than ever. While any antimicrobial can precipitate C. difficile, fluoroquinolones, clindamycin and cephalosporins are particularly implicated. Other drugs, such as proton pump inhibitors, have also been associated with an increased incidence of C. difficile. Severe disease is managed in hospital. For non-severe disease, treatment generally includes supportive measures and treatment with oral metronidazole. Relapse is common

    Entrepreneurial Human Capital, Complementary Assets, and Takeover Probability

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    Gaining access to technologies, competencies, and knowledge is observed as one of the major motives for corporate mergers and acquisitions. In this paper we show that a knowledge-based firm’s probability of being a takeover target is influenced by whether relevant specific human capital aimed for in acquisitions is directly accumulated within a specific firm or is bound to its founder or manager owner. We analyze the incentive effects of different arrangements of ownership in a firm’s assets in the spirit of the Grossman-Hart-Moore incomplete contracts theory of the firm. This approach highlights the organizational significance of ownership of complementary assets. In a small theoretical model we assume that the entrepreneur’s specific human capital, as measured by the patents they own, and the physical assets of their firm are productive only when used together. Our results show that it is not worthwhile for an acquirer to purchase the alienable assets of this firm due to weakened incentives for the initial owner. Regression analysis using a hand collected dataset of all German IPOs in the period from 1997 to 2006 subsequently provides empirical support for this prediction. This paper adds to previous research in that it puts empirical evidence to the Grossman-Hart-Moore framework of incomplete contracts or property rights respectively. Secondly, we show that relevant specific human capital that is accumulated by a firm’s founder or manager owner significantly decreases that firm’s probability of being a takeover target.ownership structure, property rights, mergers & acquisitions


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta merupakan mata kuliah wajib yang ditempuh oleh mahasiswa kependidikan. Kegiatan PPL merupakan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk mempraktikkan ilmu yang bersifat teoretis yang diterima di perkuliahan. Kegiatan PPL dapat bertujuan untuk mendapatkan berbagai pengalaman mengenai proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan dalam lingkungan sekolah yang digunakan sebagai bekal bagi calon tenaga pendidik yang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang digunakan sebagai tenaga pendidik. SMP N 3 Sewon berlokasi di Kaliputih, Pendowoharjo, Sewon, Bantul yang merupakan suatu sekolah menengah pertama di bawah naungan Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bantul. Program PPL di SMP N 3 Sewon dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18 Juli 2016 sampai dengan 15 September 2016. Kegiatan PPL yang dilakukan meliputi tahap persiapan, praktik mengajar, dan evaluasi. Pelaksanaan PPL ini dilakukan dengan mengajar di kelas selama kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah tersebut sesuai jadwal yang sudah ditentukan. Pengajaran di kelas pada kegiatan PPL ini diharapkan dapat dilakukan minimal 8 kali pertemuan, dan praktikan dapat melakukan kegiatan pengajaran di kelas sebanyak 23 kali tatap muka yang dihitung 11 kali pertemuan untuk 4 kelas. yaitu kelas VIII A, VIII B, VIII C dan VIII D. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengajaran di kelas antara lain, diskusi, tanya jawab, demonstrasi dan ceramah. Untuk mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran digunakan beberapa media, antara lain alat praktikum, dan buku paket. Banyak kendala dan hambatan selama waktu dilaksanakannya PPL, baik yang bersifat intern maupun ekstern, di antaranya dalam pengelolaan kelas yang sulit untuk dikendalikan, karena peserta didik sangat aktif dan antusias dalam praktikum sehingga segera melakukan praktikum tanpa memperhatikan petunjuk dari guru. Namun, hal ini merupakan suatu kenyataan bahwa anak usia SMP memang dalam perkembangan pubertas, dan hal ini merupakan suatu proses untuk menuju yang lebih baik. Program PPL selain sebagai wahana untuk pelatihan dan pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa. Dengan harapan bukan hanya transfer of knowledge yang diberikan mahasiswa, tetapi juga transfer of value. Keberadaan mahasiswa PPL UNY diharapkan dapat membuat perubahan-perubahan sebagai upaya memajukan pendidikan Indonesia
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