35 research outputs found

    A Coreless Approaches for On/Off Marx Type Modulators

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    SLAC was first to report using ON/OFF switches in Marx type modulator. The development of Marx type modulator was bounded with the NLC need. The high energy physics runs based on the ILC concept where longer modulator pulse width is required. The SLAC idea of coreless modulators was useful for other applications (medicine, military, home security, etc.). The discussed conception is presented as a continuation of the earlier published articles. Several types of the Marx ON/OFF type modulators are under consideration. This article describes the new coreless approach, based on the solid state ON/OFF Marx's topology. An AC high voltage network feeds individual Marx's cells through the inductive and diode assemblies. Further integration of the ON/OFF Marx type modulator and its power supply is proposed. Two topologies are under consideration. The first scheme is an integration of DC/DC converters with ON/OFF Marx. The second topology is based on the usage of AC network directly with ON/OFF Marx scheme

    Employment of Second Order Ruled Surfaces in Design of Sheet Beam Guns

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    A novel 3D method of sheet beam gun design has recently been developed. Second order ruled surfaces (SORS) can be used to define the geometry of the gun electrodes. The gun design process is made simpler if SORS are derived from analytical formulas. A proposed method is discussed and illustrated

    A Topology of On/Off Marx Modulator with Protection of Load and Solid State Switches

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    This article discusses a proposal for an ultra fast feedback response that will protect the load and solid state switches of the ON/OFF Marx type modulators. The feedback guards main elements of a modulator against possible arcs in the load, particularly arcs inside of the electron guns. The chief concept behind the proposed response system is an employment of a fraction of the output modulator power as a controlling and guarding pulse during the delivery time. The time constant of the proposed feedback loop lies in the nanosecond range. Peculiarities of proposed topology are discussed

    International Study Group Progress Report On Linear Collider Development

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    Performances of Induction System for Nanosecond Mode Operation

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    Abstract- An induction system comprises an array of single turn pulse transformers. Ferromagnetic cores of transformers are toroids that are stacked along the longitudinal core axis. Another name for this array is a fraction transformer or an adder. The primary and secondary windings of such a design have one turn. The step up mode is based on the number of primary pulse sources. The secondary windings are connected in series. Performances of such a system for the nanosecond range mode operation are different in comparison to the performances of traditional multi-turn pulse transformers, which are working on a 100+ nanosecond mode operation. In this paper, the author discusses which aspects are necessary to take into account for the high power nanosecond fractional transformer designs. The engineering method of the nanosecond induction system design is presented. I