990 research outputs found

    Echoes of the Jagiellonian idea in the present Polish military assistance programs

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    The exchange of ideas, views and mutual benefit from the experience of the traditions that prevailed in Central Europe in the Jagiellonian era also embraced the military area. Similarly, today the European Union, and especially NATO, unknowingly still refer to the Jagiellonian idea. It is certainly done by Poland, actively involved in the process of building a security and democracy zone in Central Europe. Actions called Military Assistance, which will be discussed in this article, are an important element of these activities in the area of security

    The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in contemporary armed conflicts : selected issues

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    Armed conflicts which have been taking place since the end of the Cold War are characterized by, inter alia, the increasing scale of the use of unmanned means and systems, especially unmanned aerial vehicles. Scientists dealing with the history of technology look for the beginning of unmanned aerial vehicles not only in the time of the Second World War, but even earlier, going back to the beginnings of aviation. Undoubtedly, however, the development of unmanned aerial vehicles took place during the Cold War and resulted directly from the experiences of armed clashes in Vietnam, the Middle East and analyses of the hypothetical course of a Third World War. The armed conflicts initiated by the Arab Spring in 2011 and Turkey’s participation in them, the fighting in NagornoKarabakh in 2020 and the conflict in Ukraine have once again demonstrated the growing role of unmanned aerial vehicles used for military purposes. It is worth taking a closer look at the role of unmanned aerial vehicles in the aforementioned armed conflicts and try to answer the question whether they are a miracle weapon like the Excalibur, or rather an element of a more complex system involving the ability to reconnaissance, precision strike and electronic warfare? This issue is all the more interesting as not only United States, Israel, Turkey, and China are producers of effective unmanned reconnaissance and strike systems. This type of modern weapon system is also manufactured in Poland. It has been positively tested in the conflicts in the Middle East, Ukraine and during the crisis on the border of Belarus and Poland in 2021

    Indo-Pakistani "Hybrid War" for Kargil

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    Contemplation and rationality. The sacred dimension of theology

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    This article raises the question of the mutual relation between theology and prayer. Theology is knowledge about God – the Holiest – and should carry out research in a holy manner, contributing to the holiness of the person who is connected with theology as a teacher or a student. The question of the relation between theology and prayer belongs to the most fundamental issues concerning the method of theology to which we should constantly refer as to an important source of guidelines for today. This article first focuses on certain statements which appeared in the past centuries and which discussed the relation between theology and prayer, trying to find the adequate approach to the spiritual and scientific situation in the field of theology in those times. After this introduction, it presents the view that prayer may be used in service of theology. Theology, on the other hand, in its full and traditional sense, is total and complete only then, when it constitutes the foundation of piety and leads to prayer. Theology through prayer can permeate the inner life opening itself to the state when we belong to God who resides in our heart.This article raises the question of the mutual relation between theology and prayer. Theology is knowledge about God – the Holiest – and should carry out research in a holy manner, contributing to the holiness of the person who is connected with theology as a teacher or a student. The question of the relation between theology and prayer belongs to the most fundamental issues concerning the method of theology to which we should constantly refer as to an important source of guidelines for today. This article first focuses on certain statements which appeared in the past centuries and which discussed the relation between theology and prayer, trying to find the adequate approach to the spiritual and scientific situation in the field of theology in those times. After this introduction, it presents the view that prayer may be used in service of theology. Theology, on the other hand, in its full and traditional sense, is total and complete only then, when it constitutes the foundation of piety and leads to prayer. Theology through prayer can permeate the inner life opening itself to the state when we belong to God who resides in our heart

    The Trinitarian and Christological perspectives of the theology of marriage

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    Although the relation between the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the sacrament of marriage was always treated as a minor issue, it has been present in the theology for ages. It is usually situated in the context of the searching for the “traces” of the Holy Trinity in the creation. The crucial moment in the theological approach to the relation between the mystery of the Holy Trinity and marriage was the reversal of the problem in question: marriage is not only a trace of the Holy Trinity in the world – as it is in classical theology – but rather it is expected to become an active reflection of the Trinity in the relations between husband and wife, in their mutual attitudes and it is supposed to express itself in the mission undertaken and fulfilled by husband and wife especially in their uniting and simultaneously fertile love. The Holy Trinity, especially as a mystery of the everlasting and rejoicing love, for a married couple should serve as a point of reference to understand their marital identity and to shape their mutual relations which express this identity. Trinitarian and Christological theology provide a rich material for a deepened understanding and recognition of the teaching of the former Popes who consistently emphasize the need of situating the fundamental questions regarding vocation, nature and mission of marriage in direct reference to the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the mystery of Jesus Christ. Theological perspectives unambiguously abiding by the conclusions of the theology of creation and natural law open an exceptionally broad view on marriage being the fundamental human and Christian reality, and at the same time a great mystery which has its origin in the highest mystery of the God in three Persons and which is fully revealed in Jesus Christ, the incarnated Son of God who died on the cross in kenotic love. Therefore it is primarily a perspective of personalism deeply rooted and directed Christologically. The mutual self-giving of husband and wife in the sacrament of marriage is a remarkable testimony given to Christ, since fidelity expressed in marital attitude reflects radicalism and greatness of love proved once and for all on the Christ’s cross. The fertility of physical union of man and wife reflects not only the immeasurable fertility of Christ’s death for mankind, but also the infinite fertility of Trinitarian communion which pours out on every created reality and becomes its original point of reference.ks. dr hab. JANUSZ KRÓLIKOWSKI, prof. UPJPII – kapłan diecezji tarnowskiej; od 2014 r. dziekan Wydziału Teologicznego Sekcja w Tarnowie (UPJPII). W latach 1991-1996 studiował teologię na uczelniach rzymskich: Papieskim Uniwersytecie Świętego Krzyża (doktorat – 1995), Papieskim Instytucie Wschodnim, Instytucie św. Tomasza przy Uniwersytecie „Angelicum”. W 2003 roku habilitował się w zakresie teologii dogmatycznej na Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie. W latach 1996–2009 wykładał teologię w Papieskim Uniwersytecie Świętego Krzyża w Rzymie, a od 1997 roku wykłada teologię dogmatyczną na Wydziale Teologicznym Sekcja w Tarnowie. Od 2010 roku wykładowca mariologii w Instytucie Maryjno-Kolbiańskim „Kolbianum” w Niepokalanowie. Członek Polskiego Towarzystwa Mariologicznego, Towarzystwa Teologów Dogmatyków, Polskiego Towarzystwa Teologicznego Oddział w Tarnowie, członek zwyczajny Międzynarodowej Papieskiej Akademii Maryjnej w Rzymie.Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w KrakowieCarlotti P., La famiglia comunione di persone. Alcune considerazioni sulla Lettera alle Famiglie di Giovanni Paolo II, „Salesianum” 56 (1994) s. 717-740.Chapelle A., Sexualité et Sainteté, Bruxelles 1977.Gendron L., Le mystère de la Trinité et la simbolique familiale, Roma 1975.Grygiel S., Errantes revoca! Esej o samoświadomości, Transcendencji i pojednaniu, [w:] Teksty filozoficzne, Kraków 1986, s. 142-160.Hildebrandt D. von, Die Ehe, München 1929.Krajewski K., Moralne zło antykoncepcji, [w:] Dar ciała darem osoby. O przemilczanym wymiarze kryzysu więzi małżeńskiej, P. Ślęczka (red.), Lublin 2005, s. 31-38.Mader J., Filozofia dialogu, [w:] Teksty filozoficzne, Kraków 1985, s. 59-86.Margerie B. de, La Trinité chrétienne dans l’histoire, Paris 1975.Maritain J., Pisma filozoficzne, tł. J. Fenrychowa, Kraków 1988.Maritain J., Maritain R., Matrimonio, amore e amicizia. Per una spiritualità della vita coniugale, Milano 1994.Martini N. de, Sessualità linguaggio d’amore. La maturità sessuale aspetto della maturità globale, Cinisello Balsamo 1994.Od wiary do teologii. Dokumenty Międzynarodowej Komisji Teologicznej 1969-1996, J. Królikowski (red.), Kraków 2000.O’Donneli J. J., Tajemnica Trójcy Świętej, tł. P. Wilczek, Kraków 1993.Ouellet M., Divina somiglianza. Antropologia trinitaria della famiglia, t. 1, Roma 2004.Paradiso M., Nell’intimo di Dio. La teologia trinitaria di Hans Urs von Balthasar, Roma 2009.Scheeben M. J., Tajemnice chrześcijaństwa, tł. J. Rostworowski, I. Bieda, Kraków 1970.Scheeben M. J., Handbuch der katcholischen Dogmatik, Freiburg im Br. 1933.Schökel L. A., I nomi dell’amore. Simboli matrimoniali nella Bibbia, Casale Monferrato 1998.Scola A., Il mistero nuziale. Studi sulla persona e la famiglia, t. 1-2, Milano 1998-2000.Sołowjow W., Sens miłości, tł. H. Paprocki, Kęty 2002.Teilhard de Chardin P., O szczęściu, cierpieniu, miłości, tł. W. Sukiennicka, M. Tazbir, Warszawa 2001.15-2

    A Great Lesson of Spirituality and Humanism. Pope John Paul II at the Headquarters of UNESCO in Paris (2 June 1980)

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    The speech given by St. Pope John Paul II at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on June 2, 1980 has a special place among his numerous addresses concerning culture. Referring to the cultural changes which took place in the last three centuries the pope stood up for culture, emphasising that, in an individual dimension, culture represents the constitutive element of life of every man and, correspondingly, in a social dimension, it provides a support for self-determination and for the freedom of nations. Formulating such a message, the pope referred to Polish experiences, in order to highlight the significance and the primacy of the person and to point out the subjective meaning of a nation and the ethical dimension of culture. In the papal message one can also find a call for cultural opposition against contemporary subjectivism and other tendencies heading towards the disinheritance of man and to the shutting of the door of the universal horizon of hope and love, which is based on manifold human experiences from the past.The speech given by St. Pope John Paul II at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on June 2, 1980 has a special place among his numerous addresses concerning culture. Referring to the cultural changes which took place in the last three centuries the pope stood up for culture, emphasising that, in an individual dimension, culture represents the constitutive element of life of every man and, correspondingly, in a social dimension, it provides a support for self-determination and for the freedom of nations. Formulating such a message, the pope referred to Polish experiences, in order to highlight the significance and the primacy of the person and to point out the subjective meaning of a nation and the ethical dimension of culture. In the papal message one can also find a call for cultural opposition against contemporary subjectivism and other tendencies heading towards the disinheritance of man and to the shutting of the door of the universal horizon of hope and love, which is based on manifold human experiences from the past