108 research outputs found

    Development of personality in the educational process through the organization of emotional creative cooperation of students and the teacher

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    the article discusses the emotional aspects of the joint activities of the teacher and students, the conditions for the organization of emotional and creative learning, which increase the productivity of educational and cognitive activityВ статье рассматриваются эмоциональные аспекты совместной деятельности преподавателя и студентов, условия организации эмоционально-творческого обучения, повышающие продуктивность учебно-познавательной деятельност

    Применение методов палинспастических реконструкций при моделировании донадвигового состояния сложно дислоцированных регионов

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    The paper briefly discusses some methods of palinspastic reconstructions and their application for studying of the Nizhneserginskaya thrust zone of the Urals using complex techniques that address both structural and kinematic principles of modeling. Based on the constructed model, the data reflecting the geological structure before the formation of thrust zones of the studied territory were obtained.Рассматриваются некоторые методики палинспастических реконструкций. Проведена палинспастическая реконструкция Нижнесергинской зоны надвигов Урала с использованием комплексных методик, затрагивающих как структурные, так и кинематические принципы моделирования. На основании построенной модели получены данные, отражающие геологическое строение до времени формирования надвиговых зон изучаемой территории

    Transporter gene acquisition and innovation in the evolution of Microsporidia intracellular parasites.

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    The acquisition of genes by horizontal transfer can impart entirely new biological functions and provide an important route to major evolutionary innovation. Here we have used ancient gene reconstruction and functional assays to investigate the impact of a single horizontally transferred nucleotide transporter into the common ancestor of the Microsporidia, a major radiation of intracellular parasites of animals and humans. We show that this transporter provided early microsporidians with the ability to steal host ATP and to become energy parasites. Gene duplication enabled the diversification of nucleotide transporter function to transport new substrates, including GTP and NAD+, and to evolve the proton-energized net import of nucleotides for nucleic acid biosynthesis, growth and replication. These innovations have allowed the loss of pathways for mitochondrial and cytosolic energy generation and nucleotide biosynthesis that are otherwise essential for free-living eukaryotes, resulting in the highly unusual and reduced cells and genomes of contemporary Microsporidia

    Hybrid nanoparticles based on sulfides, oxides, and carbides

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    The methods for synthesis of hybrid nanoparticles based on sulfides, oxides, and carbides of heavy and transition metals were considered. The problem of the influence of the method of synthesis of the hybrid nanoparticles on their atomic structure, morphology of the nanomaterials, and functional properties was analyzed. The areas of practical use of the hybrid nanoparticles were proposed. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]