525 research outputs found

    Analysis of ecopsychological types of interactions in medical institution environment

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    The study is based on the intersection of ecopsychological and subjective approaches and devoted to the research of psychological conditions for interaction of medical personnel in medical institution environmen

    A transport coefficient: the electrical conductivity

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    I describe the lattice determination of the electrical conductivity of the quark gluon plasma. Since this is the first extraction of a transport coefficient with a degree of control over errors, I next use this to make estimates of other transport related quantities using simple kinetic theory formulae. The resulting estimates are applied to fluctuations, ultra-soft photon spectra and the viscosity. Dimming of ultra-soft photons is exponential in the mean free path, and hence is a very sensitive probe of transport.Comment: Talk given in ICPAQGP 2005, SINP, Kolkat

    Search for 2\beta\ decays of 96Ru and 104Ru by ultra-low background HPGe gamma spectrometry at LNGS: final results

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    An experiment to search for double beta decay processes in 96Ru and 104Ru, which are accompanied by gamma rays, has been realized in the underground Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the I.N.F.N. (Italy). Ruthenium samples with masses of about (0.5-0.7) kg were measured with the help of ultra-low background high purity Ge gamma ray spectrometry. After 2162 h of data taking the samples were deeply purified to reduce the internal contamination of 40K. The last part of the data has been accumulated over 5479 h. New improved half life limits on 2\beta+/\epsilon \beta+/2\epsilon\ processes in 96Ru have been established on the level of 10^{20} yr, in particular for decays to the ground state of 96Mo: T1/2(2\nu 2\beta+) > 1.4 10^{20} yr, T1/2(2\nu \epsilon\beta+) > 8.0 10^{19} yr and T1/2(0\nu 2K) > 1.0 10^{21} yr (all limits are at 90% C.L.). The resonant neutrinoless double electron captures to the 2700.2 keV and 2712.7 keV excited states of 96Mo are restricted as: T1/2(0\nu KL) > 2.0 10^{20} yr and T1/2(0\nu 2L) > 3.6 10^{20} yr, respectively. Various two neutrino and neutrinoless 2\beta\ half lives of 96Ru have been estimated in the framework of the QRPA approach. In addition, the T1/2 limit for 0\nu 2\beta- transitions of 104Ru to the first excited state of 104Pd has been set as > 6.5 10^{20} yr.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables; version accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Asymptotically exact probability distribution for the Sinai model with finite drift

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    We obtain the exact asymptotic result for the disorder-averaged probability distribution function for a random walk in a biased Sinai model and show that it is characterized by a creeping behavior of the displacement moments with time, ~ t^{\mu n} where \mu is dimensionless mean drift. We employ a method originated in quantum diffusion which is based on the exact mapping of the problem to an imaginary-time Schr\"{odinger} equation. For nonzero drift such an equation has an isolated lowest eigenvalue separated by a gap from quasi-continuous excited states, and the eigenstate corresponding to the former governs the long-time asymptotic behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Two-component liquid model for the quark-gluon plasma

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    We consider a two-component-liquid model, a la Landau, for the quark-gluon plasma. Qualitatively, the model fits well some crucial observations concerning the plasma properties. Dynamically, the model assumes the existence of an effective scalar field which is condensed. The existence of such a condensate is supported by lattice data. We indicate a possible crucial test of the model by lattice simulations.Comment: 5 pages; Talk given by V.I. Zakharov at 16th International Seminar on High Energy Physics (QUARKS-2010), Kolomna, Russia, 6-12 June, 201

    Membrane Paradigm and Horizon Thermodynamics in Lanczos-Lovelock gravity

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    We study the membrane paradigm for horizons in Lanczos-Lovelock models of gravity in arbitrary D dimensions and find compact expressions for the pressure p and viscosity coefficients \eta and \zeta of the membrane fluid. We show that the membrane pressure is intimately connected with the Noether charge entropy S_Wald of the horizon when we consider a specific m-th order Lanczos-Lovelock model, through the relation pA/T=(D-2m)/(D-2)S_Wald, where T is the temperature and A is the area of the horizon. Similarly, the viscosity coefficients are expressible in terms of entropy and quasi-local energy associated with the horizons. The bulk and shear viscosity coefficients are found to obey the relation \zeta=-2(D-3)/(D-2)\eta.Comment: v1: 13 pages, no figure. (v2): refs added, typos corrected, new subsection added on the ratio \eta/s. (v3): some clarification added, typos corrected, to appear in JHE

    The effect of higher derivative correction on η/s\eta /s and conductivities in STU model

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    In this paper we study the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy, electrical and thermal conductivities for the R-charged black hole in STU model. We generalize previous works to the case of a black hole with three different charges. Actually we use diffusion constant to obtain ratio of shear viscosity to entropy. By applying the thermodynamical stability we recover previous results. Also we investigate the effect of higher derivative corrections.Comment: revised versio

    Mixed RG Flows and Hydrodynamics at Finite Holographic Screen

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    We consider quark-gluon plasma with chemical potential and study renormalization group flows of transport coefficients in the framework of gauge/gravity duality. We first study them using the flow equations and compare the results with hydrodynamic results by calculating the Green functions on the arbitrary slice. Two results match exactly. Transport coefficients at arbitrary scale is ontained by calculating hydrodynamics Green functions. When either momentum or charge vanishes, transport coefficients decouple from each other.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Phase diagram for non-axisymmetric plasma balls

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    Plasma balls and rings emerge as fluid holographic duals of black holes and black rings in the hydrodynamic/gravity correspondence for the Scherk-Schwarz AdS system. Recently, plasma balls spinning above a critical rotation were found to be unstable against m-lobed perturbations. In the phase diagram of stationary solutions the threshold of the instability signals a bifurcation to a new phase of non-axisymmetric configurations. We find explicitly this family of solutions and represent them in the phase diagram. We discuss the implications of our results for the gravitational system. Rotating non-axisymmetric black holes necessarily radiate gravitational waves. We thus emphasize that it would be important, albeit possibly out of present reach, to have a better understanding of the hydrodynamic description of gravitational waves and of the gravitational interaction between two bodies. We also argue that it might well be that a non-axisymmetric m-lobed instability is also present in Myers-Perry black holes for rotations below the recently found ultraspinning instability.Comment: 1+22 pages, 3 figures. v2: minor corrections and improvements, matches published versio

    Mobile technologies in implementation of programs of internal tourism development

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    Now a days great attention is paid to the programs of the development of domestic tourism, its informational support, the development of new tourist products. But in spite of efforts in this direction, the population of Russia still has not enough information about tourist recreational opportunities of particular regions and in the whole countr