14 research outputs found

    Improving Yield and Quality-Related Physiological Characteristics of Lettuce by Integrated Inorganic and Organic Fertilizers Management

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    The research aims to obtain more information on the nitrogen metabolism and nutraceutical properties of two types Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa L. type Batavia cv. \u27Maritima\u27 and type Lollo Rosso cv. \u27Tuska\u27 and one type Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L. cv. \u27Winter butterhead\u27 under the implementation of different organic fertilizers. In this respect, the main goal of our study is to define a proper macro- and micronutrients source which has the most beneficial effect on yield as well as on various quality parameters of lettuce. The experiment was conducted in an unheated greenhouse in two consecutive seasons (2018/2019 and 2019/2020) under all the requirements for organic production. Four organic fertilizers (Italpollina”, “Arcobaleno”, “Lumbrical” and “EKOprop” were studied. From obtained results, it could be concluded that the impact of fertilizers on lettuce growth and quality has possessed cultivar dependence. The fertilizing with natural fertilizers, so that the nutrients they possess are strictly comprised of animal-based materials (dry bird manure “Italpolina”, mix from bovine, horse and chicken manure “Arkobaleno”) or compost (lumbricompost made by Red Californian worms “Lumbrical”) of the three lettuce cultivars resulted in lower plant FW and yield, compared with NPK fertilizing. Only fertilizing with a mix of different beneficial microorganisms leads to the same plant FW and yield as fertilizing with inorganic fertilizer. Based on the higher plant FW and yield of all three lettuce cultivars the treatment with the fertilizer composed with beneficial microorganisms can be substituted with the treatment with inorganic NPC fertilizer. “EKOprop” fertilizing showed the lowest leaf nitrate concentration which correlated with higher activity of nitrogen assimilating enzyme nitrate reductase

    Improving Yield and Quality-Related Physiological Characteristics of Lettuce by Integrated Inorganic and Organic Fertilizers Management

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    The research aims to obtain more information on the nitrogen metabolism and nutraceutical properties of two types Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa L. type Batavia cv. \u27Maritima\u27 and type Lollo Rosso cv. \u27Tuska\u27 and one type Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L. cv. \u27Winter butterhead\u27 under the implementation of different organic fertilizers. In this respect, the main goal of our study is to define a proper macro- and micronutrients source which has the most beneficial effect on yield as well as on various quality parameters of lettuce. The experiment was conducted in an unheated greenhouse in two consecutive seasons (2018/2019 and 2019/2020) under all the requirements for organic production. Four organic fertilizers (Italpollina”, “Arcobaleno”, “Lumbrical” and “EKOprop” were studied. From obtained results, it could be concluded that the impact of fertilizers on lettuce growth and quality has possessed cultivar dependence. The fertilizing with natural fertilizers, so that the nutrients they possess are strictly comprised of animal-based materials (dry bird manure “Italpolina”, mix from bovine, horse and chicken manure “Arkobaleno”) or compost (lumbricompost made by Red Californian worms “Lumbrical”) of the three lettuce cultivars resulted in lower plant FW and yield, compared with NPK fertilizing. Only fertilizing with a mix of different beneficial microorganisms leads to the same plant FW and yield as fertilizing with inorganic fertilizer. Based on the higher plant FW and yield of all three lettuce cultivars the treatment with the fertilizer composed with beneficial microorganisms can be substituted with the treatment with inorganic NPC fertilizer. “EKOprop” fertilizing showed the lowest leaf nitrate concentration which correlated with higher activity of nitrogen assimilating enzyme nitrate reductase

    Genetic newborn screening and digital technologies: A project protocol based on a dual approach to shorten the rare diseases diagnostic path in Europe.

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    Since 72% of rare diseases are genetic in origin and mostly paediatrics, genetic newborn screening represents a diagnostic "window of opportunity". Therefore, many gNBS initiatives started in different European countries. Screen4Care is a research project, which resulted of a joint effort between the European Union Commission and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations. It focuses on genetic newborn screening and artificial intelligence-based tools which will be applied to a large European population of about 25.000 infants. The neonatal screening strategy will be based on targeted sequencing, while whole genome sequencing will be offered to all enrolled infants who may show early symptoms but have resulted negative at the targeted sequencing-based newborn screening. We will leverage artificial intelligence-based algorithms to identify patients using Electronic Health Records (EHR) and to build a repository "symptom checkers" for patients and healthcare providers. S4C will design an equitable, ethical, and sustainable framework for genetic newborn screening and new digital tools, corroborated by a large workout where legal, ethical, and social complexities will be addressed with the intent of making the framework highly and flexibly translatable into the diverse European health systems

    The use of black sea sapropels as amendment for growing eggplants (Solanum melongena L.)

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    During the period 2012-2013, a study was made on the effect of using deep-water organic-mineral sediments (sapropels) of the Black Sea as amendment for alluvial meadow soil (Calcaric Fluvisol) – manure substrate used for seedlings production of eggplant cv. Patladjan 12. The results obtained after two years of field experiments showed that the introduction of 30 g/kg of Black Sea sapropels increases the pH of soil-manure substrate from 7.42 to 7.74 units and improves the growing parameters of eggplant seedlings as follows: the height of the central stem by 9.20%, the width of the central stem by 0.98% and the number of leaves by 8.15%. According to the field experiment, the early standard yield of eggplant fruits increased by 14% for the plants grown in Variant I and the total standard yield - by 10.6% compared with the control variant. În timpul perioadei 2012-2013 a fost efectuat un studiu cu privire la efectul utilizării sedimentelor organice-minerale de adâncimi mari (sapropelul) din Marea Neagră ca amendament pentru substratulsol aluvionar de luncă-gunoi de grajd utilizat la producerea răsadului de vinete cv. Patladjan 12. Rezultatele obţinute după doi ani de experimente de teren au arătat că introducerea a 30 g/kg de sapropel din Marea Neagră măreşte pH-ul substratului de sol-gunoi de grajd de la 7,42 la 7,74 unităţi şi îmbunătăţeşte parametrii de creştere a răsadului de vinete precum urmează: înălţimea tijei centrale cu 9,20%, lăţimea tijei centrale cu 0,98%, iar numărul de frunze cu 8,15%. Potrivit experimentului de teren, randamentul standard timpuriu de vinete (fructe) a crescut cu 14% în cazul plantelor cultivate în varianta I, iar randamentul standard total – cu 10,6%, comparativ cu varianta martor

    Technologies Protecting the Environment in Urban Areas

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    Global warming is the leading cause of the extreme meteorological events increase in the last three decades. Increase of annual average air temperature and temperature values during winter and early spring has been recorded in comparison to the (1961-1990) referent period in Plovdiv region. The lettuce development was researched in a greenhouse in the Agricultural University- Plovdiv. During the lettuce growth six different variants were used: no fertilizer, one chemical, and four organic fertilizers. The effect of the different organic fertilizers was studied through specific physiological parameters and productivity. This paper analyzed changes in functional activity of the plant photosynthetic apparatus and productivity of variants with different fertilizers in an unheated greenhouse. The ratio between photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) and quantum yield (qY-Fv/Fm) of PS II was determined to be more optimal in dark-adapted leaves for the organic fertilizer variants, compared to the no fertilizer variant. The lower and significant difference was observed in the values of the minimal fluorescence Fo in reaction centers of PS II after the dark-adaptation of leaves for organic fertilizer variants compared to the no fertilizer variant. Higher values of chlorophyll content index (CCI) were estimated for organic and chemical fertilizers compared to the no fertilizer variant. All variants fertilized with organic and biofertilizers comply with the quality standard from the beginning to the end of harvesting

    Navigating Gene Therapy Access: The Case of Bulgaria in the Context of the EU Regulatory Landscape

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    Gene therapies (GTs) have recently emerged as revolutionary personalized therapeutic options. Despite their promising potential, challenges such as uncertainty regarding long-term health benefits and safety, along with extreme price tags, pose significant obstacles to patient access. Within the EU, the European Medicines Agency plays a pivotal role with regards to GT market authorization. However, national authorities are responsible for pricing and reimbursement, which results in fragment patient access within the EU. This study aimed to provide an overview of the complex landscape of post-market authorization accessibility for GT products in Bulgaria, comparing it with neighboring EU countries. We applied a mixed-methods approach, including desk research, public data requests, and list price comparisons. As of 1 April 2023, 14 GTs had a valid market authorization at the EU level. In Bulgaria, Kymriah® was the only GT included in the Positive Drug List (PDL), with an official list price of EUR 335,636.94. Similar results were found in Romania, whereas five GTs were included in Greece’s PDL. Additionally, Zolgensma® was found accessible in Bulgaria through an alternative individual access scheme at an estimated price of EUR 1,945,000.00. In conclusion, this study emphasized targeted policy interventions to address health inequalities and to ensure timely access to GTs within the EU

    Availability and Access to Orphan Drugs for Rare Cancers in Bulgaria: Analysis of Delays and Public Expenditures

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    Rare cancers are defined by an annual incidence of fewer than 6 per 100,000. Bearing similarities to rare diseases, they are associated with substantial health inequalities due to diagnostic complexity and delayed access to innovative therapies. This situation is further aggravated in Southeastern European countries like Bulgaria, where limited public resources and expertise underscore the need for additional policy and translational research on rare cancers. This study aimed to explore the availability and access to orphan drugs for rare cancers in Bulgaria for the period of 2020–2023. We cross-compared data from both the European Union and national public sources to evaluate the number of available and accessible orphan drugs for rare cancers, the delay from market authorization to reimbursement, the dynamics of public expenditures, and regional disparities in access across the country. We juxtaposed the main characteristics of oncological and non-oncological orphan drugs as well. Only 15 out of 50 oncological orphan drugs that were authorized by the European Medicine Agency were accessible for rare cancer patients in Bulgaria. The median delay between market authorization and inclusion in the Bulgarian Positive Drug List was 760 days. The total expenditures for all orphan drugs for rare cancers amounted to EUR 74,353,493 from 2020 to 2023. The budgetary impact of this group rose from 0.24% to 3.77% of total public medicinal product expenditures for the study period. Rare cancer patients represent a vulnerable population that often faces limited to no access to treatment. We call for targeted European and national policies to address this major inequality

    Combined analytical-FE modeling of the deformation mechanisms and forces in soft PneuNets bending actuators

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    We consider the mechanical behavior of soft pneumatic network bending actuators (PneuNets) consisting of a series of chambers made of elastomeric material and fixed to an inextensible bottom layer. The pressure-induced bending angle in free space, as well as the contact force between the actuator tip and an external rigid obstacle are modeled with combined analytical-Finite Elements (FE) approach. We propose two distinct mechanisms for free-end bending, namely, bending of the bottom layer, and bending due to the contact forces between inflated membranes of neighboring chambers. It is found that the main contribution to the total free-end bending angle comes from bending of the inextensible layer, as opposed to bending entirely due to membrane-membrane interactions. It is also found that the pressure-induced contact force between the actuator tip and an obstacle is solely due to the membrane force of the chamber at the actuator's free end and the related moments. The model predictions are compared to FE simulations and experimental data obtained from testing of an in-house fabricated prototype

    Are the European reference networks for rare diseases ready to embrace machine learning? A mixed-methods study

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    Abstract Background The delay in diagnosis for rare disease (RD) patients is often longer than for patients with common diseases. Machine learning (ML) technologies have the potential to speed up and increase the precision of diagnosis in this population group. We aim to explore the expectations and experiences of the members of the European Reference Networks (ERNs) for RDs with those technologies and their potential for application. Methods We used a mixed-methods approach with an online survey followed by a focus group discussion. Our study targeted primarily medical professionals but also other individuals affiliated with any of the 24 ERNs. Results The online survey yielded 423 responses from ERN members. Participants reported a limited degree of knowledge of and experience with ML technologies. They considered improved diagnostic accuracy the most important potential benefit, closely followed by the synthesis of clinical information, and indicated the lack of training in these new technologies, which hinders adoption and implementation in routine care. Most respondents supported the option that ML should be an optional but recommended part of the diagnostic process for RDs. Most ERN members saw the use of ML limited to specialised units only in the next 5 years, where those technologies should be funded by public sources. Focus group discussions concluded that the potential of ML technologies is substantial and confirmed that the technologies will have an important impact on healthcare and RDs in particular. As ML technologies are not the core competency of health care professionals, participants deemed a close collaboration with developers necessary to ensure that results are valid and reliable. However, based on our results, we call for more research to understand other stakeholders’ opinions and expectations, including the views of patient organisations. Conclusions We found enthusiasm to implement and apply ML technologies, especially diagnostic tools in the field of RDs, despite the perceived lack of experience. Early dialogue and collaboration between health care professionals, developers, industry, policymakers, and patient associations seem to be crucial to building trust, improving performance, and ultimately increasing the willingness to accept diagnostics based on ML technologies