5 research outputs found

    Perkecambahan Dan Perbanyakan Gaharu Secara in Vitro

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    Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis Lank) is one of the forest wood that are continously exploited. Currently, the Indonesian export of agarwood is decreasing because its population is endangered by excessive logging. Agarwood propagations need technology for reproduction of agarwood seedlings and their fungal inoculum. In vitro technique for germination of recalsitrant seeds and micropropagation are technologies that can be used for propagation of agarwood seedlings. An experiment was done to develop techniques for in vitro germination and micropropagation of agarwood. The in vitro germination was done using two different techniques. Firstly, sterile seeds were germinated on an MS medium + 50 mg/l PVP, 50 mg/l GA, and 1 mg/l BA or kinetin. Secondly, sterile seeds were germinated on basal medium of MS, 1/2 MS medium, MS medium without vitamins, as well as on MS medium without pyridoxine, nicotinic acid and WPM. Shoot initiations and multiplications were done on MS and 1/2 MS media containing 1, 3, or 5 mg/l BA. The explants used were cotyledone nodes, terminal shoots, single node with leaf, and sinle node without leaf. The results showed that the seed germination rate on the different media ranged from 7,14 to 50%. The seed germination rate on the MS medium without vitamis was the highest. The best explants for shoot induction and multiplication was single node with leaf which was cultured on MS + 1 mg/l BA

    Peningkatan Toleransi Alumunium Pada Jeruk Batang Bawah Dengan Teknik Seleksi in Vitro Berulang

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    Aluminum Tolerance Improvement of Rootstock Citrusthrough Repeated In Vitro Selection. Mia Kosmiatin,Rosa Yunita, and Ali Husni. National orange productivitywas trend to decrease because of pathogen attack andreducing of planting area. One of alternative ways topreserve and increase orange productivity was usingmarginal soil mainly acid soil. This matter pushed thebreeder to prepare tolerant rootstock and stable in the acidsoil. In vitro culture technique was effective and efficientmethods to produce tolerant and stable rootstock in acid soilthrough simulation of acid soil with addition of highaluminum and low pH in the medium. By the simulation theselection could be done in cell level, so cell was selectedafter induction of variation. A rootstock which highcompatibility with scion, useful rooting, and aluminumtolerance could be increased orange productivity throughacid soil development. The research was conducted in 3phase: (1) induction of embryogenic calli, (2) improvementof genetic variation through mutation, and (3) In vitroselection with AlCl3.6H2O for aluminum and low pH tolerant.Immature embryos of rootstock were use as explant. Theresult showed that the best embryogenic calli were inducedon MS basal medium with MW vitamin + NAA 7,5 mg/l +kinetin 0,5 mg/l. Before selection, 1.000 rad dosage was themost tolerant dosage to growth embryogenic calli. Afterselection, 2.000 rad dosage was the best dosage to produceshoots which stable tolerant to aluminum. Selected 88mutant shoots were produced after three times selection onthe same medium which AlCl3.6H2O added at low pH