505 research outputs found

    A Knowledge-Based Approach for PLM Implementation Using Modular Benefits Dependency Networks

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    Part 10: Maturity Implementation and AdoptionInternational audienceIndustrial companies face significant challenges when they engage in the implementation of Product Lifecycle Management. Research has shown that organizations have difficulties in defining concrete and measurable goals and relating enabling technology to business benefits. Moreover, implementation service providers rely heavily on tacit knowledge when it comes to operational details. This paper proposes a conceptual framework as a methodology for implementation teams. It allows teams to reuse implementation knowledge on a detailed level, related to contribution to benefits and business goals. The methodology is derived from emerging, set-based product and process development methodologies and also from benefit management strategies for information systems. The goal of this methodology is to increase the probability that Product Lifecycle Management implementation contributes to the business benefits of organizations and therefore lower the economic risks. The paper describes the method and the result of two explorative case studies

    Catch comparison of pulse trawls vessels and a tickler chain beam trawler

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    Comparative fishing trials were conducted in May 2011 (week 19) on commercial beam trawlers fishing with conventional tickler chain beam trawls (on MFV GO4), pulse wings made by HFK-Engineering of Baarn, the Netherlands (MFV TX36), and pulse trawls produced by the DELMECO-Group of Goes, the Netherlands (version used on MFV TX68). The three vessels fished side-by-side as much as possible. Landings and discards of these vessels were monitored. Special emphasis was given on cod and whiting, that were dissected to study possible spinal damage. Result for TX36 and TX68 are expressed in terms of percentages of GO4. The pulse characteristics were as follows: TX36: voltage 45 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 45 Hz, pulse duration 380 μs; electric power on single gear: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 50 Hz, pulse duration 220 μs; electric power on single gear: 8.5 kW. The fuel consumption recorded over the whole week was considerably lower for the pulse trawls, i.e. on TX36 (40%) and on TX68 (54%), than for the tickler chain beam trawls used on the GO4. The net earnings (taken as gross earnings minus fuel costs) for the TX36 were almost twice as large at 186%, and for the TX68 also considerably higher at 155%. The vessels with pulse trawls caught fewer (65-69%) target species, but also less (30-50%) immature and non-target fish ('discards'), and benthic species (48-73%) than the vessel with tickler chains on these fishing grounds and in this period. The pulse gears caught fewer (19-42%) kg per hour cod than the tickler chain beam trawls, but the catches of cod on all three vessels were very small. For plaice and dab these differences were statistically proven, for brill, turbot and cod this was not the case. There was no marked difference between both pulse trawl vessels in total landings. The TX68 caught less marketable sole, but not significantly less undersized sole than the GO4. The TX36 caught less undersized sole, but here the difference in marketable fish was not significant. Catches of brill and turbot were so small that no statistically substantiated conclusion could be drawn. Only for undersized turbot the TX36 caught less. For whiting we found a demonstrable reduction in both marketable and undersized fish in both pulse fishing vessels. The TX36 caught less whiting in number per hour. The CPUEs found from the auction data and the sampled hauls correlated reasonably well for the most abundant species, such as plaice and sole. However, for less abundant species the results did not match very well, and care should be taken to increase the sampling rate in future comparative fishing studies. Spinal fracture in cod occurred under pulse stimulation but to a limited extent in both marketable and undersized fish. There is an indication that this happens slightly more on TX68 (11%) than on TX36 (7%). Whiting hardly seems to suffer any damage

    Vangstvergelijking tussen pulskorschepen en een conventioneel boomkor-vaartuig

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    In mei 2011 (week 19) werd een vergelijkende visserij uitgevoerd aan boord van de kotters GO4 (wekkerboomkorren), TX36 (HFK pulswings), en de toenmalige versie van DELMECO pulskorren gebruikt op de TX68. De schepen visten zoveel mogelijk giek-aan-giek in hetzelfde gebied. Tevens werd aandacht besteed aan mogelijk ruggengraatletsel van kabeljauw en wijting. De pulskarakteristieken waren als volgt: TX36: voltage 45 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 45 Hz, pulsduur 380 µs; elektrisch vermogen op één tuig: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 50 Hz, pulsduur 220 µs; elektrisch vermogen op één tuig: 8.5 kW. Het brandstofverbruik over de gehele visweek was aanzienlijk minder voor de TX36 (40%) en de TX68 (54%), dan de GO4. Voor de netto besomming (= bruto besomming – gasoliekosten) vonden we zelfs bijna een verdubbeling in efficiëntie voor de TX36 (186%), en een ruime toename voor de TX68 (155%). De schepen met pulstuigen vingen minder (65-69%) van de belangrijkste doelsoorten dan het schip met wekkerkorren op dit bestek en in deze periode, maar ook minder (30-50%) ondermaatse en niet-vermarktbare soorten vis (EN: ‘discards’) en minder bodemdieren (48-73%). De pulstuigen bleken minder (19-42%) maatse kabeljauw in kg/u te vangen dan de wekkerkor, maar de vangsten van deze soort waren voor alle schepen gering. Voor schol en schar waren de verschillen statistisch aantoonbaar, voor griet, tarbot wijting en kabeljauw niet. De pulskorschepen onderling lieten geen duidelijke verschillen in totale aanlanding zien. De TX68 bleek minder maatse tong te vangen, maar niet duidelijk minder ondermaatse tong dan de GO4. Bij de TX36 was het andersom: hier werd minder ondermaatse tong gevangen, maar het verschil in maatse vis was niet duidelijk. De vangsten van griet en tarbot waren zo gering, dat doorgaans geen statistisch onderbouwde conclusie kon worden getrokken. Alleen van ondermaatse tarbot ving de TX36 significant minder. Voor wijting vonden we wel een aanwijsbare vermindering van zowel maatse als ondermaatse vis voor de pulskorschepen. In aantal/u bleek de TX36 ook minder te vangen. Er was een redelijke overeenkomst tussen het vangstsucces (vangst per eenheid van inspanning of CPUE) berekend uit de afslaggegevens en het vangstsucces berekend uit de bemonsterde trekken voor soorten die talrijk voorkomen, zoals schol en tong. Voor minder voorkomende soorten, was de correlatie minder sterk. Dit zou voorkomen kunnen worden door meer en grotere monsters te nemen in toekomstige vangstvergelijkingen. Kabeljauw (ondermaatse en maatse vis) ondervond in de pulstuigen in beperkte mate breuk van de ruggengraat. Er is een indicatie, dat dit voor de TX68 iets meer (11%) optrad dan voor de TX36 (7%). Wijting leek nauwelijks schade te ondervinden

    Catch comparison of pulse trawls vessels and a tickler chain beam trawler

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    Comparative fishing trials were conducted in May 2011 (week 19) on commercial beam trawlers fishing with conventional tickler chain beam trawls (on MFV GO4), pulse wings made by HFK-Engineering of Baarn, the Netherlands (MFV TX36), and pulse trawls produced by the DELMECO-Group of Goes, the Netherlands (version used on MFV TX68). The three vessels fished side-by-side as much as possible. Landings and discards of these vessels were monitored. Special emphasis was given on cod and whiting, that were dissected to study possible spinal damage. Result for TX36 and TX68 are expressed in terms of percentages of GO4. The pulse characteristics were as follows: TX36: voltage 45 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 45 Hz, pulse duration 380 μs; electric power on single gear: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 50 Hz, pulse duration 220 μs; electric power on single gear: 8.5 kW. The fuel consumption recorded over the whole week was considerably lower for the pulse trawls, i.e. on TX36 (40%) and on TX68 (54%), than for the tickler chain beam trawls used on the GO4. The net earnings (taken as gross earnings minus fuel costs) for the TX36 were almost twice as large at 186%, and for the TX68 also considerably higher at 155%. The vessels with pulse trawls caught fewer (65-69%) target species, but also less (30-50%) immature and non-target fish ('discards'), and benthic species (48-73%) than the vessel with tickler chains on these fishing grounds and in this period. The pulse gears caught fewer (19-42%) kg per hour cod than the tickler chain beam trawls, but the catches of cod on all three vessels were very small. For plaice and dab these differences were statistically proven, for brill, turbot and cod this was not the case. There was no marked difference between both pulse trawl vessels in total landings. The TX68 caught less marketable sole, but not significantly less undersized sole than the GO4. The TX36 caught less undersized sole, but here the difference in marketable fish was not significant. Catches of brill and turbot were so small that no statistically substantiated conclusion could be drawn. Only for undersized turbot the TX36 caught less. For whiting we found a demonstrable reduction in both marketable and undersized fish in both pulse fishing vessels. The TX36 caught less whiting in number per hour. The CPUEs found from the auction data and the sampled hauls correlated reasonably well for the most abundant species, such as plaice and sole. However, for less abundant species the results did not match very well, and care should be taken to increase the sampling rate in future comparative fishing studies. Spinal fracture in cod occurred under pulse stimulation but to a limited extent in both marketable and undersized fish. There is an indication that this happens slightly more on TX68 (11%) than on TX36 (7%). Whiting hardly seems to suffer any damage

    Simulated effect of pneumococcal vaccination in the Netherlands on existing rules constructed in a non-vaccinated cohort predicting sequelae after bacterial meningitis

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    BACKGROUND: Previously two prediction rules identifying children at risk of hearing loss and academic or behavioral limitations after bacterial meningitis were developed. Streptococcus pneumoniae as causative pathogen was an important risk factor in both. Since 2006 Dutch children receive seven-valent conjugate vaccination against S. pneumoniae. The presumed effect of vaccination was simulated by excluding all children infected by S. pneumoniae with the serotypes included in the vaccine, from both previous collected cohorts (between 1990-1995). METHODS: Children infected by one of the vaccine serotypes were excluded from both original cohorts (hearing loss: 70 of 628 children; academic or behavioral limitations: 26 of 182 children). All identified risk factors were included in multivariate logistic regression models. The discriminative ability of both new models was calculated. RESULTS: The same risk factors as in the original models were significant. The discriminative ability of the original hearing loss model was 0.84 and of the new model 0.87. In the academic or behavioral limitations model it was 0.83 and 0.84 respectively. CONCLUSION: It can be assumed that the prediction rules will also be applicable on a vaccinated population. However, vaccination does not provide 100% coverage and evidence is available that serotype replacement will occur. The impact of vaccination on serotype replacement needs to be investigated, and the prediction rules must be validated externally

    Vangstvergelijking tussen pulskorschepen en een conventioneel boomkor-vaartuig

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    In mei 2011 (week 19) werd een vergelijkende visserij uitgevoerd aan boord van de kotters GO4 (wekkerboomkorren), TX36 (HFK pulswings), en de toenmalige versie van DELMECO pulskorren gebruikt op de TX68. De schepen visten zoveel mogelijk giek-aan-giek in hetzelfde gebied. Tevens werd aandacht besteed aan mogelijk ruggengraatletsel van kabeljauw en wijting. De pulskarakteristieken waren als volgt: TX36: voltage 45 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 45 Hz, pulsduur 380 µs; elektrisch vermogen op één tuig: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 50 Hz, pulsduur 220 µs; elektrisch vermogen op één tuig: 8.5 kW. Het brandstofverbruik over de gehele visweek was aanzienlijk minder voor de TX36 (40%) en de TX68 (54%), dan de GO4. Voor de netto besomming (= bruto besomming – gasoliekosten) vonden we zelfs bijna een verdubbeling in efficiëntie voor de TX36 (186%), en een ruime toename voor de TX68 (155%). De schepen met pulstuigen vingen minder (65-69%) van de belangrijkste doelsoorten dan het schip met wekkerkorren op dit bestek en in deze periode, maar ook minder (30-50%) ondermaatse en niet-vermarktbare soorten vis (EN: ‘discards’) en minder bodemdieren (48-73%). De pulstuigen bleken minder (19-42%) maatse kabeljauw in kg/u te vangen dan de wekkerkor, maar de vangsten van deze soort waren voor alle schepen gering. Voor schol en schar waren de verschillen statistisch aantoonbaar, voor griet, tarbot wijting en kabeljauw niet. De pulskorschepen onderling lieten geen duidelijke verschillen in totale aanlanding zien. De TX68 bleek minder maatse tong te vangen, maar niet duidelijk minder ondermaatse tong dan de GO4. Bij de TX36 was het andersom: hier werd minder ondermaatse tong gevangen, maar het verschil in maatse vis was niet duidelijk. De vangsten van griet en tarbot waren zo gering, dat doorgaans geen statistisch onderbouwde conclusie kon worden getrokken. Alleen van ondermaatse tarbot ving de TX36 significant minder. Voor wijting vonden we wel een aanwijsbare vermindering van zowel maatse als ondermaatse vis voor de pulskorschepen. In aantal/u bleek de TX36 ook minder te vangen. Er was een redelijke overeenkomst tussen het vangstsucces (vangst per eenheid van inspanning of CPUE) berekend uit de afslaggegevens en het vangstsucces berekend uit de bemonsterde trekken voor soorten die talrijk voorkomen, zoals schol en tong. Voor minder voorkomende soorten, was de correlatie minder sterk. Dit zou voorkomen kunnen worden door meer en grotere monsters te nemen in toekomstige vangstvergelijkingen. Kabeljauw (ondermaatse en maatse vis) ondervond in de pulstuigen in beperkte mate breuk van de ruggengraat. Er is een indicatie, dat dit voor de TX68 iets meer (11%) optrad dan voor de TX36 (7%). Wijting leek nauwelijks schade te ondervinden

    Lupine Allergy: Not Simply Cross-Reactivity with Peanut or Soy

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    Background: Reports of lupine allergy are increasing as its use in food products increases. Lupine allergy might be the consequence of cross-reactivity after sensitization to peanut or other legumes or de novo sensitization. Lupine allergens have not been completely characterized. Objectives: We sought to identify allergens associated with lupine allergy, evaluate potential cross-reactivity with peanut, and determine eliciting doses (EDs) for lupine allergy by using double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges. Methods: Six patients with a history of allergic reactions to lupine flour were evaluated by using skin prick tests, CAP tests, and double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges. Three of these patients were also allergic to peanut. Lupine allergens were characterized by means of IgE immunoblotting and peptide sequencing. Results: In all 6 patients the ED for lupine flour was 3 mg or less for subjective symptoms and 300 mg or more for objective symptoms. The low ED and moderate-to-severe historical symptoms indicate significant allergenicity of lupine flour. Two patients allergic to lupine but not to peanut displayed IgE binding predominantly to approximately 66-kd proteins and weak binding to 14- and 24-kd proteins, whereas patients with peanut allergy and lupine allergy showed weak binding to lupine proteins of about 14 to 21 or 66 kd. Inhibition of binding was primarily species specific. Conclusion: Lupine allergy can occur either separately or together with peanut allergy, as demonstrated by 3 patients who are cosensitized to peanut and lupine. Clinical implications: Lupine flour is allergenic and potentially cross-reactive with peanut allergen, thus posing some risk if used as a replacement for soy flour
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