223 research outputs found

    Impulse oscillometry identifies peripheral airway dysfunction in children with adenosine deaminase deficiency.

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    Adenosine deaminase-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency (ADA-SCID) is characterized by impaired T-, B- and NK-cell function. Affected children, in addition to early onset of infections, manifest non-immunologic symptoms including pulmonary dysfunction likely attributable to elevated systemic adenosine levels. Lung disease assessment has primarily employed repetitive radiography and effort-dependent functional studies. Through impulse oscillometry (IOS), which is effort-independent, we prospectively obtained objective measures of lung dysfunction in 10 children with ADA-SCID. These results support the use of IOS in the identification and monitoring of lung function abnormalities in children with primary immunodeficiencies

    Siblings, Family Systems Theory, Guardianship, and Restoring the Triad

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    Special needs estate planning introduces additional complexity, including the need to plan for ongoing caregiving after members of the parents’ generation have passed. This caregiving role is often left to siblings. (Brandy, Burke, Landon, Oertle, 2018). The sibling relationship has not been well-studied in this context, and the relationship dynamic has become more complex as families have changed in recent years (Sanner & Jensen, 2021). The overall goal of the paper is to discuss alternatives for structuring caretaking (e.g., conservatorship, guardianship, supported decision-making) that may restore the triad relationship, i.e., the strongest relationship identified in Family Systems Theory through which stress or friction may be resolved (Gale & Muruthi, 2017), and how to have these conversations with clients as they make guardianship plans

    Hemorrhagic parapneumonic effusion in a 64 year-old patient as the first symptom of hemophilia B

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    Hemophilia B is an inherited, X chromosome-linked disease. It is usually diagnosed in childhood, sometimes in adolescence. The commonest symptoms include spontaneous or post-traumatic bleeding into the joints and/or muscles, as well as mucosal bleeding. Respiratory symptoms are rarely reported. We present the case of a 64 year-old man in whom bloody parapneumonic effusion (hemothorax) was the first symptom of hemophilia B. The reason for prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) found on admission has not been elucidated. Since antibiotic therapy and pleural tube thoracostomy with intrapleural streptokinase were found to be ineffective, video-assisted thoracic surgery was performed with the right lung decortication. Post-operative treatment was complicated by massive pleural bleeding requiring two subsequent thoracotomies. Additional blood tests revealed factor IX deficiency and resulted in hemophilia B being diagnosed. The presented case proves that hereditary bleeding disorders may be diagnosed even in late adulthood. Intrapleural bleeding related to pneumonia and pleural inflammation might be the first presenting symptom. Hemophilia should be considered as a potential cause of APTT prolongation, even in an elderly patient with atypical presentation. Explaining the reason for APTT prolongation before the surgical procedure could have allowed to avoid severe bleeding in the described patient.Hemofilia B jest chorobą uwarunkowaną genetycznie, związaną z chromosomem X. Rozpoznawana jest najczęściej w dzieciństwie lub młodości, a do jej typowych objawów należą samoistne lub związane z urazem krwawienia do mięśni i stawów, a także krwawienia z błon śluzowych. Objawy ze strony układu oddechowego są rzadko opisywane. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek 64-letniego mężczyzny, u którego krwisty wysięk parapneumoniczny (spełniający kryteria hemothorax) był objawem prowadzącym do rozpoznania hemofilii. Stwierdzone przy przyjęciu do szpitala wydłużenie APTT nie zostało wyjaśnione w pierwszej fazie hospitalizacji. Próby leczenia powikłanego wysięku parapneumonicznego antybiotykami, drenażem i fibrynolizą wewnątrzopłucnową okazały się nieskuteczne. Nawracające po zabiegu wideotorakoskopowej dekortykacji prawego płuca krwawienie do opłucnej skłoniło do podjęcia rozszerzonych badań układu krzepnięcia. Na podstawie ich wyników stwierdzono obniżoną aktywność czynnika IX i rozpoznano łagodną postać hemofilii B. Przedstawiony przypadek dowodzi, że wrodzony niedobór czynnika IX może być rozpoznany nawet w późnym wieku, a pierwsze objawy skazy krwotocznej mogą dotyczyć układu oddechowego. Dlatego też hemofilię należy uwzględnić w diagnostyce przyczyn wydłużonego APTT także u osób w starszym wieku. Wyjaśnienie przyczyny wydłużenia APTT przed planowanym zabiegiem operacyjnym pozwoliłoby uniknąć ciężkich powikłań pooperacyjnych u opisanego przez nas chorego

    Regulation of Reactive Oxygen Species and the Antioxidant Protein DJ-1 in Mastocytosis

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    Neoplastic accumulation of mast cells in systemic mastocytosis (SM) associates with activating mutations in the receptor tyrosine kinase KIT. Constitutive activation of tyrosine kinase oncogenes has been linked to imbalances in oxidant/antioxidant mechanisms in other myeloproliferative disorders. However, the impact of KIT mutations on the redox status in SM and the potential therapeutic implications are not well understood. Here, we examined the regulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and of the antioxidant protein DJ-1 (PARK-7), which increases with cancer progression and acts to lessen oxidative damage to malignant cells, in relationship with SM severity. ROS levels were increased in both indolent (ISM) and aggressive variants of the disease (ASM). However, while DJ-1 levels were reduced in ISM with lower mast cell burden, they rose in ISM with higher mast cell burden and were significantly elevated in patients with ASM. Studies on mast cell lines revealed that activating KIT mutations induced constant ROS production and consequent DJ-1 oxidation and degradation that could explain the reduced levels of DJ-1 in the ISM population, while IL-6, a cytokine that increases with disease severity, caused a counteracting transcriptional induction of DJ-1 which would protect malignant mast cells from oxidative damage. A mouse model of mastocytosis recapitulated the biphasic changes in DJ-1 and the escalating IL-6, ROS and DJ-1 levels as mast cells accumulate, findings which were reversed with anti-IL-6 receptor blocking antibody. Our findings provide evidence of increased ROS and a biphasic regulation of the antioxidant DJ-1 in variants of SM and implicate IL-6 in DJ-1 induction and expansion of mast cells with KIT mutations. We propose consideration of IL-6 blockade as a potential adjunctive therapy in the treatment of patients with advanced mastocytosis, as it would reduce DJ-1 levels making mutation-positive mast cells vulnerable to oxidative damage

    Oncogenic D816V-KIT signaling in mast cells causes persistent IL-6 production

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    Persistent dysregulation of IL-6 production and signaling have been implicated in the pathology of various cancers. In systemic mastocytosis, increased serum levels of IL-6 associate with disease severity and progression, although the mechanisms involved are not well understood. Since systemic mastocytosis often associates with the presence in hematopoietic cells of a somatic gain-of-function variant in KIT, D816V-KIT, we examined its potential role in IL-6 upregulation. Bone marrow mononuclear cultures from patients with greater D816V allelic burden released increased amounts of IL-6 which correlated with the percentage of mast cells in the cultures. Intracellular IL-6 staining by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence was primarily associated with mast cells and suggested a higher percentage of IL-6 positive mast cells in patients with higher D816V allelic burden. Furthermore, mast cell lines expressing D816V-KIT, but not those expressing normal KIT or other KIT variants, produced constitutively high IL-6 amounts at the message and protein levels. We further demonstrate that aberrant KIT activity and signaling are critical for the induction of IL-6 and involve STAT5 and PI3K pathways but not STAT3 or STAT4. Activation of STAT5A and STATB downstream of D816V-KIT was mediated by JAK2 but also by MEK/ERK1/2, which not only promoted STAT5 phosphorylation but also its long-term transcription. Our study thus supports a role for mast cells and D816V-KIT activity in IL-6 dysregulation in mastocytosis and provides insights into the intracellular mechanisms. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the physiopathology of mastocytosis and suggest the importance of therapeutic targeting of these pathwaysThis work was supported by the Division of Intramural Research within the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), at the National Institutes of Health.S

    Critical Signaling Events in the Mechanoactivation of Human Mast Cells through p.C492Y-ADGRE2

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    A role for the adhesion G-protein coupled receptor ADGRE2 or EMR2 in mechanosensing was revealed by the finding of a missense substitution (p.C492Y) associated with familial vibratory urticaria. In these patients, friction of the skin induces mast cell hyper-degranulation through p.C492Y-ADGRE2, causing localized hives, flushing, and hypotension. We have now characterized the responses and intracellular signals elicited by mechanical activation in human mast cells expressing p.C492Y-ADGRE2 and attached to dermatan sulfate, a ligand for ADGRE2. The presence of p.C492Y-ADGRE2 reduced the threshold to activation and increased the extent of degranulation along with the percentage of mast cells responding. Vibration caused phospholipase C activation, transient increases in cytosolic calcium, and downstream activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase and extracellular signaleregulated kinases 1 and 2 by Gbg, Gaq/11, and Gai/o-independent mechanisms. Degranulation induced by vibration was dependent on phospholipase C pathways, including calcium, protein kinase C, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase but not extracellular signaleregulated kinases 1/2 pathways, along with pertussis toxin-sensitive signals. In addition, mechanoactivation of mast cells stimulated the synthesis and release of prostaglandin D2, to our knowledge a previously unreported mediator in vibratory urticaria, and extracellular signaleregulated kinases 1/2 activation was required for this response together with calcium, protein kinase C, and to some extent, phosphoinositide 3-kinase. Our studies thus identified critical molecular events initiated by mechanical forces and potential therapeutic targets for patients with vibratory urticaria.This work was supported by the Division of Intramural Research within the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health.S

    Anaphylaxis and clinical utility of real-world measurement of Acute Serum Tryptase in UK emergency departments

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    Background: British guidelines recommend that serial acute serum tryptase measurements be checked in all adults and a subset of children presenting with anaphylaxis. This is the first study reporting the clinical utility of acute serum tryptase in a “real-world” emergency department (ED) setting following the publication of the World Allergy Organization (WAO) criteria for anaphylaxis. Objectives: To (1) assess sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values (PPV, NPV) of acute serum tryptase in anaphylaxis; (b) determine factors associated with higher acute serum tryptase levels; and (c) audit compliance of acute serum tryptase measurement in the ED. Methods: The methods used were retrospective electronic search for ED admissions to 3 acute care hospitals in Birmingham, UK, with anaphylaxis in 2012 using wide search terms followed by scrutiny of electronic clinical records and application of the WAO diagnostic criteria for anaphylaxis. Patients with an acute serum tryptase measurement were included in the analysis. Results: Acute serum tryptase level was measured in 141 of 426 (33.1%) cases. Mean time from the onset of symptoms to the measurement of acute serum tryptase level was 4 hours 42 minutes (SD ± 05:03 hours) and no patients had serial measurements conforming to British guidelines. Acute serum tryptase level of more than 12.4 ng/mL (75th centile) was associated with a sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of 28%, 88%, 0.93, and 0.17, respectively. Multiple regression analysis showed that male sex (odds ratio, 2.66; P = .003) and hypotension (odds ratio, 7.08; P = .001) predicted higher acute serum tryptase level. Conclusions: An acute serum tryptase level of more than 12.4 ng/mL in an ED setting carries high PPV and specificity, but poor sensitivity and NPV

    Risk Factor Analyses for Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome in a Randomized Study of Early vs. Deferred ART during an Opportunistic Infection

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    Background: Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is reported widely in patients initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART). However, few studies are prospective, and no study has evaluated the impact of the timing of ART when allocated randomly during an acute opportunistic infection (OI). Methodology/Principal Findings: A5164 randomized 282 subjects with AIDS-related OIs (tuberculosis excluded), to early or deferred ART. IRIS was identified prospectively using pre-defined criteria. We evaluated associations between IRIS and baseline variables in subjects with follow-up on ART using Wilcoxon and Fisher's exact tests, logistic regression, and Cox models with time-varying covariates. Twenty of 262 (7.6%) subjects developed IRIS after a median of 33 days on ART. Subjects with fungal infections (other than pneumocystis) developed IRIS somewhat more frequently (OR = 2.7; 95% CI: 1.02, 7.2; p-value = 0.06 (using Fisher's exact test)). In Cox models, lower baseline and higher on-treatment CD4+ T-cell counts and percentage were associated with IRIS. Additionally, higher baseline and lower on-treatment HIV RNA levels were associated with IRIS. Corticosteroids during OI management and the timing of ART were not associated with the development of IRIS. Implications: In patients with advanced immunosuppression and non-tuberculous OIs, the presence of a fungal infection, lower CD4+ T-cell counts and higher HIV RNA levels at baseline, and higher CD4+ T-cell counts and lower HIV RNA levels on treatment are associated with IRIS. Early initiation of ART does not increase the incidence of IRIS, and concern about IRIS should not prompt deferral of ART