57 research outputs found

    Variational aspects of Laplace eigenvalues on Riemannian surfaces

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    We study the existence and properties of metrics maximising the first Laplace eigenvalue among conformal metrics of unit volume on Riemannian surfaces. We describe a general approach to this problem and its higher eigenvalue versions via the direct method of calculus of variations. The principal results include the general regularity properties of λk-extremal metrics and the existence of a partially regular λ₁-maximiser

    On multiplicity bounds for Schrödinger eigenvalues on Riemannian surfaces

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    A classical result by Cheng in 1976, improved later by Besson and Nadirashvili, says that the multiplicities of the eigenvalues of the Schrödinger operator.(-Δg + υ), where υ is C∞-smooth, on a compact Riemannian surface M are bounded in terms of the eigenvalue index and the genus of M. We prove that these multiplicity bounds hold for an Lp-potential υ, where p > 1. We also discuss similar multiplicity bounds for Laplace eigenvalues on singular Riemannian surfaces

    Nematic Structure of Space-Time and its Topological Defects in 5D Kaluza-Klein Theory

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    We show, that classical Kaluza-Klein theory possesses hidden nematic dynamics. It appears as a consequence of 1+4-decomposition procedure, involving 4D observers 1-form \lambda. After extracting of boundary terms the, so called, "effective matter" part of 5D geometrical action becomes proportional to square of anholonomicity 3-form \lambda\wedge d\lambda. It can be interpreted as twist nematic elastic energy, responsible for elastic reaction of 5D space-time on presence of anholonomic 4D submanifold, defined by \lambda. We derive both 5D covariant and 1+4 forms of 5D nematic equilibrium equations, consider simple examples and discuss some 4D physical aspects of generic 5D nematic topological defects.Comment: Latex-2e, 14 pages, 1 Fig., submitted to GR

    Sub-Laplacian eigenvalue bounds on sub-Riemannian manifolds

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    We study eigenvalue problems for intrinsic sub-Laplacians on regular sub-Riemannian manifolds. We prove upper bounds for sub-Laplacian eigenvalues λk of conformal sub-Riemannian metrics that are asymptotically sharp as k→+∞. For Sasakian manifolds with a lower Ricci curvature bound, and more generally, for contact metric manifolds conformal to such Sasakian manifolds, we obtain eigenvalue inequalities that can be viewed as versions of the classical results by Korevaar and Buser in Riemannian geometry

    Fibrations and fundamental groups of Kaehler-Weyl manifolds

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    We extend the Siu--Beauville theorem to a certain class of compact Kaehler--Weyl manifolds, proving that they fiber holomorphically over hyperbolic Riemannian surfaces whenever they satisfy the necessary topological hypotheses. As applications we obtain restrictions on the fundamental groups of such Kaehler--Weyl manifolds, and show that in certain cases they are in fact Kaehler.Comment: minor changes and addition of a postscript, now 13 pages; to appear in Proc. Amer. Math. So

    Bounds for Laplace eigenvalues of Kähler metrics

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    We prove inequalities for Laplace eigenvalues of Kähler manifolds generalising to higher eigenvalues the classical inequality for the first Laplace eigenvalue due to Bourguignon, Li, and Yau in 1994. We also obtain similar eigenvalue inequalities for analytic varieties in Kähler manifolds

    The Effective Energy-Momentum Tensor in Kaluza-Klein Gravity With Large Extra Dimensions and Off-Diagonal Metrics

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    We consider a version of Kaluza-Klein theory where the cylinder condition is not imposed. The metric is allowed to have explicit dependence on the "extra" coordinate(s). This is the usual scenario in brane-world and space-time-matter theories. We extend the usual discussion by considering five-dimensional metrics with off-diagonal terms. We replace the condition of cylindricity by the requirement that physics in four-dimensional space-time should remain invariant under changes of coordinates in the five-dimensional bulk. This invariance does not eliminate physical effects from the extra dimension but separates them from spurious geometrical ones. We use the appropriate splitting technique to construct the most general induced energy-momentum tensor, compatible with the required invariance. It generalizes all previous results in the literature. In addition, we find two four-vectors, J_{m}^{mu} and J_{e}^{mu}, induced by off-diagonal metrics, that separately satisfy the usual equation of continuity in 4D. These vectors appear as source-terms in equations that closely resemble the ones of electromagnetism. These are Maxwell-like equations for an antisymmetric tensor {F-hat}_{mu nu} that generalizes the usual electromagnetic one. This generalization is not an assumption, but follows naturally from the dimensional reduction. Thus, if {F-hat}_{mu nu} could be identified with the electromagnetic tensor, then the theory would predict the existence of classical magnetic charge and current. The splitting formalism used allows us to construct 4D physical quantities from five-dimensional ones, in a way that is independent on how we choose our space-time coordinates from those of the bulk.Comment: New title, editorial changes made as to match the version to appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Eigenvalue inequalities on Riemannian manifolds with a lower Ricci curvature bound

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    We revisit classical eigenvalue inequalities due to Buser, Cheng, and Gromov on closed Riemannian manifolds, and prove the versions of these results for the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary value problems. Eigenvalue multiplicity bounds and related open problems are also discussed