15 research outputs found

    Alkaloids of Amaryllidaceae family: isolation, structural identification, biological activity. II

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    Kohelová E: Alkaloidy čeledi Amaryllidaceae: isolace, strukturní identifikace, biologická aktivita. II Diplomová práce, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové, Katedra farmaceutické botaniky a ekologie, Hradec Králové, 2017, 77s. Předmětem diplomové práce byla příprava alkaloidního extraktu z rostliny Narcissus cv. PROFFESOR EINSTEIN, za účelem izolace 2 alkaloidů v čistém stavu metodou sloupcové chromatografie a následně metodou preparativní tenkovrstvé chromatografie. Vzorky byly podrobeny strukturní MS a NMR analýze a testovány na inhibiční aktivitu vůči lidským cholinesterázám (AChE a BuChE), na cytotoxickou aktivitu. Ve spolupráci s Fakultou agrobiologie, potravinových a přírodních zdrojů na České zemědělské univerzitě v Praze, byly měřeny aktivity antifungální, antimikrobiální a ve spolupráci s Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa Portugal byla stanovena aktivita antimalarická. Izolované látky byly identifikovány jako galanthamin, karanin a pluviin. Pluvin byl izolován v množství umožňující pouze strukturní analýzu. Při testu na stanovení cholinesterázové inhibiční aktivity karaninu byly získány následující hodnoty: IC50, HuAChE = 320 ± 42 μM a IC50, HuBuChE = 486 ± 56 μM. Jako standard byl použit galanthamin (IC50, HuAChE = 1,71 ± 0,07 μM, IC50, HuBuChE...Kohelová E: Alkaloids of Amaryllidaceae family: isolation, structural identification, biological activity. II Diploma thesis, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology, Hradec Králové, 2017, 77p. The aim of the diploma thesis was a preparation of alkaloidal extract from fresh bulbs of Narcissus cv. PROFESSOR EINSTEIN to izolate two Amaryllidaceae alkaloids by column and thin layer chromatography. Subsequently these alkaloids were subjected to structural MS and NMR analysis and tested for biological activity against human cholinesterases (HuAChE and HuBuChE) and for cytotoxic activity. In cooperation with the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, antifungal and antimicrobial activities of alkaloids were tested, and in cooperation with Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa Portugal antimalarial activity of alkaloids was studied. Isolated substances were identified as galanthamine, caranine and pluviine. Pluviine was isolated in an amount allowing only structural analysis. In the test for determining cholinesterase inhibitory activity of caranine the following values were obtained: IC50, HuAChE = 320 ± 42 μM a IC50, HuBuChE = 486 ± 56 μM. Galanthamine (IC50,...Katedra farmaceutické botanikyDepartment of Pharmaceutical BotanyFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov

    Ethical dilemmas in social work with the dying

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    This thesis focuses on the ethical dilemmas that arise when accompanying terminally ill people. The solution of ethical problems must always be approached individually. We must always take into account the ethical principles of the patient and his/her family, and we must do everything possible to preserve the highest quality of human life. Furthermore, the thesis describes the benefits of palliative care in the dying process and the importance of listening to the needs of the patients

    Alkaloids of Amaryllidaceae family: isolation, structural identification, biological activity. II

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    Kohelová E: Alkaloids of Amaryllidaceae family: isolation, structural identification, biological activity. II Diploma thesis, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology, Hradec Králové, 2017, 77p. The aim of the diploma thesis was a preparation of alkaloidal extract from fresh bulbs of Narcissus cv. PROFESSOR EINSTEIN to izolate two Amaryllidaceae alkaloids by column and thin layer chromatography. Subsequently these alkaloids were subjected to structural MS and NMR analysis and tested for biological activity against human cholinesterases (HuAChE and HuBuChE) and for cytotoxic activity. In cooperation with the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, antifungal and antimicrobial activities of alkaloids were tested, and in cooperation with Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa Portugal antimalarial activity of alkaloids was studied. Isolated substances were identified as galanthamine, caranine and pluviine. Pluviine was isolated in an amount allowing only structural analysis. In the test for determining cholinesterase inhibitory activity of caranine the following values were obtained: IC50, HuAChE = 320 ± 42 μM a IC50, HuBuChE = 486 ± 56 μM. Galanthamine (IC50,..

    Philosopher against the spirit of time/age. Bohumír Janát in connection with life and work

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    Bachelor thesis deals with Christian philosopher and thinker Bohumír Janát. It considers not only curriculum vitae of this philosopher and speaker of Charter 77, but also historical events of the second half of the 20th century. Dissertation is based on studies of archival records of documents, correspondence from inheritance and archives Libri Prohibiti, and there is also used method of oral history. Within the dialogues several narrators such as the family members, students, colleagues and people of Prague dissent were addressed to speak about their memories and testimonies. Bohumír Janát was born on 7th November 1949 in Tábor. He graduated in humanities at the Grammar School in Tábor and then he continued his studies in Philosophy and Psychology at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University from 1968 till 1973. At that time he was influenced very much by philosopher Jan Patočka. In 1975 Bohumír Janát took up work as an academic aspirant in Psychological Institute of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Death of Jan Patočka made him join Charter 77. As a result he was dismissed from Psychological Institute and until 1989 he worked as a worker. He turned to translation activities (he translated John S. Dunne, Michael Novak, etc.) and published his philosophical thoughts in samizdat and exile press. From the 2nd January 1988 till the 2nd January 1989 he became one of the speakers of Charter 77 together with Miloš Hájek and Stanislav Devátý. In August 1988 Bohumír Janát wrote an open letter to the American president Ronald Reagan, where he expressed acknowledgements of the Czech nation for revealed consensus to the 20th anniversary of Soviet occupation. After the Velvet Revolution he was rehabilitated and he ceme back to work in Psychological Institute. He did public lecturing and published; in ?Listy? he became a critic of post- November development. As one of the minority of speakers of Charter 77 he disagreed with its dissolution, which happened in terms of its last document No. 9/1992. Central motive of his philosophical essays is metaphysical decision to choose your own destiny, moral challenge as transcendental vertical line, which is inseparable from our finitness. Bohumír Janát died early on the first Sunday in Advent 29th November 1998 at the age of 49. A year later there was published his book of philosophical essays under the name of ?Think against the spirit of time/age? / ?Myslet proti duchu doby?

    Alkaloids of Amaryllidaceae family: isolation, structural identification, biological activity. II

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    Kohelová E: Alkaloids of Amaryllidaceae family: isolation, structural identification, biological activity. II Diploma thesis, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology, Hradec Králové, 2017, 77p. The aim of the diploma thesis was a preparation of alkaloidal extract from fresh bulbs of Narcissus cv. PROFESSOR EINSTEIN to izolate two Amaryllidaceae alkaloids by column and thin layer chromatography. Subsequently these alkaloids were subjected to structural MS and NMR analysis and tested for biological activity against human cholinesterases (HuAChE and HuBuChE) and for cytotoxic activity. In cooperation with the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, antifungal and antimicrobial activities of alkaloids were tested, and in cooperation with Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa Portugal antimalarial activity of alkaloids was studied. Isolated substances were identified as galanthamine, caranine and pluviine. Pluviine was isolated in an amount allowing only structural analysis. In the test for determining cholinesterase inhibitory activity of caranine the following values were obtained: IC50, HuAChE = 320 ± 42 μM a IC50, HuBuChE = 486 ± 56 μM. Galanthamine (IC50,..

    The benefit of a social worker in a multidisciplinary team

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    The bachelor thesis focuses on the post-social worker in the hospice multidisciplinary team. What is his role in the multidisciplinary hospice team. What is his job description and his working abilities and skills. Next, the thesis describes the forms of hospice care and histories in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, I focus on the patient's needs for dying. In general, I also focus on palliative care and its division into general and specialized

    Ecological demands of the selected planktonic algae and cyanobacteria from the order Nostocales. Light intensity and temperature optima of the water-bloom dominant species in the ponds and reservoir in the Czech Republic.

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    This thesis is aimed on cyanobacterial water blooms. It deals with the composition of cyanobacterial water blooms, factors which cause its emergence, effect it has on environment, termination of cyanobacterial bloom and ways of how to restrict it. My thesis contains the chapter devoted to the cyanobacterial bloom characteristic, which gives them advantage over other organisms in plankton and over other cyanobacteria as well. It also contains general description of fishponds and reservoirs and locality description (fishpond Svět and Rod, water reservoir Římov, Jihočeský kraj), which were the sources of species tested in this experiment. The aim of the experiment was to find out the optimal temperatures and light for the growth of seven strains of cyanobacteria and one species of green alga. The experiment was conducted by cross-table gradient of temperature and light method (KVÍDEROVÁ a LUKAVSKÝ, 2001. Data of the strains growth in different combinations of temperature and light intensity was processed in program Statistika (ANONIMUS, 1996). Valence of each strain has its maximum and minimum values. In their mean, there is an optimum for the growth. Charts depicting maximal-minimal values and optimum of strains for temperature and light were created in Microsoft Excel. Details between temperature and light demand of strains were tested by PCA analysis in program CANOCO 4.5 and visualised by CANODRAW (TER BRAAK a ŠMILAUER, 1998). It resulted in particular values, which are comparable with similar laboratory tests


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    The aim of the work is to know the taxonomy and autecology of main species of planctonic Cyanophyta of the CR. The methods of samplings and processing of material will be managed and the species diversity and the abundance will be evaluated. The proposal for the long term monitoring of cyanophyta will be suggested

    Alkaloids of Zephyranthes citrina (Amaryllidaceae): isolation, identification, biological activity.

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    Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany Candidate: Mgr. Eliška Kohelová Supervisor: prof. Ing. Lucie Cahlíková, Ph.D. Title of Doctoral Thesis: Alkaloids of Zephyranthes citrina (Amaryllidaceae): isolation, structure identification, biological activity. Key words: Amaryllidaceae alkaloids, Zephyranthes, Alzheimer's disease, AChE, BuChE, POP, oncological diseases Zephyranthes citrina Baker was chosen, based on result of previous screening study and literatury research, for detailed phytochemical work for the purpose of isolation of the widest range of AAs. From 35 kg of fresh bulbs was obtained 151 g of purified alkaloidal extract, which was processed using column chromatography to almost 700 fractions. These fractions were connected into 27 subfractions, which were processed by liquid-liquid extraction, flash chromatography, preparative TLC and crystallization. Finally, 27 pure alkaloids were isolated. All compounds were identified by MS (EI, ESI), HRMS, 1D- and 2D-NMR, CD, optical rotation and by comparison with literature data. Seven compounds were identified as new undescribed alkaloids (6α-ethoxyhippeastidine, 10-deoxy-6α-ethoxyhippeastidine, narcieliine, zephyjanine, zephycitrine I, 7-ethoxy-10-methoxy-1-methyllycorenane-9-ol a zephycitrin..

    Uherské Hradiště: možnosti využití bydliště žáka ve výuce na 1. stupni ZŠ

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    The presented thesis shows various possibilities of using your place of residence in teaching at the first through fifth graders of primary school. Preparations for teaching are based on the ideas of excursions to selected buildings and localities in the town of Uherské Hradiště. In the theoretical part, I focused on the description of the history and characteristics of current events in the city. At the same time, I described selected places of excursions, which are: Výšinu sv. Methodius, the remains of the city fortifications, the Gallery of the Museum of Moravian Slovakia (armory building) and the Bedřich Beneš Buchlovan Library (Jewish synagogue). Thesis also includes an analysis and characteristics of the educational topics Man and his Word and Human and the world of work, interdisciplinary links and cross-cutting themes. The practical part is based on detailed preparations for teaching, which are processed on the basis of studying the literature on selected places of the excursion. The aim of the final work is to build a deeper relationship of students to their place of residence in the teaching at at the first through fifth graders of primary school