18 research outputs found
Studi Eksperimental Rumah Pengering Kopi Menggunakan Plastik Ultra Violet (Uv Solar Dryer) Dengan Mekanisme Konveksi Alamiah
Ultraviolet solar dryer atau biasa disebut juga metode pengeringan dengan menggunakan efek rumah kaca (ERK) merupakan metode pengeringan yang memanfaatkan energi surya sebagai sumber energi utama. Radiasi dari sinar matahari diserap langsung oleh plastik UV yang berfungsi sebagai penghantar dan penahan panas sehingga temperatur didalam suatu tempat atau ruangan yang ditutupi oleh plastik UV ini tetap terjaga. Studi eksperimental rumah pengering kopi menggunakan plastik ultra violet (uv solar dryer) dengan mekanisme konveksi alamiah ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen. Tujuan untuk mengetahui waktu pengeringan biji kopi terhadap distribusi temperatur ruangan rumah pengering dengan mekanisme konveksi alamiah. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan pengaruh waktu pengeringan biji kopi terhadap distribusi temperatur di dalam ruangan rumah pengering dengan mekanisme konveksi alamiah. Pengaruh waktu pengeringan terhadap distribusi temperatur ruangan rumah pengering terlihat sedikit fluktuatif. Namun rata-rata temperatur ruangan dari beberapa titik pengukuran relatif seragam dengan nilai lebih tinggi dari lingkungan. Nilai kadar air basis basah 3,17 %, basis kering 3,07 % dan rata – rata kadar air akhir biji kopi 20,45%, laju pengeringan 0,77 %bb/jam, dan efisiensi rumah pengering 4,84 %.Ultraviolet solar dryer or also known as the drying method using the greenhouse effect (ERK) is a drying method that utilizes solar energy as the main energy source. Radiation from sunlight is absorbed directly by UV plastic which functions as a conductor and heat barrier so that the temperature in a place or room covered by UV plastic is maintained. The experimental study of the coffee dryer house using ultraviolet plastic (UV solar dryer) with a natural convection mechanism was carried out using an experimental method. The aim was to determine the drying time of the coffee beans on the temperature distribution of the drying house using natural convection mechanisms. The test results showed the effect of coffee bean drying time on the temperature distribution in the room of the drying house using natural convection mechanisms. The effect of drying time on the room temperature distribution of the drying house is slightly fluctuating. However, the average room temperature of several measurement points is relatively uniform with higher values ​​from the environment. The moisture content value of the wet basis was 3.17%, the dry basis was 3.07% and the average final moisture content of the coffee beans was 20.45%, the drying rate was 0.77% w / h, and the efficiency of the drying house was 4.84%
Simulasi CFD Performa Aerodinamika Rotor Turbin Angin Counter-Rotating melalui Variasi Rasio Kecepatan Tip Blade dengan Solidity Konstan
The aim of this research is to numerically study the aerodynamic parameters of the rotor, namely the tip speed ratio, stall phenomenon, and flow losses due to the vortex along the turbine rotor blade. Numerical analysis through the CFD or computational fluid dynamics simulation method is applied to counter-rotating wind turbines to predict and analyze the aerodynamic performance of the rotor through variations in the diameter ratio, distance ratio to tip speed ratio on constant rotor solidity. The performance of this turbine rotor is represented as the output power and the power coefficient of each research variable to obtain the best performance as well as the turbine rotor design as the research output. CFD prediction results show a trend that is closer to the experiment, where the maximum power coefficient value occurs at TSR = 6 with CP, max = 0.453 which is 3.09% lower than the experimental results. This shows that the CFD simulation model is validated in almost all of the varied TSR ranges, except at high TSR it tends to move away from the experiment. Flow fluctuation after passing through the second rotor is caused by the vortices in the hub and blade tips of the front and rear rotors. Rotors with misaligned blade tips (D1/D2 <1.0 and D1/D2 > 1.0) are more volatile than rotors with aligned tip blade (D1/D2 = 1.0).Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan studi secara numerik terhadap parameter-parameter aerodinamika rotor, yakni rasio kecepatan tip, fenomena stol, serta kerugian-kerugian aliran akibat vorteks di sepanjang blade rotor turbin. Analisis numerik melalui metode simulasi CFD atau computational fluid dynamics diterapkan pada turbin angin counter-rotating untuk dapat memprediksi dan menganalisis kinerja rotor secara aerodinamika melalui variasi rasio diameter, rasio jarak terhadap rasio kecepatan tip blade atau tip speed ratio pada solidity rotor yang konstan. Kinerja rotor turbin ini direpresentasikan sebagai daya output maupun koefisien daya dari setiap variabel penelitian untuk dapat diperoleh kinerja terbaik sekaligus desain rotor turbin sebagai output penelitian. Hasil prediksi CFD menunjukkan tren yang mendekati eksperimen, dimana nilai koefisien daya maksimum terjadi pada TSR = 6 dengan CP,maks = 0.453 dimana lebih rendah 3,09% dari hasil eksperimen. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model simulasi CFD tervalidasi pada hampir semua rentang TSR yang divariasikan, kecuali pada TSR tinggi cenderung menjauh dari eksperimen. Fluktuasi aliran setelah melewati rotor kedua diakibatkan oleh vorteks pada hub dan tip blade dari rotor depan maupun rotor belakang. Rotor dengan tip blade yang tidak sejajar (D1/D2 < 1,0 dan D1/D2 > 1,0) lebih fluktuatif dari pada rotor dengan tip sejajar (D1/D2 = 1,0)
Desain dan Analisa Awal Struktur Rangka Manual Motorcycle Lift Dengan Menggunakan Software Ansys 17.0
Motorcycle lift, merupakan alat penunjang, yang dibutuhkan untuk mengurangi cedera otot akibat kegiatan perawatan dan perbaikan, dengan mengatur posisi tinggi rendahnya motor terhadap postur tubuh mekanik (montir). Walaupun motorcycle lift telah ada, tetapi alat tersebut menggunakan tenaga hidrolik atau pneumatik dengan listrik sebagai tenaga utama. Hal ini berpengaruh pada daerah yang tidak memiliki tenaga listrik. Selain itu pada studi ini, konstruksi motorcycle lift yang didesain menggunakan software Ansys 17.0. Dengan menggunakan software Ansys, analisa desain struktur lebih detail dan dapat melihat titik kritis lebih detail. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah mendesain dan menganalisa konstruksi manual motorcycle lift untuk daerah yang belum memiliki jalur listrik. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode simulasi dengan software Ansys 17.0. Parameter yang digunakan adalah beban 3600 N, panjang alat 180 cm, lebar 78 cm, dan tinggi maksimum 60 cm. Material yang digunakan adalah baja konstruksi (karbon rendah). Bahan digunakan adalah baja konstruksi (baja karbon rendah). Analisa konstruksi terbagi atas 3 posisi ketinggian kritis, yaitu minimum ketinggian (120 mm), medium ketinggian (360 mm), dan maksimum ketinggian (600 mm). Tegangan dan regangan equivlen untuk masing-masing ketinggian dianalisa menggunakan Sofware Ansys 17.0 tersebut. Nilai maksimum terdapat pada daeran pin.The motorcycle lift is an equipment that is needed to reduce muscle injuries due to maintenance and repair activities by adjusting the height position of a motorbike to the mechanic's posture. Even though several motorcycle lifts have been produced, they use hydraulic or pneumatic with electricity as their primary power. This condition affects areas that do not have electricity. Also, in this study, the construction of the motorcycle lift is designed using Ansys 17.0 software. By using Ansys software, structural design analysis is more detailed, and the critical points are detailed. This study's aim is to design and analyze the manual construction of a motorcycle lift for areas that do not have electric lines. The research method was used is a simulation method with Ansys 17.0 software. The parameters used are 3600 N load, 180 cm tool length, 78 cm width, and 60 cm maximum height. The material used is construction steel (low carbon). The material used is construction steel (low carbon steel). Construction analysis was divided into 3 critical height positions, namely minimum height (120 mm), medium height (360 mm), and maximum height (600 mm). The equivalent stresses and strain for each height were analyzed using the Ansys 17.0 software. Maximum value were founded at pin
Penerapan Teknologi Pembuatan Kompos Bagi Kelombok Petani Kopi Arabika di Kelurahan Kisanata
Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat kelurahan Kisanata, kecamatan Bajawa dalam memanfaatkan limbah pertanian seperti daun-daun, ranting-ranting kayu, dan rumput dengan komposisi 30% hijauan dan 60 % bahan coklat serta 10 % komponen lain untuk pembuatan pupuk kompos. Sasaran utama program ini adalah masyarakat kelurahan Kisanata dan sekitarnya khususnya petani kopi Arabika Flores Bajawa. Pada kegiatan ini diharapkan masyarakat tersebut dapat memahami dan terampil membuat pupuk dari hijauan dan bokashi yang bernilai ekonomis dari bahan limbah pertanian. Hal ini tentu sangat membantu masyarakat petani dalam meningkatkan produktifitas pertanian sekaligus kesejahteraan mereka. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan peran masyarakat dalam melestarikan lingkungan hidup sebagai jasa ekologi dan bernilai ekonomi. Metode yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu mencakup pada perspektif action research dengan manfaat yang ingin dicapai yakni perbaikan dan peningkatan pemahaman terhadap proses pembuatan pupuk kompos. Hasil kegiatan yaitu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan petani dalam proses pupuk organik dari limbah pertanian yang banyak terdapat di lingkungan sekitarnya
Studi eksperimen rumah pengering ultra-violet (solar dryer) sistem hibrid tungku biomassa melalui variasi kecepatan aliran udara panas
The ultra-violet dryer integrated with the biomass furnace is a drying method with a forced mechanism. In this study, an experimental study was carried out. The drying process of porang tubers uses a hybrid system ultra violet plastic dryer (UV solar dryer) through varying the speed of the inlet air to obtain efficient drying results and porang tuber products. The results showed that the final moisture content of porang tubers after drying per day for each variation of air speed obtained the lowest value of 10.50%bb with the highest drying rate of 0.3373 kg/hour from the assumption of an initial moisture content of 70%bb, which occurs in variations airspeed of 1.8 m/s. while the speed is 1.3 m/s with the lowest drying rate of 0.330 kg/hour with a final moisture content of 11.74%.bb) Drying efficiency for variations in the speed of hot air flow into the hot air duct of the biomass furnace shows the highest value at a speed of 1.3 m/s of 16.76% with the lowest specific energy consumption (KES) of 51975.7 kJ/kg
Analisis Performansi Turbin Angin Poros Horisontal Model Double Rotor Contra Rotating Dengan Posisi Rotor Saling Berhimpitan
The contra rotating wind turbine is a horizontal axis turbine which has two shaft rotating in opposite directions on the same axis, and it can work at low wind speeds. In general, the performance of the wind turbine are affected by several factors, which is the aerodynamics shape of turbine, the numbers of blade and the selection angle of blade. In this study, conducted by determining the variation of angle on the blade and the blade angle used in the study is 0o, 5o, and 10o, on the two rotors with diameter of front rotor is 0.50 meters and the rear rotor is 0.30 meters, with the position of the rotor blade is coincident with each other. The purpose of this study, is to determine the effect of blade angle variation on the turbine rotation (rpm), torque (T), the power coefficient (Cp), torque coefficient (Cq) and the efficient of the turbine at any wind speeds variations. On the graph relation of blade angle on the shaft rotation, turbine rotation riding known to along with the addition of angle of the blade. The speed of wind is very affect on the output or mechanical power and power coefficient. On the blade angle 0o with wind speed at 4.03 m/s, the power can be generate is 3.013 Watt, and for blade angle 10o with wind speeds 6.08 m/s, the power can be generate is 8.217 Watt. The lowest rotation of rotor without loading is 702 rpm at the wind speeds on 4.03 m/s with angle of blade 0o, the highest rotation of rotor is 1484 rpm on the wind speeds 6.08 m/s with angle of blade 10o. From the graph of analysis data can be seen , with change of angle blade on wind turbine horizontal shaft contra rotating models, power coefficient (Cp) generated of turbine activity increases with increased of angle, with Cp maks 0.718 for angle 10o, maximum efficiency an generated reach out 71.8
Simulasi Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Rumah Pengering Kopi Menggunakan Plastik UltraViolet (UV) Solar Dryer
Pengeringan hasil pertanian secara khusus pada biji kopi adalah pengeluaran air dari suatu hasil pertanian sampai tercapai kadar air keseimbangan dengan udara lingkungan atau sampai tingkat kadar air dimana jamur, serangga dan enzim yang bersifat merusak tidak dapat aktif lagi. Pemanfaatan energi surya dengan menggunakan plastik ultra violet (UV) juga merupakan alternatif untuk mengatasi kendala pengeringan dengan sinar matahari langsung yang umum berlaku di masyarakat seperti kapasitas yang rendah dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Dengan menggunakan simulasi computational fluid dynamics (CFD) dalam penelitian ini untuk dapat mengetahui distribusi temperatur dan kecepatan aliran pada rumah pengering kopi. Dari hasil simulasi CFD maupun eksperimen dengan kecepatan aliran 0,1 m/s, 0,5 m/s dan 1,36 m/s baik tanpa beban maupun dengan beban pengeringan terdapat perbedaan temperatur dimana pada kecepatan 0,1 m/s dan 0,5 m/s nilai rata-rata temperatur hasil simulasi CFD dengan model aliran turbulen lebih rendah dari hasil eksperimen sedangkan pada kecepatan 1,36 m/s relativ mendekati hasil eksperimen. Dari hasil analisis distribusi temperatur udara di dalam rumah pengering menunjukkan pada laju aliran tetap untuk waktu simulasi yang berbeda, distribusi temperatur cenderung seragam. Sedangkan pada jam 11:00 dan 13.00 dengan kecepatan rendah menunjukkan peningkatan temperatur di bagian inlet (sebelah utara rumah pengering), namun pada jam 15:00 mengalami peningkatan tempereratur pada bagian keluar rumah pengering (sebelah selatan rumah pengering)Drying of agricultural products, especially coffee beans, is the removal of water from an agricultural product until a moisture content is reached in balance with environmental air or until a moisture content level where fungi, insects and destructive enzymes can no longer be active. Utilization of solar energy using ultra violet (UV) plastic is also an alternative to overcome the constraints of drying with direct sunlight which is common in society, such as low capacity and requires a long time. By using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations in this study to determine the temperature distribution and flow velocity in the coffee dryer house. From the results of CFD simulations and experiments with flow rates of 0.1 m / s, 0.5 m / s and 1.36 m / s, both without load and with drying load, there are differences in temperature where at speeds of 0.1 m / s and 0 , 5 m / s the mean temperature of the CFD simulation results with the turbulent flow model is lower than the experimental results, while at a speed of 1.36 m / s it is relatively close to the experimental results. From the results of the analysis of the air temperature distribution in the drying house shows that at a constant flow rate for different simulation times, the temperature distribution tends to be uniform. Meanwhile, at 11:00 and 13:00 with low speed shows an increase in temperature at the inlet (north of the dryer house), but at 15:00 there is an increase in temperature at the exit of the dryer house (south of the dryer house)
Perancangan Rumah Pengering Biji Kopi Menggunakan Plastik Ultra Violet (UV Solar Dryer) Dengan Mekanisme Konveksi Alamiah
Now a days there are quite a lot of developed mechanical dryers (ERK) that use ultra violet plastic (Uv Solar Dryer) to replace the direct drying method when the weather is not supportive. UV Solar Dryer or also known as drying method using the greenhouse effect is a drying method that utilizes solar energy as the main source of heat energy for drying. The problem that will be focused in this research is to design a type of drying house (ERK) using ultra violet plastic with a natural convection mechanism which results in drying efficiency values of coffee beans ranging from 5-10%/hour. Based on the assumption that the initial moisture content of the coffee beans before drying is 60% and after going through the drying process for 16 hours, where per day the drying is carried out for 4 hours starting at 11.00 and ending at 15.00. The final moisture content of coffee beans obtained ranged from 11-12%. The drying rate obtained is 3.06% bk/hour (the level of water content evaporated for one hour of drying) where for each variation of air velocity the level of water content evaporated is the same. The highest drying efficiency obtained in this research is based on each variation of air velocity with an initial mass of 45.60 kg of material, namely at an air velocity of 0.1 m/s of 10.96%/hour occurred at 14.00, at an air velocity of 0.2 m/s at 11.53%/hour occurred at 14.00 and at air velocity of 0.3 m/s at 11.91%/hour occurred at 14.00
Abstrak: Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat oleh Mahasiswa (PMM) bekerja sama dengan mitra kelompok tani Bethesda yang dilaksanakan di lokasi mitra di Desa Penfui Timur, Kecamatan Kupang Tengah, propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur untuk mendorong peningkatan usaha budidaya produksi tanaman hortikultura. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penerapan teknologi Sistem Irigasi Tetes (SIT) dengan energi hijau sebagai sumber energi sistem berupa aplikasi energi surya. Pendampingan kepada anggota kelompok tani Bethesda (15 orang) dan aplikasi penggunaan teknologi tersebut untuk mengatasi persoalan mitra yakni menurunnya tingkat produksi hingga kegagalan panen oleh petani akibat kekeringan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah melalui focus group discussion (FGD) dan praktik langsung dilapangan tentang teknologi tersebut. Evaluasi melalui kuisioner yang diberikan kepada responden (mitra) sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan untuk melihat presentasi peningkatan kemampuan petani. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah selain produk teknologi pada lokasi mitra, terjadi peningkatan level dan kapasitas petani hingga 85,93 % dengan harapan adanya keberlanjutan teknologi pertanian untuk membantu petani dalam usaha budidaya tanaman hortikultura.Abstract: The Community Empowerment Program by Students (PMM) in collaboration with Bethesda farmer group partners is carried out at partner locations in East Penfui Village, Central Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara province to encourage increased cultivation of horticultural crop production. This activity aims to implement Drip Irrigation System (SIT) technology with green energy as a system energy source in the form of solar energy applications. Assistance to members of the Bethesda farmer group (15 people) and application of the use of this technology to overcome partners' problems, namely decreasing production levels and crop failure by farmers due to drought. The method of implementing activities is through focus group discussions (FGD) and direct practice in the field regarding this technology. Evaluation through questionnaires given to respondents (partners) before and after the activity to see the presentation of increasing farmers' abilities. The result of this activity is that apart from technology products at partner locations, there has been an increase in the level and capacity of farmers by up to 85.93% with the hope of sustainable agricultural technology to help farmers in cultivating horticultural crops
Pengujian Rumah Pengering Daun Kelor Dengan Efek Rumah Kaca (Solar Dryer) Melalui Mekanisme Konveksi Alamiah
This research was conducted by experimental study of moringa leaf drying process using ultra violet plastic dryer house (UV solar dryer) through natural convection drying mechanism. The results showed that the final water content of moringa leaves after drying for two days (8 hours) was 54.88 %bb with a total drying rate of 0.417 kg/hour from the assumed initial water content of 80 %bb. While the average drying efficiency of 3.49 % with specific energy consumption (KES) is quite high, which is 127180.77 kJ/kg. The highest specific energy consumption (KES) occurred on the 2nd day test at 200056.37 kJ/kg with the lowest efficiency of 2.154 %, while the lowest KES on the 1st day test was 54305,17 kJ/kg with the highest efficiency of 4.83 %. This phenomenon is very clear the influence of changing environmental weather on the drying process in the drying house. Environmental weather is very influential on the process of drying moringa leaves with a natural convection mechanism using ERK type dryer. Cloudy weather with high humidity will increase the humidity in the dryer house through the water vapor content in the air that enters through the air duct