48 research outputs found

    Plasma Edge Kinetic-MHD Modeling in Tokamaks Using Kepler Workflow for Code Coupling, Data Management and Visualization

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    A new predictive computer simulation tool targeting the development of the H-mode pedestal at the plasma edge in tokamaks and the triggering and dynamics of edge localized modes (ELMs) is presented in this report. This tool brings together, in a coordinated and effective manner, several first-principles physics simulation codes, stability analysis packages, and data processing and visualization tools. A Kepler workflow is used in order to carry out an edge plasma simulation that loosely couples the kinetic code, XGC0, with an ideal MHD linear stability analysis code, ELITE, and an extended MHD initial value code such as M3D or NIMROD. XGC0 includes the neoclassical ion-electron-neutral dynamics needed to simulate pedestal growth near the separatrix. The Kepler workflow processes the XGC0 simulation results into simple images that can be selected and displayed via the Dashboard, a monitoring tool implemented in AJAX allowing the scientist to track computational resources, examine running and archived jobs, and view key physics data, all within a standard Web browser. The XGC0 simulation is monitored for the conditions needed to trigger an ELM crash by periodically assessing the edge plasma pressure and current density profiles using the ELITE code. If an ELM crash is triggered, the Kepler workflow launches the M3D code on a moderate-size Opteron cluster to simulate the nonlinear ELM crash and to compute the relaxation of plasma profiles after the crash. This process is monitored through periodic outputs of plasma fluid quantities that are automatically visualized with AVS/Express and may be displayed on the Dashboard. Finally, the Kepler workflow archives all data outputs and processed images using HPSS, as well as provenance information about the software and hardware used to create the simulation. The complete process of preparing, executing and monitoring a coupled-code simulation of the edge pressure pedestal buildup and the ELM cycle using the Kepler scientific workflow system is described in this paper

    Toward a first-principles integrated simulation of tokamak edge plasmas

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    Performance of the ITER is anticipated to be highly sensitive to the edge plasma condition. The edge pedestal in ITER needs to be predicted from an integrated simulation of the necessary first-principles, multi-scale physics codes. The mission of the SciDAC Fusion Simulation Project (FSP) Prototype Center for Plasma Edge Simulation (CPES) is to deliver such a code integration framework by (1) building new kinetic codes XGC0 and XGC1, which can simulate the edge pedestal buildup; (2) using and improving the existing MHD codes ELITE, M3D-OMP, M3D-MPP and NIMROD, for study of large-scale edge instabilities called Edge Localized Modes (ELMs); and (3) integrating the codes into a framework using cutting-edge computer science technology. Collaborative effort among physics, computer science, and applied mathematics within CPES has created the first working version of the End-to-end Framework for Fusion Integrated Simulation (EFFIS), which can be used to study the pedestal-ELM cycles

    Anderson localization of ballooning modes, quantum chaos and the stability of compact quasiaxially symmetric stellarators

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    The radially local magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) ballooning stability of a compact, quasiaxially symmetric stellarator (QAS), is examined just above the ballooning beta limit with a method that can lead to estimates of global stability. Here MHDstability is analyzed through the calculation and examination of the ballooning modeeigenvalue isosurfaces in the 3-space (s,α,Ξk); s is the edge normalized toroidal flux, α is the field linevariable, and Ξk is the perpendicular wave vector or ballooning parameter. Broken symmetry, i.e., deviations from axisymmetry, in the stellarator magnetic field geometry causes localization of the ballooning mode eigenfunction, and gives rise to new types of nonsymmetric eigenvalue isosurfaces in both the stable and unstable spectrum. For eigenvalues far above the marginal point, isosurfaces are topologically spherical, indicative of strong “quantum chaos.” The complexity of QAS marginal isosurfaces suggests that finite Larmor radius stabilization estimates will be difficult and that fully three-dimensional, high-nMHD computations are required to predict the beta limit.Research supported by U.S. DOE Contract No. DEAC02-76CH0373. John Canik held a U.S. DOE National Undergraduate Fellowship at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, during the summer of 2000

    Improving I/O Performance for Exascale Applications through Online Data Layout Reorganization

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    The applications being developed within the U.S. Exascale Computing Project (ECP) to run on imminent Exascale computers will generate scientific results with unprecedented fidelity and record turn-around time. Many of these codes are based on particle-mesh methods and use advanced algorithms, especially dynamic load-balancing and mesh-refinement, to achieve high performance on Exascale machines. Yet, as such algorithms improve parallel application efficiency, they raise new challenges for I/O logic due to their irregular and dynamic data distributions. Thus, while the enormous data rates of Exascale simulations already challenge existing file system write strategies, the need for efficient read and processing of generated data introduces additional constraints on the data layout strategies that can be used when writing data to secondary storage. We review these I/O challenges and introduce two online data layout reorganization approaches for achieving good tradeoffs between read and write performance. We demonstrate the benefits of using these two approaches for the ECP particle-in-cell simulation WarpX, which serves as a motif for a large class of important Exascale applications. We show that by understanding application I/O patterns and carefully designing data layouts we can increase read performance by more than 80 percent

    Boosted three-dimensional black-hole evolutions with singularity excision

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    Binary black hole interactions provide potentially the strongest source of gravitational radiation for detectors currently under development. We present some results from the Binary Black Hole Grand Challenge Alliance three- dimensional Cauchy evolution module. These constitute essential steps towards modeling such interactions and predicting gravitational radiation waveforms. We report on single black hole evolutions and the first successful demonstration of a black hole moving freely through a three-dimensional computational grid via a Cauchy evolution: a hole moving ~6M at 0.1c during a total evolution of duration ~60M

    Gravitational wave extraction and outer boundary conditions by perturbative matching

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    We present a method for extracting gravitational radiation from a three-dimensional numerical relativity simulation and, using the extracted data, to provide outer boundary conditions. The method treats dynamical gravitational variables as nonspherical perturbations of Schwarzschild geometry. We discuss a code which implements this method and present results of tests which have been performed with a three dimensional numerical relativity code

    Tips for implementing multigrid methods on domains containing holes

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    As part of our development of a computer code to perform 3D `constrained evolution' of Einstein's equations in 3+1 form, we discuss issues regarding the efficient solution of elliptic equations on domains containing holes (i.e., excised regions), via the multigrid method. We consider as a test case the Poisson equation with a nonlinear term added, as a means of illustrating the principles involved, and move to a "real world" 3-dimensional problem which is the solution of the conformally flat Hamiltonian constraint with Dirichlet and Robin boundary conditions. Using our vertex-centered multigrid code, we demonstrate globally second-order-accurate solutions of elliptic equations over domains containing holes, in two and three spatial dimensions. Keys to the success of this method are the choice of the restriction operator near the holes and definition of the location of the inner boundary. In some cases (e.g. two holes in two dimensions), more and more smoothing may be required as the mesh spacing decreases to zero; however for the resolutions currently of interest to many numerical relativists, it is feasible to maintain second order convergence by concentrating smoothing (spatially) where it is needed most. This paper, and our publicly available source code, are intended to serve as semi-pedagogical guides for those who may wish to implement similar schemes.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, LaTeX. Added clarifications and references re. scope of paper, mathematical foundations, relevance of work. Accepted for publication in Classical & Quantum Gravit