84 research outputs found

    Prehistoric Drawings in Mammoth Cave

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    During a recent Earthwatch Institute survey of archaeological remains in Mammoth Cave, a project was begun to find and record prehistoric images on the cave walls. I chose to analyze petroglyphs and pictographs on three panels in Main Cave. This article offers a hypothesis for the circumstances surrounding the rock art’s production: the geometric and anthropomorphic figures in Mammoth Cave are representative of a series of visual percepts experienced cross-culturally and caused by various conditions — including sensory deprivation, fatigue, and psychoactive drug use — acting on the ocular anatomy and nervous system. That is, the glyphs might be visual representations of simple hallucinations experienced by early cavers. These forms, “entoptic phenomena,” frequently occur in cave images and other artwork around the world, and are often ethnographically linked to shamanistic visions and other activities involving altered states of consciousness. The images in Mammoth Cave appear to represent several of the entoptic forms, and conditions of prehistoric cave exploration would have been ideal for experiencing them. Given this evidence, and considering the frequent use of caves for ritual activities across cultures, it is likely that Mammoth Cave Rock Art is linked to entoptic phenomena

    SONiCS: PCR stutter noise correction in genome-scale microsatellites

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    Motivation Massively parallel capture of short tandem repeats (STRs, or microsatellites) provides a strategy for population genomic and demographic analyses at high resolution with or without a reference genome. However, the high Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) cycle numbers needed for target capture experiments create genotyping noise through polymerase slippage known as PCR stutter. Results We developed SONiCS—Stutter mONte Carlo Simulation—a solution for stutter correction based on dense forward simulations of PCR and capture experimental conditions. To test SONiCS, we genotyped a 2499-marker STR panel in 22 humpback dolphins (Sousa sahulensis) using target capture, and generated capillary-based genotypes to validate five of these markers. In these 110 comparisons, SONiCS showed a 99.1% accuracy rate and a 98.2% genotyping success rate, miscalling a single allele in a marker with low sequence coverage and rejecting another as un-callable. Availability and implementation Source code and documentation for SONiCS is freely available at https://github.com/kzkedzierska/sonics. Raw read data used in experimental validation of SONiCS have been deposited in the Sequence Read Archive under accession number SRP135756

    Ancient Plant Genomics in Archaeology, Herbaria, and the Environment : Annual Review of Plant Biology

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    The ancient DNA revolution of the past 35 years has driven an explosion in the breadth, nuance, and diversity of questions that are approachable using ancient biomolecules, and plant research has been a constant, indispensable facet of these developments. Using archaeological, paleontological, and herbarium plant tissues, researchers have probed plant domestication and dispersal, plant evolution and ecology, paleoenvironmental composition and dynamics, and other topics across related disciplines. Here, we review the development of the ancient DNA discipline and the role of plant research in its progress and refinement. We summarize our understanding of long-term plant DNA preservation and the characteristics of degraded DNA. In addition, we discuss challenges in ancient DNA recovery and analysis and the laboratory and bioinformatic strategies used to mitigate them. Finally, we review recent applications of ancient plant genomic research

    Gourds and squashes (Cucurbita spp.) adapted to megafaunal extinction and ecological anachronism through domestication.

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    The genus Cucurbita (squashes, pumpkins, gourds) contains numerous domesticated lineages with ancient New World origins. It was broadly distributed in the past but has declined to the point that several of the crops' progenitor species are scarce or unknown in the wild. We hypothesize that Holocene ecological shifts and megafaunal extinctions severely impacted wild Cucurbita, whereas their domestic counterparts adapted to changing conditions via symbiosis with human cultivators. First, we used high-throughput sequencing to analyze complete plastid genomes of 91 total Cucurbita samples, comprising ancient (n = 19), modern wild (n = 30), and modern domestic (n = 42) taxa. This analysis demonstrates independent domestication in eastern North America, evidence of a previously unknown pathway to domestication in northeastern Mexico, and broad archaeological distributions of taxa currently unknown in the wild. Further, sequence similarity between distant wild populations suggests recent fragmentation. Collectively, these results point to wild-type declines coinciding with widespread domestication. Second, we hypothesize that the disappearance of large herbivores struck a critical ecological blow against wild Cucurbita, and we take initial steps to consider this hypothesis through cross-mammal analyses of bitter taste receptor gene repertoires. Directly, megafauna consumed Cucurbita fruits and dispersed their seeds; wild Cucurbita were likely left without mutualistic dispersal partners in the Holocene because they are unpalatable to smaller surviving mammals with more bitter taste receptor genes. Indirectly, megafauna maintained mosaic-like landscapes ideal for Cucurbita, and vegetative changes following the megafaunal extinctions likely crowded out their disturbed-ground niche. Thus, anthropogenic landscapes provided favorable growth habitats and willing dispersal partners in the wake of ecological upheaval.Research was supported by The Pennsylvania State University Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences and College of the Liberal Arts (G.H.P.), Wenner–Gren post-PhD Research Grant 8770 and Natural Environment Research Council Independent Research Fellowship NE/L012030/1 (to L.K.), and the Smithsonian Institution (B.D.S.). Instrumentation was funded by the National Science Foundation through Grant OCI–0821527.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from PNAS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.151610911

    Emerging evidence of plant domestication as a landscape-level process

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    Current theories of plant domestication are based on localized founder models in which single or multiple domestications occur as a progressive result of adaptation processes, but anomalies that do not fit within this perspective have been accumulating. We describe developments in archaeology and genetics over the past decade in which cultural connections between groups stretch back much further in time than was previously realized, and over wide geographic distances. Weak selection for domestication substantially pre-dates domestication and/or cultivation practices, large populations appear to have been maintained throughout the emergence of domesticates, and the resulting forms were not necessarily an improvement in terms of yield. We present a framework in which the process of domestication evolved as a landscape-level process involving large populations connected through sustained long-term human contact over large distances from which domesticate forms emerged in a complex manner as an adaptive reaction to long-term exploitation that did not necessarily provide immediate benefits. The landscape framework addresses several anomalies and radically changes the dynamic visualization of the evolution of domestication. It also opens up a list of new questions regarding the mechanisms of selection and the assembly of domestication syndrome alleles, and obliges a profound rethink of the progressive nature of domestication and human cultural evolution. The evidence from ancient crops over the past decade challenges some of our most basic assumptions about the process of domestication. The emergence of crops has been viewed as a technologically progressive process in which single or multiple localized populations adapt to human environments in response to cultivation. By contrast, new genetic and archaeological evidence reveals a slow process that involved large populations over wide areas with unexpectedly sustained cultural connections in deep time. We review evidence that calls for a new landscape framework of crop origins. Evolutionary processes operate across vast distances of landscape and time, and the origins of domesticates are complex. The domestication bottleneck is a redundant concept and the progressive nature of domestication is in doubt

    Euarchontan opsin variation brings new focus to primate origins

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    Debate on the adaptive origins of primates has long focused on the functional ecology of the primate visual system. For example, it is hypothesized that variable expression of short- (SWS1) and middle-to-long-wavelength sensitive (M/LWS) opsins, which confer color vision, can be used to infer ancestral activity patterns and therefore selective ecological pressures. A problem with this approach is that opsin gene variation is incompletely known in the grandorder Euarchonta, i.e., the orders Scandentia (treeshrews), Dermoptera (colugos), and Primates. The ancestral state of primate color vision is therefore uncertain. Here we report on the genes (OPN1SW and OPN1LW) that encode SWS1 and M/LWS opsins in seven species of treeshrew, including the sole nocturnal scandentian Ptilocercus lowii. In addition, we examined the opsin genes of the Central American woolly opossum (Caluromys derbianus), an enduring ecological analogue in the debate on primate origins. Our results indicate: 1) retention of ultraviolet (UV) sensitivity in C. derbianus and a shift from UV to blue spectral sensitivities at the base of Euarchonta; 2) ancient pseudogenization of OPN1SW in the ancestors of P. lowii, but a signature of purifying selection in those of C. derbianus; and, 3) the absence of OPN1LW polymorphism among diurnal treeshrews. These findings suggest functional variation in color vision of nocturnal mammals and a distinctive visual ecology of early primates, perhaps one that demanded greater spatial resolution under light levels that could support cone-mediated color discrimination

    Archaeogenomic insights into the adaptation of plants to the human environment: pushing plantehominin co-evolution back to the Pliocene

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    a b s t r a c t The colonization of the human environment by plants, and the consequent evolution of domesticated forms is increasingly being viewed as a co-evolutionary plantehuman process that occurred over a long time period, with evidence for the co-evolutionary relationship between plants and humans reaching ever deeper into the hominin past. This developing view is characterized by a change in emphasis on the drivers of evolution in the case of plants. Rather than individual species being passive recipients of artificial selection pressures and ultimately becoming domesticates, entire plant communities adapted to the human environment. This evolutionary scenario leads to systems level genetic expectations from models that can be explored through ancient DNA and Next Generation Sequencing approaches. Emerging evidence suggests that domesticated genomes fit well with these expectations, with periods of stable complex evolution characterized by large amounts of change associated with relatively small selective value, punctuated by periods in which changes in one-half of the plantehominin relationship cause rapid, low-complexity adaptation in the other. A corollary of a single plantehominin coevolutionary process is that clues about the initiation of the domestication process may well lie deep within the hominin lineage

    Morphometrics and Phylogenomics of Coca ( Erythroxylum spp.) Illuminate Its Reticulate Evolution, With Implications for Taxonomy

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    South American coca (Erythroxylum coca and E. novogranatense) has been a keystone crop for many Andean and Amazonian communities for at least 8,000 years. However, over the last half-century, global demand for its alkaloid cocaine has driven intensive agriculture of this plant and placed it in the center of armed conflict and deforestation. To monitor the changing landscape of coca plantations, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime collects annual data on their areas of cultivation. However, attempts to delineate areas in which different varieties are grown have failed due to limitations around identification. In the absence of flowers, identification relies on leaf morphology, yet the extent to which this is reflected in taxonomy is uncertain. Here, we analyze the consistency of the current naming system of coca and its four closest wild relatives (the “coca clade”), using morphometrics, phylogenomics, molecular clocks, and population genomics. We include name-bearing type specimens of coca's closest wild relatives E. gracilipes and E. cataractarum. Morphometrics of 342 digitized herbarium specimens show that leaf shape and size fail to reliably discriminate between species and varieties. However, the statistical analyses illuminate that rounder and more obovate leaves of certain varieties could be associated with the subtle domestication syndrome of coca. Our phylogenomic data indicate extensive gene flow involving E. gracilipes which, combined with morphometrics, supports E. gracilipes being retained as a single species. Establishing a robust evolutionary-taxonomic framework for the coca clade will facilitate the development of cost-effective genotyping methods to support reliable identification

    A new model for ancient DNA decay based on paleogenomic meta-analysis

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    The persistence of DNA over archaeological and paleontological timescales in diverse environments has led to a revolutionary body of paleogenomic research, yet the dynamics of DNA degradation are still poorly understood. We analyzed 185 paleogenomic datasets and compared DNA survival with environmental variables and sample ages. We find cytosine deamination follows a conventional thermal age model, but we find no correlation between DNA fragmentation and sample age over the timespans analyzed, even when controlling for environmental variables. We propose a model for ancient DNA decay wherein fragmentation rapidly reaches a threshold, then subsequently slows. The observed loss of DNA over time may be due to a bulk diffusion process in many cases, highlighting the importance of tissues and environments creating effectively closed systems for DNA preservation. This model of DNA degradation is largely based on mammal bone samples due to published genomic dataset availability. Continued refinement to the model to reflect diverse biological systems and tissue types will further improve our understanding of ancient DNA breakdown dynamics
