49 research outputs found

    Commitments from Quantum One-Wayness

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    One-way functions are central to classical cryptography. They are both necessary for the existence of non-trivial classical cryptosystems, and sufficient to realize meaningful primitives including commitments, pseudorandom generators and digital signatures. At the same time, a mounting body of evidence suggests that assumptions even weaker than one-way functions may suffice for many cryptographic tasks of interest in a quantum world, including bit commitments and secure multi-party computation. This work studies one-way state generators [Morimae-Yamakawa, CRYPTO 2022], a natural quantum relaxation of one-way functions. Given a secret key, a one-way state generator outputs a hard to invert quantum state. A fundamental question is whether this type of quantum one-wayness suffices to realize quantum cryptography. We obtain an affirmative answer to this question, by proving that one-way state generators with pure state outputs imply quantum bit commitments and secure multiparty computation. Along the way, we build an intermediate primitive with classical outputs, which we call a (quantum) one-way puzzle. Our main technical contribution is a proof that one-way puzzles imply quantum bit commitments.Comment: 68 page

    Unclonable Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge

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    A non-interactive ZK (NIZK) proof enables verification of NP statements without revealing secrets about them. However, an adversary that obtains a NIZK proof may be able to clone this proof and distribute arbitrarily many copies of it to various entities: this is inevitable for any proof that takes the form of a classical string. In this paper, we ask whether it is possible to rely on quantum information in order to build NIZK proof systems that are impossible to clone. We define and construct unclonable non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (of knowledge) for NP. Besides satisfying the zero-knowledge and proof of knowledge properties, these proofs additionally satisfy unclonability. Very roughly, this ensures that no adversary can split an honestly generated proof of membership of an instance xx in an NP language L\mathcal{L} and distribute copies to multiple entities that all obtain accepting proofs of membership of xx in L\mathcal{L}. Our result has applications to unclonable signatures of knowledge, which we define and construct in this work; these non-interactively prevent replay attacks

    Non-interactive Distributional Indistinguishability (NIDI) and Non-Malleable Commitments

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    We introduce non-interactive distributionally indistinguishable arguments (NIDI) to address a significant weakness of NIWI proofs: namely, the lack of meaningful secrecy when proving statements about NP\mathsf{NP} languages with unique witnesses. NIDI arguments allow a prover P to send a single message to verifier V, given which V obtains a sample d from a (secret) distribution D, together with a proof of membership of d in an NP language L. The soundness guarantee is that if the sample d obtained by the verifier V is not in L, then V outputs ⊥\bot. The privacy guarantee is that secrets about the distribution remain hidden: for every pair of distributions D0D_0 and D1D_1 of instance-witness pairs in L such that instances sampled according to D0D_0 or D1D_1 are (sufficiently) hard-to-distinguish, a NIDI that outputs instances according to D0D_0 with proofs of membership in L is indistinguishable from one that outputs instances according to D1D_1 with proofs of membership in L. - We build NIDI arguments for sufficiently hard-to-distinguish distributions assuming sub-exponential indistinguishability obfuscation and sub-exponential one-way functions. - We demonstrate preliminary applications of NIDI and of our techniques to obtaining the first (relaxed) non-interactive constructions in the plain model, from well-founded assumptions, of: 1. Commit-and-prove that provably hides the committed message 2. CCA-secure commitments against non-uniform adversaries. The commit phase of our commitment schemes consists of a single message from the committer to the receiver, followed by a randomized output by the receiver (that need not necessarily be returned to the committer)

    Publicly-Verifiable Deletion via Target-Collapsing Functions

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    We build quantum cryptosystems that support publicly-verifiable deletion from standard cryptographic assumptions. We introduce target-collapsing as a weakening of collapsing for hash functions, analogous to how second preimage resistance weakens collision resistance; that is, target-collapsing requires indistinguishability between superpositions and mixtures of preimages of an honestly sampled image. We show that target-collapsing hashes enable publicly-verifiable deletion (PVD), proving conjectures from [Poremba, ITCS'23] and demonstrating that the Dual-Regev encryption (and corresponding fully homomorphic encryption) schemes support PVD under the LWE assumption. We further build on this framework to obtain a variety of primitives supporting publicly-verifiable deletion from weak cryptographic assumptions, including: - Commitments with PVD assuming the existence of injective one-way functions, or more generally, almost-regular one-way functions. Along the way, we demonstrate that (variants of) target-collapsing hashes can be built from almost-regular one-way functions. - Public-key encryption with PVD assuming trapdoored variants of injective (or almost-regular) one-way functions. We also demonstrate that the encryption scheme of [Hhan, Morimae, and Yamakawa, Eurocrypt'23] based on pseudorandom group actions has PVD. - XX with PVD for X∈{X \in \{attribute-based encryption, quantum fully-homomorphic encryption, witness encryption, time-revocable encryption}\}, assuming XX and trapdoored variants of injective (or almost-regular) one-way functions.Comment: 52 page

    Commitments from Quantum One-Wayness

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    One-way functions are central to classical cryptography. They are both necessary for the existence of non-trivial classical cryptosystems, and sufficient to realize meaningful primitives including commitments, pseudorandom generators and digital signatures. At the same time, a mounting body of evidence suggests that assumptions even weaker than one-way functions may suffice for many cryptographic tasks of interest in a quantum world, including bit commitments and secure multi-party computation. This work studies one-way state generators [Morimae-Yamakawa, CRYPTO 2022], a natural quantum relaxation of one-way functions. Given a secret key, a one-way state generator outputs a hard to invert quantum state. A fundamental question is whether this type of quantum one-wayness suffices to realize quantum cryptography. We obtain an affirmative answer to this question by proving that one-way state generators with pure state outputs imply quantum bit commitments and secure multiparty computation. Along the way, we build an intermediate primitive with classical outputs, which we call a (quantum) one-way puzzle. Our main technical contribution is a proof that one-way puzzles imply quantum bit commitments

    Improved Computational Extractors and their Applications

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    Recent exciting breakthroughs, starting with the work of Chattopadhyay and Zuckerman (STOC 2016) have achieved the first two-source extractors that operate in the low min-entropy regime. Unfortunately, these constructions suffer from non-negligible error, and reducing the error to negligible remains an important open problem. In recent work, Garg, Kalai, and Khurana (GKK, Eurocrypt 2020) investigated a meaningful relaxation of this problem to the computational setting, in the presence of a common random string (CRS). In this relaxed model, their work built explicit two-source extractors for a restricted class of unbalanced sources with min-entropy nγn^{\gamma} (for some constant γ\gamma) and negligible error, under the sub-exponential DDH assumption. In this work, we investigate whether computational extractors in the CRS model be applied to more challenging environments. Specifically, we study network extractor protocols (Kalai et al., FOCS 2008) and extractors for adversarial sources (Chattopadhyay et al., STOC 2020) in the CRS model. We observe that these settings require extractors that work well for balanced sources, making the GKK results inapplicable. We remedy this situation by obtaining the following results, all of which are in the CRS model and assume the sub-exponential hardness of DDH. - We obtain ``optimal\u27\u27 computational two-source and non-malleable extractors for balanced sources: requiring both sources to have only poly-logarithmic min-entropy, and achieving negligible error. To obtain this result, we perform a tighter and arguably simpler analysis of the GKK extractor. - We obtain a single-round network extractor protocol for poly-logarithmic min-entropy sources that tolerates an optimal number of adversarial corruptions. Prior work in the information-theoretic setting required sources with high min-entropy rates, and in the computational setting had round complexity that grew with the number of parties, required sources with linear min-entropy, and relied on exponential hardness (albeit without a CRS). - We obtain an ``optimal\u27\u27 {\em adversarial source extractor} for poly-logarithmic min-entropy sources, where the number of honest sources is only 2 and each corrupted source can depend on either one of the honest sources. Prior work in the information-theoretic setting had to assume a large number of honest sources

    Lossy Correlation Intractability and PPAD Hardness from Sub-exponential LWE

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    We introduce a new cryptographic primitive, a lossy correlation-intractable hash function, and use it to soundly instantiate the Fiat-Shamir transform for the general interactive sumcheck protocol, assuming sub-exponential hardness of the Learning with Errors (LWE) problem. By combining this with the result of Choudhuri et al. (STOC 2019), we show that #SAT\#\mathsf{SAT} reduces to end-of-line, which is a PPAD\mathsf{PPAD}-complete problem, assuming the sub-exponential hardness of LWE

    Unclonable Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge

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    A non-interactive ZK (NIZK) proof enables verification of NP statements without revealing secrets about them. However, an adversary that obtains a NIZK proof may be able to clone this proof and distribute arbitrarily many copies of it to various entities: this is inevitable for any proof that takes the form of a classical string. In this paper, we ask whether it is possible to rely on quantum information in order to build NIZK proof systems that are impossible to clone. We define and construct unclonable non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (of knowledge) for NP. Besides satisfying the zero-knowledge and proof of knowledge properties, these proofs additionally satisfy unclonability. Very roughly, this ensures that no adversary can split an honestly generated proof of membership of an instance xx in an NP language L\mathcal{L} and distribute copies to multiple entities that all obtain accepting proofs of membership of xx in L\mathcal{L}. Our result has applications to unclonable signatures of knowledge, which we define and construct in this work; these non-interactively prevent replay attacks

    On the CCA Compatibility of Public-Key Infrastructure

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    In this work, we study the compatibility of any key generation or setup algorithm. We focus on the specific case of encryption, and say that a key generation algorithm KeyGen is X-compatible (for X \in {CPA, CCA1, CCA2}) if there exist encryption and decryption algorithms that together with KeyGen, result in an X-secure public-key encryption scheme. We study the following question: Is every CPA-compatible key generation algorithm also CCA-compatible? We obtain the following answers: - Every sub-exponentially CPA-compatible KeyGen algorithm is CCA1-compatible, assuming the existence of hinting PRGs and sub-exponentially secure keyless collision resistant hash functions. - Every sub-exponentially CPA-compatible KeyGen algorithm is also CCA2-compatible, assuming the existence of non-interactive CCA2 secure commitments, in addition to sub-exponential security of the assumptions listed in the previous bullet. Here, sub-exponentially CPA-compatible KeyGen refers to any key generation algorithm for which there exist encryption and decryption algorithms that result in a CPA-secure public-key encryption scheme {\em against sub-exponential adversaries}. This gives a way to perform CCA secure encryption given any public key infrastructure that has been established with only (sub-exponential) CPA security in mind. The resulting CCA encryption makes black-box use of the CPA scheme and all other underlying primitives

    How to Achieve Non-Malleability in One or Two Rounds

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    Despite over 25 years of research on non-malleable commitments in the plain model, their round complexity has remained open. The goal of achieving non-malleable commitment protocols with only one or two rounds has been especially elusive. Pass (TCC 2013, CC 2016) captured this difficulty by proving important impossibility results regarding two-round non-malleable commitments. This led to the widespread belief that achieving two-round non-malleable commitments was impossible from standard sub-exponential assumptions. We show that this belief was false. Indeed, we obtain the following positive results: - We construct the first two-message non-malleable commitments satisfying the strong definition of non-malleability with respect to commitment, assuming standard sub-exponential assumptions, namely: sub-exponentially hard one-way permutations, sub-exponential ZAPs, and sub-exponential DDH. Furthermore, our protocol is public-coin. - We also obtain two-message private-coin non-malleable commitments with respect to commitment, assuming only sub-exponentially hard DDH or QR or N^{th}-residuosity. - We bootstrap the above protocols (under the same assumptions) to obtain constant bounded-concurrent non-malleability while preserving round complexity. - We compile the above protocols to obtain, in the simultaneous messages model, the first {\em one-round} non-malleable commitments, with full concurrent security respect to opening, under standard sub-exponential assumptions. 1. This implies non-interactive non-malleable commitments with respect to opening, in a restricted model with a broadcast channel, and a-priori bounded polynomially many parties such that every party is aware of every other party in the system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first protocol to achieve completely non-interactive non-malleability in any plain model setting from standard assumptions. 2. As an application of this result, in the simultaneous exchange model, we obtain the first two-round multi-party pseudorandom coin-flipping. We believe that our protocols are likely to find several additional applications. - In order to obtain our results, we develop several tools and techniques that may be of independent interest. 1. We give the first two-round black-box rewinding strategy based on standard sub-exponential assumptions, in the plain model. 2. We also develop the first two-message zero-knowledge arguments with strong super-polynomial simulation. 3. Finally, we give a two-round tag amplification technique for non-malleable commitments, that amplifies a 4-tag scheme to a scheme for all tags, while only relying on sub-exponential DDH. This includes a more efficient alternative to the DDN encoding