2,257 research outputs found

    The Impact of Climate Change on Security in the Middle East: A Review of the Literature

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    The Middle East, which is already plagued by a series of security threats–such as terrorism, religious conflict, political instability, and more–is also an increasingly water-scarce and climate-vulnerable region. In this review, I examine the most recent and relevant literature on the debate of: how will, and how has climate change affected security in the Middle East? I examine five articles and one book that tackle this question, and I organize these sources based on the extent to which they argue that climate change is a determinant of insecurity in the region. While a few authors argue that climate change has or has not played a large role in the region’s insecurity, most authors argue that the debate is multi-faceted and complex, suggesting that climate change is just one of many factors–though still an important one–associated with instability in the region. I conclude this review with a series of gaps in the literature, as well as avenues for future research

    'Khobz ou m Ben Ali lè!'

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    Toxicity of 1,2-dimethlyhydrazine in mice: effect of diet and development of tolerance

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    The effect of diet on the lethality of 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) injections was investigated using Swiss mice. Mortality was highest when mice were fed a nutrient-dilutealfhigh-fat diet, was intermediate with a nutrientdilutealflow- fat diet and was lowest with laboratory chow. Wheat bran was not protective. Mice developed tolerance to DMH after receiving several injections of progressively increasing dose


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    Abstrak   Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pelaksanaan ibadah Qurban bagi orang yang sudah meninggal tanpa adanya wasiat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research), pendekatan yang dipakai adalah Content Analisys yaitu metode penelitian yang memanfaatkan seperangkat prosedur untuk menarik kesimpulan yang shahih dari sebuah buku atau dokumen, artinya menelaah data-data dari kitab yang akan diteliti. Selain itu berusaha memaparkan kembali kerangka pemikiran karya yang sedang diteliti dengan mendeskripsikannya. Dalam analisa ini dipergunakan kajian Fiqih dan Ushul Fiqih. Pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa pelaksanaan Ibadah Qurban bagi orang yang sudah meninggal tidak bisa dilaksanakan tanpa adanya wasiat berdalil kepada Al-Qur’an Surat al-Najm ayat 38 dan 39 serta Hadits dari Imam Turmuzi. Setelah dianalisa dan diteliti ayat yang mereka pakai yaitu Al-Qur’an Surat al-Najm ayat 38 dan 39 telah dimansukhkan hukumnya oleh firman Allah surat Al-Thur ayat 21, dan Hadits yang dipergunakan ternyata hadits Dhaif dan Gharib, sehingga tidak dapat dijadikan hujjah. Hasil yang ditemukan bahwa pelaksanaan ibadah Qurban bagi orang yang sudah meninggal boleh dilakukan oleh ahli warisnya sekalipun tanpa adanya wasiat dari si mayit dan Ibadah Qurban tersebut akan memberi manfaat kepada si mayit berupa amal ibadah dari orang yang masih hidup.   Kata Kunci: Pelaksanaan, Ibadah Qurban, Orang Meninggal, Wasiat

    Peranan Penghulu Pada Masa Keresidenan Palembang Tahun (1299-1361 H/ 1831-1942 M)

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    Palembang in the 16th century until the early 19th century was the territory of the Sultanate of Palembang, in the period before the empire, precisely at the time of Prince Sido Ing Kenayan, there were already religious positions, and it was arranged in the book Simbur Cahaya created by Ratu Sinuhun. During the transitional period of Palembang residency in 1823 AD, the task of the headman was made broadly by the Government of the Dutch East Indies. The method in this study uses qualitative descriptive methods to explain the problem-solving in this study. Data collection uses library research, namely by conducting laboratories in libraries and Google websites including Google Scholar. Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and compiling data obtained from library studies and Google website sources. The role of the headman during the Palembang Residency was not only to take care of religion but to take care of the people including in the management of occupation records, religious education, and advisors in the state court (Vandread). The position of chief in the Dutch colonial period was restricted to the natives by limiting the authority of Prince Pengulu Nata Agama to deal with problems in the capital and for the interior of Hooffdenghulu in charge. In conclusion, during the Dutch colonial period, the task of the headman was more general and more helpful to the Dutch East Indies government in dealing with the problems of the MuslimsPalembang pada abad ke-16 hingga abad ke 19 awal merupakan wilayah kekuasaan Kesultanan Palembang, pada masa  sebelum kesultanan tepatnya pada masa Pangeran Sido Ing Kenayan jabatan agama sudah ada, dan sudah diatur dalam kitab Simbur Cahaya yang dibuat oleh Ratu Sinuhun. Pada masa peralihan keresidenan Palembang pada tahun 1823 M, tugas penghulu dibuat secara luas oleh Pemerintahan Hindia Belanda. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menjelaskan mengenai pemecahan masalah dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data menggunakan studi pustaka, yaitu dengan melakukan laboratorium di perpustakaan dan website google termasuk google scholar. Analisis data merupakan proses mencari dan menyusun secara sistematis data yang diperoleh dari studi pustaka dan sumber website google. Peranan penghulu pada masa Keresidenan Palembang penghulu bukan hanya mengurusi agama, tetapi mengurusi umat termasuk dalam pengurusan catatan kependudukan, pendidikan agama dan penasehat di pangadilan negeri (landraad). Jabatan penghulu pada masa kolonial Belanda dibatasi wewenangnya kepada pribumi dengan dibatasi wewenang Pangeran Penghulu Nata Agama untuk mengurusi permasalahan di ibu kota dan untuk pedalaman Hoofd Penghulu yang bertugas. Kesimpulannya pada masa kolonial Belanda tugas penghulu lebih general dan lebih membantu pemerintahan Hindia Belanda dalam mengurusi permasalahan umat Isla

    Moderasi Pemahaman Hadis dalam Hukum Islam Menurut Al-Qaradhawi

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    This study tries to discuss the urgency of the hadith in the teachings of Islam, approaches that bring to the goals and meanings contained in the Messenger of Allah's presence and use various special methods in the philosophical foundation because the hadith is the second foundation so its role is very influential on the formation of Islamic law. Hadith thought method developed by al-Qaradhawi explaining a fair and moderate attitude or often termed   middle, which distinguishes between sunnah as shari'a must be followed and sunnah is not shari'a, between general eternal and temporary. Al-Qaradhawi in some of his creation, trying to make the traditions of the Prophet can be understood in actual and contemporary manner. He did various steps, starting with describing the principles of understanding the hadith, and also explaining various factors due to errors in understanding the hadith, he also offered a moderation method in understanding the hadith, criticism of hadith and various other theories presented in his various works, even mentoring the traditions of tasyari'i and non tasyri'i so that the traditions of the Prophet can be understood in a relevant and correct manner

    Tendon biomimetic 3D scaffold enhance amniotic epithelial stem cells biological potential

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    Tendon tissue engineering represents an emerging field whose aim focuses on the design of 3D tendon biomimetic scaffolds that should ideally combine adequate physical, mechanical, biological and functional properties of the native tissue. In this research, it was designed a bundle tendon-like PLGA 3D scaffold with highly aligned fibers on which the structure and mechanical properties were evaluated. Moreover, it was assessed scaffold’s teno-differentiative and immuno-inductive ability on amniotic epithelial stem cells (AECs). The fabricated PLGA 3D scaffolds mimic macroscopically and microscopically the structure of native tendon tissue and its biomechanical properties. Biologically, AECs seeded on the fabricated 3D scaffolds acquired a spindle tenocyte-like morphology after just 24h compared to the AECs cultured on petri dishes (CTR) which maintained their cobblestone morphology. The phenotypic change of the engineered AECs was also confirmed by visualizing TNMD protein expression, a mature tendon marker, within their cytoplasm and supported by the analysis of tendon-related genes (SCX, COL1, and TNMD) that were significantly upregulated at 7-day culture, while no TNMD protein expression or significant increase in tendon-related genes was found in CTR cells. Moreover, the 3D construct induced on AECs an upregulation of IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, maintaining basal levels of IL-12, a pro-inflammatory cytokine, showing a favorable IL10/IL12 ratio. In conclusion, the fabricated PLGA 3D scaffolds are tendon biomimetic in terms of ultrastructure and biomechanics, making them also suitable for surgical purposes. Moreover, these constructs revealed a high teno- and immuno-inductive potential on AECs and thus represent potential candidates for tendon regeneration
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