478 research outputs found

    Plant Regeneration And Biochemical Changes in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Under NaCl Stress

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    This project was designed to examme the effects of NaCI on growth and regeneration of callus and cell suspension cultures of the five rice cultivars namely, Puteh Perak, Mahsuri, Basmati-370, Nona Bokra and Khari Gunja. In addition, changes of nitrogen assimilating enzymes, phosphatase and some dehydrogenase of Kreb's Cycle in cell suspension cultures of Basmati-370 and Puteh Perak were also investigated. The callus cultures were induced from embryo section of seeds of rice using MS solid media containing 10 µM 2,4-D and 2 µM kinetin. Cell suspension cultures were initiated in liquid media from the induced embryogenic callus of rice using salts of the B5 media containing 10 µM 2,4-D. The five rice cultivars tested had high rates of callus induction (80-88%). In the one step NaCI treatment, the growth of control callus and cell suspension cultures of the five rice cultivars decreased and significant morphological changes were observed. At 180 mM NaCI treatment , the reduction in callus growth was 29, 36, 42, 32 and 42% while at 70 mM NaCl, reduction in the growth of cell suspension culture was 38, 53, 58, 41 and 55% in Puteh Perak, Mahsuri, Basmati-370, Nona Bokra and Khari Gunj a, respectively compared to the control culture without NaCI (100%). The callus growth was completely retarded at 540 mM NaCI treatment while in cell suspension it was at 210 mM NaCl. The multiple step NaCl-treated callus and cell suspension cultures of the five rice cultivars produced higher growth (% dry weight) in the presence of NaCI compared to the control cultures. The callus and cell suspension of the five rice cultivars on high NaCl containing media reached a maximum growth at range of 10-1 3th passages and 6-9th passages, respectively while the control cultures proliferated at constant rate. The multiple step NaCl-treated cell suspension of Basmati:J70 showed stability to NaCI treatment compared to the control. MS solid regeneration media containing 3 /-lM lAA and 40 /-lM kinetin was most suitable for plant regeneration of callus and cell suspension of five rice cultivars. The plant regeneration capacity of one step NaCl-treated callus and cell suspension cultures of the five rice cultivars decreased with the increased concentrations of NaCI in the treatment media. Higher regeneration frequencies were observed from multiple step NaCl-treated callus of Puteh Perak, Mahsuri and Nona Bokra and cell suspension cultures of Puteh Perak and Nona Bokra compared to the control while lower regeneration than the control was obtained in other cultivars. The plant regeneration capacity of multiple step NaCl-treated and control cultures decreased with the increase in culture age. However, NaCl-treated cultures maintained higher regeneration capacity for up to 48 weeks of culture compared to the control. The growth rate of cell suspension of Basmati-370 increased from day 4 up to day 1 0 and the activities of ACP, ALP, GS, MDH, NADP-ICDH and SDH were highest on day 10 while GDH and GOGAT on day 8 and NR on day 6 during the 14 days of culture period. The activities of GDH, GOGAT, NR, ACP, ALP, MDH and NADP-ICDH extracted from NaCI-treated cell suspension of Basmati-3 70 increased while GS and SDH activities decreased. The activities of GDH, NR, ALP and MDH decreased in cell suspension of Puteh Perak but increased in Basmati-370 under increasing NaCI treatments. The GS and SDH activities increased in the presence of NaCI of Puteh Perak but decreased in Basmati-370 and the GOGAT, ACP and NADPICDH increased by NaCI in both cultivars tested. The addition of NaCI (0-200/-lM) to the assay mixture resulted in increased specific activities of GDH, NR, GOGAT, ACP, MDH and NADP-ICDH at low concentration but decreased the activities at high concentrations while the specific activities of GS, ALP and SDH continously decreased. Changes in selected enzyme activities of cell suspension of rice due to NaCI indicates that NaCl interferes with nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism

    Network tomography application in mobile ad-hoc networks.

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    The memorability of mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is the precondition of its management, performance optimization and network resources re-allocations. The traditional network interior measurement technique performs measurement on the nodes or links directly, and obtains the node or link performance through analyzing the measurement sample, which usually is used in the wired networks measurement based on the solid infrastructure. However, MANET is an infrastructure-free, multihop, and self-organized temporary network, comprised of a group of mobile nodes with wireless communication devices. Not only does its topology structure vary with time, but also the communication protocol used in its network layer or data link layer is diverse and non-standard. Specially, with the limitation of node energy and wireless bandwidth, the traditional interior network measurement technique is not suited for the measurement requirement of MANET. In order to solve the problem of interior links performance (such as packet loss rate and delay) measurement in MANET, this dissertation has adopted an external measurement based on network tomography (NT). Being a new measurement technology, NT collects the sample of path performance based on end-to-end measurement to infer the probability distribution of the network logical links performance parameters by using mathematical statistics theory, which neither need any cooperation from internal network, nor dependence from communication protocols, and has the merit of being deployed exibly. Thus from our literature review it can be concluded that Network Tomography technique is adaptable for ad-hoc network measurement. We have the following contribution in the eld of ad-hoc network performance: PLE Algorithm: We developed the PLE algorithm based on EM model, which statistically infer the link performance. Stitching Algorithm: Stitching algorithm is based on the isomorphic properties of a directed graph. The proposed algorithm concatenates the links, which are common over various steady state period and carry forward the ones, which are not. Hence in the process it gives the network performance analysis of the entire network over the observation period. EM routing: EM routing is based on the statistical inference calculated by our PLE algorithm. EM routing provides multiple performance metric such as link delay and hops of all the possible path in various time period in a wireless mesh network

    An application of fixed point theorem to best approximation in locally convex space

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    AbstractA common fixed point theorem of Jungck [G. Jungck, On a fixed point theorem of fisher and sessa, Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci., 13 (3) (1990) 497–500] is generalized to locally convex spaces and the new result is applied to extend a result on best approximation

    Some coupled common fixed point theorems for a pair of mappings satisfying a contractive condition of rational type

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish some coupled coincidence point theorems for a pair of mappings having a mixed gg-monotone property satisfying a contractive condition of rational type in the framework of partially ordered metric spaces. Also, we present a result on the existence and uniqueness of coupled common fixed points. The results presented in the paper generalize and extend several well-known results in the literature

    Smart Phones and Personal Listening Devices - Tinnitus & Hearing Impairment in Adolescent and Young Adult Earphone Users

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    OBJECTIVES To determine the frequency of tinnitus & hearing impairment in adolescent and young adult earphone users with smartphones and other personal listening devices.METHODOLOGY This prospective & descriptive study involving children with glue ears was conducted in the ENT Department of Medical Teaching Institute, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar, from Jan 1, 2022, to Sep 30, 2022. Personal listening device (PLD) users aged 12-25 years with complaints of tinnitus and hearing impairment were examined. Conductive hearing loss was excluded by audiological testing. The frequency of resultant hearing loss and tinnitus was calculated. The information obtained was analyzed using SPSS v 26.0 for windows. A Chi square test was performed to determine the significance of tinnitus & hearing impairment in earphones and other PLD users.RESULTS A total of 163 patients were included in the study. The patient’s age range was 12-25 years, with a mean age of 18.03 years and a standard deviation of ± 3.575. There were 117 males and 46 females. The male: female ratio was of 2.54:1.Tinnitus was present in 73% and Hearing impairment in 54.4% of the patients. The chi-square test and p-values determined showed that both tinnitus and hearing loss occurred in many patients using personal listening devices.CONCLUSION Tinnitus and hearing impairment occurs in a significant number of those who use personal listening devices. Their inappropriate use can lead to auditory system damage. It is recommended that PLD users undergo periodic audiological testing to detect early hearing loss and tinnitus to minimize damage to the ear

    Electronically tunable silicon photonic delay lines

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    Electronically tunable optical true-time delay lines are proposed. The devices utilize the combination of apodised gratings and the free-carrier plasma effect to tune the enhanced delay of silicon waveguides at a fixed wavelength. Three variations of the proposed scheme are studied and compared. The compact and integrable devices can achieve tuning ranges as high as similar to 660 ps with a loss of \u3c 2.2 dB when operated in the reflection mode of the gratings. A delay of similar to 40 ps with a loss of \u3c 10 dB and an estimated operation bit rate of similar to 20 Gb/s can be achieved

    The Accuracy of Pre-Operative Ultrasonography in Localizing Parathyroid Adenoma for Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy (MIP)

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    OBJECTIVES To determine the sensitivity of pre-op ultrasonography in localizing parathyroid adenoma for minimally invasive parathyroidectomy (MIP) technique. METHODOLOGY The study was conducted at the department of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery, MTI Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar. It included a retrospective analysis of records of patients who underwent MIP from Jan 1, 2019, to July 31, 2022.  All patients had pre-operative meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scans, and serum PTH, Serum calcium levels were determined. A pre-op ultrasound scan was acquired to mark the site of the parathyroid adenoma. MIP was carried out using a 3.5 to 4 cm transverse skin incision over the marked site to expose the thyroid gland. If the marked parathyroid gland was identified without using any other aids, the result was labelled as "True positive". The sensitivity of pre-op ultrasonography was calculated using SPSS v 26.0. RESULTS A total of 53 cases were included in the study. The male: female ratio was 1:1.8. The ages of patients ranged from 23-70 years with a mean age of 48.49 years with a standard deviation of +_ 10.818. Pre-op ultrasonography accurately localizes the site of parathyroid adenoma in 49 patients. Statistical analysis showed this to be a significant finding. CONCLUSION Pre-op ultrasonography is significantly helpful in localizing the parathyroid adenoma. Therefore its routine use is recommended to help localize the adenoma in minimally invasive parathyroidectomy

    Severe thrombocytopenia in a man with prostatic cancer

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    A 66 year old gentleman was diagnosed to have metastatic adenocarcinoma of the prostate in 1990, following a CT scan of the abdomen and trans-uretheral resection of prostate (TLJRP). He was started on estrogen therapy (Fos­festerol sodium). Two years later he presented to the emer­gency room with breathlessness and edema of the left ann of a week’s duration. He admitted to persistence of symptoms of pmstatism and was found to have bilateral axillary lymphade­nopathy and pitting edema of the left arm. A doppler scan revealed left subclavian vein thrombosis. The patient was started on i.v. heparin and was maintained on it until the resolution of arm edema and was subsequently switched to oral anticoagulation. The serum Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) level was found to be 1460 ng/ml. Fosfesterol was discontinued and the patient was started on antiandrogen therapy (Cyproterone acetate). The patient was sent home on anticoagulation, but had to be readmitted shortly thereafter because of the sudden onset of shortness of breath. This time he was found to have bilateral pitting pedal edema and :tenderness in the right calf. Intravenous heparin was reinsti­tuted. An infçrior venacavagram revealed extensive thrombo­sis of the right popliteal vein and the left common iliac vein. A clinical diagnosis of pulmonary embolism was made. Despite continuous i.v. heparin in adequate doses, the patient experi­enced recurrent episodes of shortness of breath. A greenfield filter was placed in the inferior vena cava to prevent further episodes of pulmonary embolism. The patient remained heparinized for more than two weeks, until complete resolu­tionofsyniptoms had occured. Subsequently oral anticoagula­tion was started and the dose of coumarin was adjusted to maintain an international normalized ratio (INR) between 1.8 and2.0

    Chikungunya outbreak in Bangladesh (2017) : clinical and hematological findings

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    Introduction: A massive outbreak of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) occurred in Bangladesh during the period of April-September 2017, and over two million people were at risk of getting infected by the virus. A prospective cohort of viremic patients was constituted and analyzed to define the clinical, hematological, and long-term aspects of this outbreak. Methods: A 35-day long comprehensive survey was conducted in two major, neighboring cities, Dhaka and Mymensingh. One-hundred and eighty-seven laboratory-confirmed CHIKV cases were enrolled in the cross-sectional cohort study. Additionally, a smaller group of 48 chikungunya patients was monitored for post-infection effects for 12 months. Results: Clinical data revealed that a combination of fever and arthralgia (oligoarthralgia and/or polyarthralgia) was the cardinal hallmark (97.9% of cases) of the infection. Hematological analysis showed that irrespective of age and sex groups, CHIKV patients had a decreased level of hemoglobin (n = 64, p < 0.01) and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (n = 131, p < 0.01). Besides, a significant portion of the patients represented abnormal values for RBC (n = 38, p = 0.0005) and WBC (n = 63, p < 0.01) counts. The post-infection study revealed that children had an early recovery from the infection compared to the adults. Moreover, post-infection weakness, successive relapse of arthralgic pain, and memory problems were the most significant aftereffects, which had an impact on the daily activities of patients. Conclusions: This study represents a comprehensive overview of clinical and epidemiological features of the 2017 outbreak of CHIKV in Bangladesh as well as its chronic outcomes till the 12(th) month. It provides insights into the natural history of this disease, which may help to improve the management of CHIKV patients. Author summary: The clinical profile, epidemiology, and the economic impacts during the acute phase of chikungunya infection have been studied quite rigorously. However, studies regarding the hematological features and chronic consequences are infrequent. In this study, we analyzed the clinical and hematological features of 187 chikungunya patients in the acute phase of the infection. Also, we monitored a smaller group of 48 patients until 12 months to study its post-infection consequences. Clinical data revealed that a combination of fever and joint pain (arthralgia) was the cardinal hallmark in the acute phase of the infection. Hematological analysis showed that CHIKV infection features a significantly reduced hemoglobin and remarkably elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Besides, RBC and WBC counts, especially in children and females, were beyond the reference values. The post-infection consequence study unveiled that children recovered better from the infection compared to the adults. Further, post-infection weakness, successive relapse of joint pain and memory problems were the most significant aftereffects. Overall, the infection had a moderate to severe impact on the daily activities of the respondents. This study provides insights into the clinical and hematological aspects of chikungunya infection during the acute phase as well as describes an account for its chronic outcomes, which puts forward to the knowledge for clinicians and epidemiologists regarding the infection diversity and to help improve patient management

    Chikungunya outbreak in Bangladesh (2017) : clinical and hematological findings

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    A massive outbreak of Chikungunya occurred in Bangladesh during the period of April-September, 2017 and over two million people were at risk of getting infected by the virus. A prospective cohort of viremic patients was constituted and analyzed to define the clinical, hematological and long-term aspects of this outbreak. A 35-day long comprehensive survey was conducted in two major, neighboring cities, Dhaka and Mymensingh. One-hundred and eighty-seven clinically proven Chikungunya cases were enrolled in the cross-sectional cohort study. Additionally, a smaller group of 48 Chikungunya patients was monitored for post-infection effects for 12 months. Clinical data revealed that a combination of fever and arthralgia (oligoarthralgia and/or polyarthralgia) was the cardinal hallmark (97.9% of cases) of the infection. Hematological analysis showed that, irrespective of age groups, hemoglobin level significantly decreased and erythrocyte sedimentation rate remarkably increased in Chikungunya confirmed patients. However, the majority of the patients had a normal range of whole WBC and platelet counts; RBC counts for mid aged (40 – 60 years) and senior (61+ years) patients (especially in the females) were beyond the reference values. The post-infection study revealed that children had an early recovery from the infection compared to the adults. Moreover, post-infection weakness, successive relapse of arthralgic pain and memory problems were the most significant aftereffects, which had an impact on daily activities of patients. This study represents a comprehensive overview of clinical and epidemiological features of the 2017 outbreak of Chikungunya in Bangladesh as well as its chronic outcomes till the 12th month. It provides insights into the natural history of this disease which may help to improve management of the Chikungunya patients.Author summeryThe clinical profile, epidemiology and the economic impacts during the acute phase of Chikungunya infection has been studied quite rigorously. However, studies regarding the hematological features and chronic consequences are very limited. In this study, a dataset of 187 clinically proven chikungunya patients were analyzed for the clinical and hematological features at acute phase of the infection. Additionally, the long-term consequences till month 12 after the infection were studied for a smaller group of 48 patients. Clinical data revealed that a combination of fever and joint pain (arthralgia) was the cardinal hallmark in the acute phase of the infection. Hematological analysis showed that, hemoglobin levels of the patients were significantly reduced and erythrocyte sedimentation rate increased remarkably. Also, RBC counts for mid-aged and older patients were beyond the reference values. The post-infection consequence study unveiled that children recovered better from the infection compared to the adults. Further, post-infection weakness, successive relapse of joint pain and memory problems were the most significant aftereffects. Overall, the infection had moderate to severe impact on daily activities of the respondents. This study provides insights into the clinical and hematological aspects of Chikungunya infection during the acute phase as well as describes an account for its chronic outcomes which puts forward to the knowledge for clinicians and epidemiologists regarding the infection diversity and to help improved patient management