140 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Selected Biomechanical Parameters of Spike Serves between Intervarsity and Intercollegiate Volleyball Players

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the selected biomechanical parameters of spike service between intervarsity and intercollegiate level volleyball players. Twelve (6 Intervarsity and 6 Intercollegiate level) male volleyball players were selected as the subjects for this study from Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India. The mean age, height, body weight, arm length and leg length of intervarsity players were 22.25 years (SD 0.94), 178.33 cm (1.06), 69.67kg (1.29), 59.74 cm (1.05) and 87.74 (1.73) respectively, whereas intercollegiate players were 21.92 years (SD 0.66), 173.56 cm (1.65), 67.50 kg (1.38), 57.17 (1.25) and 86.32 (1.83) respectively. All subjects were right-handed volleyball players. The players were allowed to have warm-up and trials. Each subject was asked to do the spike service. Five services were recorded from one side of the body with a high speed camcorder (Canon Legria HF S10) operating at 1/2000 with a frame rate of 60 frames per second. Data were collected from the movement onset until the ball crosses the net (successful). The camcorder was placed on a tripod at the height of 6 feet on the right angle of the subjects at a distance of 12 meters away to the side-line. Recorded data were digitized with the help of Silicon Coach Pro7 motion analysis software. The selected kinematics variables were ball height, jump height, hand velocity and ball velocity. The other segmental angles were also be studied in this study those were ankle angle, knee angle, hip angle, shoulder angle, elbow angle and wrist angle. The t-test was used for statistical analysis of the data by using SPSS-18 version software. The results revealed that insignificant difference exits between intervarsity and intercollegiate level male volleyball players in the spike serve performance

    Effect of fiber loadings and treatment on dynamic mechanical, thermal and flammability properties of pineapple leaf fiber and kenaf phenolic composites

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    This study deals with the analysis of dynamic mechanical, thermal and flammability properties of treated and untreated pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) and kenaf fiber (KF) phenolic composites. Results indicated that storage modulus was decreased for all composites with increases in temperature and pattern of slopes for all composites, having almost the same values of E' at glass transition temperature (Tg). The peak of the loss modulus of pure phenolic composites was shown to be much less. After the addition of kenaf/PALF, peaks were higher and shifted towards a high temperature. The Tan delta peak height was low for pure phenolic composites and maximum for 60% PALF phenolic composites. Cole-Cole analysis was carried out to understand the phase behavior of the composite samples. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) results indicated that pure phenolic composites have better thermal stability than PALF and kenaf phenolic composites. Vertical and horizontal UL-94 tests were conducted and showed pure phenolic resin is highly fire resistant. The overall results showed that treated KF composites enhanced the dynamic mechanical and thermal properties among all PALF/KF composites

    Insulin causes airway hyper-reactivity

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    Background: We explored the acute effects of insulin and one possible mechanism underlying the acute contractile effects of insulin on isolated tracheal smooth muscle of guinea pig in vitro.Methods: Effects of increasing concentrations of histamine (10−7-10−3 M), insulin (10−7-10−3 M), insulin pretreated with a fixed concentration of indomethacin (10−6 M) were studied on isolated tracheal tissue of guinea pig in vitro by constructing cumulative concentration response curves. The tracheal smooth muscle contractions were recorded with transducer on four channel oscillograph.Results: Histamine and insulin produced a concentration-dependent reversible contraction of isolated tracheal muscle of guinea pig. The mean±standard error of the mean of maximum amplitudes of contraction with histamine, insulin and insulin pretreated with indomethacin were 92.5±1.20 mm, 35±1.13 mm and 14.55±0.62 mm respectively. Indomethacin shifted the concentration-response curve of insulin to the right and downwards.Conclusions: Insulin has acute contractile effects on guinea pig airways, which were significantly inhibited by prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor indomethacin confirming the involvement of contractile prostaglandins in insulin-induced airway hyper-responsiveness


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    ABSTRACT In order to improve the acute scarcity of fresh fodder in the country, four local fodder legumes (cowpea) namely CP-1, CP-8, CP-31 and CP-801 were compared for plant characteristics and fresh fodder production potential at NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar. CP-1 required minimum days to emergence (4.7 days), flowering (87 days) and pod formation (94.7 days) and the shortest plant length (235 cm). CP-8 produced the longest plants (382 cm) though statistically not different than CP-31 and CP-801. CP-8 gave the maximum grain yield (969lg.ha -1 ); seeds pod -1 (11.3) and 100 seed weight (11.4g). The pods plant -1 and grain yield ha -1 produced by CP-1 were significantly lower than the other three germplasms. Generally the fresh fodder yield in all germplasms gradually increased from 14 ton ha -1 , 50 days after emergence to 64.2 ton ha -1 ,125 days after emergence. However, slight decline was observed with further interval of 25 days. CP-8 produced 30-40 percent more fresh fodder than the other germplasm, and accumulated 638 kg ha -1 fresh fodder compared with CP-1 (460 kg ha -1 ). It is concluded that maximum fresh fodder can be obtained 125 days after emergence and CP-8 gave the maximum grains as well as fresh fodder yield among the germplasms tested. Keywords: fodder production, cowpea, germplasm, plant characterization, yield. INTRODUCTION Although livestock is one of the major component of sustainable agriculture in NWFP particularly in mountainous areas, yet the scarcity of fodder is the major constraint in livestock production. The deficiency in nutrient supply has been estimated as 40.57 % in dry matter, 52.95 % in crude protein and 38.75 % in TDN, which will grow further due to increase in livestock population and diminishing trend in feed supply. The area occupied by fodder crops (6.84 %) supplies only 6.8 % of the feed resources of the province. Development in fodder and forages could be achieved through development in fodder research. Although Cowpea (Vigna ungiculata (L) Walp) is a minor component of sustainable agriculture, grown for its mature seeds, immature fruits and leaves and as feed for livestock, yet its potential as a quality fodder has not been explored. The present study aimed to characterize and determine the fodder production potential of local cowpea germplasm, while evaluating seventeen cowpea genotypes for forage production in potwar rainfed area. Bhatti et al. (1983) reported 27.25 t ha -1 fresh fodder and 5.7 t ha -1 DM for the top ranking genotype with the highest number of branches and leaves. Similarly Jatasra, (1983) testing twenty cowpea cultivars in semi arid tract of Havyana, India reported 5 t ha -1 fresh fodder and 1 t DM ha -1 for the two top varieties. Khan and Stoffella evaluated nine cultivars of cowpea in 1985 and ten in 1989 in Florida and Oklahoma, USA. Forage yields were high in Florida due to high nitrogen fertilization and seed yield and size was higher in Oklahoma. Generally 50 % of the seed came from main stem and 50 % form the branches with variable proportion in cultivars

    Videographical Analysis of Short Service in Badminton

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the kinematic variables (shuttle velocity and racket angle) and segmental variables. For the purpose of the study eight male intervarsity badminton players were selected as the subjects. The mean age, height and body weight of the subjects were reported as 18.8± 0.9 years, 174.8± 3.5 cm & 66.9 ± 4.5 kg respectively. Canon Legria HF S10 Camcorder operating at 60 Hz used to record the movement. The identified clips were analyzed with the help of Silicon Coach Pro7 motion analysis software. The result of study revealed that there is significant difference existed between forehand short service and backhand short service at racket angle and shoulder angle. Whereas there was negative relationship exists between shoulder angle and shuttle velocity

    Prevalence of drug resistance associated mutations in plasmodium vivax against sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in southern Pakistan

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    Background: In Pakistan, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum co-exist and usage of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) against P. falciparum exposes P. vivax to the drug leading to generation of resistant alleles. The main aim of this study was to investigate frequency distribution of drug resistance associated mutations in pvdhfr, pvdhps genes and provide baseline molecular epidemiological data on SP-associated resistance in P. vivax from southern Pakistan.Methods: From January 2008 to May 2009, a total of 150 samples were collected from patients tested slide-positive for P. vivax, at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, or its collection units located in Baluchistan and Sindh Province. Nested PCR using pvdhfr and pvdhps specific primers was performed for all samples.91.3% (137/150) of the samples were tested PCR positive of which 87.3% (131/137) were successfully sequenced. Sample sequencing data was analysed and compared against wild type reference sequences.Results: In dhfr, mutations were observed at codons F57L, S58R and S117N/T. Novel non-synonymous mutations were observed at codon positions N50I, G114R and E119K while a synonymous mutation was observed at codon position 69Y. In dhps, mutations were observed at codon position A383G and A553G while novel non-synonymous mutations were observed at codon positions S373T, E380K, P384L, N389T, V392D, T393P, D459A, M601I, A651D and A661V.Conclusion: This is the first report from southern Pakistan on SP resistance in clinical isolates of P. vivax. Results from this study confirm that diverse drug resistant alleles are circulating within this region

    Spectrum of complications and mortality of bacterial meningitis: an experience from a developing country

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to obtain data on predisposing factors, causative organisms and their associated mortality and complications related to acute bacterial meningitis. Methods: The chart review of all patients in whom acute bacterial meningitis was diagnosed at The Aga Khan University Hospital from January 1995 through December 2001. Results: One hundred ninety-four patients were included in study. There were 146 males and 48 females. The mean age of our study population was 41±12.3 years. One hundred and ninety (97.9%) patients had community acquired meningitis; only 4 (2.0%) patients developed meningitis nosocomially. The two most common predisposing factors were diabetes mellitus (13.9%) and otitis media (7.7%) among all 194 patients. A significant proportion of patients with complications had diabetes mellitus (24.6%, p Conclusion: Bacterial Meningitis remains a serious disease associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Most cases are community acquired with S. Pneumoniae being the most common pathogen. Old age, diabetes mellitus, a positive culture, seizures as a complication and late stage in the disease are the important predictors of a poor outcome (JPMA 53:580;2003)

    Analysis of Arm Movement in Badminton of ForehandLong and Short Service

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    The Badminton, in respect to shuttle velocity, is one of the fastest racket sports along with Long Tennis. The ability to respond quickly and effectively to a constant changing environment is a key factor to successful performance in addition service plays a vital role in winning a point. Thus, the study was proposed to analyse arm movements of six male university players of long and short services. The data was collected during competition situation. The biomechanical variables and segmental variables of upper extremities were- shuttle velocity, shuttle height at contact, shuttle attaining maximum height, shuttle angle, wrist angle, elbow angle and shoulder angle. The mean age, body height and body weight were reported as (20.83±1.72) years, (167.13±7.06) cm and (59.00±3.68) kg respectively. Canon Legria HF S10 Comcorders operating at 60 Hz was used to record the movement. The identified clips were analyzed with the help of Silicon Coach Pro7's motion analysis software. The result of study revealed that there were significant differences between forehand long and short serve in elbow angle, shuttle height at contact and shuttle attaining maximum height at 0.05 level of significance

    Entamoeba species associated with chronic diarrhoea in Pakistan

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    We determined the prevalence of Entamoeba (E.) histolytica, E. dispar and E. moshkovskii in patients with chronic diarrhoea associated with abdominal pain or discomfort mimicking irritable bowel syndrome. Stool samples were collected from 161 patients with chronic diarrhoea and from 157 healthy controls. Stool microscopy with modified trichrome stain, culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Entamoeba spp. differentiation was performed. Microscopy demonstrated Entamoeba cysts in 44% (57/129) of patients with diarrhoea compared to 29% (44/151) of controls (P=0·009). In patients with diarrhoea, PCR for E. histolytica was positive in 9% (11/129) (P=0·008), E. dispar in 19% (24/129) (P=0·117) and E. moshkovskii in 19% (24/129) (P\u3c0·001). E. histolytica and E. moshkovskii were significantly associated with diarrhoea while E. dispar was found equally in both groups

    Mechanical and thermal properties of natural fibre based hybrid composites: a review

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    Environmental issues have motivated researchers to replace synthetic fibres with natural fibres in the fabrication of polymer composites. However, natural fibres demonstrate weak mechanical or thermal properties which limit their different applications. Researchers have suggested fabrication of hybrid composites in order to improve the mechanical and thermal properties of natural fibre-based composites. Hybrid composites are made up by two or more fibres in one matrix or two polymer blends and with one natural fibre reinforcement. By hybridising one natural fibre with another natural fibre/synthetic fibre in one matrix, the resulting composite is a unique product (hybrid composites) that displays better mechanical and thermal properties in comparison with individual fibre-reinforced polymer composites. The advantages of developing hybrid composites are that they are more reliable for different applications and more environmental friendly. In this review paper, we present some recently published works related to mechanical and thermal properties of natural/natural fibres, and natural/synthetic fibre-based hybrid composites. Hybrid composites are one of the emerging fields in material science which has attracted attention for their different engineering applications