6 research outputs found

    Antibiotic persistence of intracellular Brucella abortus

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    Human brucellosis caused by the facultative intracellular pathogen Brucella spp. is an endemic bacterial zoonosis manifesting as acute or chronic infections with high morbidity. Treatment typically involves a combination therapy of two antibiotics for several weeks to months, but despite this harsh treatment relapses occur at a rate of 5-15%. Although poor compliance and reinfection may account for a fraction of the observed relapse cases, it is apparent that the properties of the infectious agent itself may play a decisive role in this phenomenon.; We used B. abortus carrying a dual reporter in a macrophage infection model to gain a better understanding of the efficacy of recommended therapies in cellulo. For this we used automated fluorescent microscopy as a prime read-out and developed specific CellProfiler pipelines to score infected macrophages at the population and the single cell level. Combining microscopy of constitutive and induced reporters with classical CFU determination, we quantified the protective nature of the Brucella intracellular lifestyle to various antibiotics and the ability of B. abortus to persist in cellulo despite harsh antibiotic treatments.; We demonstrate that treatment of infected macrophages with antibiotics at recommended concentrations fails to fully prevent growth and persistence of B. abortus in cellulo, which may be explained by a protective nature of the intracellular niche(s). Moreover, we show the presence of bona fide intracellular persisters upon antibiotic treatment, which are metabolically active and retain the full infectious potential, therefore constituting a plausible reservoir for reinfection and relapse. In conclusion, our results highlight the need to extend the spectrum of models to test new antimicrobial therapies for brucellosis to better reflect the in vivo infection environment, and to develop therapeutic approaches targeting the persister subpopulation

    The peritonsillar abscess and its management – is incision and drainage only a makeshift to the tonsillectomy or a permanent solution?

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    IntroductionThis study aims to examine the long-term management of peritonsillar abscess and compare needle aspiration, incision with drainage, and tonsillectomy in terms of comorbidities, complication rates, and recurrences in the largest study cohort published to date.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective analysis of patients, both adults and children, who were treated for peritonsillar abscess between 2007 and 2019. Patient charts were analyzed to assess surgical treatment, infection and inflammation rates, risk of bleeding, recurrence rates, duration of illness, and sick certificates. Additionally, patient imaging and blood levels were compared. Postal questionnaires were sent to all patients to evaluate subjective success rates, complications, and long-term benefits of the different treatment regimens. General practitioners and ENT doctors in private practices were contacted to gather missing data on the long-term course of the disease.ResultsA total of 821 patients with peritonsillar abscess were included in this study. Two patients had to be excluded due to incidental pathological findings. Of the remaining 819 patients, 180 were successfully treated with needle aspiration or incision. Among these patients, 37.7% required tonsillectomy during the same inpatient stay. Laboratory parameters such as leukocyte count or C-reactive protein levels were not indicative of the need for tonsillectomy. Furthermore, computed tomography was only necessary in cases of suspected parapharyngeal abscess, not in clear cases of peritonsillar abscess. Among the 641 patients who underwent tonsillectomy, 11.4% experienced postoperative bleeding requiring treatment. Only patients who underwent bilateral tonsillectomy reported recurrent episodes of sore throat and pharyngitis resulting in absence from work. The ipsilateral recurrence rate for peritonsillar abscess after needle aspiration or incision was 2.8%. There were no contralateral recurrences during the observation period.ConclusionDue to the lower risk of postoperative bleeding, shorter absence from work, and shorter inpatient stay, incision and drainage are the preferable treatment for peritonsillar abscess. Additionally, patients who underwent bilateral tonsillectomy reported higher rates of work incapacity due to sore throat caused by pharyngitis. No patient met the clear indication for bilateral tonsillectomy due to recurrent acute tonsillitis. The recurrence rate after drainage without tonsillectomy was very low (2.8% ipsilaterally, no recurrence contralaterally)

    A Role for the VPS Retromer in Brucella Intracellular Replication Revealed by Genomewide siRNA Screening

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    Brucella, the agent causing brucellosis, is a major zoonotic pathogen with worldwide distribution. Brucella resides and replicates inside infected host cells in membrane-bound compartments called Brucella- containing vacuoles (BCVs). Following uptake, Brucella resides in endosomal BCVs (eBCVs) that gradually mature from early to late endosomal features. Through a poorly understood process that is key to the intracellular lifestyle of Brucella, the eBCV escapes fusion with lysosomes by transitioning to the replicative BCV (rBCV), a replicative niche directly connected to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Despite the notion that this complex intracellular lifestyle must depend on a multitude of host factors, a holistic view on which of these components control Brucella cell entry, trafficking, and replication is still missing. Here we used a systematic cell-based small interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown screen in HeLa cells infected with Brucella abortus and identified 425 components of the human infectome for Brucella infection. These include multiple components of pathways involved in central processes such as the cell cycle, actin cytoskeleton dynamics, or vesicular trafficking. Using assays for pathogen entry, knockdown complementation, and colocalization at single-cell resolution, we identified the requirement of the VPS retromer for Brucella to escape the lysosomal degradative pathway and to establish its intracellular replicative niche. We thus validated the VPS retromer as a novel host factor critical for Brucella intracellular trafficking. Further, our genomewide data shed light on the interplay between central host processes and the biogenesis of the Brucella replicative niche.; IMPORTANCE; With >300,000 new cases of human brucellosis annually, Brucella is regarded as one of the most important zoonotic bacterial pathogens worldwide. The agent causing brucellosis resides inside host cells within vacuoles termed Brucella- containing vacuoles (BCVs). Although a few host components required to escape the degradative lysosomal pathway and to establish the ER-derived replicative BCV (rBCV) have already been identified, the global understanding of this highly coordinated process is still partial, and many factors remain unknown. To gain deeper insight into these fundamental questions, we performed a genomewide RNA interference (RNAi) screen aiming at discovering novel host factors involved in the Brucella intracellular cycle. We identified 425 host proteins that contribute to Brucella cellular entry, intracellular trafficking, and replication. Together, this study sheds light on previously unknown host pathways required for the Brucella infection cycle and highlights the VPS retromer components as critical factors for the establishment of the Brucella intracellular replicative niche

    Virulence-associated protein A from Rhodococcus equi is an intercompartmental pH-neutralising virulence factor

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    Professional phagocytic cells such as macrophages are a central part of innate immune defence. They ingest microorganisms into membrane-bound compartments (phagosomes), which acidify and eventually fuse with lysosomes, exposing their contents to a microbicidal environment. Gram-positive Rhodococcus equi can cause pneumonia in young foals and in immunocompromised humans. The possession of a virulence plasmid allows them to subvert host defence mechanisms and to multiply in macrophages. Here, we show that the plasmid-encoded and secreted virulence-associated protein A (VapA) participates in exclusion of the proton-pumping vacuolar-ATPase complex from phagosomes and causes membrane permeabilisation, thus contributing to a pH-neutral phagosome lumen. Using fluorescence and electron microscopy, we show that VapA is also transferred from phagosomes to lysosomes where it permeabilises the limiting membranes for small ions such as protons. This permeabilisation process is different from that of known membrane pore formers as revealed by experiments with artificial lipid bilayers. We demonstrate that, at 24 hr of infection, virulent R. equi is contained in a vacuole, which is enriched in lysosome material, yet possesses a pH of 7.2 whereas phagosomes containing a vapA deletion mutant have a pH of 5.8 and those with virulence plasmid-less sister strains have a pH of 5.2. Experimentally neutralising the macrophage endocytic system allows avirulent R. equi to multiply. This observation is mirrored in the fact that virulent and avirulent R. equi multiply well in extracts of purified lysosomes at pH 7.2 but not at pH 5.1. Together these data indicate that the major function of VapA is to generate a pH-neutral and hence growth-promoting intracellular niche. VapA represents a new type of Gram-positive virulence factor by trafficking from one subcellular compartment to another, affecting membrane permeability, excluding proton-pumping ATPase, and consequently disarming host defences

    Unconventional anxiety pharmacology in zebrafish: Drugs beyond traditional anxiogenic and anxiolytic spectra

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