274 research outputs found

    An ethical problem in troubled times: Ethical decision making by local managers employing immigrant workforce in Gaziantep, Turkey

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    This paper aims to understand the ethical decision-making process of local managers of medium-sized companies in Gaziantep, a highly industrialized metropolis in Turkey, near the Syrian border, where there has been an influx of Syrian refugees. Intensive interviews were conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire allowing participants to state their views and tell their stories. The findings revealed that the managers of the companies had difficulty making ethical decisions about how to treat the Syrian immigrants, especially during the initial phase of the crisis, and they took wrong steps when they faced with both economic and social conflicts. Thus, they faced some serious ethical challenges.WOS:00057149930001

    Fonksiyonel Kademelendirilmiş Plakalar ile Desteklenmiş Bal Peteği Sandviç Yapıların Düşük Hızlı Darbe Davranışlarının İncelenme

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2015Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2015Sandviç yapılar, sahip oldukları yüksek performans özelliklerinin farklı malzeme kombinasyonları ile elde edildiği kompozit malzeme alanının özel bir uygulamasıdır. Konvansiyonel malzemelere göre sahip oldukları birçok üstün özellikleri ile oldukça geniş bir uygulama alanına (havacılık ve uzay, otomotiv, savunma, vs.) sahiptirler. Sandviç yapı elemanları, uygulama alanına yönelik istenilen özelliklere sahip olması açısından farklı yüzey plakaları ve çekirdek malzemelerinden oluşabilir. Sandviç yapılar, kullanım alanlarına bağlı olarak darbeli yüklemelere maruz kalabildikleri için düşük hızlı darbe cevabının belirlenmesi oldukça önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Fonksiyonel kademelendirilmiş plakalar ile desteklenmiş bal peteği sandviç yapıların düşük hızlı darbe yükleri altındaki deformasyonları ve enerji sönümleme kabiliyetleri LS-DYNA® sonlu elemanlar programı kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Sandviç yapı, Al/SiC fonksiyonel kademelendirilmiş kompozit yüzey plakaları ve Al 3003-H19 alaşımı bal peteğinden oluşmaktadır. Sandviç yapının darbe cevabı, fonksiyonel kademelendirilmiş destek plakalarının farklı malzeme kompozisyonu, vurucu kütlesinin sabit olduğu farklı çarpma enerjileri ve bal peteği çekirdek malzemesinin farklı hücre duvar kalınlıkları için incelenmiştir.Sandwich structures are specific applications of the composite materials whose high performance properties are obtained by different material combinations. They have quite extensive usage areas (aeronautics and aerospace, automotive, defense, etc.) with their several high quality properties compared with the conventional materials. Sandwich structures can be consisted of different facesheets and core materials in order to have required properties for the application areas. The determination of the low-velocity impact response of the sandwich structures has an important role by reason of their working areas with impulsive loadings. The deformations and energy absorption capability of the honeycomb sandwich structures reinforced by the functionally graded plates under low-velocity impact loads were investigated using explicit finite element software, LS-DYNA®. The sandwich structure was consisted of Al/SiC FG facesheets and Al 3003-H19 aluminum honeycomb core. The impact response of the sandwich structure was investigated in terms of different material compositions of the FG plates, impact energies and cell wall thickness of the honeycomb core

    Steel scrap added roller compacted concrete

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the benefits of using steel slag as an additive in Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) which is a promising material can be used in streets, local roads, residential streets, high-volume roads, industrial access roads, airports...etc. The mechanical performances of steel scrap added reinforced cementitious composites produced with an industrial punch scrap. In specimen mixtures two types of scraps with diameters of 5 mm and 7 mm were used. The additive was mixed with 1%, 1.5% and 2% ratios by weight. Due to the results of the study, it was obtained that flexural strength properties of the specimens have increased up to 11%. In addition, freeze thaw effect of the specimens was investigated and found that 2% percent of scrap usage was given the best results

    Wachstum von dünnen Metall-organischen Gerüstverbindungen auf funktionalisierten Goldoberflächen

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, die Präparation von Metall-organische Gerüstverbindungen (MOF)-Filmen auf Oberflächen und als freistehende monolithische Membrane darzustellen, sowie deren Anwendung. Dazu wurden SURMOFs mit Hilfe LPE-Methode auf Oberflächen aufgebaut. Das Wachstum des SURMOFs wurde durch Entwicklung des Sprühprozesses beschleunigt. Zum anderen war das Ziel die Herstellung von 2D und 3D SURMOFs auf Oberflächen. Des Weiteren sollten PSM an den SURMOFs durchgeführt werden

    Investigation of factors predicting job satisfaction of school counsellors in Turkey

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    Job satisfaction can be defined as individuals' perceptions of satisfaction towards their profession. This concept is also considered to be important for the school counselling profession because school counsellors’ high level of job satisfaction is assumed to have positive effects not only on them but also on their students and accordingly on the education system. Therefore, it is thought that it is important to examine the factors that predict job satisfaction of school counsellors. For this purpose, this study was conducted on 194 (female=145 and male=49) school counsellors in Turkey. As a result of the research, it was determined that there was a significant positive relationship between school counsellors’ job satisfaction and professional self-esteem. In addition, job satisfaction of school counsellors working in the private sector was found to be higher than those working in the public sector. It was found that job satisfaction of school counsellors did not differ significantly according to gender, age and school level variables

    Effects of the phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor tadalafil on nociception, morphine analgesia and tolerance in rats

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    Aim: Tadalafil is a potent, selective and reversible inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) enzyme breakdowning cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of tadalafil on nociception, morphine analgesia and tolerance. Methods: In this study, 54 Wistar Albino (230-250 g) male rats were used. First of all, four different doses (2, 4, 8, 16 mg/kg) were used to determine the optimum effective dose of tadalafil on nociception. Optimum activity was found at 8 mg/kg and animals were divided into six groups: Saline (S), 8mg/kg tadalafil, 5mg/kg morphine (M), M+ tadalafil, morphine tolerance (MT) and MT+ tadalafil. Saline was given to the control group, tadalafil intraperitoneally and morphine subcutaneously administered at the indicated doses. To develop tolerance to morphine, 10mg/kg morphine was injected daily in the morning and evening for five days and tolerance was evaluated with single dose of morphine on sixth days. The resulting analgesic effect was measured with hot plate and tail flick analgesia tests and recorded at 30th, 60th, 90th and 120th minutes. Results: Tadalafil showed anti-nociceptive effect when given alone at different doses (p<0.05). However, tadalafil significantly decreased the analgesic effect of morphine (p<0.05). In addition, tadalafil significantly increased the tolerance to morphine (p<0.05). Conclusions: The phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor tadalafil have anti-nociceptive properties and it decreases analgesic effect of morphine, in addition improves tolerance development. These effects probably may occur via NO/cGMP pathway. &nbsp

    Investigation of Architect and Non-Architect Participants’ Perceptual Evaluations on Different Period Mosque Facades

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    In architecture, perception based studies about building facades have become more popular. In recent studies, mostly residential buildings and business center type of buildings had been selected as target buildings. The lack of study of the perception of the facades of religious structures has created the basic motivation for this work. In the current study, the facade features of (Seljuk period, Ottoman period and Republic period) some important mosques from different periods were evaluated according to the adjective pairs of complexity, preference and impressiveness variables. Also, whether or not the general views of the mosques represent Islamic religion and their level of arousing curiosity were questioned. For this purpose, in the study, a total of 16 mosques were used. The results obtained from the participants as architect and non-architect are given. It is seen that the participant architects show a statistically more negative approach compared to those who are non-architects in the perceptual evaluations of the facades of the mosques for complexity variable. On the other hand, there was no statistically significant difference between the participants' evaluations of preference and impressiveness variables (at p <0.05 level)

    Micromorphological, anatomical and cytogenetical studies in endemic Crepis macropus Boiss. & Heldr. (Asteraceae) from Turkey

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    In the present study, the micromorphological structure of achene, pappus and style using scanning electron microscope (SEM), stomatal characteristics, anatomy of stem and achene together with chromosome number and nuclear DNA content of the Turkish endemic Crepis macropus Boiss. & Heldr. are provided in order to expand knowledge of its taxonomy. The SEM studies in this species show that dense spiny cells are found on the achene surface, the pappus bristle has 3–5 spikes and the style possesses slender papillae. The stem structure is composed of epidermis, collenchyma, parenchymatous cortex and pith. The species has anomocytic stomata in both the upper and the lower surface of the leaves. The pericarp of the achene is mainly composed of several layers of sclerenchymatous cells. In this species, the chromosome number is 2n = 2x = 8, karyotype consists of two submetacentric and six subtelocentric chromosomes and nuclear DNA content (2Cvalue) is 12.96 pg. These data are presented here for the first time and their taxonomic values are discussed