25 research outputs found

    Assessing Asian Exchange Rates Coordination under Regional Currency Basket System

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    In this paper, I examine the extent to which the Asian exchange rates are coordinated around a synthetic Asian Currency Unit (ACU) defined as a basket of the Asian currencies. Using a VAR model, the results provide some evidence of stabilization among the Asian exchange rates around the ACU. Although the US dollar remains the dominant anchor within the region, these countries have allowed for more exchange rate flexibility against the US dollar since 2006, with the aim to adopt a basket peg where the Asian currencies have gained an increasing role. The empirical results also suggest that the official adoption of an undisclosed currency basket by Chinese authorities in July 2005 has been an important factor in the decision of Asian countries to shift toward a de facto currency basket system

    Financial spillovers from the US financial markets to the emerging markets during the subprime crisis: the example of Indian equity markets

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    This paper provides evidence of spillover effects from the Indian to the US financial markets. We use VAR and Kalman filter analysis to assess the influence of financial stress indicators like the LIBOR-OIS, CDS, the S&P 500 volatility and the exchange rate of the rupee against the Dollar on two indicators of financial stress in India, namely the illiquidity of stock indices and their volatility. We conduct an analysis bases on both daily and monthly frequency and use a database that consists of both aggregate and disaggregated indexes. Our results points to a signification contagion effect after the period following the Lehman Brothers collapse.Subprime crisis, Emerging Markets, VAR analysis, financial stress

    Business Cycles Synchronization in East Asia: A Markov-Switching Approach

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    This paper attempts to analyze the relationships between the ASEAN-5 countries' business cycles. We examine the nature of business cycles correlation trying to disentangle between regional spillover effects (expansion and recession phases among the ASEAN-5 are correlated) and global spillovers where the business cycles of other countries (China, Japan and the US) play an important role in synchronizing the activity within the ASEAN-5. We employ a time-varying transition probability Markov switching framework in order to allow the degree of synchronization to fluctuate over time and across the phases of the business cycles. We provide evidence that the signals contained in some leading business cycles can impact the ASEAN-5 countries' individual business cycles

    How do the Renminbi and other East Asian currencies co-move?

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    This paper investigates the degree and the nature of exchange rate co-movements between the Renminbi and a set of seven East Asian currencies by estimating Markov switching models with regime-dependent correlations and time-varying transition probabilities. These models have several advantages. First, exchange rate co-movements can vary across different depreciation and appreciation regimes. Second, the Renminbi can act as a transition variable that provides information regarding how the exchange rates evolve over time. After controlling for global effects and exchange market pressures, the results yield robust evidence of the Renminbi's rising role in East Asia as a significant factor in currency fluctuations. A key result is that regional currencies tend to overreact when the Renminbi depreciates and underreact when it appreciates, suggesting that East Asian economies are not willing to allow their currencies to substantially appreciate against the Chinese currency. Finally, trade transactions and competition as well as financial flows demonstrate significant explanatory power regarding currency movements against the Renminbi -- particularly during episodes of smaller exchange rate fluctuations

    Analyzing Financial Integration in East Asia through Fractional Cointegration in Volatilities

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    Two integrated financial markets are generally subjected to common shocks revealing that commonalities in fundamentals drive the underlying return processes. In such a case, volatilities should share a long-run component although their transitory components might temporary diverge. Accordingly, we investigate financial integration in East Asian by analyzing the co-persistent nature of their integrated volatilities. Using recent fractional cointegration techniques, we find that volatilities of several markets converge in long-run to a common stochastic equilibrium. Our results reveal that a global integration process drives the most developed markets of the region, while no evidence of co-persistence appears between emerging markets

    Quatre essais sur l'intégration monétaire et financière en Asie

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    Dans cette thèse, nous proposons quatre contributions originales à l'étude de l'intégration monétaire et financière des pays asiatiques.Dans le premier chapitre nous déterminons la sensibilité relative des devises asiatiques (ASEAN-5, Corée du Sud) face aux chocs simulés sur le dollar, l'euro et l'ACU. Nous mettons en évidence la volonté de ces pays de se détourner d'une politique de change exclusivement centrée sur le dollar vers une politique plus flexible, où le poids de l'ACU semble avoir gagné en importance.Le deuxième chapitre met l'accent sur la synchronisation entre les cycles des affaires de l'ASEAN-5. Nous montrons que la corrélation entre les cycles est plus forte durant les phases de contraction mais que la dynamique d'ajustement est propre à chaque pays. Par ailleurs, certains cycles des affaires de l'ASEAN-5 contiennent des informations pertinentes pour prédire les changements de régime des autres pays.Le troisième chapitre examine le co-mouvement entre les taux de change réels de l'ASEAN-5 du point de vue de la parité de pouvoir d'achat généralisé (Enders and Hurns, 1994, 1997). Nous montrons que les taux de change réels sont liés par un processus à mémoire longue, ce qui soutient l'idée d'une intégration monétaire plus poussée entre différents sous-groupes de pays. Enfin dans le dernier chapitre, nous examinons le degré d'intégration des marchés boursiers en Asie (ASEAN-5, Hong Kong, Japon). Nos résultats montrent que la volatilité des marchés boursiers internationaux partagent une tendance stochastique commune. En revanche, les marchés boursiers des pays émergents apparaissent encore segmentés tant au niveau global que régional.This thesis proposes four contributions to the study of Asian monetary and financial integration.The first chapter examines to what extent the East Asian exchange rates (ASEAN-5, South Korea) are sensitive to shocks simulated on the US dollar, the euro and the ACU. We show that these countries have moved from a US dollar-based pegging system to a more flexible exchange rate policy, where the weight of the ACU has increased over the last years. The second chapter attempts to analyze the correlation among the ASEAN-5 business cycles. Estimates reveal that correlations are higher during downturns but the process of adjustment to shocks displays idiosyncratic features. We also provide evidence that the signals contained in some leading ASEAN-5 business cycles help predict regime switching in other countries. The third chapter examines the co-movement among the ASEAN-5 real exchange rates through the generalized purchasing power parity (Enders and Hurns, 1994, 1997). We find that real exchange rates are tied through a long memory process, supporting further monetary integration among different sub-groups of the ASEAN-5.In the last chapter, we investigate to what extent the stock markets in Asia (Hong Kong, Japan, ASEAN-5) are integrated. Our results reveal that the stock market volatilities in developed countries share a common stochastic trend. Conversely, emerging markets appear to be segmented from both each other and global markets

    Exchange rate coordination in Asia under regional currency basket systems

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    ACL-3International audienceIn this paper, I examine to what extent Asian exchange rates are coordinated around a synthetic Asian Currency Unit (ACU) defined as a basket of Asian currencies. Using a VAR model, the results provide some evidence of stabilization among Asian exchange rates around the ACU. Although the US dollar remains the dominant anchor within the region, these countries have allowed for more exchange rate flexibility against the US dollar since 2006, with the aim to adopt a basket peg in which Asian currencies have gained an increasing role. The empirical results also suggest that the official adoption of an undisclosed currency basket by the Chinese authorities in July 2005 has been an important factor in the decision of Asian countries to shift toward a de facto currency basket system

    South East Asian Monetary Integration: New Evidences from Fractional Cointegration of Real Exchange Rates

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    We study the long-run relationship of real exchanges rates (RERs) among the ASEAN-5 countries by testing the theory of Generalized Purchasing Power Parity (G-PPP) from the new perspective of fractional cointegration. The long-run co-movements of the RERs are examined by applying a recent estimator of fractional cointegration that consists of a frequency Whittle approximation of the cointegrating system's likelihood function. The contribution of the fractional cointegration study is justified by identifying several weak fractional cointegration relationships that signal that deviations of RERs from their long-run equilibrium are highly persistent. These findings contrast with all previous studies that restrict their investigation to the traditional I(1)/I(0) cointegration. Our results support further monetary integration among different sub-groups of the ASEAN-5 countries as they share long-run comovements with each others. However, a full-fledged monetary union embracing all ASEAN-5 members is still limited from the perspective of the G-PPP theory

    On the risk dependence between crude oil market and U.S. dollar exchange rates

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