206 research outputs found

    Addressing Regional Inequality Issues in Bangladesh Public Expenditure

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    Traditionally development effort of Bangladesh government have aimed at achieving equitable economic growth. The concept is an overriding factor in formulating national policy strategies of poverty alleviation. In this context, the objectives of poverty alleviation are mostly designed with social development factors, particularly improvements in health and education indicators. One of the most important policy documents Unlocking the potential : National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction (the PRSP paper which was extended till June 2008), and other government documents embody such with great importance (Medium Term Budget Framework 2007- 2010 documents on website of the Ministry of Finance. Since returning to democracy in 1991, Bangladeshs economy has achieved a steady growth rate with concomitant fall of poverty incidences at an accelerated pace. In fact, the country experienced more than 10 percentage point fall in poverty rate between 2000 and 2005 (Table 1), which is indeed a commendable achievement aligned to other better performances that Bangladesh has been experiencing for the last three decades since independence. One feature of this development is, however, less assuring. Regional analysis of poverty incidences shows that reduction rate is not equal across the country, rather the situation is worsening in some cases. Such picture reflects an unequal progress in overall economic activity throughout the country.Bangladesh, Regional Inequality, public expenditure, Poverty Alleviation

    Post harvest crop processing machine

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     Chaff is hay cut into small pieces for feeding to livestock.  Chaff can be carried by manually operated machine and electricity operated machine.  This paper presents experimental work executed for establishing mathematical model and simulation for chaff cutting operation establishment of mathematical model and its optimization.  Has been established for responses of the system such as instantaneous resistive torque (πD1), number of cuts (πD2) and process time (πD3).  Model for dependent term instantaneous resistive torque: πD1.  The models are:  Tc = 1.645×103 (π1)3.8074 (π2)0.5141 (π3)-0.4521 (π4)1.686 (π5)2.3237 (π6)0.8162 (π7)-0.4189 (π8)-0.3840.  Model for dependent term number of cut (C) πD2: πD2= 0.6449 (π1) 0.0001 (π2)-0.0146   (π3)0.3471 (π4) 1.0151 (π5)0.2781 (π6)0.1233 (π7)0.9701 (π8)0.4773.  Model for the dependent term process time, πD3: πD3 = 43.43 (π1)0.0001 (π2) 0.1753 (π3) 0.0012 (π4) 0.0001 (π5) 0.0505 (π6) 0.2508 (π7)1.0008 (π8) 0.0004.  This paper discusses about the applications for pedal power technology. Keywords: manually energized flywheel motor, spiral jaw clutch, fodder &nbsp

    Advertising Styles’ Impact on Attention in Pakistan

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    The topic was selected after giving consideration to the modern environment and the use of media by advertisers for attention purposes of their products. It was also observed that the number of channels especially in the electronic media have also geometrically increased over the last two decades. It is now becoming difficult for advertisers to get the attention of their products in the minds of their viewers. The methodology used in the research was focus group and ads of different products were shown to them which included humorous and serious appeals. As the literature review revealed that these two types of appeals have significant difference when measuring attention between humorous and serious advertisements. At the end of the research it was established that there is a significant difference between the attention of humorous and serious appeals. Initially the idea was taken form a research conducted in Sweden. Same parameters were analyzed in Pakistan. We concluded that the reaction of two different societies have almost the same response for humorous and serious advertising appeals.Humorous Appeals, Serious Appeals, Attention

    Business Competitiveness Environment In Bangladesh (2005) - Domestic Perceptions And Global Comparison

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    Although it is true that a liberal trade and investment policy is essential for attracting higher level of private investment, it is not a sufficient factor. Many developing countries (DCs) and least developed countries (LDCs) which have opened up their economies to a large extent and have in general put in place market friendly policies, but did not succeed in their bid to have significant foreign investment flow. The reason why broad macroeconomic policies, even when these appear to be liberal, do not get translated into favourable micro decisions by entrepreneurs is something that needs to be closely looked into. Policymakers in DCs and LDCs do not give as much attention to these missing links as they generally tend to give to putting the macro-framework right. Major objectives of this paper are to assess the competitiveness environment in Bangladesh by identifying the key bottlenecks and impediments which constrain proper functioning of the business sector, and also to come up with a set of policy recommendations to help policymakers and stakeholders prioritise the areas for improving economic governance in the country through focused initiative. The paper also attempts to situate Bangladesh in terms of growth and business competitiveness performance in the context of other countries, globally, for the year 2005 as compared to 2004.Bangladesh, Business Competetiveness

    Synthesis and characterization of aggregated nano-cobalt particles by bottom up approach

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    This paper reports a novel process for the synthesis of nano-sized cobalt particles by a bottom-up approach. Cobalt chloride has been reduced using hydrazine as the precursor, in a basic medium maintained at 700C. Other factors studied in this research were the combined effect of using an anionic surfactant – sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and a cationic polymer-polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in the formation of nano-sized agglomerated Co particles. Further particle size reduction (less than 5nm) was achieved by using this combination of SDS with PVP. These nano-aggregated cobalt particles were characterized by using high resolution electron microscopes HRSEM/HRTEM with EDX facilities. On the basis of electron microscopic observations a model is postulated: in the absence of SDS/PVP the cobalt atoms get aggregated and form a natural oxide layer around them, with time further aggregation occur they meet up with more Co particles. When both SDS and PVP are present, PVP is able to form a polymeric coating around the aggregated cobalt particles already oxidized and stops further agglomeration. The PVP-polymeric layer is able to hinder the formation of further agglomeration of Co atoms hence a dramatic reduction in the particle sizes are obtained. Keywords: Bottom-up, SDS/PVP, Co particles, 5n

    Professionalism in Sports Administration: a Literature Review

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    Purpose: The professionalism in sports administration and management is one of the most important areas that relate to all aspects of the nature and life of individuals as it is considered a successful method in setting the objectives of individuals in a scientific way. Professionalization of sport has a prominent and enduring history in the field of sports management.   Theoretical Framework: The study adopts the theory of professionalism in sports administration as the theoretical framework of the study.   Design/Methodology/Approach: This study has systematically reviewed the notion of professionalism in the studies related to sports administration. The choice of research paradigms, methods, interests, perspective, and operational definitions have been reviewed from the past literature. Furthermore, this study has attempted to identify potential research gaps and future avenues of inquiry within the port management discipline.   Findings: The findings reveal that current success is based upon effective and efficient management of the bilateral association of sport management and professionalism. Reflecting on the historical and future drivers of the incident industry.   Research practical Implication: The study implicates that educator’s one may not fully control the professional position of the sport management ‘profession’, but one may perform a significant role.   Originality/Value: The value of the study lies in the fact that a better understanding of professionals is fundamental to ensuring a successful and productive implementation of the concept in any field particular sports management and administration

    Geo-spatial reporting for monitoring of household immunization coverage through mobile phones: Findings from a feasibility study

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    Background: The addition of Global Positioning System (GPS) to a mobile phone makes it a very powerful tool for surveillance and monitoring coverage of health programs. This technology enables transfer of data directly into computer applications and cross-references to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) maps, which enhances assessment of coverage and trends.Objective: Utilization of these systems in low and middle income countries is currently limited, particularly for immunization coverageassessments and polio vaccination campaigns. We piloted the use of this system and discussed its potential to improve the efficiency of field-based health providers and health managers for monitoring of the immunization program.Methods: Using 30×7 WHO sampling technique, a survey of children less than five years of age was conducted in random clusters of Karachi, Pakistan in three high risk towns where a polio case was detected in 2011. Center point of the cluster was calculated by the application on the mobile. Data and location coordinates were collected through a mobile phone. This data was linked with an automated mHealth based monitoring system for monitoring of Supplementary Immunization Activities (SIAs) in Karachi. After each SIA, a visual report was generated according to the coordinates collected from the survey.Result: A total of 3535 participants consented to answer to a baseline survey. We found that the mobile phones incorporated with GIS maps can improve efficiency of health providers through real-time reporting and replacing paper based questionnaire for collection of data at household level. Visual maps generated from the data and geospatial analysis can also give a better assessment of the immunizationcoverage and polio vaccination campaigns.Conclusion: The study supports a model system in resource constrained settings that allows routine capture of individual level data through GPS enabled mobile phone providing actionable information and geospatial maps to local public health managers, policy makers and study staff monitoring immunization coverage

    Prevalence and factors associated with irritable bowel syndrome among medical students of Karachi, Pakistan: A cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and its association with stress, has not been studied among university students in Pakistan. We investigated the prevalence and the pattern of anxiety related IBS symptoms among medical students of Karachi. FINDINGS: An observational case–control study was carried out at three medical colleges of Karachi, Pakistan. Random sampling was done on 360 medical students. Data was collected using validated tools “Rome III Criteria” and “Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire”. Participants with IBS were diagnosed on the criteria having experienced abdominal discomfort at least 2–3 days/month associated with high level of anxiety. The apparent prevalence of IBS was found to be 28.3%, with a predominance of 87 (85.29%) females (85.29%) over males (14.71%). The psychological symptoms of anxiety were encountered in 57 (55.8%) participants with IBS, among which males were 15.7% and females 84.2% respectively. CONCLUSION: Students who more frequently suffer with mental stress and anxiety are more associated with IBS

    Mothers’s education and working status; do they contribute to corrosive poisoning among paediatric patients of Karachi, Pakistan?

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    Objectives: To determine the causative factors behind corrosive poisoning in children like effect of working mothers, their educational status, financial background, family size and number of siblings. Methods: The multi-centre, prospective, case series of all paediatric patients presenting to the Emergency Department of the National Institute of Child Health and the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi from August 2008 to July 2009 is presented. It comprised all paediatric patients with a history of corrosive poisoning at the two hospitals. SPSS 20 was used for statistical analysis. Results: Out of 105 cases, 56(53%) related to the private-sector Aga Khan University Hospital, and 49(47%) to the public-sector National Institute of Child Health. Of the total, 82(78%) were in 1-5 age group; 61 (58%) were males; and 44(42%) were females. While 59 (56.2%) mothers were educated, only 21 (20%) were working. Of the 46 (43.8%) non-educated mothers, 20 (19%) were working. The type of poison was alkali in 81(77%) cases, acid in 23(22%). The corrosive varied from liquid in 80(76%) cases to powder/gel/semi-solid form in 25(24%) exposures. Besides, 65 (61.9%) families had 3 or more siblings, and the age of siblings was less than 10 in 60 (57.14%) cases, In 34 (32.38%) cases, the chemical were kept in the original container, while in 71 (67.61%) cases other commonly used and familiar containers were used to store these chemicals. Kitchen was the most common place with 51 (48.57%) cases. The time of incident was afternoon in 51(48.57%) cases. Majority cases (n=23; 21.9%) occurred in October. Conclusion: There are multiple contributory factors in corrosive exposure among children rather than the mother\u27s working status and her educational background