18 research outputs found

    Evolution from a ferromagnetic to a spin-glass regime in the spinel-type Cu(Cr1-xTix)2S4

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    Successive changes from ferromagnetic, re-entrant mixed, to spin-glass regime have been manifestly found with increasing Ti-composition x in the quaternary spinel-type Cu(Cr1-xTix)2S4 system. The Curie temperature Tc decreases steeply with increasing x and this transition becomes ill-defined around x = 0.47. Two distinct transitions appear below Tc over the range x = 0.40 - 0.47. Coexistence of the ferromagnetism and spin-glass order would be observed below the Gabay and Toulouse transition TGT, owing to freezing of the transverse-spin components without changing of the ferromagnetic order parameter. Finally, at a yet lower temperature de Almeida-Thouless transition TAT, the longitudinal-spin component freezes randomly at which an irreversibility arises between zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) magnetizations. Over the range of 0.47 ≤ x ≤ 0.85, a cusp of the ZFC magnetization is seen at Tg like conventional spin-glass. Specimens with x ≥ 0.90 remain paramagnetic down to 2.0 K. A magnetic phase diagram between T versus x has been obtained experimentally. The values of the multi critical point in 100 Oe is detected to be x = 0.47 and T = 7.40 K. The low field magnetization and the phase diagram are satisfactorily explained by the theory of Gabay and Toulouse on the basis of Heisenberg isotropic vector spin model rather than the Ising spin model

    Differences in Trocar Positioning within the Vertebral Body Using Two Different Positioning Methods: Effect on Trainee Performance

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    Purpose. To evaluate the educational effect of the Japanese Society of Interventional Radiology 7th Academic Summer Seminar from a technical perspective. Materials and Methods. Nineteen trainees participated in the seminar. The seminar consisted of vertebroplasty trainings using swine with the single-plane landmark method and with the ISOcenter Puncture (ISOP) method. All trainees were advised by an instructor as they operated the instruments and punctured the vertebra. For each trainee, the accuracy in the final position of the needle tip of the initial puncture in each swine training was evaluated. Results. Error in the final position of the needle tip of ≥5 mm from the target puncture site occurred in the lateral direction in 42% (8/19) of trainees with the landmark method and 5% (1/19) with the ISOP method. No error ≥5 mm occurred in the vertical or anteroposterior directions. In terms of puncture accuracy, error in the lateral direction was significantly lower with the ISOP method than with the landmark method (2.2 ± 1.5 mm versus 5.6 ± 3.2 mm). Conclusion. This seminar was effective training for trocar placement for beginners. The puncture was more accurate with the ISOP method than with the landmark method

    Deforestation in eastern and central nepal

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    Dated charcoal and humic materials in soil, both of which are evidence of forest fire and vegetation changes, as well as pollen analysis of soil indicate occurrence of past deforestation in the Nepal Himalayas. In Sirubari, central Nepal, human impact such as population growth and cultural change may have accelerated an environmental change during the 14-15th centuries. In Junbesi and Phaplu, the Solu area of eastern Nepal, temporary deforestation caused by hunting and grazing is evident of having started at several thousand years ago. Relatively intense deforestation occurring between the 8th and 12th centuries was due to the migration of people from Tibet, however severe damage was inflicted between the late 10th and first half of the 20th century

    Evolution from a ferromagnetic to a spin-glass regime in the spinel-type Cu(Cr1-xTix)2S4

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    application/pdfSuccessive changes from ferromagnetic, re-entrant mixed, to spin-glass regime have been manifestly found with increasing Ti-composition x in the quaternary spinel-type Cu(Cr1-xTix)2S4 system. The Curie temperature Tc decreases steeply with increasing x and this transition becomes ill-defined around x = 0.47. Two distinct transitions appear below Tc over the range x = 0.40 - 0.47. Coexistence of the ferromagnetism and spin-glass order would be observed below the Gabay and Toulouse transition TGT, owing to freezing of the transverse-spin components without changing of the ferromagnetic order parameter. Finally, at a yet lower temperature de Almeida-Thouless transition TAT, the longitudinal-spin component freezes randomly at which an irreversibility arises between zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) magnetizations. Over the range of 0.47 ≤ x ≤ 0.85, a cusp of the ZFC magnetization is seen at Tg like conventional spin-glass. Specimens with x ≥ 0.90 remain paramagnetic down to 2.0 K. A magnetic phase diagram between T versus x has been obtained experimentally. The values of the multi critical point in 100 Oe is detected to be x = 0.47 and T = 7.40 K. The low field magnetization and the phase diagram are satisfactorily explained by the theory of Gabay and Toulouse on the basis of Heisenberg isotropic vector spin model rather than the Ising spin model

    Does Vertebroplasty Affect Radiation Dose Distribution?: Comparison of Spatial Dose Distributions in a Cement-Injected Vertebra as Calculated by Treatment Planning System and Actual Spatial Dose Distribution

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    Purpose. To assess differences in dose distribution of a vertebral body injected with bone cement as calculated by radiation treatment planning system (RTPS) and actual dose distribution. Methods. We prepared two water-equivalent phantoms with cement, and the other two phantoms without cement. The bulk density of the bone cement was imported into RTPS to reduce error from high CT values. A dose distribution map for the phantoms with and without cement was calculated using RTPS with clinical setting and with the bulk density importing. Actual dose distribution was measured by the film density. Dose distribution as calculated by RTPS was compared to the dose distribution measured by the film dosimetry. Results. For the phantom with cement, dose distribution was distorted for the areas corresponding to inside the cement and on the ventral side of the cement. However, dose distribution based on film dosimetry was undistorted behind the cement and dose increases were seen inside cement and around the cement. With the equivalent phantom with bone cement, differences were seen between dose distribution calculated by RTPS and that measured by the film dosimetry. Conclusion. The dose distribution of an area containing bone cement calculated using RTPS differs from actual dose distribution