422 research outputs found

    English Teachers\u27 Perceptions of Vocabulary Instruction in English Language Learners\u27 Classrooms

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    English language learners (ELLs) from an urban high school in the southeastern United States struggled to achieve reading proficiency on the federally mandated reading assessments. The purpose of this case study was to gain an understanding of ELL teachers\u27 perceptions about how using effective vocabulary pedagogies affected the reading comprehension of high school ELLs. Guided by Vygotsky\u27s theory of development, the research questions of this study addressed ELL teachers\u27 perceptions of vocabulary instruction and its effect on reading comprehension. The purposeful sampling included 5 high school teachers, an administrator, and an English for students of other languages compliance specialist, who met the criteria of having the experience of providing instruction and/or support to ELLs. These participants were asked during their interviews about their perceptions of vocabulary instruction to improve the reading proficiency of the ELLs, effective vocabulary strategies that affect ELLs\u27 reading comprehension, and the various methods that support and hinder vocabulary instruction to ELLs. Interviews and observations were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using thematic coding to organize the participants\u27 responses through occurring themes and sorted categories. Participants\u27 responded that there should be more professional development about ELL vocabulary instruction and practices. The culminating project may lead to improved instructional vocabulary strategies that will provide an impetus to respond to the learning requirements of all ELLs, resulting in positive change through increased reading success for ELLs in the district at large

    System of singular second-order differential equations with integral condition on the positive half-line

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    In this work, we are concerned with the existence and the multiplicity of nontrivial positive solutions for a boundary value problem of a system of second-order differential equations subject to an integral boundary condition and posed on the positive half-line. The positive nonlinearities depend on the solution and their derivatives and may have space singularities. New existence results of single and multiple solutions are obtained by means of the fixed point index theory on special cones in some weighted Banach space. Examples with numerical computations are included to illustrate the obtained existence theorems. This paper surveys and generalizes previous works

    Energy Consumption of Lactating Mothers: Current Situation and Problems

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    Recommendations on the adequacy of nutrient intake indicate that lactating mothers have higher nutritional needs than do pregnant mothers. High nutrient intake is necessary to help mothers recover after childbirth, produce milk, and maintain the quantity and quality of breast milk. It also prevents maternal malnutrition. Research has shown, however, that the dietary energy consumption of mothers during lactation was significantly lower than that during pregnancy. The current study explored the factors associated with decreased nutritional intake during maternal lactation. The study was conducted in March–April 2013, and the subjects were mothers with infants aged >6 months. Results revealed that the factors causing low dietary energy consumption among breastfeeding mothers were poor nutritional knowledge and attitude toward high energy intake requirements during lactation, lack of time to cook and eat because of infant care, reduced consumption of milk and supplements, dietary restrictions and prohibitions, and suboptimal advice from midwives/health personnel. Beginning from the antenatal care visit, health personnel should conduct effective counseling on the importance of nutrient intake during lactation. Advice should be provided not only to mothers, but also to their families to enable them to thoroughly support the mothers as they breastfeed their infants

    Contrasted Reactivity to Oxygen Tensions in Frankia sp. Strain CcI3 throughout Nitrogen Fixation and Assimilation

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    Reconciling the irreconcilable is a primary struggle in aerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Although nitrogenase is oxygen and reactive oxygen species-labile, oxygen tension is required to sustain respiration. In the nitrogen-fixing Frankia, various strategies have been developed through evolution to control the respiration and nitrogen-fixation balance. Here, we assessed the effect of different oxygen tensions on Frankia sp. strain CcI3 growth, vesicle production, and gene expression under different oxygen tensions. Both biomass and vesicle production were correlated with elevated oxygen levels under both nitrogen-replete and nitrogen-deficient conditions. The mRNA levels for the nitrogenase structural genes (nifHDK) were high under hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions compared to oxic conditions. The mRNA level for the hopanoid biosynthesis genes (sqhC and hpnC) was also elevated under hyperoxic conditions suggesting an increase in the vesicle envelope. Under nitrogen-deficient conditions, the hup2 mRNA levels increased with hyperoxic environment, while hup1 mRNA levels remained relatively constant. Taken together, these results indicate that Frankia protects nitrogenase by the use of multiple mechanisms including the vesicle-hopanoid barrier and increased respiratory protection

    Nonlinear layered lattice model and generalized solitary waves in imperfectly bonded structures

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    We study nonlinear waves in a two-layered imperfectly bonded structure using a nonlinear lattice model. The key element of the model is an anharmonic chain of oscillating dipoles, which can be viewed as a basic lattice analog of a one-dimensional macroscopic waveguide. Long nonlinear longitudinal waves in a layered lattice with a soft middle or bonding layer are governed by a system of coupled Boussinesq-type equations. For this system we find conservation laws and show that pure solitary waves, which exist in a single equation and can exist in the coupled system in the symmetric case, are structurally unstable and are replaced with generalized solitary waves

    Draft genome sequence of Frankia sp. strain BMG5.23, a salt-tolerant nitrogen-fixing actinobacterium isolated from the root nodules of Casuarina glauca grown in Tunisia

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    Nitrogen-fixing actinobacteria of the genus Frankia are symbionts of woody dicotyledonous plants termed actinorhizal plants. We report here a 5.27-Mbp draft genome sequence for Frankia sp. strain BMG5.23, a salt-tolerant nitrogen-fixing actinobacterium isolated from root nodules of Casuarina glauca collected in Tunisia

    Genetic polymorphism of five genes associated with growth traits in goat

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    Genetic polymorphism studies in domestic animals aim at evaluating genetic variations within and across breeds mainly for conservation purposes. In this study, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) was used to detect polymorphisms of five candidate genes in four Egyptian and Saudi goat breeds (Barki, Zaribi, Ardi and Masri), to detect the genotype of GH, IGF1, POUIF1, MSTN and BMP15 genes in the goat breeds and their allele frequencies. Results of GH gene which encloses a Haelll endonuclease restriction site show four unique PCR-RFLP banding patterns (genotypes AA, AB, CC and CD). The frequencies of the A allele in the samples from the goat breeds varied from 0.410 to 0.620. While  IGF-1gene revealed three fragments after digestion with Haelll with genotype AA, AB and BB and the  frequencies of allele A varied from 0.432 to 0.731. Furthermore, PCR-RFLP of POUIF1 gene showed two  fragments after digestion by Pst1 endonuclease with genotype TT and CC and the frequencies of allele T varied from 0.250 to 0.840. The MSTN gene revealed three fragments after digestion with DraI with genotype AA, BB and AB and the frequencies of allele A varied from 0.240 to 0.630. Meanwhile, the BMP15 gene revealed one fragments of 112 bp for AA after digestion with Hinf1 enzyme.Key words: Goats, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), GH, IGF-1, POUIF1, MSTN, BMP-15

    Analisis Multiple Resource Leveling Menggunakan Metode Modified Minimum Moment Pada Pembangunan Pabrik Pakan Ternak Koperasi Agro Niaga Jabung

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    Optimalisasi alokasi sumber daya dilakukan guna mengurangi terjadinya fluktuasi sumberdaya yang berlebih. Kebutuhan akan sumberdaya disesuaikan dengan jenis aktivitas yang akan dikerjakan. Pada penelitian ini diambil dua jenis sumberdaya yang pada umumnya memiliki pengalokasian terbesar yaitu tukang batu dan pekerja. Pengalokasian sumberdaya dapat dilakukan dengan cara pemerataan sumberdaya. Pemerataan terhadap salah satu sumberdaya akan berpengaruh pada jenis sumber daya yang lain. Untuk mengetahui hasil pemerataan pada masing-masing jenis sumber daya dapat dilakukan dengan cara pemerataan terhadap tukang batu, pekerja, dan secara kombinasi. Metode yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Modified Minimum Moment dimana alokasi sumberdaya ditentukan dengan menghitung nilai pergeseran suatu aktivitas atau nilai IF (Improvement Factor). Guna memudahkan analisis digunakan software Microsoft Project 2007 sebagai alat bantu penjadwalan. Analisis dilakukan pada pembangunan gedung kantor Pabrik Pakan Ternak Koperasi Agro Niaga Jabung. Hasil dari analisis dan hasil leveling yang dilakukan baik terhadap tukang batu, pekerja, maupun kombinasi didapatkan penurunan jumlah maksimum pada sumberdaya tukangbatu. Semula jumlah maksimum yang dibutuhkan sebanyak 9 orang tukang batu, namun setelah dilakukan leveling jumlah maksimum tukang batu turun menjadi 7 orang. Sedangkan untuk pekerja tidak mengalami penurunan jumlah maksimum. Jumlah maksimum yang dibutuhkan untuk pekerja sebanyak 12 orang. Dengan demikian leveling terhadap tukang batu memiliki hasil yang lebih baik dari ketiga metode perhitungan yang lain

    Mapping Real Time Applications on NoC Architecture with Hybrid Multi-objective Algorithm

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    International audienceThe work presented in this paper is a contribution to solving a widespread problem in the field of system design, embedded the placement of a large application on an architecture (NOC). Application is represented by a set of tasks that communicate with each other by sending message via bus on a heterogeneous architecture. Our role is to place the tiles (task) on different elements (core) of architecture with the objectives of minimizing time execution and the energy consumption under the constraints of load balancing, bandwidth, available memory and size of the queue waiting processors. To solve this problem, we used in the context of our present work, a new meta-heuristic algorithm Particle Swarm. it has proved its effectiveness in many fields such as optimization of networks, image processing and even control of industrial systems but it was never applied in our domain