2,172 research outputs found

    3-N-oxalyl-L-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid, a multifunctional plant metabolite of toxic reputation

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    3-N-oxalyl-L-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid (beta-ODAP) is a neuroexcitatory non- protein amino acid identified in grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and in ginseng (Panax spp). Its presence in the drought tolerant grass pea is thought to be responsible for the crippling disease neurolathyrism, while in the longevity promoting ginseng it is named dencichine and praised for its haemostatic properties. Some properties of beta-ODAP are put in perspective

    Grain legumes and human health

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    Since early civilisation in different continents, grain legumes have been a part of balanced diets together with cereals. In general the seeds from those two plant families give together a good source of essential amino acids and may have given an evolutionary advantage. A sustainable diet for vegetarians may not be possible without the protein-rich legumes. Consumed alone, legumes can be a mixed blessing because of their deficiency of some essential amino acids. This deficiency can be balanced in a varied diet containing components richer in tryptophan and the sulphur amino acid methionine and cysteine. Many legume species are exceptionally rich in secondary metabolites, some of which are beneficial to human health while without adequate processing through heating or leaching many can be detrimental to the health of the consumer. Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most popular and also one of the more healthy species. The presence of genistein and other isoflavones makes it famous as an anti-cancer nutraceutical. Isoflavones and other phytoestrogens, occurring mainly in legumes, might be a factor promoting longevity. Other beneficial secondary metabolites are found among the non-protein amino acids. Legumes are very rich in an enormous variety of non-protein amino acids that can be beneficial or toxic. A beneficial non-protein amino acid occurs in high concentration in fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum), a component of curry, while a variety of toxic amino acids occurs in the genera Lathyrus and Vicia. Legume seeds also contain a variety of anti-nutritional factors that can be reduced by post-harvest processing such as fermentation or germination. Fermentation also improves the balance of essential amino acids. Numerous dietary products such as soy sauce or tempeh are traditional food ingredients derived from legumes


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran secara utuh tentang pembinaan prestasi di klub Surabaya Bank Jatim, dan secara khusus penelitian ini juga untuk menganalisis esensi organisasi serta struktur kebijakan olahraga bolavoli di klub Surabaya Bank Jatim, menganalisis standarisasi penjaringan atlet, pelatih, dan fasilitas serta finansial support, menganalisis pola perkembangan dan pembinaan model latihan olahraga bolavoli yang telah dilakukan, serta menganalisis hasil prestasi olahraga bolavoli yang dicapai oleh atlet dan klub. Model manajemen yang digunakan adalah manajemen Context dan Produk. Subjek penelitian diperoleh secara purposive yang meliputi pengurus, pelatih dan atlet. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah 1. Observasi, 2. Wawancara, 3. Studi Dokumentasi, 4. Angket dan Kuesioner. Dalam proses pengumpulan data dilakukan secara  langsung. Berkaitan dengan tujuan karena penelitian ini menggunakan model manajemen maka, pada aspek conteks, tentang dukungan perusahaan terkait pembinaan secara 100% mendukung adanya dan keterlaksanaan dari program pembinaan prestasi atlet bolavoli putri Surabaya bank Jatim dimana antara pengurus dan pelatih bekerja sama untuk mengembangkan program tersebut. Untuk aspek produk, ketersedian sarana dan prasarana dapat dikatakan sudah memadai namun perlu adanya penambahan dibeberapa sektor, baik berupa penambahan ruang laboratorium olahraga maupun penambahan alat untuk weight training. Dalam aspek process, perlu adanya peningkatan untuk tolok ukur keberhasilan atlet dan pelatih, dan juga menambah kerja sama dengan instansi lain terkait pemahaman dan program pengembangan latihan yang didasari sport science agar hasil dapat lebih maksimal. Sedangkan untuk aspek product, hasil dari program pembinaan prestasi atlet di Bank Jatim, benar dikatan berhasil atas beberapa prestasi yang telah dicapai, tentunya pada kejuaraan LIVOLI dalam kurun waktu 6 tahun terakhir dan pula beberapa atlet masuk dalam PELATNAS atau PUSLATDA. Terlepas dari hasil program pembinaan tentunya ada beberapa hal yang harus ditingkatkan agar hasil yang dicapai dapat meningkat dan semakin baik, termasuk meningkatkan kerjasama dibidang IPTEK dengan instansi dan para ahli baik dari akademisi maupun institusi yang terkait sport science yang berupa test berkala tentang pengukuran kondisi fisik, mendatangkan ahli gizi, penambahan pelatih khusus fisik, adanya measure dan fioterapis untuk atlet yang sedang mengalami cedera ataupun perwatan pasca cedera, serta penambahan beberapa ruang baik Laboratorium dan ruang fitness

    Differences in the spatial distribution and shell morphology of Thylacodes adamsii (Gastropoda: Vermetidae) distributed in the Pacific and the Sea of Japan coastal areas of Japan

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    Thylacodes adamsii is a sessile gastropod and common inhabitant of rocky shores along the warm temperate coastal regions of Japan. We investigated the spatial distribution of this species in Shirahama facing to the Pacific Ocean, and in Maizuru facing to the Sea of Japan. Results showed that this species inhabits the middle intertidal zone in low densities in Shirahama, whereas it lives in high densities on oyster shells in the subtidal zone in Maizuru. Additionally, distinct shell morphology was found in the populations between the two localities. Observations of radular morphology suggest that they are most probably conspecific. Distinct shell morphology may be a result of adaptation to the different habitats

    Mucus-net feeding behavior by the sessile gastropod Thylacodes adamsii (Gastropoda: Vermetidae)

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    Vermetid gastropod Thylacodes adamsii secrete a mucus net for feeding. We observed a feeding behavior of T. adamsii in the intertidal zone of Shirahama, the coast facing the Pacific Ocean. Thylacodes adamsii spread its mucus net within 20minutes of submergence. Creating a network of mucus threads immediately after submergence may be important for efficient feeding when T. adamsii is distributed in the intertidal zone. Additionally, we investigated the organisms trapped in the mucus net, because identifying the species from the stomach contents of T. adamsii was difficult. The organisms trapped on T. adamsii mucus nets in Shirahama included Dinophyta, Nematoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Gastropoda, Chordata, and particles of seaweeds. By contrast, the most frequently trapped organisms in Maizuru, the coast facing the Sea of Japan, were diatoms. The difference between organisms trapped in Shirahama and Maizuru is probably due to the different vertical distribution of T. adamsii at the two locations