82 research outputs found

    A Revision of the Hypodigm of Nyanzapithecus vancouveringi

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    A small East African oreopithecid, Nyanzapithecus vancouveringi, is poorly known from several damage and/or weathered specimens. Thus, the hypodigm of this species is incomplete and problematic. Although the hypodigm was previously revised by Harrison (1986), further revision has been necessitated during comparison with new Nyanzapithecus material from Nachola and other Miocene anthropoids. One specimen from Songhor, which was retained in Harrison's hypodigm, is removed, and one specimen from Mfwangano is reasigned from Rangwapithecus gordoni to N. vancouveringi


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    Aspergillusより得た粗製酵素剤を実用的なブロイラー用完全配合飼料に添加して育成えの影響を試験した。供試雛はすべてロックホーン1代雑種雄雛で酵素添加量を異にする第1試験と第2試験に分けて行なつた。第1試験では102羽を4区, 即ち基礎飼料のみの区(対照区), 基礎飼料に夫々酵素1%, 2.5%および5%添加した区に分け, 第2試験も102羽を4区, 即ち基礎飼料のみの区(対照区), 基礎飼料に夫々酵素を0.1%, 0.25%および0.5%添加した区に分けて11週令まで飼育し, 各区の平均体重, 増体量, 飼料摂取量, 飼料要求率および育成率を調査したが何れの試験においてもすべての項目について酵素添加の効果は認められなかつた。Day-old Rock-horn male chicks were used to study the effects of fungal enzyme preparation on rate of gain and feed efficiency for the broiler during the period of eleven weeks of age. Six groups each of 25 or 26 chicks were fed one of the following ration at level of fungal enzyme preparation : 0.1,0.25,0.5,1.0,2.5,and 5.0 per cent of basal ration, and one group of 50 chicks were fed basal ration only (controllot). No significant improvement was observed on the rate of gain and feed efficiency by adding of fungal enzyme preparation at each levels

    Gerber butyrometer による牛肉脂肪の迅速定量法(農学部門)

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    Gerber butyrometerにblenderで糊状に均質化した牛肉2∿10gを採り, 濃硫酸7∿8mlと氷醋酸5mlまたはアミルアルコール1mlを加えて分解して脂肪を分離し, 遠心分離後70℃におけるbutyrometerの読みから次式を用いて極めて短時間で正確に牛肉の脂肪含量を測定する方法を述べた。[numerical formula]A rapid method for the determination of fat content in beef meat by use of Gerber butyrometer is reported. Weigh 2-10g of finely homogenized beef meat into a Gerber butyrometer. Add 5ml. of glacial acetic acid or 1ml. of amylalcohol and then cautiously add 7-8ml. of concentrated sulfuric acid in order that the proteins of meat are dissolved and the fat liberated. Centrifuge the butyrometer at approximately 1,000 r.p.m. for 5 minutes and read the fat column at 70℃ after removal from centrifuge. Fat conttent of beef meat can be calculated from readings of meniscus by using the following formula. [numerical formula

    Effect of Laughter Yoga on Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

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    Objective: To evaluate the clinical usefulness of laughter yoga for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in a pulmonary rehabilitation setting. Design: Pilot study, with randomization of participants. Setting: This study was conducted by the Yoshino-cho National Health Insurance Yoshino Hospital Department of Internal Medicine. Participants: Stable outpatients with COPD (7 men and 1 woman, age 64 to 84 years) participated in the pulmonary rehabilitation program during a 2-week period. Intervention : The patients were divided into two groups based on a sealed envelope randomization method. The laughter yoga group had a 10-min laughter yoga session before exercise training. Patients in both groups had exercise training, educational programs, lung physiotherapy, and nutrition counseling. Outcome Measures: Health-related quality of life using the St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and the Medical Research Council (MRC) Health Survey Short Form 36-item (SF-36), depression scores using the Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS), anxiety scores using State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and spirometry, the 6-minute walk test and mMRC dyspnea scale results were evaluated before and at 2 weeks after the program in both groups. Results: There were significant improvements in the SGRQ impacts domain and the SF-36 general health domain in the laughter yoga group, while the SF-36 physical functioning domain significantly improved in the control group. SDS and STAI result did not significantly change in either group. Spirometry, the 6-minute walk test, and MRC dyspnea scale results did not significantly change in either group. Conclusion: Laughter yoga may improve the psychological quality of life in patients with COPD

    New femoral remains of <i>Nacholapithecus kerioi</i>: Implications for intraspecific variation and Miocene hominoid evolution

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    The middle Miocene stem kenyapithecine Nacholapithecus kerioi (16-15 Ma; Nachola, Kenya) is represented by a large number of isolated fossil remains and one of the most complete skeletons in the hominoid fossil record (KNM-BG 35250). Multiple fieldwork seasons performed by Japanese-Kenyan teams during the last part of the 20th century resulted in the discovery of a large sample of Nacholapithecus fossils. Here, we describe the new femoral remains of Nacholapithecus. In well-preserved specimens, we evaluate sex differences and within-species variation using both qualitative and quantitative traits. We use these data to determine whether these specimens are morphologically similar to the species holotype KNM-BG 35250 (which shows some plastic deformation) and to compare Nacholapithecus with other Miocene hominoids and extant anthropoids to evaluate the distinctiveness of its femur. The new fossil evidence reaffirms previously reported descriptions of some distal femoral traits, namely the morphology of the patellar groove. However, results also show that relative femoral head size in Nacholapithecus is smaller, relative neck length is longer, and neck-shaft angle is lower than previously reported for KNM-BG 35250. These traits have a strong functional signal related to the hip joint kinematics, suggesting that the morphology of the proximal femur in Nacholapithecus might be functionally related to quadrupedal-like behaviors instead of more derived antipronograde locomotor modes. Results further demonstrate that other African Miocene apes (with the exception of Turkanapithecus kalakolensis) generally fall within the Nacholapithecus range of variation, whose overall femoral shape resembles that of Ekembo spp. and Equatorius africanus. Our results accord with the previously inferred locomotor repertoire of Nacholapithecus, indicating a combination of generalized arboreal quadrupedalism combined with other antipronograde behaviors (e.g., vertical climbing)


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    専業養鶏場における破卵率を調査し, 次いで正常卵と破卵の卵殻形質を比較検討した。第1試験では城陽市の専業養鶏場においてケージ上での破卵率をゴトー360(G鶏)とシェーバー・スタークロス288(S鶏)の2鶏種について昭和56年7月24日より11月13日までの間で11回調査した。その結果, 平均破卵率はG鶏は3.9%, S鶏は5.3%であった。また, 鶏齢と破卵率の関係を調査した結果, 9か月齢(若齢鶏)のG鶏の破卵率は1.8%, S鶏は1.5%であった。また, 21か月齢(老齢)のG鶏の破卵率は8.2%, S鶏は6.4%であり, 両鶏種とも老齢鶏の方が有意の高い破卵率であった。第2試験では, ハイセックス鶏とハーバート・コメット鶏の2鶏種について, 破卵の破損部位と卵殻の厚さ調査した結果, 鶏卵の鋭端部の破損がもっとも多く, 卵殻の厚さは正常卵に比較して破卵の方がすべての部位で有意に薄かった。第3試験では, ハイセックス鶏とハーバード・コメット鶏の2鶏種について, 正常卵と破卵の卵重, 卵殻重, 卵殻重比, 卵殻の厚さおよびSWU SAを比較した結果, 両鶏種とも破卵の方が卵殻重, 卵殻重比, 卵殻の厚さおよびSWUSAといづれも有意に低い値であった。The present study was to examin the percentage of cracked eggs as affected by the strain and age of hen in the local poultry farm and the difference of the egg shell qualities between normal and cracked eggs. Between the 2 strains of han used, Goto 360 (3.9%) and shaver star cross 288 (5.3%), there was no significant difference in the percentage of cracked eggs. However, significantly higher percentage of cracked eggs in aged hens (21 months old; 6.3-8.2%) than in young ones (9 months old; 1.5-1.8%). In another series of experiment with two strains of hen (Hisex and Hubbard Comet), the most (43-50%) of cracked eggs were damaged at the small end of the eggs. The egg shell was significantly thiner in cracked eggs than in normal ones. Finally, in the experiment with Hisex and Hubbard Comet, it was found that shell weight, shell percent, shell thickness and shell weight per unit shell surface area were all significantly greater in normal eggs compared with cracked ones, indicating inferior qualities of the egg shell in the latter

    材料検査機 (Tensilon UTM-4L) による鶏卵卵殻の加圧変形量の測定(農学部門)

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    材料検査機(Tensilon UTM-4L型)を用いて鶏卵の卵殻加圧変形値(Deformation以下D値と略す)の測定を試み加圧速度, 加圧量, 鶏齢に及ぼす影響について検討を行った。供試鶏卵は6か月齢, 11か月齢および15か月齢の産卵鶏よりえたそれぞれ160個, 合計480個の鶏卵を用いた。加圧速度は0.4,1,2,5,10,20,50および100mm/minでD値を測定した。D値はa/b×d〔a=クロスヘッドの速度(加圧速度), b=チャート紙の送りの速度, d=指定加圧量に達するまでのチャート紙の移動距離〕より求めた。加圧速度5mm/min以上ではdの距離が短く測定が不能であり, 本機では加圧速度0.4&acd;2mm/minでD値の測定が可能であった。2kg加圧時のD値は1kg加圧時のD値のほぼ2倍の値を示した。鶏齢の増加にともない卵殻破壊強度は有意に減少し, 逆に, D値は有意に増加した。卵殻破壊強度とD値の間には有意な負の相関が認められた。D値の測定は2kg加圧時より1kg加圧時のD値を求める方が望ましいと考える。An experiment was conducted to determine the influence of compression speed, compression force and age of hen on the deformation of egg shell which was measured by Tensilon testing machine. A total of 480 eggs collected at the age of six months hen (180 eggs), eleven months hen (180 eggs) and fifteen months (180 eggs) were used. Non-destractive deformation and breaking force were measured by placing 1kg and 2kg compression force on the equator of the eggs. Deformation of egg shell can be calculate using following eqution : D_1=a×b/d_1 were D_1=Deformation at compression 1kg force. d_1=Distance measured along chart\u27s direction of travel from the point of load application to the point of 1kg desired (mm/min). a=Compression speed (mm/min). b=Chart speed (mm/min). Deformation of egg shell were measured by eight different compression speed from 0.4mm/min to 100mm/min. It was possible to measured the deformation at compression speed from 0.4mm/min to 2mm/min by this machine, but not more than at 5mm/min. Deformation of egg shell measured at 2kg compression force were approximately two time as much as that measured at 1kg compression force. Deformation of egg shell were signficantly (P<0.05) increased but breaking force were significantly (P<0.05) decreased with increasing ages of hen. Highly significant (P<0.001) negative correlation cofficient were observed between the deformation and breaking force of egg shell. Those results indicate that it is possible to measure the deformation of egg shell at compression speed of 0.4&acd;2mm/min with 1kg compression force by using this machine


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    ハイセックス鶏よりえた506個の鶏卵について卵殼諸形質を測定するとともに, 産卵記録より2連産(C_1&acd;C_2)から6連産(C_1&acd;C_6)に分け, 連産(クラッチ)の長さと卵殼諸形質の関係を比較検討した。クラッチ内の第1卵(C_1)はすべて午前中に, 最終卵(C_t)はすべて午後に産卵した。また, クラッチの長いものほどその最終卵は午後遅く産卵した。卵重と卵殼表面積はクラッチが長くなるにつれて小さくなる傾向がみられた。卵殼形質はすべてC_1&acd;C_2からC_1&acd;C_3で低下した。そして, C_1&acd;C_3からC_1&acd;C_6にかけて卵殼重比, 鶏卵比重, 卵殼の厚さ, SWUSAはクラッチが長くなるにしたがって増加する傾向がみられたが, 卵殼破壊強度と卵殼重の変化はわずかであった。Experiment were conducted to determine the relationship between egg shell qualities and length of egg-laying clutches (C_1&acd;C_2 to C_1&acd;C_6) in hens. Oviposition times of all C_1 (the 1st eggs in clutches) were in the morning and those of C_t (the terminal eggs) were in the afternoon. The terminal eggs were laid later in the afternoon as length of clutches increased. Egg shell qualities of C_t were better than those of C_1. Shell qualities of C_1&acd;C_2 were also better than those of C_1&acd;C_3. In comparison of C_1&acd;C_3 to C_1&acd;C_6,egg weight and surface area of egg were decreased, but egg specific gravity, percent of shell weight, shell thickness and SWUSA were increased as length of clutches increased. However, egg shell breaking strength and shell weight were little affcted by length of clutches. These results suggest that differences on egg shell qualities observed among clutches of different length and between C_1 and C_t in a clutch is due to the oviposition times and the intervals from C_t to C_1


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    鶏齢および鶏種の異なる卵殻について, その卵殻形質と走査型電子顕微鏡による卵殻微細構造の関係を調査した。実験1では12か月齢の褐色卵殻種と白色卵殻種の卵殻を比較した結果, 褐色卵殻種の方が卵殻形質がすぐれていたが, 卵殻微細構造ではほとんど差異がみられなかった。実験2では6か月齢と12か月齢の2鶏種について比較した結果, 鶏齢がすすむにつれて卵殻形質は低下した。また, 卵殻の乳頭層の構造にも変化がみられた。実験3では卵殻質の優れた卵殻と劣った卵殻を比較した結果, 卵殻質の劣った卵殻の乳頭層および海綿層とも組織は多孔質で粗であった。以上の結果, 卵殻形質の優劣には卵殻微細構造の中で海綿層および乳頭層の構造が関係し, 特に, 乳頭層の構造が深く関係することが示唆された。The relationship between characteristics and ultrastructure of hen\u27s egg shell was examined. In the experiment 1,no difference was observed in shell thickness between brown and white egg shells from four different strains of hen (12 months old), while shell strength of brown egg shell was higher than that of white one, indicating superior quality of brown egg shell. However, there were no ultrastructural differences betwween egg shells in all strains. In the experiment 2,both shell strength and thickness were reduced in 21 months old hens compared with younger ones (6 months old) and abnormal mammillary layer were observed in old hen\u27s egg shell. In the experiment 3,the ultrastructure of egg shells with remarkably different shell qualities obtained from the same strain and age of hens was compared. The texture of the egg shell with poor qualities was highly rough and porous. It seems from these observations that egg shell becomes weakened mostly by the abnormal texture in the mammillary and spongy layers of the shell

    Kantis: A new Australopithecus site on the shoulders of the Rift Valley near Nairobi, Kenya

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    ケニア・ナイロビ郊外で初めて発見されたアウストラロピテクス. 京都大学プレスりリス. 2016-03-24.Most Plio-Pleistocene sites in the Gregory Rift Valley that have yielded abundant fossil hominins lie on the Rift Valley floor. Here we report a new Pliocene site, Kantis, on the shoulder of the Gregory Rift Valley, which extends the geographical range of Australopithecus afarensis to the highlands of Kenya. This species, known from sites in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and possibly Kenya, is believed to be adapted to a wide spectrum of habitats, from open grassland to woodland. The Kantis fauna is generally similar to that reported from other contemporaneous A. afarensis sites on the Rift Valley floor. However, its faunal composition and stable carbon isotopic data from dental enamel suggest a stronger C4 environment than that present at those sites. Although the Gregory Rift Valley has been the focus of paleontologists' attention for many years, surveys of the Rift shoulder may provide new perspective on African Pliocene mammal and hominin evolutio