347 research outputs found

    Patara’dan Yeniden Kullanılmış İki “Blattkelch” Sütun Başlığı. Nero Hamamı ve Çevresindeki Yapı Faaliyetleri Bağlamında MS 2. Yüzyılda Bir Yeniden Kullanım Örneği

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    During the excavations of the last few years in the so-called Nero bath in Patara, two Blattkelch capitals were found, which gave reasons to the following article. These two capitals were created in the early Roman Imperial Period, although they were not used in the bath until the 2nd century AD. They, and another six that have now disappeared, crowned columns of breccia marble in the frigidarium of the bath mentioned above, which was added around the middle of the 2nd century AD. It was therefore clear to us that this was a practice of reuse in the Roman Imperial Period. This phenomenon, the reuse of architectural elements in that time, has been little studied so far, in contrast to late antiquity and later periods. Although it was relatively easy to determine the reuse in this case of Patara, it is hardly possible to make any statements about the interpretation of its meaning. In this respect, it can only be hoped that more research will increase in the future. The following essay should serve as a contribution to such research.Patara ‘Nero hamamında’ son yıllarda gerçekleşen kazılarda, aşağıdaki makaleye neden olan iki adet sütun başlığı bulunmuştur. Bu iki başlık, MS 2. yüzyılda hamamdaki bir düzenlemede kullanılmalarına rağmen, erken Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi'nde üretilmişlerdir. Bu başlıklar ve maalesef günümüze ulaşamayan diğer altısı, bahsedilen hamamın frigidariumunda, MS 2. yüzyılın ortalarında eklenen breş mermerinden sütunları taçlandırmışlardır. Bu nedenle, bu durumun, Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi'ne ait bir yeniden kullanma uygulaması olduğu açıktır. Yeniden kullanma fenomeni, yani mimari unsurların Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi’nde yeniden kullanılması, geç antik ve sonraki dönemlerin aksine şimdiye kadar çok az dikkate alındı. Aşağıdaki makale bu tür araştırmalara katkı sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Patara'daki bu örnekte yeniden kullanımı tespit etmek görece kolay olsa da anlamının yorumlanması bir takım zorluklar içermektedir. Ancak gelecekte, konuyla ilgili araştırmaların sayılarının artması ve böylece bu fenomenin daha iyi anlaşılır olması umulmaktadır.No sponso

    Sealing ability of lateral compaction and tapered single cone gutta-percha techniques in root canals prepared with stainless steel and rotary nickel titanium instruments

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the sealing ability of lateral compaction and tapered single cone gutta-percha techniques in root canals prepared with stainless steel and rotary nickel titanium root canal instruments by fluid filtration method. Study design: The root canals were prepared with stainless steel (SS) and nickel titanium (NiTi) instruments. The canals prepared with SS were obturated with lateral compaction technique using .02 tapered cones and the canals prepared with NiTi instruments were obturated with lateral compaction technique using .02 tapered cones or 06 tapered single cones. The amount of leakage was evaluated by fluid filtration model. The results were statistically analyzed with one-way ANOVA. Results: The group prepared with NiTi instruments and filled with lateral compaction technique showed significantly less coronal leakage than the group prepared with SS instruments and filled with lateral compaction technique (p0.05). Conclusions: Obturation with lateral compaction of gutta-percha provides a superior coronal seal whilst canal instrumentation with engine-driven NiTi files reduces the extent of microleakage in root canals when compared with stainless steel hand instruments. Tapered single cone technique was comparable with lateral compaction technique because of easier application

    Güney Shetland adalarından Livingston adası, güney körfezindeki antarktik yüzey sularının özellikleri

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    This study presents hydro chemical characteristics of surface waters of the South Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, between the coordinates 62°40′S and 60°28′W. The surface water samples were collected from different stations. Water Depth, salinity, temperature and Secchi Disk Depth measurements were carried out on board of a Zodiac Boat from 05.02.2018 to 19.02.2018. A total of 20 surface water samples were handled by PVC and analyzed for major ions, pH and conductivity. Secchi disk depth, surface water temperatures and water depth values ranged from 1.0 to 4.0 m, 19.1 to 118.5 m and 0.10 to 2.50 oC, respectively. These parameters were mutually comparable with each other, denoting close relationship with suspension. Salinity and conductivity were found to covary, suggesting influence of salt content of on the conductivity. Cl /Na ratio varied from 1.5 to 1.6, being lower than that of 1.8. There was a strong relationship between Cl/Na (r=0.74), reflecting the effect of freshwater input on aforementioned ratio. Na, Mg and K showed strong correlation coefficient (r>0.99). However, Ca exhibited lower correlation coefficients with remaining cations. It might be suggested that Na, Mg and K were conservative cations whilst Ca concentrations were partially affected by processes such as uptake by phytoplankton. Ion balance were predominated by cations, exhibiting missing anion bicarbonate. As a result, these values hopefully reflected some important clues for temporarily and spatially environmental effects onto the partly icy surface water which should be monitored further in detail to get better understanding of its dynamics in the South Bay.Bu çalışma; Antarktika Yarımadası 62° 40′ S ve 60° 28′ W koordinatları arasında yer alan Güney Körfezindeki, Yüzey Sularının hidrokimyasal özelliklerinin belirlenmesine yöneliktir. FArklı istasyonlardan yüzey suları toplanmıştır. Suderinliği, tuzluluk, sıcaklın ve Sekki Disk Derinliği ölçümleri 05.02.2018 - 19.02.2018 tarihlerinde Zodyak Bot üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. pH, iletkenlik ve major iyon ölçümleri için otplam y20 örnek PVC şişelere konmuştur. Secchi disk derinliği, yüzey suyu sıcaklıkları ve su derinliği değerlerinin sırasıyla; 1.0 - 4.0 m, 19.1 - 118.5 m ve 0.10 - 2.50 oC aralıklarında değişmekte olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Bu parametreler birbirleriyle kıyaslanabilir bulunurken, askıda madde ile ilişkilidir. Cl / Na oranı, 1.8'den daha düşük olan 1.5 ile 1.6 arasında değişim gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Yukarıda bahsedilen oran üzerinde tatlı su girdisinin etkisini yansıtan Cl / Na ve sıcaklık arasında logaritmik bir ilişkinin (r = 0.74) varlığı tespit edilmiştir.. Na, Mg ve K kuvvetli korelasyon katsayısı (r> 0.99) gösterirken, Ca ise; Na, Mg ve K ile daha düşük korelasyon katsayı değerlerine sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Na, Mg ve K'nin katyonları konservatif karakter sergilerken, Ca derişimlerinin, yüzey sularındaki fitoplanktonlar tarafından tüketilebileceği gibi kısmen daha başka süreçlerden de etkilenebileceği ileri sürülebilir. İyon dengesinde katyonların baskın olduğu gözlenirken, eksik anyonun bikarbonat olduğuna işaret etmektedir Elde edilen bu sonuçlar; ilgili parametrelerin birbiriyle karşılaştırılabilir ve askı yükü maddelerle de yakın ilişki ve etkileşimler içerisinde olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, yüzey suyu üzerindeki geçici ve mekânsal çevresel etkiler bakımından bazı önemli ipuçlarını yansıttığını düşündüğümüz bu değerlerin, zaman zaman irili ufaklı buzul kütlelerinin görüldüğü körfezdeki dinamiklerin daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi için ayrıntılı olarak izlenmesi gerektiği düşünülmektedir

    Relationship between Person–Environment Fit Types and Turnover Intention: A Moderated Mediation Model

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    In this study, drawing on Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources (COR) Theory, we tested a moderated mediation model that investigates person–organization (PO) fit as the mediator and per- son–job (PJ) fit as the moderator in the relationship between person–supervisor (PS) fit and turnover intention. Data were collected from 232 bank employees in Turkey by using a survey method. Consistent with hypothesized conceptual scheme, results showed that PO fit mediated the relationship between PS fit and turnover intention. Furthermore, moderated mediation results indicate that PJ fit not only moderated the relationship between PS fit and PO fit but also reinforced the indirect effect of PS fit on turnover intention (via PO fit). We argue that indirect effect of PS fit on turnover intention through PO fit was stronger for employees with high job fit than for employees with low job fit. The theoretical and practical implications, limitations, and future research directions are also discussed

    A survey of the patara harbor bay: a general overview

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    Antalya ili sınırlarında yer alan Patara, Antik Dönemde Likya Birliğine başkentlik de yapmış önemli bir liman kentiydi. Kentin varlığının nedeni olan bu liman bugün bir bataklık halindedir. Arkeolojik araştırmaların gerçekleştirilmesini güç kılan bu bataklık ve çevresi çok zengin bir mimari arşive sahiptir. Ama aynı zamanda geçmiş binlerce yılın paleo-çevresel değişimlerinin izlerinin de saklandığı eşsiz bir depo niteliğindedir. Güçlüğüyle orantılı olarak günümüze kadar geçekleşen bilimsel çalışmalar fazla değildir. Yine de geçmiş çalışma ve gözlemler ışığında bir perspektif ortaya koymak mümkündür. Çok önemli bir veri potansiyeline sahip Patara liman koyu ancak jeoarkeoloji ve jeofizik gibi birçok disiplinin ortaklaşa çabasıyla araştırılıp aydınlatılabilecektir.The ancient city of Patara, now lying within the borders of the Antalya Province, was an important harbour city during the anceint period, and also served as the capital city of the Lycian League. The harbor around which the city was built is a wetland now. The wetland and its environs, which makes it difficult to conduct a scientific research in the area, have a very rich architectural texture. It is also like a unique repository, hiding the traces of paleoenvironmental changes that have occurred over the past thousands of years. In proportion to this difficulty, there are only a few scientific studies that have been conducted so far in this region. Nevertheless, it is possible to put it into a persepective based on previous studies and observations. Having a very important data potential, the Patara harbor bay will be illuminated only by combined efforts of many disciplines such as geoarchaeology and geophysics.No sponso

    Postoperative pain intensity after using different instrumentation techniques: a randomized clinical study

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    Postoperative pain is a frequent complication associated with root canal treatment, especially during apical instrumentation of tooth with preexisting periradicular inflammation Objectives The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the influence of the instrumentation techniques on the incidence and intensity of postoperative pain in single-visit root canal treatment. Material and Methods Ninety patients with single root/canal and non-vital pulps were included. The patients were assigned into 3 groups according to root canal instrumentation technique used; modified step-back, reciprocal, and rotational techniques. Root canal treatment was carried out in a single visit and the severity of postoperative pain was assessed via 4-point pain intensity scale. All the participants were called through the phone at 12, 24 and 48 h to obtain the pain scores. Data were analyzed through the Kruskal–Wallis test. Results There was significant difference between all groups (

    Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

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    Sudden hearing loss (SHL) is a common disease in the daily practice of ear-nose-throat (ENT) and audiology clinics. It is usually defined as a sensorineural type hearing loss of 30 dB or greater in three contiguous frequencies. Although several factors were suggested for the etiology of SHL, in most of the cases, no cause could be detected and they were diagnosed as idiopathic cases. Although certain specific treatments might be applied in patients with known etiology, corticosteroids are the main component in the treatment of idiopathic SHL. Many experts and centers have developed different treatment protocols with similar approaches. SHL is considered as an emergency in ENT, as it may cause a permanent loss in hair cells, if it is not treated or the treatment is not initiated at the right time. For patients, who did not or partially benefit from the initial treatment, different salvage treatment protocols had been developed. As SHL severely affects the patient’s quality of life, its diagnosis and treatment should be thoroughly deliberated

    Doğu Akdeniz bölgesindeki aerosollerin iklimsel önemi

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    TÜBİTAK ÇAYDAG01.06.2009The current study considers the spatial and temporal variability in aerosol water soluble ions (Na+ , NH4 + , K+ , Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl- , NO3 - , SO4 2-, C2O4 2 ) concentrations and aerosol optical measurements in the eastern Mediterranean, utilizing an extensive data library collected in 2003 at two stations along the Turkish (Erdemli) and Cretan (Finokalia) coastline. In addition, aerosol samples were collected aboard the research vessel’s BILIM II cruising the eastern Mediterranean, Aegean Sea, the Sea of Marmara and Black Sea during two periods in March-May 2008 (Cruise I) and September-October 2008 (Cruise II). During Cruise II aerosol sampling was performed both on board and at the Erdemli station simultaneously. The ionic concentrations of aerosols collected in 2003 at both stations indicated that the seasonal variability were related to precipitation events. The atmospheric concentrations of measured species (except those of marine origin) decreases to minimum values during winter, whereas, during dry summer months the lack of precipitation resulted in their accumulation in the atmosphere. During the transition periods, although there was still precipitation, crustal ions exhibited sporadic but intense concentration peaks due to the intrusion of dust from the Sahara and the Arabian Peninsula. Ground based aerosol optical measurements were conducted within framework of the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET)I program both at Erdemli and Finokolia. The measurements were used to identify and define predominant regional aerosol optical properties. A relationship between aerosol sulfate (nss-SO4 -2) and aerosol optical thickness (AOT440) at both stations denoted that sulfate particles are the main components of the optical thickness derived at 440 nm. Geometric mean concentrations of PM10, aerosol water soluble ions and elemental compositions determined in samples collected on board are at similar level with the concentrations reported for the coastal stations of Erdemli and Finokalia. High concentrations of aerosols (especially for crustal elements) collected during Cruise I relative to Cruise II corresponded to incursions of Saharan dust. The relative contribution of mineral dust, sea salt, ionic mass, organic and black carbon on PM10 mass concentrations was calculated and compared with Finokalia data