173 research outputs found

    The Hydration Structure at Yttria-Stabilized Cubic Zirconia (110)-Water Interface with Sub-Angstrom Resolution

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    The interfacial hydration structure of yttria-stabilized cubic zirconia (110) surface in contact with water was determined with ~0.5 Å resolution by high-resolution X-ray reflectivity measurement. The terminal layer shows a reduced electron density compared to the following substrate lattice layers, which indicates there are additional defects generated by metal depletion as well as intrinsic oxygen vacancies, both of which are apparently filled by water species. Above this top surface layer, two additional adsorbed layers are observed forming a characteristic interfacial hydration structure. The first adsorbed layer shows abnormally high density as pure water and likely includes metal species, whereas the second layer consists of pure water. The observed interfacial hydration structure seems responsible for local equilibration of the defective surface in water and eventually regulating the long-term degradation processes. The multitude of water interactions with the zirconia surface results in the complex but highly ordered interfacial structure constituting the reaction front.ope


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    Incorporation of bevacizumab to preoperative regional chemotherapy (CT) failed to increase the volume of intraoperative blood loss and the frequency of postoperative complications. Addition of the drug in the regional CT group significantly enhanced the rate of its effect up to 64 % and that of grade III medical pathomorphism up to 55 %. Regardless of the pattern of surgeries, the rate of complications after extended hepatectomy did not differ significantly in the treatment groups. Irrespective of treatment, the rate of acute liver failure rose when the volume of surgery was increased from conventional hemihepatectomy to extended hemihepatectomy. Acute liver failure was prominent (21%) among the complications in the treatment group. The highest incidence of acute liver failure in the comparable groups was observed in the preoperative regional CT group

    The results of treatment of patients with an acute cholecystitis and perivesical complications

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    Objective. To improve the quality of diagnosis and results of treatment in patients, suffering an acute cholecystitis, complicated by formation of perivesicular infiltrate, abscess and Mirizzi’s syndrome. Materials and methods. Results of diagnosis and surgical treatment of 694 patients, suffering an acute cholecystitis, ageing 38 - 87 yrs old, admitted to the clinic in 2010 - 2019 yrs, were analyzed. The examination have included general clinical investigation, biochemical investigations of the blood, ultrasonographic investigation of a gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary ducts, and in accordance to certain indications – computer tomography, papilloscopy and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography. Results. Of 694 patients, suffering an acute cholecystitis in 541 (78.0%) perivesical complications were revealed. In 215 (31.0%) patients perivesical infiltrate was formed, while in 76 (11.0%) – perivesical abscess. In 250 (36.0%) patients an acute cholecystitis have developed on background of obturation jaundice, caused by choledocholithiasis in 138 patients, while in 98 patients Mirizzi’s syndrome Type I was diagnosed, and in 14 - Mirizzi’s syndrome Type II. Of 215 patients with an acute cholecystitis and perivesical infiltrate in 84 laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed after course of antibacterial therapy, while in 131 patients – open cholecystectomy. In all 76 patients with perivesical abscess open cholecystectomy was performed. Of 138 patients, suffering obturation jaundice on background of choledocholithiasis in 82 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography with simultaneous lithoextraction and subsequent laparoscopic cholecystectomy was conducted. In 56 patients naso-biliary drainage was installed and was held in place till calculi from common biliary duct have gone away and subsequent laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed. Of 98 patients with an acute cholecystitis and confirmed Mirizzi’s syndrome Type I in 95 laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed, while in 3 – the open one. Of 14 patients, suffering Mirizzi’s syndrome Type II, in 10 open operation was done with sanation of biliary ducts and plasty of a common biliary duct defect, while in 4 – laparoscopic cholecystocholedocholithotomy with restoration of the bile physiological passage. Conclusion. In 78.0% patients with an acute cholecystitis perivesical complications were diagnosed. Of 531 patients with perivesical infiltrate, choledocholithiasis and Mirizzi’s syndrome in 321 (60.5%) laparoscopic operations on biliary ducts were accomplished. Open laparotomy was performed in 210 (39.5%) patients. In all the patients, suffering Mirizzi’s syndrome of both Types, physiologic passage of bile was preserved


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    In this study we have analyzed 120 cases of extensive liver resection with pre- and postoperative regional chemotherapy in poor prognosis patients: 54 (45 %) of them had multiple liver metastases, 72 (60 %) – had bilobar lesions, 26 (22 %) had extrahepatic metastases. Adding bevacizumab to preoperative regional intra-arterial chemotherapy (FOLFOX) has increased objective response rate up to 65 vs 44 % in group without bevacizumab and grade III morphological response rate up to 59 vs 5 % in group without bevacizumab.Difference in overall survival in both groups was not statistically significant: 5-year survival was 16 ± 8 % and 21 ± 6 %, median survival was 35 months and 29 months in groups with or without bevacizumab, respectively.Preoperative regional intra-arterial chemotherapy has not increased the rate of bleeding and postoperative complications.Проведен анализ результатов обширных резекций печени с периоперационной регионарной химиотерапией (ХТ) 120 больным с резектабельными метастазами колоректального рака в печень. Множественные метастазы наблюдались у 54 (45 %) больных, билобарное поражение печени у 72 (60 %), 26 (22 %) больных с внепеченочными метастазами. В качестве предоперационной ХТ одной группе лечение проводилось в режиме FOLFOX, другой в этом же режиме в сочетании с бевацизумабом. Добавление к лечению бевацизумаба сопровождалось ростом объективного эффекта до 66 % по сравнению с группой без бевацизумаба – 44 % и частоты лекарственного патоморфоза в опухоли 3-й степени 59 % по сравнению с 5 % без бевацизумаба,но не привело к достоверному повышению показателей отдаленной выживаемости: 5-летняя выживаемость 16 ± 8 %, медиана 35 мес по сравнению с 21 ± 6 % и медианой 29 мес без бевацизумаба. Дооперационная регионарная внутриартериальная ХТ не привела к увеличению интраоперационной кровопотери и частоты послеоперационных осложнений. Проведение периоперационной ХТ позволило перевести 6 (5 %) пациентов в резектабельное состояние


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    Incorporation of bevacizumab to preoperative regional chemotherapy (CT) failed to increase the volume of intraoperative blood loss and the frequency of postoperative complications. Addition of the drug in the regional CT group significantly enhanced the rate of its effect up to 64 % and that of grade III medical pathomorphism up to 55 %. Regardless of the pattern of surgeries, the rate of complications after extended hepatectomy did not differ significantly in the treatment groups. Irrespective of treatment, the rate of acute liver failure rose when the volume of surgery was increased from conventional hemihepatectomy to extended hemihepatectomy. Acute liver failure was prominent (21%) among the complications in the treatment group. The highest incidence of acute liver failure in the comparable groups was observed in the preoperative regional CT group.Включение бевацизумаба в состав дооперационной регионарной химиотерапии (ХТ) не приводит к повышению объема интраоперационной кровопотери и не увеличивает частоту послеоперационных осложнений. Добавление к ХТ в группе регионарной ХТ бевацизумаба достоверно увеличивает частоту эффекта до 64 % и частоту лекарственного патоморфоза III степени – до 55 %. Уровень осложнений после обширных резекций печени, независимо от характера операций, в группах лечения достоверно не различается. При увеличении объема операции от стандартной гемигепатэктомии (ГГЭ) к расширенной ГГЭ, независимо от лечения, достоверно увеличивается частота острой печеночной недостаточности. Ведущее место среди осложнений в группах лечения занимает острая печеночная недостаточность – 21 %. Наибольшая частота острой печеночной недостаточности в сравниваемых группах наблюдается в группе с дооперационной регионарной ХТ

    The risk factors for development of an acute biliary pancreatitis and its signs in obstruction of extrahepaic bilairy ducts

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    Objective. A search for factors, promoting development of an acute biliary pancreatitis, and peculiarities of its signs in patients, suffering obstruction of extrahepatic biliary ducts. Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of treatment in 283 patients, suffering obstruction of extrahepaic biliary ducts, was conducted, together with various indices analysis in patients, suffering an acute biliary pancreatitis and without acute biliary pancreatitis. Results. An acute biliary pancreatitis was diagnosed in 30 (10.6%) patients. Trustworthy differences (p < 0.05) were revealed, concerning pronounced pain syndrome, hyperthermia, leukocytosis, young neutrophils, general bilirubin, amylase in the blood, the gallbladder volume, choledocholithiasis, the fixed calculus and stenosis of duodenal papilla magna, cholangitis. Big calculi of hepaticocholedochus did not associated with development of an acute biliary pancreatitis, and a sludge in common biliary duct and stenosis of duodenal papilla magna were characteristic for an acute biliary pancreatitis (p < 0.001). Conclusion. Sludge of common biliary duct, stenosis and fixed calculus of duodenal papilla magna, bilirubinemia 70 mcmol/l and higher constitute the risk factors for development of an acute biliary pancreatitis, and the pronounced abdominal pain syndrome, hyperthermia, hyperamylasemia, leucocytosis, increase of the young neutrophils content up to 7% and higher, the volume of  a gallbladder 50 cm3 and more - served as the signs of an acute biliary pancreatitis in obstruction of extrahepatic biliary ducts. In obstruction of extrahepatic biliary ducts with an acute biliary pancreatitis, comparing with obstruction of extrahepatic biliary ducts without an acute biliary pancreatitis, cholangitis is revealed trustworthily: 16.7 and 5.1% accordingly (p < 0.05)

    Факторы риска развития и проявления острого холангита у больных с доброкачественной обструкцией внепеченочных желчных путей

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    Цель. Определение факторов, способствующих развитию острого холангита (ОХ) или являющихся его признаками при доброкачественной обструкции внепеченочных желчных путей (ДОВЖП). Материалы и методы. Ретроспективно проанализированы 144 наблюдения ДОВЖП, ОХ отмечен в 17 наблюдениях. Проведено сравнение встречаемости различных факторов и признаков у больных с ОХ и без ОХ. Результаты. Различия выявлены (p 0,05) между следующими показателями: пол, возраст, индекс массы тела, наличие абдоминального болевого синдрома, холецистэктомия в анамнезе, объем ЖП, причина обструкции, расширение гепатикохоледоха, эндоскопическая папиллосфинктеротомия в анамнезе, наличие околососочкового дивертикула и острого билиарного панкреатита. Выводы. Факторы риска развития ОХ: уровень общего билирубина 70 мкмоль/л и выше, утолщение стенки ЖП до 4 мм и более, отключенный ЖП, фиксированный камень БСДПК, размер БСДПК 15 мм и более. Проявления ОХ: гипертермия, наличие триады Шарко, лейкоцитоз 9 × 109 в 1 л и выше, увеличение содержания палочкоядерных нейтрофилов до 7% и выше, гиперамилаземия