260,056 research outputs found

    Kemagnetan Kimia pada Coupling Pertukaran Kompleks Bimetalik Tembaga(II)-Nikel(II) dan Transisi Spin Kompleks Besi

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    Senyawa bimetalik NiCu(cdta).6H2O mempunyai sifat magnetik yang mengikuti hukum curie dengan nilai konstanta produk ?T ? 1,6 emu K mol-1 pada rentang temperatur 4-300 K. Kompleks Fe(phen)3]2+ adalah diamagnetik (pada spin rendah, LS). Penggantian satu ligan phen dengan dua gugus NCS- dalam membentuk senyawa [Fe(phen)2(NCS)2] menurunkan kekuatan medan ligan, bahwa kompleks tersebut berperilaku spin tinggi pada suhu ruang tetapi terjadi sebaliknya dalam keadaan spin rendah pada suhu ? 175 K. Spektrum transmisi Mossbauer 57Fe pada senyawa [Fe(phen)2(NCS)2] menunjukkan transisi spin terjal pada T1/2? 185 K

    Design of roundabout in Horsens (Denmark) and comparison of Danish and Czech approach to design

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je návrh okružní křižovatky v Dánsku ve spolupráci s dánskou univerzitou VIA University College v Horsens a porovnání různých přístupů k řešení jednotlivých prvků okružních křižovatek v České republice a Dánsku. První část práce se zabývá vlastním návrhem okružní křižovatky a je zpracována vesměs v angličtině. Výkresová dokumentace je dvoujazyčná a je doplněna technickou zprávou v češtině. Druhou část práce tvoří porovnání dánského a českého přístupu k návrhu okružních křižovatek a zaobírá se nejdůležitějšími rozdíly které byly zjištěny při vytváření projektu.The aim of this bachelor's thesis is design of roundabout in Denmark in cooperation with Danish university VIA University College in Horsens and comparison of different approaches to designing specific project solutions for roundabouts in Czech republic and Denmark. The first part of thesis is dealing with whole roundabout design and is made generally in English. All drawings are bilingual with added technical report in Czech. The second part of thesis consist of comparison of Danish and Czech approach to roundabout design and is dealing with the most important differences which were found during project.


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    Tématem projektu je stavba nového gymnázia v Barceloně, v místě, které je typické svými pravidelnými bloky navrženými architektem Cerdou. Stavbu jsem navrhla s respektem k tvaru parcely. Mým cílem bylo, nevytvořit jen vzdělávací budovu pro studenty, ale také kulturní a společenské centrum pro lidi z okolí. Urbanisticky je parcela koncipovaná jako město samo o sobě, které zve kolemjdoucí k návštěvě. Zůstalo příjemné měřítko pro život.The subjekt of the project is the building of a new secondary school in Barcelona, the place, which is typical with his regular piles designed by architekt Cerda. I projected the building with the respect of the shape of site. My tendency was to not only make a educational building for students, but also the cultural and social centre for local inhabitants. The site is conceived as a small city, which invites passers-by to a visit. The pleasant scale factor stayed on.

    NPS Customer Loyalty Analysis and Proposals for its Strengthening

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřená na možnosti posílení loajality zákazníků společnosti Atlas Copco Compressor Technique. Teoretická část objasňuje pojmy jako marketingový výzkum, dotazník, zákazník či loajalita. Závěr první části je věnován modelu Net Promoter Score, programu, který je také použit k vypracování samotné analýzy součastné spokojenosti a loajality zákazníků. Výsledky z této analýzy spolu s pozorováním, které autor v podniku provedl, slouží v závěrečné části práce k návrhům, které by měly mít za následek zvýšení počtu loajálních zákazníků této společnosti.This master thesis is focused on possibilities how to strengthen customer loyalty in the company Atlas Copco Compressor Technique. The theoretical part clarifies terms such as marketing research, questionnaire, customer or loyalty. On a later stage it explains the Net Promoter Score, a customer loyalty metric which is also used to conduct the analysis of current customer satisfaction and loyalty itself. Based on the analysis as well as observations from the company gives the author proposals that should result in more loyal customers.

    Bio kozí mléko je na trhu žádané

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    Kozy se v současné době u nás stejně jako ve většině evropských států chovají za účelem ekologického a ekonomického udržování trvalých travních porostů, produkce mléka a masa nebo pro svoje osobité vlastnosti jako tzv. hobby zvířata. Vzhledem ke specifickým vlastnostem koz, především schopnosti okusovat dřeviny, jsou kozy vhodným druhem zvířat k udržování některých biotopů

    Koncentracija aktivnosti prirodnih radionuklida u hrani za piliće u Republici Sjevernoj Makedoniji

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    The care of radioactivity level in animal feed is very important, as ingestion is one of the most common ways radionuclides enter living organisms. Thus, since humans consume products of animal origin (eggs and poultry, milk and beef), it is important to monitor radiation levels in animal feed, as part of the radioactivity that these animals are exposed to, could be transmitted to humans. Natural radionuclides such as 40K, 232Th and 226Ra find their way into the food chain from soil and air to plants and from plants to animals and humans as well. The goal of this study was to determine the activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in three commercial chicken feeds – starter, grower and finisher. The analyzes were performed by means of HPGe gamma spectrometry - gamma spectrometer (Canberra Packard) with a high-purity germanium detector. The obtained spectra from the measurement were analyzed by using the program GENIE 2000. Based on the performed tests, the mean values for the activity concentrations in the samples were the following 26.03±4.1 Bq kg-1 for 226Ra, 37.9±4.8 Bq kg-1 for 232Th, and 64.40±6.5 Bq kg-1 for 40K. The results obtained from the analyses of chicken feeds were compared to studies in other countries and it was found that 40K was present in the highest amount in all types of samples while the vales for the other natural radionuclides were within the nominal concentrations. Higher concentration of 40K can be associated with plants used in the production of animal feed, which were contaminated with fertilizer during their cultivation. The range of radionuclide concentrations in the samples was within the recommended values UNSCEAR.Praćenje razine radioaktivnosti u hrani za životinje od izrazite je važnosti, budući da je oralna konzumacija jedan od najčešćih načina unosa radionuklida u živuće organizme. S obzirom na ljudsku konzumaciju proizvoda životinjskog porijekla (jaja, perad, mlijeko i govedina), važno je pratiti razine radijacije u hrani za životinje budući da dio ukupne radioaktivnosti kojoj su životinje izložene može prijeći na ljude. Prirodni radionuklidi poput 40K, 232Th i 226Ra ulaze u hranidbeni lanac iz zemlje i zraka u biljke te u životinje i ljude. Cilj ovog istraživanja je odrediti aktivne koncentracije prirodnih radionuklida u tri komercijalne vrste hrane za piliće – starteru, groweru i finišeru. Analize su provedene uporabom gama spektrometra visoke rezolucije, odnosno gama spektrometrom (Canberra Packard) s germanijskim detektorom visoke čistoće. Dobiveni mjerni raspon analiziran je uporabom programa GENIE 2000. Temeljem izvedenih ispitivanja uzoraka, prosječne vrijednosti aktivnih koncentracija su 26.04±4.1 Bq kg-1 za radionuklid 226Ra, 37.9±4.8 Bq kg-1 za radionuklid 232Th i 64.40±6.5 Bq kg-1 za radionuklid 40K. Rezultati navedenih analiza hrane za piliće uspoređeni su s istraživanjima provedenim u drugim državama, a zaključak istog je da je radionuklid 40K prisutan u najvišim količinama u svim vrstama analiziranih uzoraka dok su zabilježene normalne koncentracije ostalih prirodnih radionuklida. Više koncentracije radionuklida 40K mogu se povezati s biljkama upotrjebljenima u proizvodnji hrane za životinje, a koje su prethodno bile kontaminirane gnojivima tijekom kultivacije. Utvrđeno je da je raspon koncentracija radionuklida u analiziranim uzorcima unutar vrijednosti koje preporuča UNSCEAR


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    This research was aimed to know the problems of the teacher professionalism that faced of Chemistry Education students to Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty of Gorontalo State University after PPL, and to know the dominant problems about teachers professionalism.The result of this research showed that the teacher professionalism problems of student were (1) teacher base competence including managing teaching learning process and class, material mastery, using media and source of learning, so assessment., (2) doing KTSP including new and same item with old curriculum, different curriculum, KTSP component, applying CTL approach and its application to schools. The dominant problems about teacher professionalism that related to teacher base competence were using media and source of learning about 66,20%, so material mastery about 59%. The dominant problems related to doing CTL including application of CTL about 64% and KTSP application to schools about 63,50%

    Dielectric Properties of Thin Tantalum and Niobium Oxide Layers

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    Dielektrická relaxační spektroskopie je jednou z užitečných metod pro studium molekulární dynamiky materiálů. Díky nedávnému pokroku v přístrojové a měřicí technice je dnes možné získat dielektrické spektrum v širokém frekvenčním intervalu a pro velice rozdílné materiály. Cílem mé práce bylo studium dielektrických relaxačních spekter a vodivosti oxidů titanu, niobu, tantalu, lanthanu a hafnia pro katody pracující na principu studené emise. Cílem výzkumu bylo analyzovat frekvenční a teplotní chování těchto oxidů, včetně jejich vodivosti, v širokém frekvenčním a teplotním rozsahu, a pokusit se stanovit původ relaxačního mechanismu. Vzhledem k tomu, že původně zadaný rozsah oxidů byl dosti široký, soustředila se pozornost pouze na oxidy tantalu a niobu, rovněž s ohledem na jejich aplikace v elektrolytických kondenzátorech. Elektrické, tepelné a mechanické (při zpracování) vlastnosti oxidů tantalu a niobu jsou dnes již dobře prozkoumány. K dispozici je však jen málo poznatků o jejich dielektrických relaxačních mechanismech. Výsledky získané pro Ta2O5 ukazují existence relaxačního maxima, nacházejícího se v experimentálně dostupném teplotním a frekvenčním intervalu 187 K – 385 K a 1 Hz – 10 MHz. Frekvence ztrátového maxima se řídí Arrheniovým zákonem s aktivační energií 0.048 eV. Ve vodivostních spektrech vykazují tenké vrstvy Ta2O5 na nízkých frekvencích ustálenou hodnotu a při vysokých frekvencích monotónní nárůst, který závisí na teplotě. Pozorovanou vodivost lze popsat mocninnou funkcí s exponentem nepatrně větším než jedna (tzv. superlineární závislost). Výsledky získané pro Nb2O5 v podobné teplotní a frekvenční oblasti, 218 K – 373 K, 1 Hz – 1 MHz rovněž ukazují jedno relaxační maximum. Frekvence ztrátového maxima se opět řídí Arrheniovým zákonem s poněkud vyšší aktivační energií 0.055 eV. Niobové kondenzátory vykazují vodivostní mechanismus shodný s kondenzátory tantalovými.Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy is one of the useful methods in studying the molecular dynamics of materials. Owing to recent developments in instrumentation and advances in measurement technique, it is possible to obtain the dispersion of dielectric permittivity in a wide frequency range and for very different materials. The purpose of my work was to investigate dielectric relaxation spectra and conductivity of oxides of titanium, niobium, tantalum, lanthanum and hafnium for field emission cathodes. The objective of the research was to analyze the frequency and temperature behavior of these oxides, as well as their conductivity over a wide frequency and temperature range, and to attempt to determine the origin of the relaxation. As the original range of oxides has been very broad, focus was paid to tantalum (Ta) and niobium (Nb) oxides only, also with regard to their application in electrolytic capacitors. Electrical, thermal and mechanical (processing) properties of Ta and Nb oxides have already been well established. Little is known, however, about detailed mechanisms of their dielectric relaxation. The results acquired for Ta2O5 show a relaxation peak in the temperature and frequency range available, 187 K – 385 K, 1 Hz – 10 MHz. The loss peak frequency follows the Arrhenius law dependence with the activation energy of 0.048 eV. In conductivity spectra, Ta2O5 film exhibits a steady – state value at low frequencies and a monotonous increase at high frequencies that depends on temperature. The observed conductivity followed a slightly superlinear power law. The results acquired for Nb2O5 show a relaxation peak in a similar temperature and frequency range, 218 K – 373 K, 1 Hz – 1 MHz. The loss peak frequency follows the Arrhenius law dependence with the activation energy of 0.055 eV. For both films the relaxation peak approximately shifted toward higher temperatures with frequency (same activation energy). Niobium capacitor shows conductivity mechanism similar to tantalum capacitor.

    Mogućnost da je olovo esencijalni element

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    Toxicity cannot be used as an argument against the possibility that an element may be essential. An attempt to determine whether or not lead is essential ds therefore being made in our laboratory, using a technique which has been successful in several other cases (tin, vanadium, fluorine, silicon). It consists of the application of ultraclean, more or less trace-element sterile (but not bacteriologically sterile) isolators, and highly purified amino acid diets. All compounds tested are added to the diet. Young rats maintained in the trace-element isolator system develop deficiencies when unidentified essential trace elements are missing from the diet, the most important symptom being lack of growth. Other signs are shagginess of the fur seborrhea, lack of incisor pigmentation, etc. In order to work with lead, an air filter system has been developed which removes not only dust particles, but also aerosols and substances present as vapors. The basal diet contains 53 individual components (21 amino acids, 13 vitamins, sucrose, 2 fats, 3 salts and 13 trace clement compounds). It was difficult to obtain all of these in lead-free form and monitor their lead content. Special problems were encountered with calcium phosphate, certain amino acids and the fats. The basal diet contains approximately 0.2 ppm of the element. In 13 successive experiments, carried out in 1972/73, growth responses were seen when 1.0-2.5 ppm of lead in form of lead subacetate was added to this ration. The growth effects were statistically highly significant, even though they amounted on the average to an increase of less than 20%. Not only lead subacetate but also lead oxide and lead nitrate produced this response. In extended trials aimed at amplifying these initial data we were at first unable to repeat the results. Screening of possible sources of lead in the system showed that extreme caution was indicated. The lead content of plastic bags, used for storing diets, varied greatly, and a labeling tape used for numbering of diets and animal cages contained 0.560/o (56000 ppm) of the element. Elimination of these potential sources of Lead, and continuous monitoring of all plastic components was necessary for the demonstration of the growth promoting effect.Svrha je ovoga rada da se prikažu rezultati istraživanja koji upućuju na mogućnost da je olovo esencijalni element. Do 1957. samo je sedam elemenata bilo smatrano esencijalnim: željezo, jod, bakar, cink, mangan, kobalt i molibden. Od tada je k ovima pridodane još sedam nužno potrebnih elemenata. Prema definiciji esencijalni je element onaj koji prisutan u tragovima. Što su tragovi u današnjim analitičkim mogućnostima, pitanje je konvencije. Olovo ispunjava mnoge od kriterija koji su postavljeni za esencijalne elemente. Činjenica je da se toksičnost ne može uzeti kao kriterij da Ii je neki elemenat esencijalan ili ne jer nema nikakve funkcionalne povezanosti između toksičnosti i esencijalnih bioloških funkcija, kao što to pokazuje slučaj selenija i drugih dokazane esencijalnih elemenata. U istraživanjima eventualne esencijalne uloge olova u organizmu sisavaca primijenjen je postupak kojim je utvrđena esencijalnost selenija. U principu postoji ultračista soba i izolacijski postupak s jedne strane i upotreba ekstremno pročišćenih aminokiselina u ishrani životinja s druge strane. Sva se oprema sastoji od plastike i nigdje nije upotrijebljeno staklo, metal ili guma. Uveden je specijalni filterski sistem kojim se odstranjuju i najsitnije čestice iz atmosfere. U ovakvom sistemu, praktićki jedini izvor kontaminacije životinja elementima u tragovima jest hrana. Hrana je sadržavala 53 pojedinačna sastojka (21 aminokiselinu, 13 vitamina, šećer, 2 vrste masti, 3 soli i 13 spojeva u tragovima). Bazična hrana sadržavala je otprilike 0,2 ppm olova. Za pokus su uzeti štakori čija su legla bila pažljivo kontrolirana, tako da se izbjegne mogućnost akumuliranja esencijalnog elementa, u ovom slučaju olova. U svakom je pokusu bilo 4 do 5 skupina po 6 do 8 životinja. Kontrolne su životinje držane u kavezima uz uobičajene uvjete, i bile su hranjene posebnim hranama s niskim, poznatim sadržajem olova. U toku 28 do 32 dana životinje su vagane i praćeno je njihovo stanje. U 13 uzastopnih pokusa što su provedeni tijekom 1972/73. utvrđen je utjecaj na rast već pri dodavanju hrani 1,0 do 2,5 ppm olova u obliku subacetata. Ovaj učinak na rast bio je statistički značajan, premda porast težine nije bio veći od 20%. Osim olovnog acetata i olovni je oksid pokazao jednak pozitivan učinak na tjelesni prirast. Pri ponavljanim pokusima ovaj je učinak izostao, ali je naknadno utvrđeno da je tome bila uzrok kontaminacija temeljne hrane olovom iz plastičnih vreća u kojima je hrana držana. Rezultati pokazuju da je vjerojatna potreba štakora za olovom u opisanim uvjetima otprilike 1 ppm u hrani, a to je ona količina koju organizam prima u normalnim uvjetima prehrane