30 research outputs found

    An Integrated Biorefinery Concept for Conversion of Sugar Beet Pulp into Value-added Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Intermediates

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    Over 8 million tonnes of sugar beet are grown annually in the UK. Sugar beet pulp (SBP) is the main by-product of sugar beet processing which is currently dried and sold as a low value animal feed. SBP is a rich source of carbohydrates, mainly in the form of cellulose and pectin, including D-glucose (Glu), L-arabinose (Ara) and D-galacturonic acid (GalAc). This work describes the technical feasibility of an integrated biorefinery concept for fractionation of SBP and conversion of these monosaccharides into value-added products. SBP fractionation is initially carried out by steam explosion under mild conditions to yield soluble pectin and insoluble cellulose fractions. The cellulose is readily hydrolysed by cellulases to release Glu that can then be fermented by a commercial Yeast strain to produce bioethanol with a high yield. The pectin fraction can be either fully hydrolysed, using physico-chemical methods, or selectively hydrolysed, using cloned arabinases and galacturonases, to yield Ara-rich and GalAc-rich streams. These monomers can be separated using either Centrifugal Partition Chromatography (CPC) or ultrafiltration into streams suitable for subsequent enzymatic upgrading. Building on our previous experience with transketolase (TK) and transaminase (TAm) enzymes, the conversion of Ara and GalAc into higher value products was explored. In particular the conversion of Ara into L-gluco-heptulose (GluHep), that has potential therapeutic applications in hypoglycaemia and cancer, using a mutant TK is described. Preliminary studies with TAm also suggest GluHep can be selectively aminated to the corresponding chiral aminopolyol. Current work is addressing upgrading of the remaining SBP monomer, GalAc, and modelling of the biorefinery concept to enable economic and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)

    Microbiological decomposition of acetone

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    Celem bada艅 by艂a selekcja i identyfikacja mikroorganizm贸w charakteryzuj膮cych si臋 zdolno艣ci膮 wzrostu w pod艂o偶u zawieraj膮cym aceton jako jedyne 藕r贸d艂o w臋gla oraz przeprowadzenie pr贸b biodegradacji testowanego zwi膮zku w procesie biofiltracji. Zidentyfikowano trzy szczepy, z czego dwa wykorzystane zosta艂y w dalszym etapie bada艅, do zaszczepienia z艂o偶a biofiltra. Najwy偶szy efekt oczyszczania 66,5 % uzyskano w ostatnim tygodniu prowadzenia procesu przy obci膮偶eniu substratowym 600 g/m3*h.The aim of research was to selected and identified microorganisms, which were characterized by the ability to use acetone as a sole source of carbon. In the continuation the process of biofiltration was carried out with the use of two bacterial strains UK-09 and GK-04. The best effect of purification of 66,5 % was at substrate loads of 600 g acetone/m3*h

    Microbiological decomposition of selected hydrocarbons constituting air pollution

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    Podj臋to pr贸by wyselekcjonowania mikroorganizm贸w, kt贸re charakteryzowa艂y si臋 najlepszym wzrostem w pod艂o偶ach zawieraj膮cych jako jedyne 藕r贸d艂o w臋gla: chloroform, aceton, fenol, metanol, octan butylu lub butanol. Wyizolowane mikroorganizmy s艂u偶y艂y do zaszczepienia filtra biologicznego, w kt贸rym poddawano biodegradacji butanol oraz octan butylu stosuj膮c zmienne nat臋偶enie przep艂ywu gazu przez biofiltr oraz zmienne obci膮偶enia substratowe. Najwy偶szy efekt oczyszczania - 91 % uzyskano dla obu rozk艂adanych zwi膮zk贸w przy obci膮偶eniach substratowych wynosz膮cych odpowiednio 92,95 mg/m3路 s dla n-butanolu oraz 12,4 mg/m3 路 s dla octanu n-butylu. W ramach bada艅 oceniano mieszanin臋 kultur bakteryjnych i dro偶d偶y, kt贸re wyselekcjonowa艂y si臋 w czasie prowadzonego procesu, wyznaczaj膮c minimalne st臋偶enie hamuj膮ce wzrost mikroorganizm贸w.In the studies, an attempt was made to isolate microorganisms which were characterized by the best growth in substrates containing chloroform, acetone, phenol, methanol, butyl acetate or butanol as the sole source of carbon. The isolated organisms were used to inoculate a biologica! filter, in which butanol and butyl acetate were subjected to biodegradation by applying a variable intensity of a gas flow through the biofilter and a variable substrate loads. The best effect of purification, of 91 % was obtained for both compounds decomposed at substrate loads of 92.95 mg/m3 路 s for n~butanol and 12.4 mg/m3 路 s for n-butyl acetate, respectively. Following the termination of the investigations, a mixture of bacterial cultures and yeast, which were isolated in the course of the process conducted, determining the minimal concentration hampering the growth of the microorganisms

    Alternative methods of energy recovery from brown coal

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    Znacz膮ce zasoby w臋gla brunatnego w Polsce umo偶liwiaj膮 poszukiwanie rozwi膮za艅, kt贸re umo偶liwiaj膮 eksploatacj臋 z艂贸偶 o ma艂ych zasobach lub pok艂ady w臋gla m艂odego, kt贸re charakteryzuj膮 si臋 nisk膮 kaloryczno艣ci膮. Koszty pozyskiwania energii w tradycyjny spos贸b b臋d膮 wzrasta艂y z uwagi na wym贸g bezemisyjnego spalania w臋gla. Metody tradycyjnej eksploatacji w臋gla brunatnego mog膮 tak偶e napotyka膰 na trudno艣ci technologiczne oraz sprzeciw lokalnych spo艂eczno艣ci. Podziemne zgazowanie w臋gla brunatnego mo偶e okaza膰 si臋 przysz艂o艣ciow膮 technologi膮 szczeg贸lnie w przypadku wykorzystywania z艂贸偶 o niewielkiej obj臋to艣ci. Otrzymane w wyniku procesu UCG - gaz syntezowy lub biogaz b臋d膮cy produktem biogazyfikacji, mog膮 stanowi膰 pe艂nowarto艣ciowe paliwa alternatywne.The significant supplies of brown coal in Poland make possible search the solutions, which make possible the exploitation of deposits about small supplies or the layers of carbon of the young which characterize with low caloricitiy. The costs logging of energy in traditional way will rise because of burning the carbon grew up with attention on requirement. The methods of traditional exploitation of brown coal can also encounter on technological difficulties as well as the opposition of local communities. The underground gasification of brown coal can turn out with future technology in case using deposits about small volume. Received in result of process UCG - the syngas or the biogas being the product of biogasification, the balanced alternative fuels can make up

    Practical methods of removing hydrogen sulfide from biogas. Part II, Application of sorption solutions and biological methods

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    Siarkowod贸r jest powszechnie wyst臋puj膮cym sk艂adnikiem biogazu, kt贸ry powoduje m. in. Zanieczyszczenie atmosfery, korozj臋 urz膮dze艅 stosowanych w biogazowniach oraz ma niekorzystny wp艂yw na prac臋 urz膮dze艅 kogeneracyjnych. Jego usuwanie przed dalszym przetwarzaniem biogazu jest zatem konieczne ze wzgl臋d贸w 艣rodowiskowych oraz technicznych. W publikacji przedstawiono przegl膮d metod chemicznych i biochemicznych wykorzystywanych do usuwania siarkowodoru z biogazu.Hydrogen sulphide is a common component of the biogas resulting in the atmospheric pollution, corrosion of the biogas plants and has a negative effect on the operation of cogeneration equipment. For environmental and technical reasons it should be removed from the biogas prior to further processing. This paper reviews wet chemical and biochemical methods of desulphurization. It follows our previous work on technologies, based on solid sorbents

    Anaerobic digestion of sugar beet pulp after acid thermal and alkali thermal pretreatments

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    In this study, biogas production was investigated in mesophilic conditions from sugar beet pulp (SBP). In untreated conditions, water dissolution rate was 15.5% and biogas production rate was 168.7 mL/g TS (total solid). Alkaline thermal pretreatments were applied at 100 掳C with 3 N NaOH and KOH solutions. Amounts of alkaline and acid were added in an amount equal to 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 30% of the solids in the reactor. Acid thermal pretreatments were applied at 100 掳C with 5% (v/v) H2SO4 and HNO3 solutions. The anaerobic digestion (AD) time was shortened by approximately 10 days after pretreatment. The highest biogas yield was 458.4 mL/g TS as a result of KOH thermal pretreatment. In this reactor, soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) removal was 87.1%, and cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin removals were 32.4%, 28.6%, and 33.5% w/w, respectively. It was observed that the cumulative biogas production (CBP) successfully fitted the modified Richards (MR) model and modified Gompertz (MG) model. 漏 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.Sivas Cumhuriyet 脺niversitesi: CUBAP-M-665The financial support of this study was provided by the scientific research projects unit of the Cumhuriyet University (CUBAP-M-665). We would like to thank you for your contribution to the related institution