742 research outputs found

    Existence of a phase transition under finite magnetic field in the long-range RKKY Ising spin glass Dyx_{x}Y1x_{1-x}Ru2_{2}Si2_{2}

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    A phase transition of a model compound of the long-range Ising spin glass (SG) Dyx_{x}Y1x_{1-x}Ru2_{2}Si2_{2}, where spins interact via the RKKY interaction, has been investigated. The static and the dynamic scaling analyses reveal that the SG phase transition in the model magnet belongs to the mean-field universality class. Moreover, the characteristic relaxation time in finite magnetic fields exhibits a critical divergent behavior as well as in zero field, indicating a stability of the SG phase in finite fields. The presence of the SG phase transition in field in the model magnet strongly syggests that the replica symmetry is broken in the long-range Ising SG.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in JPSJ (2010

    Orbital-Order Driven Ferroelectricity and Dipolar Relaxation Dynamics in Multiferroic GaMo4_4S8_8

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    We present the results of broadband dielectric spectroscopy of GaMo4_4S8_8, a lacunar spinel system that recently was shown to exhibit non-canonical, orbitally-driven ferroelectricity. Our study reveals complex relaxation dynamics of this multiferroic material, both above and below its Jahn-Teller transition at TJT=47_{\textrm{JT}}=47 K. Above TJT_{\textrm{JT}}, two types of coupled dipolar-orbital dynamics seem to compete: relaxations within cluster-like regions with short-range polar order like in relaxor ferroelectrics and critical fluctuations of only weakly interacting dipoles, the latter resembling the typical dynamics of order-disorder type ferroelectrics. Below the Jahn-Teller transition, the onset of orbital order drives the system into long-range ferroelectric order and dipolar dynamics within the ferroelectric domains is observed. The coupled dipolar and orbital relaxation behavior of GaMo4_4S8_8 above the Jahn-Teller transition markedly differs from that of the skyrmion host GaV4_4S8_8, which seems to be linked to differences in the structural distortions of the two systems on the unit-cell level.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures + Supplemental Material (2 pages, 2 figures

    Itinerant electron magnetism of η-carbides Co6M6C and Ni6M6C (M=Mo and W)

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    Magnetic, transport, and thermal properties of metallic η-carbides Co6M6C and Ni6M6C (M = Mo and W) with the cubic Ni6Mo6C-type structure have been characterized. The Ni-based compounds Ni6Mo6C and Ni6W6C are Pauli paramagnets with temperature-independent susceptibilities. Susceptibilities of the Co-based compounds Co6Mo6C and Co6W6C are enhanced and temperature-dependent. Co6Mo6C remains paramagnetic down to the lowest temperature, while Co6W6C undergoes an antiferromagnetic-type transition at 46 K. A metamagnetic transition was observed for Co6W6C at 20–30 T at the lowest temperatures. The correlation among the enhancements in the susceptibility, the resistivity, and the electronic specific heat suggests the presence of moderate electron correlation in these compounds

    Possible Spin-triplet Superconductivity in NaxCoO2yH2O - 59Co NMR Study

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    We report 59Co NMR studies on the magnetically oriented powder samples of Co-oxide superconductors NaxCoO2yH2O with Tc ~ 4.7 K. From two-dimensional powder pattern in the NMR spectrum, the ab-plane Knight shift in the normal state was estimated by the magnetic field dependence of second-order quadrupole shifts at various temperatures. Below 50 K, the Knight shift shows a Curie-Weiss-like temperature dependence, similarly to the bulk magnetic susceptibility chi. From the analysis of so-called K-chi plot, the spin and the orbital components of K and the positive hyperfine coupling constant were estimated. The onset temperature of superconducting transition in the Knight shift does not change so much in an applied magnetic field up to 7 T, which is consistent with the reported high upper critical field Hc2. The Knight shift at 7 T shows an invariant behavior below Tc. No coherence peak just below Tc was observed in the temperature dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 in both cases of NMR and NQR. We conclude that the invariant behavior of the Knight shift below Tc and unconventional behaviors of 1/T possibly indicate the spin-triplet superconductivity with p- or f-wave symmetry.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Extended versio

    Interplay between quantum criticality and geometrical frustration in Fe3Mo3N with stella quadrangula lattice

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    In the eta-carbide-type correlated-electron metal Fe3Mo3N, ferromagnetism is abruptly induced from a nonmagnetic non-Fermi-liquid ground state either when a magnetic field (~14 T) applied to it or when it is doped with a slight amount of impurity (~5% Co). We observed a peak in the paramagnetic neutron scattering intensity at finite wave vectors, revealing the presence of the antiferromagnetic (AF) correlation hidden in the magnetic measurements. It causes a new type of geometrical frustration in the stellla quadrangula lattice of the Fe sublattice. We propose that the frustrated AF correlation suppresses the F correlation to its marginal point and is therfore responsible for the origin of the ferromagnetic (F) quantum critical behavior in pure Fe3Mo3N

    Non-Detection of Gravitationally Redshifted Absorption Lines in the X-ray Burst Spectra of GS 1826-24

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    During a 200 ks observation with the XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometer, we detected 16 type-I X-ray bursts from GS 1826-24. We combined the burst spectra in an attempt to measure the gravitational redshifts from the surface of the neutron star. We divided the composite GS 1826-24 burst spectrum into three groups based on the blackbody temperature during the bursts. The spectra do not show any obvious discrete absorption lines. We compare our observations with those of EXO 0748-676.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ

    Structural phase transitions in multipole traps

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    A small number of laser-cooled ions trapped in a linear radiofrequency multipole trap forms a hollow tube structure. We have studied, by means of molecular dynamics simulations, the structural transition from a double ring to a single ring of ions. We show that the single-ring configuration has the advantage to inhibit the thermal transfer from the rf-excited radial components of the motion to the axial component, allowing to reach the Doppler limit temperature along the direction of the trap axis. Once cooled in this particular configuration, the ions experience an angular dependency of the confinement if the local adiabaticity parameter exceeds the empirical limit. Bunching of the ion structures can then be observed and an analytic expression is proposed to take into account for this behaviour