136 research outputs found

    Characterization of porous surfaces with spatial point pattern analysis

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    Nowadays thermal plasma spray coating is widespread in automobile industry. For example, in the cylinder manufacturing process coatings are applied for friction reduction, wear and corrosion resistance. After the honing process, a coated surface exhibits porous microstructures, which are often characterized in order to understand functional correlations between key parameters of the pores and friction performance. In this paper, spatial point pattern analysis is used to investigate the pores' distribution in a two dimensional space. Methods, such as nearest neighbor analysis and Ripley's K-function, are used to conduct the experiments to analyze the observer's pattern. Different edge correction methods in Ripley's K-function are introduced. Confidence envelopes are simulated using the Monte Carlo method. Experimental results are presented to reveal the patterns of pores, where influences of the selected measurement area on the results are taken into account and further discussed. © 2015 SPIE

    Fiber-optic fringe projection with crosstalk reduction by adaptive pattern masking

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    To enable in-process inspection of industrial manufacturing processes, measuring devices need to fulfill time and space constraints, while also being robust to environmental conditions, such as high temperatures and electromagnetic fields. A new fringe projection profilometry system is being developed, which is capable of performing the inspection of filigree tool geometries, e.g. gearing elements with tip radii of 0.2 mm, inside forming machines of the sheet-bulk metal forming process. Compact gradient-index rod lenses with a diameter of 2 mm allow for a compact design of the sensor head, which is connected to a base unit via flexible high-resolution image fibers with a diameter of 1.7 mm. The base unit houses a flexible DMD based LED projector optimized for fiber coupling and a CMOS camera sensor. The system is capable of capturing up to 150 gray-scale patterns per second as well as high dynamic range images from multiple exposures. Owing to fiber crosstalk and light leakage in the image fiber, signal quality suffers especially when capturing 3-D data of technical surfaces with highly varying reflectance or surface angles. An algorithm is presented, which adaptively masks parts of the pattern to reduce these effects via multiple exposures. The masks for valid surface areas are automatically defined according to different parameters from an initial capture, such as intensity and surface gradient. In a second step, the masks are re-projected to projector coordinates using the mathematical model of the system. This approach is capable of reducing both inter-pixel crosstalk and inter-object reflections on concave objects while maintaining measurement durations of less than 5 s.DFG/CRC/TR 7

    Development of a compact low coherence interferometer based on GPGPU for fast microscopic surface measurement on turbine blades

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    Vertical scanning interferometry (VSI) techniques are widely used to profile microscopic surface structures of industrial products. This paper introduces a high-precision fast optical measurement system with an optimized small sensor head for the measurement of precision surfaces on a turbine blade or blisks (blade integrated discs). The non-contact measurement system is based on a low coherence interferometer (LCI), which is capable of fast profiling of 3D sample surface with a nanometer resolution and has a larger measurement range compared to conventional microscopes. This results in a large amount of sampled data and a high computational time for the evaluation of the data. For this reason, the used evaluation algorithm in this paper is accelerated by the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) technology, which allows parallel evaluation of the data stack on independent cores of a General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU). As a result, the GPU-based optimized algorithm is compared with the original CPU-based single-threaded algorithm to show the approximate 60x speedup of computing the Hilbert Transformation, which is used to find the depth position in the correlogram of each pixel of the sampled data. The main advantage of the GPU computing for the evaluation algorithm of the LCI is that it can reduce the time-consuming data evaluation process and further accelerates the whole measurement. © 2015 SPIE.DFG/SFB/87

    Comparison of LASER and LED illumination for fiber optic fringe projection

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    The inspection of functional elements is a crucial part of modern production cycles. However, with higher integration of production machinery and products, the accessibility for measurement systems is more and more limited. A solution for this problem can be found in endoscopy techniques, which are able to transport the image information for optical measurement methods. In this paper, an optical inspection system based on the fringe projection proifllometry technique is presented. The iflber-optic fringe projection system uses two high-resolution image iflbers to connect a compact sensor head to the pattern generation and camera unit. In order to keep inspection times low, the system is developed with particular focus on fast projection times. This can be achieved by using a digital micro-mirror device, which is capable of projecting grey-scale patterns at a rate of more than 10 images per second. However, due to the low numerical aperture of the optical iflbers, a limiting factor for the pattern rate is the illumination path of the pattern generator. Two different designs of the illumination path are presented, which are based on a LASER light source as well as a LED light source. Due to low beam divergence and high intensities LASERs are well suited for iflber coupling. Unfortunately, the coherent property of the light has negative effects in certain measurement applications, as interference patterns, the so called speckle, appear on rough surfaces. Although speckle reducing methods are employed in the LASER beam path, the emergence of interference cannot be prevented completely. As an alternative, an illumination path based on a LED light source is demonstrated. To compare the effects of the speckle, based on measurements on a planar calibration standard both designs are compared in terms of phase noise, which is directly related to the noise in the reconstructed 3-D point data. Additionally, optical power measurements of both methods are compared to give an estimation of coupling eiflciency. Finally, the capabilities of the system are shown based on measurements of a micro-contour standard. © 2016 SPIE.DFG/CRC/TR 7

    Advanced Numerical Modelling of Discontinuities in Coupled Boundary ValueProblems

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    Industrial development processes as well as research in physics, materials and engineering science rely on computer modelling and simulation techniques today. With increasing computer power, computations are carried out on multiple scales and involve the analysis of coupled problems. In this work, continuum modelling is therefore applied at different scales in order to facilitate a prediction of the effective material or structural behaviour based on the local morphology and the properties of the individual constituents. This provides valueable insight into the structure-property relations which are of interest for any design process. In order to obtain reasonable predictions for the effective behaviour, numerical models which capture the essential fine scale features are required. In this context, the efficient representation of discontinuities as they arise at, e.g. material interfaces or cracks, becomes more important than in purely phenomenological macroscopic approaches. In this work, two different approaches to the modelling of discontinuities are discussed: (i) a sharp interface representation which requires the localisation of interfaces by the mesh topology. Since many interesting macroscopic phenomena are related to the temporal evolution of certain microscopic features, (ii) diffuse interface models which regularise the interface in terms of an additional field variable and therefore avoid topological mesh updates are considered as an alternative. With the two combinations (i) Extended Finite Elemente Method (XFEM) + sharp interface model, and (ii) Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) + diffuse interface model, two fundamentally different approaches to the modelling of discontinuities are investigated in this work. XFEM reduces the continuity of the approximation by introducing suitable enrichment functions according to the discontinuity to be modelled. Instead, diffuse models regularise the interface which in many cases requires even an increased continuity that is provided by the spline-based approximation. To further increase the efficiency of isogeometric discretisations of diffuse interfaces, adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening techniques based on hierarchical splines are presented. The adaptive meshes are found to reduce the number of degrees of freedom required for a certain accuracy of the approximation significantly. Selected discretisation techniques are applied to solve a coupled magneto-mechanical problem for particulate microstructures of Magnetorheological Elastomers (MRE). In combination with a computational homogenisation approach, these microscopic models allow for the prediction of the effective coupled magneto-mechanical response of MRE. Moreover, finite element models of generic MRE microstructures are coupled with a BEM domain that represents the surrounding free space in order to take into account finite sample geometries. The macroscopic behaviour is analysed in terms of actuation stresses, magnetostrictive deformations, and magnetorheological effects. The results obtained for different microstructures and various loadings have been found to be in qualitative agreement with experiments on MRE as well as analytical results.Industrielle Entwicklungsprozesse und die Forschung in Physik, Material- und Ingenieurwissenschaft greifen in einem immer stärkeren Umfang auf rechnergestützte Modellierungs- und Simulationsverfahren zurück. Die ständig steigende Rechenleistung ermöglicht dabei auch die Analyse mehrskaliger und gekoppelter Probleme. In dieser Arbeit kommt daher ein kontinuumsmechanischer Modellierungsansatz auf verschiedenen Skalen zum Einsatz. Das Ziel der Berechnungen ist dabei die Vorhersage des effektiven Material- bzw. Strukturverhaltens auf der Grundlage der lokalen Werkstoffstruktur und der Eigenschafen der konstitutiven Bestandteile. Derartige Simulationen liefern interessante Aussagen zu den Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen, deren Verständnis entscheidend für das Material- und Strukturdesign ist. Um aussagekräftige Vorhersagen des effektiven Verhaltens zu erhalten, sind numerische Modelle erforderlich, die wesentliche Eigenschaften der lokalen Materialstruktur abbilden. Dabei kommt der effizienten Modellierung von Diskontinuitäten, beispielsweise Materialgrenzen oder Rissen, eine deutlich größere Bedeutung zu als bei einer makroskopischen Betrachtung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zwei unterschiedliche Modellierungsansätze für Unstetigkeiten diskutiert: (i) eine scharfe Abbildung, die üblicherweise konforme Berechnungsnetze erfordert. Da eine Evolution der Mikrostruktur bei einer derartigen Modellierung eine Topologieänderung bzw. eine aufwendige Neuvernetzung nach sich zieht, werden alternativ (ii) diffuse Modelle, die eine zusätzliche Feldvariable zur Regularisierung der Grenzfläche verwenden, betrachtet. Mit der Kombination von (i) Erweiterter Finite-Elemente-Methode (XFEM) + scharfem Grenzflächenmodell sowie (ii) Isogeometrischer Analyse (IGA) + diffuser Grenzflächenmodellierung werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit zwei fundamental verschiedene Zugänge zur Modellierung von Unstetigkeiten betrachtet. Bei der Diskretisierung mit XFEM wird die Kontinuität der Approximation durch eine Anreicherung der Ansatzfunktionen gemäß der abzubildenden Unstetigkeit reduziert. Demgegenüber erfolgt bei einer diffusen Grenzflächenmodellierung eine Regularisierung. Die dazu erforderliche zusätzliche Feldvariable führt oft zu Feldgleichungen mit partiellen Ableitungen höherer Ordnung und weist in ihrem Verlauf starke Gradienten auf. Die daraus resultierenden Anforderungen an den Ansatz werden durch eine Spline-basierte Approximation erfüllt. Um die Effizienz dieser isogeometrischen Diskretisierung weiter zu erhöhen, werden auf der Grundlage hierarchischer Splines adaptive Verfeinerungs- und Vergröberungstechniken entwickelt. Ausgewählte Diskretisierungsverfahren werden zur mehrskaligen Modellierung des gekoppelten magnetomechanischen Verhaltens von Magnetorheologischen Elastomeren (MRE) angewendet. In Kombination mit numerischen Homogenisierungsverfahren, ermöglichen die Mikrostrukturmodelle eine Vorhersage des effektiven magnetomechanischen Verhaltens von MRE. Außerderm wurden Verfahren zur Kopplung von FE-Modellen der MRE-Mikrostruktur mit einem Randelement-Modell der Umgebung vorgestellt. Mit Hilfe der entwickelten Verfahren kann das Verhalten von MRE in Form von Aktuatorspannungen, magnetostriktiven Deformationen und magnetischen Steifigkeitsänderungen vorhergesagt werden. Im Gegensatz zu zahlreichen anderen Modellierungsansätzen, stimmen die mit den hier vorgestellten Methoden für unterschiedliche Mikrostrukturen erzielten Vorhersagen sowohl mit analytischen als auch experimentellen Ergebnissen überein

    Endoscopic fringe projection for in-situ inspection of a sheet-bulk metal forming process

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    Sheet-bulk metal forming is a new production process capable of performing deep-drawing and massive forming steps in a single operation. However, due to the high forming forces of the forming process, continuous process control is required in order to detect wear on the forming tool before production quality is impacted. To be able to measure the geometry of the forming tool in the limited space of forming presses, a new inspection system is being developed within the SFB/TR 73 collaborative research center. In addition to the limited space, the process restricts the amount of time available for inspection. Existing areal optical measurement systems suffer from shadowing when measuring the tool's inner elements, as they cannot be placed in the limited space next to the tool, while tactile measurement systems cannot meet the time restrictions for measuring the areal geometries. The new inspection system uses the fringe projection optical measurement principle to capture areal geometry data from relevant parts of the forming tool in short time. Highresolution image fibers are used to connect the system's compact sensor head to a base unit containing both camera and projector of the fringe projection system, which can be positioned outside of the moving parts of the press. To enable short measurement times, a high intensity laser source is used in the projector in combination with a digital micro-mirror device. Gradient index lenses are featured in the sensor head to allow for a very compact design that can be used in the narrow space above the forming tool inside the press. The sensor head is attached to an extended arm, which also guides the image fibers to the base unit. A rotation stage offers the possibility to capture measurements of different functional elements on the circular forming tool by changing the orientation of the sensor head next to the forming tool. During operation of the press, the arm can be travelled out of the moving parts of the forming press. To further reduce the measurement times of the fringe projection system, the inverse fringe projection principle has been adapted to the system to detect geometry deviations in a single camera image. Challenges arise from vibrations of both the forming machine and the positioning stages, which are transferred via the extended arm to the sensor head. Vibrations interfere with the analysis algorithms of both encoded and inverse fringe projection and thus impair measurement accuracy. To evaluate the impact of vibrations on the endoscopic system, results of measurements of simple geometries under the influence of vibrations are discussed. The effect of vibrations is imitated by displacing the measurement specimen during the measurement with a linear positioning stage. The concept of the new inspection system is presented within the scope of the TR 73 demonstrational sheet-bulk metal forming process. Finally, the capabilities of the endoscopic fringe projection system are shown by measurements of gearing structures on a forming tool compared to a CAD-reference. © 2015 SPIE.DFG/CRC/TR 7

    Fast in-situ tool inspection based on inverse fringe projection and compact sensor heads

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    Inspection of machine elements is an important task in production processes in order to ensure the quality of produced parts and to gather feedback for the continuous improvement process. A new measuring system is presented, which is capable of performing the inspection of critical tool geometries, such as gearing elements, inside the forming machine. To meet the constraints on sensor head size and inspection time imposed by the limited space inside the machine and the cycle time of the process, the measuring device employs a combination of endoscopy techniques with the fringe projection principle. Compact gradient index lenses enable a compact design of the sensor head, which is connected to a CMOS camera and a flexible micro-mirror based projector via flexible fiber bundles. Using common fringe projection patterns, the system achieves measuring times of less than five seconds. To further reduce the time required for inspection, the generation of inverse fringe projection patterns has been implemented for the system. Inverse fringe projection speeds up the inspection process by employing object-adapted patterns, which enable the detection of geometry deviations in a single image. Two different approaches to generate object adapted patterns are presented. The first approach uses a reference measurement of a manufactured tool master to generate the inverse pattern. The second approach is based on a virtual master geometry in the form of a CAD file and a ray-tracing model of the measuring system. Virtual modeling of the measuring device and inspection setup allows for geometric tolerancing for free-form surfaces by the tool designer in the CAD-file. A new approach is presented, which uses virtual tolerance specifications and additional simulation steps to enable fast checking of metric tolerances. Following the description of the pattern generation process, the image processing steps required for inspection are demonstrated on captures of gearing geometries. © 2016 SPIE.DFG/CRC/TR 7

    RGB-D microtopography: A comprehensive dataset for surface analysis and characterization techniques

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    The dataset presented contains microtopographies of various materials and processing methods. These microtopographies were measured using a Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope, which provides RGB-D data. This means the dataset comprises accurate height maps for each measurement and microscopic RGB images. The height maps can be used to quantify and characterize small-scale surface features such as pits and grooves, surface roughness, texture direction, and surface anisotropy. These features can significantly impact a material's properties and behavior, making them essential in many fields, such as biomaterials and tribology. Additionally, the dataset contains metadata about the specimens and the measurement conditions, such as material, surface processing method, roughness, and optical magnification. Therefore, this dataset provides an opportunity to develop and test surface classification and characterization algorithms

    A hybrid virtual sensing approach for approximating non-linear dynamic system behavior using LSTM networks

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    Modern Internet of Things solutions are used in a variety of different areas, ranging from connected vehicles and healthcare to industrial applications. They rely on a large amount of interconnected sensors, which can lead to both technical and economical challenges. Virtual sensing techniques aim to reduce the number of physical sensors in a system by using data from available measurements to estimate additional unknown quantities of interest. Successful model-based solutions include Kalman filters or the combination of finite element models and modal analysis, while many data-driven methods rely on machine learning algorithms. The presented hybrid virtual sensing approach combines Long Short-Term Memory networks with frequency response function models in order to estimate the behavior of non-linear dynamic systems with multiple input and output channels. Network training and prediction make use of short signal subsequences, which are later recombined by applying a windowing technique. The frequency response function model acts as a baseline estimate which perfectly captures linear dynamic systems and is augmented by the non-linear Long Short-Term Memory network following two different hybrid modeling strategies. The approach is tested using a non-linear experimental dataset, which results from measurements of a three-component servo-hydraulic fatigue test bench. A variety of metrics in time and frequency domains, as well as fatigue strength under variable amplitudes are used to evaluate the approximation quality of the proposed method. In addition to virtual sensing, the algorithm is also applied to a forward prediction task. Synthetic data are used in a separate study to estimate the prediction quality on datasets of different size.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure