72 research outputs found

    Domain walls and their experimental signatures in s+is superconductors

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    Arguments were recently advanced that hole-doped Ba1−x_{1-x}Kx_xFe2_2As2_2 exhibits s+iss+is state at certain doping. Spontaneous breaking of time reversal symmetry in s+iss+is state, dictates that it possess domain wall excitations. Here, we discuss what are the experimentally detectable signatures of domain walls in s+iss+is state. We find that in this state the domain walls can have dipole-like magnetic signature (in contrast to the uniform magnetic signature of domain walls p+ipp+ip superconductors). We propose experiments where quench-induced domain walls can be stabilized by geometric barriers and be observed via their magnetic signature or their influence on the magnetization process, thereby providing an experimental tool to confirm s+iss+is state.Comment: Replaced with a version in print in Physical Review Letters; Minor changes; 8 pages, 9 figure

    Topological defects in mixtures of superconducting condensates with different charges

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    We investigate the topological defects in phenomenological models describing mixtures of charged condensates with commensurate electric charges. Such situations are expected to appear for example in liquid metallic deuterium. This is modeled by a multicomponent Ginzburg-Landau theory where the condensates are coupled to the same gauge field by different coupling constants whose ratio is a rational number. We also briefly discuss the case where electric charges are incommensurate. Flux quantization and finiteness of the energy per unit length dictate that the different condensates have different winding and thus different number of (fractional) vortices. Competing attractive and repulsive interactions lead to molecule-like bound state between fractional vortices. Such bound states have finite energy and carry integer flux quanta. These can be characterized by CP1\mathbb{C}P^1 topological invariant that motivates their denomination as skyrmions.Comment: Replaced with a version in print in Phys. Rev. B; Improved and extended as compared to the first version; 14 pages, 8 figure

    Skyrmionic state and stable half-quantum vortices in chiral p-wave superconductors

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    Observability of half-quantum vortices and skyrmions in p-wave superconductors is an outstanding open question. Under the most common conditions, fractional flux vortices are not thermodynamically stable in bulk samples. Here we show that in chiral p-wave superconductors, there is a regime where, in contrast lattices of integer flux vortices are not thermodynamically stable. Instead skyrmions made of spatially separated half-quantum vortices are the topological defects produced by an applied external field.Comment: Replaced with a version in print in Physical Review B, Rapid Communications; References added; 8 pages, 9 figure

    Microscopic prediction of skyrmion lattice state in clean interface superconductors

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    When an in-plane field is applied to a clean interface superconductor, a Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO)-like phase is stabilized. This phase has a U(1)×U(1)\mathrm{U}(1)\times\mathrm{U}(1) symmetry and, in principle, this symmetry allows for flux carrying topological excitations different from Abrikosov vortices (which are the simplest defects associated with S1→S1S^1 \to S^1 maps). However, in practice, largely due to electromagnetic and other intercomponent interactions, such topological excitations are very rare in superconducting systems. Here we demonstrate that a realistic microscopic theory for interface superconductors, such as SrTiO3_3/LaAlO3_3, predicts an unconventional magnetic response where the flux-carrying objects are skyrmions, characterized by homotopy invariants of S2→S2S^2 \to S^2 maps. Additionally, we show that this microscopic theory predicts that stable fractional vortices form near the boundary of these superconductors. It also predicts the appearance of type-1.5 superconductivity for some range of parameters. Central to these results is the assumption that the Rashba spin orbit coupling is much larger than the superconducting gap.Comment: Replaced with a version in print in Phys. Rev. B; Improved and extended as compared to the first version; 10 pages, 6 figure

    Properties of dirty two-bands superconductors with repulsive interband interaction: normal modes, length scales, vortices and magnetic response

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    Disorder in two-band superconductors with repulsive interband interaction induces a frustrated competition between the phase-locking preferences of the various potential and kinetic terms. This frustrated interaction can result in the formation of an s+iss+is superconducting state, that breaks the time-reversal symmetry. In this paper we study the normal modes and their associated coherence lengths in such materials. We especially focus on the consequences of the soft modes stemming from the frustration and time-reversal-symmetry breakdown. We find that two-bands superconductors with such impurity-induced frustrated interactions display a rich spectrum of physical properties that are absent in their clean counterparts. It features a mixing of Leggett's and Anderson-Higgs modes, and a soft mode with diverging coherence length at the impurity-induced second order phase transition from s±/s++s_{\pm}/s_{++} states to the s+iss+is state. Such a soft mode generically results in long-range attractive intervortex forces that can trigger the formation of vortex clusters. We find that, if such clusters are formed, their size and internal flux density have a characteristic temperature dependence that could be probed in muon-spin-rotation experiments. We also comment on the appearance of spontaneous magnetic fields due to spatially varying impurities.Comment: Added discussion of spontaneous magnetic fields due to spatially varying impurities; Replaced with a version in print in Phys. Rev. B; 17 pages, 8 figure
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