16 research outputs found

    A Historicai Consideration on the Changes of the Wabicha (Tea Ceremony) and the Roji (Tea Garden) : Part 3: The Succession and development of Oribe\u27s Style for Tea Ceremony by Enshu

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    織部において, 茶室, 茶庭は客のためのよりよき茶を演出するための場としてとらえる立場をとる.この織部の茶を継承し, さらに展開した遠州は茶庭(露地)のための造形を含めて, かずかずの茶の造形をものしている.しかも, その中には, 後世に受けつがれ, 語りつがれる, すぐれた数々の成果がある.このすぐれた成果を生み出した基盤には, 彼の豊かな天賦の才があったこと勿論であるが, しかし, 一方, 彼を取り巻くすぐれた人びとが, 彼のこのすぐれた天賦の才をさらにみがき, そして大きく育てる役割を果したことも, また軽視できないといわねばならない.本報告では, このような遠州を取り巻くすぐれた人びとの中で, 特に松花堂昭乗を取りあげる.滝本坊客殿の幅広い東縁と, これから茶室・閑雲軒の躙口へ通じる狭い榑縁と, このひとつらなりの廊下がつくり出す構成は, 外露地から内露地への園路の構成に通じるものといえる.而して, この構成を, 遠州が先きに金地院八窓席の躙口まえにおいて試みた手法から, さらに一歩を踏み出したデザインとみる.また, その手水構えにおいても, ここ閑雲軒においては, 蹲踞構えではなく, 書院における縁先手水の構えを思わせる構成をとるものであって, それは廊下を園路と見立てる手法によって, はじめて成立する構成といえる.そして, この構成は, やがて, 書院茶室へと展開する遠州の新しい茶の造形に向う, 一階梯として大きな意義をもつ.また, 滝本坊茶立所の室内構成をみるとき, そこには遠州伏見屋敷におけるデザインからの発展といえるかずかずの特徴がみられる.さらに, この滝本坊茶立所における作事のかずかずの体験が, やがて, 遠州の造形デザインの世界を, さEnshu Kobori succeeded Oribe Furuta\u27s style for a wabicha (a tea ceremony in the special room or house for it) to recieve the quests with a tea in the hospitable settings of a room and a garden, and developed it cultivating his talent by the communicaion with several outstanding people of his salon like Shojo Shokado or a monk of Iwashimizu Hachimangu. One of the process of the development could be found in the approach from the kyakuden (a reception hall) of Takimotobo of Shojo\u27s living house to Kanunken of a special house for a tea ceremony through the verandah, and in the design of chatatedokoro, i.e. the room for a wabicha in a shoin style. The way from the kyakuden to Kanunken through the verandah would have been supposed as the way from a soto-roji to a uchi-roji, and a set of tsukubai or a basin for washing hands beside the verandah used like a ensaki-chouzu in case of a shoincha or a tea service in a shoin. And, we can point out several effects of Shojo in the design of chatatedokoro. Therefore, the design of Takimotobo is on the way to a wabicha in a shoin style, which is completed by Enshu in the design of Bosen of Kohoan, Daitokuji

    Additional file 4: Figure S3. of Reduced diversity and altered composition of the gut microbiome in individuals with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome

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    Confusion matrices for random forest analysis of microbial sequencing data (values are presented as %) and ROC area under the curve (AUC) values at the genus (a), species (b) and OTU (c) level. (PDF 1170 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Reduced diversity and altered composition of the gut microbiome in individuals with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome

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    Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) plot of healthy controls versus subjects with ME/CFS. Distances were calculated with weighted UniFrac (a) and unweighted UniFrac (b). Data were evenly sampled at 32223 sequences per sample. (PDF 2631 kb

    Additional file 17: Figure S9. of ABO antigen and secretor statuses are not associated with gut microbiota composition in 1,500 twins

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    Analyses using only individuals with BMI < 25 recapitulate results. A-C) Neither ABO or secretor status associated with broad compositional differences of the gut microbiota in the TwinsUK. None of the top 100 principal coordinates (PCs) from principal coordinate analysis of unweighted UniFrac distance are significantly associated with either ABO or secretor status. The first two PCs are shown, colored by ABO status (A) and secretor status (B). (C) Discriminant analysis of PCA (DAPC) is largely unsuccessful at predicting ABO or secretor status from microbiome data. The mean accuracy from 5-fold cross validation is plotted for ABO status, secretor status, and ABO status only in secreting individuals (yellow). Significance was determined by comparing the accuracy of each test to the accuracies of permuted data, which took into account twin relationships (gray). D-F) Microbiome diversity does not significantly differ by ABO, but does by secretor status. Within sample diversity (Faith’s phylogenic diversity) is significantly different between secretors versus non-secretors (D, P < 0.05), but not across the ABO groups in all individuals (E, P > 0.05), or across ABO groups in only secreting individuals (C, P > 0.05). (F) Microbiomes are more similar for siblings versus pairs of unrelated individuals, as measured by unweighted UniFrac distance. However, microbiomes of pairs of individuals concordant for either ABO or secretor status are not more similar than for pairs of individuals who are discordant. This holds true when all individuals in the dataset are considered (“all individuals”) or when only one individual from each twin pair is examined (“one twin per family”). The total number of pairs of individuals within each boxplot is indicated with “n = “. H) None of the common taxa are associated with ABO or secretor status. QQ-plot displaying the expected –log10(P-value) compared to the –log10(P-value) for all taxa tested in linear mixed models 6 (light gray points) and 8 (dark gray points, as plotting in Fig. 3). Significance codes: P ≤ 0.05 = *, P ≤ 0.01 = **, P ≤ 0.001 = ***, P ≤ 0.0001 = ****, not significant = NS. (PDF 387 kb


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    Two person exhibition: Laura White and Jessica Flood-Paddock. Collaborative work

    Clerodendron paniculatum L.

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    原著和名: シマヒギリ科名: クマツヅラ科 = Verbenaceae採集地: 台湾 日月潭〜嘉義 (台湾省 日月潭〜嘉義)採集日: 1968/8/3採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH048968国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-99896

    A spatially extended model for macroscopic spike-wave discharges

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    Spike-wave discharges are a distinctive feature of epileptic seizures. So far, they have not been reported in spatially extended neural field models. We study a space-independent version of the Amari neural field model with two competing inhibitory populations. We show that this competition leads to robust spike-wave dynamics if the inhibitory populations operate on different time-scales. The spike-wave oscillations present a fold/homoclinic type bursting. From this result we predict parameters of the extended Amari system where spike-wave oscillations produce a spatially homogeneous pattern. We propose this mechanism as a prototype of macroscopic epileptic spike-wave discharges. To our knowledge this is the first example of robust spike-wave patterns in a spatially extended neural field model


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    Placing changes in the microbiome in the context of the American Gut. We accumulated samples over sequencing runs to demonstrate the structural consistency in the data. We demonstrate that while the ICU dataset (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27602409) falls within the American Gut samples, they do not fall close to most samples at any of the body sites. We then highlight samples from the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States and other countries to show that nationality does not overcome the variation in body site. We then highlight the utility of the American Gut in meta-analysis by reproducing results from (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20668239) and (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23861384), using the AGP dataset as the context for dynamic microbiome changes instead of the HMP dataset. We show rapid, complete recovery of C. diff patients following fecal material transplantation and also contextualized the change in an infant gut over time until it settles into an adult state. This demonstrates the power of the American Gut dataset, both as a cohesive study and as a context for other investigations


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    The SEPP (Mirarab et al Pac Symp Biocomput 2012) fragment insertion tree used for phylogenetic analyses

    Unweighted UniFrac distances

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    The unweighted UniFrac distance (Lozupone and Knight AEM 2005) matrix of the 9511 fecal samples used in the American Gut paper. UniFrac was computed using Striped UniFrac (https://github.com/biocore/unifrac). Prior to execution of UniFrac, Deblur (Amir et al mSystems 2017) was run on the samples, all bloom sOTUs were removed (Amir et al mSystems 2017), and samples were rarefied to a depth of 1250 reads (Weiss et al Microbiome 2017). For the phylogeny, fragments were inserted using SEPP (Mirarab et al Pac Symp Biocomput 2012) into the Greengenes 13_5 99% OTU tree (McDonald et al ISME 2012)