55 research outputs found

    Present and future of proteomics data curation at the PRIDE database

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    Significant progress has been made in improving the accessibility and utility of the large amounts of generated high-throughput proteomics data by the introduction of publicly available proteomics repositories. One such repository is PRIDE (the ‘PRoteomics IDEntifications’ database, "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride":http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride). PRIDE stores mass spectrometry related data, including peptide and protein identifications, mass spectra and valuable additional metadata.

At present, data curation in PRIDE is limited to data submission support. The format in which all submissions need to take place is PRIDE XML. Mass spectrometry derived data is very heterogeneous in terms of experimental approaches, instrumentation, data formats, etc. This is why conversion of all this different data to PRIDE XML is far from being trivial and can be very time consuming, since tailored submission pipelines must be often constructed. However, the situation has now ameliorated since some new tools like PRIDE converter ("http://code.google.com/p/pride-converter":http://code.google.com/p/pride-converter). are now available for submitters to convert their data to PRIDE XML.

In the near future, data curation in PRIDE will be significantly extended. High-quality data will be included in a new repository called PRIDE-plus. First of all, it will be necessary to create a set of minimal requirement rules to decide which datasets can be included in PRIDE-plus. Then, the design and implementation of new curation tools to perform data quality assessment will be essential. It will also be necessary to do research into the automation of these new curation and annotation tasks

    Prensa y Fuerzas Armadas. El periodismo militar científico: los Memoriales de Armas (El "Memorial de Artillería", 1844-1936)

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    After a short exploration ahout the significance of de military press in general, where the one that is produced in the nineteen and nventy century whith scientific character have an imporlant place, we are going to present the collecion called <>, that has a preferencial place among the ones ofde Corps ofde Army, as indispensable source of Information to understand the advances in the táctica I and strategic field.Tras una breve exposición de la significación de la prensa militar en general, en la que ocupa un lugar importante la que se produce en los siglos XIX y XX con carácter científico, pasamos a presentar la colección llamada «Memorial de Artillería», que ocupa un lugar preferente entre los de las Armas del Ejército, como fuente indispensable de consulta para entender los progresos en el campo láctico y estratégico

    Pride-asap: Automatic fragment ion annotation of identified PRIDE spectra

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    We present an open source software application and library written in Java that provides a uniform annotation of identified spectra stored in the PRIDE database. Pride-asap can be ran in a command line mode for automated processing of multiple PRIDE experiments, but also has a graphical user interface that allows end users to annotate the spectra in PRIDE experiments and to inspect the results in detail. Pride-asap binaries, source code and additional information can be downloaded from http://pride-asa-pipeline.googlecode.com.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Standardization and Quality Control in Proteomics.Howard Hughes Medical Institute (International Student Research Fellowship

    The Proteomics Identifications database: 2010 update

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    The Proteomics Identifications database (PRIDE, http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride) at the European Bioinformatics Institute has become one of the main repositories of mass spectrometry-derived proteomics data. For the last 2 years, PRIDE data holdings have grown substantially, comprising 60 different species, more than 2.5 million protein identifications, 11.5 million peptides and over 50 million spectra by September 2009. We here describe several new and improved features in PRIDE, including the revised submission process, which now includes direct submission of fragment ion annotations. Correspondingly, it is now possible to visualize spectrum fragmentation annotations on tandem mass spectra, a key feature for compliance with journal data submission requirements. We also describe recent developments in the PRIDE BioMart interface, which now allows integrative queries that can join PRIDE data to a growing number of biological resources such as Reactome, Ensembl, InterPro and UniProt. This ability to perform extremely powerful across-domain queries will certainly be a cornerstone of future bioinformatics analyses. Finally, we highlight the importance of data sharing in the proteomics field, and the corresponding integration of PRIDE with other databases in the ProteomExchange consortium.European Union (ProDaC grant LSHG-CT-2006-036814)Burroughs Wellcome Fund (Grant WT085949MA

    Respuesta del girasol (helianthus annus l.) a la aplicación de fertilización binaria (N + P), [N + K] y (P+ K) en la granja experimental del Sena - Santa Marta

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    El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en la Granja del SENA - Agropecuario, en el Municipio de Santa Marta ubicado en la parte norte de Colombia. Geográficamente la zona está ubicada dentro de las siguientes coordenadas 70° 07' y 74' 12 longitud oeste con respecto al meridiano de Greenwich 11* 11' y 11' 15' latitud norte con respecto al Ecuador. La zona de estudio presenta un relieve propio con una altura de 7 m.s.n.m. y una precipitación promedia de SSO mm anuales, temperatura media de 32'C y una humedad relativa entre 70-727., está influenciado por vientos que soplan en dirección noreste. Los resultados del presente ensayo con respecto al Hibrido de Girasol NK-256 arrojaron lo siguiente: la mayor producción total del Híbrido fué de 2,85 ton/ha con el tratamiento 50 - 50 - 100 kg de ja de NPK/ha, la máxima tasa de extracción de aceite fué reportada por el tratamiento ocho (50 - 50 -100) con un promedio de 45,17. de aceite, en cuanto a parámetros inerfológicos no hubo diferencias significativas de orden primordial. Las aplicaciones de dos o más fertilizantes mayores traen como consecuencias aumentos considerables en la producción, lo cual son factiblemente reflejados de una manera positiva en la rentabilidad del cultivo. En general para esta zona aplicaciones del orden de 50 50 - 100 kg de jaiba para el Híbrido de Girasol son recomendables, ya que presentan rangos óptimos económicos de producción

    Dietary use of the microalga Chlorella fusca improves growth, metabolism, and digestive functionality in thick- lipped grey mullet (Chelon labrosus, Risso 1827) Juveniles

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    In recent years, a clear emphasis has been placed on replacing fishmeal and fish oil in aquafeeds with other alternative ingredients, including algae, particularly in low trophic omnivorous fish species. This work aimed at evaluating the effects of moderate dietary supplementation with the green microalga Chlorella fusca on growth, metabolism, and digestive functionality in juvenile thick-lipped grey mullet (Chelon labrosus). Fish were fed a control diet (CT) or a diet containing 15% C. fusca (C-15) biomass during 90 days. C. labrosus fed with the C-15 diet showed higher growth performance (in terms of final weight and length, weight gain, and specific growth rate) than the control group. Somatic indices and muscle proximate composition were similar at the end of the feeding trial. Regarding fatty acids profile, C. fusca-fed fish showed a selective retention of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the liver, and arachidonic acid (ARA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and DHA in the muscle. Dietary inclusion of this microalga significantly increased intestinal total alkaline protease, leucine aminopeptidase, and alkaline phosphatase activities in specimens fed with C-15 diet. Furthermore, intestine histological analysis revealed the absence of damage signs on gut morphology in fish fed the microalgae supplemented diet. Thick-lipped grey mullets fed the C-15 diet increased plasma glucose and decreased plasma lactate. Overall, the effects observed on liver (lipid metabolism, glycolysis and glycogenolysis) enzyme activities, together with adequate fatty acid profile, metabolic response, and gut morphology, and a significant increase in the intestinal mucosa’s digestive and absorptive capacity, could explain the positive effects on growth performance obtained in fish fed the microalgae-supplemented diet. In conclusion, the results obtained showed that C. fusca is suitable as dietary ingredient for feeding thick-lipped grey mullet juveniles

    PRIDE Inspector: a tool to visualize and validate MS proteomics data

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    PRIDE Inspector thus provides a user-friendly, comprehensive tool for the browsing, inspection, and evaluation of data in the PRIDE database, or in a compatible standard file format. As such, we believe that PRIDE Inspector will substantially increase the ability of researchers, editors and peer-reviewers to explore, review, evaluate, and reuse proteomics data.This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (grant number WT085949MA) and EMBL core funding. R.G.C. is supported by EU FP7 grant SLING (grant number 226073). J.A.V. is supported by the EU FP7 grants LipidomicNet (grant number 202272) and ProteomeXchange (grant number 260558). A.F. was partially supported by the Spanish network COMBIOMED (RD07/0067/0006, ISCIII-FIS). L.M. would like to acknowledge support from the EU FP7 PRIME-XS grant (grant number 262067)

    Method for Independent Estimation of the False Localization Rate for Phosphoproteomics

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    Phosphoproteomic methods are commonly employed to identify and quantify phosphorylation sites on proteins. In recent years, various tools have been developed, incorporating scores or statistics related to whether a given phosphosite has been correctly identified or to estimate the global false localization rate (FLR) within a given data set for all sites reported. These scores have generally been calibrated using synthetic datasets, and their statistical reliability on real datasets is largely unknown, potentially leading to studies reporting incorrectly localized phosphosites, due to inadequate statistical control. In this work, we develop the concept of scoring modifications on a decoy amino acid, that is, one that cannot be modified, to allow for independent estimation of global FLR. We test a variety of amino acids, on both synthetic and real data sets, demonstrating that the selection can make a substantial difference to the estimated global FLR. We conclude that while several different amino acids might be appropriate, the most reliable FLR results were achieved using alanine and leucine as decoys. We propose the use of a decoy amino acid to control false reporting in the literature and in public databases that re-distribute the data. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD028840

    The HUPO-PSI standardized spectral library format

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    More and more proteomics datasets are becoming available in public repositories. The knowledge embedded in these datasets can be used to improve peptide identification workflows. Spectral library searching provides a straightforward method to boost identification rates using previously identified spectra. Alternatively, machine learning methods can learn from these spectra to accurately predict the behavior of peptides in a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry system. At the basis of both approaches are spectral libraries: Unified collections of previously identified spectra. Organizations and projects such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Global Proteome Machine, PeptideAtlas, PRIDE Archive and MassIVE have all compiled spectral libraries for a multitude of species and experimental setups. A large obstacle, however, is that each organization provides libraries in a different file format. At the software level the problem propagates (if not expands), as different software tools require different file formats. The solution is a standardized spectral library format that is sufficiently flexible to meet all users' demands, but that is also standardized enough to be usable across environments and software packages. This balance is achieved by setting up a standardized framework and a controlled vocabulary with metadata terms, and allow the format to be represented in different forms, such as plain text, JSON and HDF. So far, the required (and optional) meta data has been compiled and added to the PSI-MS ontology, and versions of the text and JSON representations have been drafted. The tabular and HDF representations of the format are in development, as well as converters and validators in various programming languages

    Integrated view and comparative analysis of baseline protein expression in mouse and rat tissues

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    The increasingly large amount of proteomics data in the public domain enables, among other applications, the combined analyses of datasets to create comparative protein expression maps covering different organisms and different biological conditions. Here we have reanalysed public proteomics datasets from mouse and rat tissues (14 and 9 datasets, respectively), to assess baseline protein abundance. Overall, the aggregated dataset contained 23 individual datasets, including a total of 211 samples coming from 34 different tissues across 14 organs, comprising 9 mouse and 3 rat strains, respectively. In all cases, we studied the distribution of canonical proteins between the different organs. The number of canonical proteins per dataset ranged from 273 (tendon) and 9,715 (liver) in mouse, and from 101 (tendon) and 6,130 (kidney) in rat. Then, we studied how protein abundances compared across different datasets and organs for both species. As a key point we carried out a comparative analysis of protein expression between mouse, rat and human tissues. We observed a high level of correlation of protein expression among orthologs between all three species in brain, kidney, heart and liver samples, whereas the correlation of protein expression was generally slightly lower between organs within the same species. Protein expression results have been integrated into the resource Expression Atlas for widespread dissemination