264 research outputs found

    Examining the Development of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers

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    Culturally responsive mathematics pedagogy (CRMP) should be valued and presented as the norm for teachers so that students from diverse backgrounds can access essential mathematical knowledge (Aguirre & del Rosario, 2013; Bonner & Adams, 2012; Leonard & Moore, 2014). Prospective teachers of diverse students need to have opportunities in their professional study to develop the shared knowledge, perceptions and attitudes required for effective implementation of culturally responsive mathematics pedagogy (Gay, 2002). The purpose of this study is to begin investigative and exploratory work through the coupling of qualitative research methodology and critical race theory to examine preservice secondary mathematics teachers’ (PSMTs)experiences using CRMP in classrooms to teach diverse children. The research questions to be addressed are: How do PSMTs negotiate their experiences teaching mathematics to diverse children while immersed in CRMP professional learning activities during their practicum? What affordances and constraints provided both inside and outside of the mathematics classroom are reflected in these PSMTs instructional practices? Participants in the study explore their experiences with CRMP by addressing race, socio political, and cultural issues within education. Results of this study have implications for educators who aim to become more culturally responsive in their mathematics classroom, and for teacher education programs

    Examining the Integration and Use of Culturally Responsive Mathematics Pedagogy in Preservice Teachers Reflections and Practice: Implications for Black Children

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    Prospective teachers of diverse students such as Black children, need to have opportunities in their professional study to develop the shared knowledge, perceptions and attitudes required for effective implementation of culturally responsive mathematics pedagogy. This instrumental qualitative case study began investigative and exploratory work through the coupling of qualitative research methodology and critical race theory to examine four preservice secondary mathematics teachers’ (PSMTs) experiences using culturally responsive mathematics pedagogy (CRMP) in classrooms to teach Black children. The research questions addressed were: How do PSMTs negotiate their experiences of teaching mathematics to Black children while immersed in CRMP professional learning activities during their practicum? What affordances or constraints do PSMTs identify when using CRMP practices? Participants in the study explored their experiences with CRMP by addressing race, socio political, and cultural issues within education. An analysis of the data revealed that the participants’ experiences integrating and using CRMP were heavily impacted by: a) interpersonal and intrapersonal race relationships; b) immersion in CRMP learning activities; c) understanding of CRMP tenets; and d) school policies and practices. Perhaps the most important take away from the analysis of this study’s data and discussion is that interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships both inside and outside of the mathematics classroom as it relates to how PSMTs situate themselves racially and culturally serve as impetus to how CRMP is integrated and used to teach Black children. The findings of this study have implications for teacher preparation programs and educators who aim to become more culturally responsive in their mathematics classroom while seeking to improve and promote academic success of Black children in mathematics

    New Therapeutic Strategies in Lupus Nephritis

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    The Effects of Tarp Wrapping on Blow Fly Oviposition during Decomposition of Pigs

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    The effects of blow fly oviposition on 12 young, recently deceased pigs were studied during a one month period in the fall semester of 2012. This project follows similar techniques that Dr. Bugajski used during her research project at Purdue. Using tarp-wrapped bodies as the sole variable, bare pigs were held as the control. The data that were collected included the presence or absence of larvae or adult flies, daily temperatures, samples of both larvae and adult flies, and the start and end of maggot migration. The samples of larvae and adult flies were later identified in the lab and separated based on species. The data suggested that the presence of a tarp wrapped around a deceased pig delayed the oviposition of eggs. A t-test showed that there was a statistical difference in the timing of oviposition between the control and variable. Pig tissue behaves similarly to human tissue during the decomposition stages and it is an affordable and accessible material. Looking ahead, the data from this project can be used by forensic professionals when determining necessary factors of a crime scene involving a body altered in a similar way

    Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial terhadap Kecemasan pada Penyintas Covid-19

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    Banyak orang di Indonesia yang terkena covid-19 sejak tahun 2020. Saat individu menderita covid-19, pasien mungkin akan mengalami perubahan psikologis salah satunya yaitu kecemasan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh dari dukungan sosial terhadap tingkat kecemasan pada penyintas covid-19 di Indonesia. studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 396 penyintas covid dengan umur 19 hingga 45 tahun di Indonesia. pengumpulan data menggunakan 20 item dari Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) dan 12 item dari Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS). Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier sederhana. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari data analisis, dukungan sosial memiliki pengaruh negatif yang signifikan terhadap tingkat kecemasan pada penyintas covid-19 saat terkena covid-19 (2.3%) sedangkan (97.7%) lainnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam studi ini. Studi ini juga menemukan bahwa kecemasan dan dukungan sosial tidak memiliki hubungan dengan jenis kelamin, usia, domisili, durasi terkena covid-19, serta tempat perawatan.Many people in Indonesia have been exposed to covid-19 since 2020. When suffering from covid-19, patients may experience psychological changes such as anxiety. This study aims to see the effect of social support on anxiety levels among Covid-19 survivors in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach. The subjects in this study were 396 covid-19 survivors from age 19 until 45 in Indonesia. Data collection using 20 item from Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and 12 item from Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS). The data analysis use simple linear regression. Based on the results of data analysis, social support have a negative significant effect on anxiety levels among Covid-19 survivors when they suffering from covid-19 (2.3%) while the other (97.7%) were influenced by other factors not measured in this study. This study also found that anxiety and social support wasn’t correlated with gender, age, area, duration of exposure to covid-19, and treatment place

    Unmasking Microaggressions on the Homefront: Exploring Faculty and Staff Perceptions After Attending an Online Workshop on Microaggressions in Higher Education

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    Microaggressions are brief and everyday slights, insults, indignities, and denigrating messages sent to people of color and/or marginalized groups (women, LGBTQ+, etc.) by well-intentioned [people] who are unaware of the hidden messages being communicated (Sue et al., 2007). Microaggressions are connected to broader conceptualizations of the impact of implicit bias and systems of inequity. Specifically, in K-12 and higher education, microaggressions impact the physical, social, and emotional well-being of those who experience them. Growing research posits the need for more discussions in education about racism, sexism, and other bias prevalent in the field of education (Bergerson, 2003). As such, some researchers ((Escayg, 2018; Lin, Lake, & Rice, 2008) have advocated for the importance of bringing anti-bias pedagogy into educational spaces, which involves attempting to move beyond educators\u27 comfort zones and providing them with tangible strategies to disrupt microaggressive behaviors. To discuss the intent and impact of microaggressions in educational settings and how we might respond to them, we developed a two-hour online workshop for educators and students at Western State University. This workshop allowed participants to think critically about microaggressions, how they impact higher education, and how administrators, faculty, staff, and students can promote inclusive environments. The workshop included a presentation on microaggression theory, microaggression scenarios in education, and the utilization of the A.C.T.I.O.N framework (Chueng, Ganote, & Souza, 2016) as a tool to disrupt microaggressions. Participants provided feedback about their experiences from the workshop based on an electronic survey they were provided at the end of the workshop

    Low-Frequency Carbon Recombination Lines in the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex

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    We detail tentative detections of low-frequency carbon radio recombination lines from within the Orion molecular cloud complex observed at 99–129 MHz. These tentative detections include one alpha transition and one beta transition over three locations and are located within the diffuse regions of dust observed in the infrared at 100 µm, the Ha emission detected in the optical, and the synchrotron radiation observed in the radio. With these observations, we are able to study the radiation mechanism transition from collisionally pumped to radiatively pumped within the H ii regions within the Orion molecular cloud complex

    A Molecular Line Survey around Orion at Low Frequencies with the MWA

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    The low-frequency sky may reveal some of the secrets yet to be discovered. Until recently, molecules had never been detected within interstellar clouds at frequencies below 700 MHz. Following the pilot survey toward the Galactic center at 103-133 MHz with the Murchison Widefield Array, we surveyed 400 deg2centered on the Orion KL nebula from 99 to 170 MHz. Orion is a nearby region of active star formation and known to be a chemically rich environment. In this paper, we present tentative detections of nitric oxide and its isotopologues, singularly deuterated formic acid, molecular oxygen, and several unidentified transitions. The three identified molecules are particularly interesting, as laboratory experiments have suggested that these molecules are precursors to the formation of amines

    Cardiovascular comorbidity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: echocardiography changes and their relation to the level of airflow limitation

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    Objective. To compare frequency of echocardiographic changes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and non-COPD controls and to assess their relation to the level of airflow limitation. Methods. Study population included 120 subjects divided in two groups. Group 1 included 60 patients with COPD (52 male and 8 female, aged 40 to 80 years) initially diagnosed according to the actual recommendations. Group 2 included 60 subjects in whom COPD was excluded serving as a control. The study protocol consisted of completion of a questionnaire , pulmonary evaluation (dyspnea severity assessment, baseline and post-bronchodilator spirometry, gas analyses, and chest X-ray) and two dimensional (2D) Doppler echocardiography. Results. We found significantly higher mean right ventricle end-diastolic dimension (RVEDd) in COPD patients as compared to its dimension in controls (28.0 ± 4.8 vs. 24.4 ± 4.3; P = 0.0000). Pulmonary hypertension (PH) was more frequent in COPD patients than in controls (28.0 ± 4.8 vs. 24.4 ± 4.3; P = 0.0000) showing linear relationship with severity of airflow limitation. The mean value of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF%) was significantly lower in COPD patients than its mean value in controls (57.4 ± 6.9% vs. 64.8 ± 2.7; P = 0.0000) with no correlation with severity of airflow limitation.       Conclusion. Frequency of echocardiographic changes in COPD patients was significantly higher as compared to their frequency in controls in the most cases being significantly associated with severity of airflow limitation. Echocardiography enables early, noninvasive, and accurate diagnosis of cardiac changes in COPD patients giving time for early intervention. Key words: airflow limitation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Doppler echocardiography, pulmonary hypertension, ventricular dysfunction. &nbsp
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