566 research outputs found

    The Particle Swarm Optimization Based Linear Cryptanalysis of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm

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    The tremendous development in internet technology, wireless communication and the type of internet capable devices has increased the amount of network usage .Millions of users are associated with the network and thus there is need for network security. The sensitive data that is deposited and transmitted on the internet need protection from attackers and eavesdroppers who perform illegal actions. Cryptography algorithms are the key factor of the security mechanisms used for data storage and uninterrupted network transmissions. The data security purely depends on the Cryptography algorithm hence the keys must be managed in a good way. Security mechanisms are developed when a threat to security is identified. To identify the security risk associated with AES algorithm, a computational intelligence based approach for known cryptanalysis of Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm is introduced. Particle swarm optimization based cryptanalysis is used much now a days because of its fast convergence rate. A PSO oriented cryptanalysis technique for breaking the key used in advance encryption standard algorithm is introduced. This approach is for known cipher text-only attack for an AES encryption system, where the key is deduced in a minimum search space in contrast to the Brute Force Attack. The key used in AES can be detected effectively with Particle Swarm Optimization DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16040

    The Art of Curation: Experiential Orchestration

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    Architectural design is not merely about erecting structures; it is about curating spaces that evoke emotions, tell stories, and provide meaningful experiences. The art of event curation goes beyond the physical design; it encompasses the meticulous selection, arrangement, and presentation of elements within a space to create environments that engage, inspire, and resonate with the public. It would more rightly be called experiential orchestration. Dubai, a city renowned for its grandeur and innovation, plays host to a plethora of temporary art and design events that captivate both residents and international visitors. From the illustrious Art Dubai to the creative haven of Dubai Design Week, these events are not mere exhibitions; they are curated experiences that weave together culture, creativity, and innovation. Curating these temporary events is an art in itself. It involves highlighting the significance of understanding ethos and messaging while crafting immersive experiences. The design of temporary exhibitions and events goes beyond typical design and functional concerns - they have to create memories and have to be engaging to increase footfall. The goal is to create a journey that will stay with visitors long after they have left

    Comparison of Acute Toxicity of Algal Metabolites Using Bioluminescence Inhibition Assay

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    Microalgae are reported to degrade hazardous compounds. However, algae, especially cyanobacteria are known to produce secondary metabolites which may be toxic to flora, fauna and human beings. The aim of this study was selection of an appropriate algal culture for biological treatment of biomass gasification wastewater based on acute toxicity considerations. The three algae that were selected were Spirulina sp., Scenedesmus abundans and a fresh water algal consortium. Acute toxicity of the metabolites produced by these algal cultures was tested at the end of log phase using the standard bioluminescence inhibition assay based on Vibrio fischeri NRRLB 11174. Scenedesmus abundans and a fresh water algal consortium dominated by cyanobacteria such as Phormidium, Chroococcus and Oscillatoria did not release much toxic metabolites at the end of log phase and caused only about 20% inhibition in bioluminescence. In comparison, Spirulina sp. released toxic metabolites and caused 50% bioluminescence inhibition at 3/5 times dilution of the culture supernatant (EC50).

    Mount Kailash's Architectural Reverberations: India and the World

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    This research paper delves into the profound influence of Mount Kailash's symbolism on temple architecture across diverse cultural and spiritual contexts. Mount Kailash, revered as a cosmic axis and a sacred center, serves as a source of inspiration for temples worldwide. Drawing upon elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether associated with Kailash, temples aim to create spaces that resonate with the human spirit's quest for the divine. The paper explores how temples mirror Mount Kailash's symbolism, its role in spiritual pilgrimages, and its philosophical significance. It delves into the cultural continuity preserved in Shaivite temples and the universal appeal of Kailash's elements in temple design worldwide. By examining the multi-dimensional relationship between Mount Kailash and temples, this paper unravels the intricate interplay of spirituality, architecture, and symbolism that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries

    Space, Symbol, Strategy : The need for architecture as a reconstructive tool post pandemic

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    The paper explores the importance of patronage in architecture after a crisis due to its profound impact on community after a plague pandemic. Taking the case of three buildings in three different locations which were built in part or in full after the Black Death pandemic which devastated Europe in the 14th Century, the paper investigates the effects of the architecture on the people – the relationships between people and space, and people and people in the space. It examines the symbolism of the physical as a host of community and its meaning as resilience to them after facing a crisis which endangers life. The paper, along with the accompanying documentary series, creates a case for creating architecture post pandemic to replicate the Renaissance

    Rhizomatic Architecture : Fostering Connection, Adaptability, and Interaction in the Loneliness Epidemic

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    This paper explores the concept of rhizomatic architecture, drawing parallels between botanical rhizomes and architectural design. Rhizomatic architecture is characterized by decentralized, interconnected, and adaptable spatial layouts that challenge traditional hierarchical approaches. The paper examines the influence of rhizomatic thinking on urban planning, information flow, landscape design, and design processes. It also addresses the growing issue of social isolation, exacerbated by digital engagement, and proposes how rhizomatic design principles can provide solutions to foster meaningful human interactions. This paper underscores the potential of rhizomatic architecture to create flexible, inclusive, and dynamic spaces that resonate with the human desire for connection and engagement while acknowledging the practical constraints of architectural practice

    Patronage and the Renaissance

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    The Black Death hit Europe in the 1300’s, wherein 30% of its citizens succumbed to the plague. To revitalize the city, wealthy families and city leaders like Popes and Doges funded art and architecture projects, specifically that of divine nature in a way to appease an angry god, which gave work to those lacking. These works led to the flowering of arts, sciences, philosophy, and architecture – the Renaissance. The question then arises: how much did the practice of patronage which was prevalent by that point, drive the post Black Death surge of architecture? Taking the case of three buildings in three different locations which were built in part or in full after a pandemic due to private or public funding. I examine the symbolism of the physical as a host of community and its meaning as resilience to them after facing a crisis which endangers life

    The Renaissance as the Great Convergence: Exploring Florence's Role as a Catalyst for Multifaceted Intersections

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    This paper delves into the intricate relationship between the Renaissance and the pivotal role of Florence in this transformative period of history. While the Renaissance is often synonymous with a cultural rebirth, it holds a more intricate narrative when examined through the lens of convergence theory. This study aims to emphasize the multifaceted convergence of factors that contributed to this phenomenon. The Renaissance was not solely an artistic revival but a convergence of economic, social, and intellectual elements. Focusing on Florence's unique position as a nexus for banking, trade, commerce, and cultural exchange, the paper explores how the interplay of capitalism, cross-cultural interactions, and ambition catalyzed the Renaissance. By scrutinizing the historical context and debunking the notion of a linear progression, this paper challenges Eurocentric narratives and highlights the complexity of this era
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