17 research outputs found

    A novel UGGT1 and p97-dependent checkpoint for native ectodomains with ionizable intramembrane residue

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    Only native polypeptides are released from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to be transported at the site of activity. Persistently misfolded proteins are retained and eventually selected for ER-associated degradation (ERAD). The paradox of a structure- based protein quality control is that functional polypeptides may be destroyed if they are architecturally unfit. This has health-threatening implications, as shown by the numerous “loss-of-function” proteopathies, but also offers chances to intervene pharmacologically to promote bypassing of the quality control inspection and export of the mutant, yet functional protein. Here we challenged the ER of human cells with four modular glycopolypeptides designed to alert luminal and membrane protein quality checkpoints. Our analysis reveals the unexpected collaboration of the cytosolic AAA- ATPase p97 and the luminal quality control factor UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (UGGT1) in a novel, BiP- and CNX-independent checkpoint. This prevents Golgi transport of a chimera with a native ectodomain that passes the luminal quality control scrutiny but displays an intramembrane defect. Given that human proteopathies may result from impaired transport of functional polypeptides with minor structural defects, identification of quality checkpoints and treatments to bypass them as shown here upon silencing or pharmacologic inhibition of UGGT1 or p97 may have important clinical implications

    Structural biology of STAT3 and its implications for anticancer therapies development

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    Transcription factors are proteins able to bind DNA and induce the transcription of specific genes. Consequently, they play a pivotal role in multiple cellular pathways and are frequently over-expressed or dysregulated in cancer. Here, we will focus on a specific “signal transducer and activator of transcription” (STAT3) factor that is involved in several pathologies, including cancer. For long time, the mechanism by which STAT3 exerts its cellular functions has been summarized by a three steps process: (1) Protein phosphorylation by specific kinases, (2) dimerization promoted by phosphorylation, (3) activation of gene expression by the phosphorylated dimer. Consequently, most of the inhibitors reported in literature aimed at blocking phosphorylation and dimerization. However, recent observations reopened the debate and the entire functional mechanism has been revisited stimulating the scientific community to pursue new inhibition strategies. In particular, the dimerization of the unphosphorylated species has been experimentally demonstrated and specific roles proposed also for these dimers. Despite difficulties in the expression and purification of the full length STAT3, structural biology investigations allowed the determination of atomistic structures of STAT3 dimers and several protein domains. Starting from this information, computational methods have been used both to improve the understanding of the STAT3 functional mechanism and to design new inhibitors to be used as anticancer drugs. In this review, we will focus on the contribution of structural biology to understand the roles of STAT3, to design new inhibitors and to suggest new strategies of pharmacological intervention

    Mitochondrial dysfunction induced by a SH2 domain-Targeting STAT3 inhibitor leads to metabolic synthetic lethality in cancer cells

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    In addition to its canonical role in nuclear transcription, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is emerging as an important regulator of mitochondrial function. Here, we demonstrate that a novel inhibitor that binds with high affinity to the STAT3 SH2 domain triggers a complex cascade of events initiated by interference with mitochondrial STAT3 (mSTAT3). The mSTAT3\u2013drug interaction leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, accumulation of proteotoxic STAT3 aggregates, and cell death. The cytotoxic effects depend directly on the drug\u2019s ability to interfere with mSTAT3 and mitochondrial function, as demonstrated by site-directed mutagenesis and use of STAT3 knockout and mitochondria-depleted cells. Importantly, the lethal consequences of mSTAT3 inhibition are enhanced by glucose starvation and by increased reliance of cancer cells and tumor-initiating cells on mitochondria, resulting in potent activity in cell cultures and tumor xenografts in mice. These findings can be exploited for eliciting synthetic lethality in metabolically stressed cancer cells using highaffinity STAT3 inhibitors. Thus, this study provides insights on the role of mSTAT3 in cancer cells and a conceptual framework for developing more effective cancer therapies

    Hitting the right spot: mechanism of action of OPB‐31121, a novel and potent inhibitor of the Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3)

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    STAT3 is a key element in many oncogenic pathways and, like other transcription factors, is an attractive target for development of novel anticancer drugs. However, interfering with STAT3 functions has been a difficult task and very few small molecule inhibitors have made their way to the clinic. OPB‐31121, an anticancer compound currently in clinical trials, has been reported to affect STAT3 signaling, although its mechanism of action has not been unequivocally demonstrated. In this study, we used a combined computational and experimental approach to investigate the molecular target and the mode of interaction of OPB‐31121 with STAT3. In parallel, similar studies were performed with known STAT3 inhibitors (STAT3i) to validate our approach. Computational docking and molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) showed that OPB‐31121 interacted with high affinity with the SH2 domain of STAT3. Interestingly, there was no overlap of the OPB‐31121 binding site with those of the other STAT3i. Computational predictions were confirmed by in vitro binding assays and competition experiments along with site‐directed mutagenesis of critical residues in the STAT3 SH2 domain. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments demonstrated the remarkably high affinity of OPB‐31121 for STAT3 with Kd (10 nM) 2–3 orders lower than other STAT3i. Notably, a similar ranking of the potency of the compounds was observed in terms of inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation, cancer cell proliferation and clonogenicity. These results suggest that the high affinity and efficacy of OPB‐ 31121 might be related to the unique features and mode of interaction of OPB‐31121 with STAT3. These unique characteristics make OPB‐31121 a promising candidate for further development and an interesting lead for designing new, more effective STAT3i

    Transcriptional Reprogramming and Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Targeting Prostate Cancer Stem Cells

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    Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy in men and the second cause of cancer-related deaths in western countries. Despite the progress in the treatment of localized prostate cancer, there is still lack of effective therapies for the advanced forms of the disease. Most patients with advanced prostate cancer become resistant to androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), which remains the main therapeutic option in this setting, and progress to lethal metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). Current therapies for prostate cancer preferentially target proliferating, partially differentiated, and AR-dependent cancer cells that constitute the bulk of the tumor mass. However, the subpopulation of tumor-initiating or tumor-propagating stem-like cancer cells is virtually resistant to the standard treatments causing tumor relapse at the primary or metastatic sites. Understanding the pathways controlling the establishment, expansion and maintenance of the cancer stem cell (CSC) subpopulation is an important step toward the development of more effective treatment for prostate cancer, which might enable ablation or exhaustion of CSCs and prevent treatment resistance and disease recurrence. In this review, we focus on the impact of transcriptional regulators on phenotypic reprogramming of prostate CSCs and provide examples supporting the possibility of inhibiting maintenance and expansion of the CSC pool in human prostate cancer along with the currently available methodological approaches. Transcription factors are key elements for instructing specific transcriptional programs and inducing CSC-associated phenotypic changes implicated in disease progression and treatment resistance. Recent studies have shown that interfering with these processes causes exhaustion of CSCs with loss of self-renewal and tumorigenic capability in prostate cancer models. Targeting key transcriptional regulators in prostate CSCs is a valid therapeutic strategy waiting to be tested in clinical trials

    Mitochondrial dysfunction induced by a SH2 domain-targeting STAT3 inhibitor leads to metabolic synthetic lethality in cancer cells

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    In addition to its canonical role in nuclear transcription, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is emerging as an important regulator of mitochondrial function. Here, we demonstrate that a novel inhibitor that binds with high affinity to the STAT3 SH2 domain triggers a complex cascade of events initiated by interference with mitochondrial STAT3 (mSTAT3). The mSTAT3–drug interaction leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, accumulation of proteotoxic STAT3 aggregates, and cell death. The cytotoxic effects depend directly on the drug’s ability to interfere with mSTAT3 and mitochondrial function, as demonstrated by site-directed mutagenesis and use of STAT3 knockout and mitochondria- depleted cells. Importantly, the lethal consequences of mSTAT3 inhibition are enhanced by glucose starvation and by increased reliance of cancer cells and tumor-initiating cells on mitochondria, resulting in potent activity in cell cultures and tumor xenografts in mice. These findings can be exploited for eliciting synthetic lethality in metabolically stressed cancer cells using high-affinity STAT3 inhibitors. Thus, this study provides insights on the role of mSTAT3 in cancer cells and a conceptual framework for developing more effective cancer therapies

    A novel UGGT1 and p97-dependent checkpoint for native ectodomains with ionizable intramembrane residue

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    Only native polypeptides are released from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to be transported at the site of activity. Persistently misfolded proteins are retained and eventually selected for ER-associated degradation (ERAD). The paradox of a structure-based protein quality control is that functional polypeptides may be destroyed if they are architecturally unfit. This has health-threatening implications, as shown by the numerous "loss-of-function" proteopathies, but also offers chances to intervene pharmacologically to promote bypassing of the quality control inspection and export of the mutant, yet functional protein. Here we challenged the ER of human cells with four modular glycopolypeptides designed to alert luminal and membrane protein quality checkpoints. Our analysis reveals the unexpected collaboration of the cytosolic AAA-ATPase p97 and the luminal quality control factor UDPglucose: glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (UGGT1) in a novel, BiP- and CNX-independent checkpoint. This prevents Golgi transport of a chimera with a native ectodomain that passes the luminal quality control scrutiny but displays an intramembrane defect. Given that human proteopathies may result from impaired transport of functional polypeptides with minor structural defects, identification of quality checkpoints and treatments to bypass them as shown here upon silencing or pharmacologic inhibition of UGGT1 or p97 may have important clinical implications

    Specificity and Regulation of the Endoplasmic Reticulum-Associated Degradation Machinery

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    The endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) machinery selects native and misfolded polypeptides for dislocation across the ER membrane and proteasomal degradation. Regulated degradation of native proteins is an important aspect of cell physiology. For example, it contributes to the control of lipid biosynthesis, calcium homeostasis and ERAD capacity by setting the turnover rate of crucial regulators of these pathways. In contrast, degradation of native proteins has pathologic relevance when caused by viral or bacterial infections, or when it occurs as a consequence of dysregulated ERAD activity. The efficient disposal of misfolded proteins prevents toxic depositions and persistent sequestration of molecular chaperones that could induce cellular stress and perturb maintenance of cellular proteostasis. In the first section of this review, we survey the available literature on mechanisms of selection of native and non-native proteins for degradation from the ER and on how pathogens hijack them. In the second section, we highlight the mechanisms of ERAD activity adaptation to changes in the ER environment with a particular emphasis on the post-translational regulatory mechanisms collectively defined as ERAD tuning

    Hitting the right spot: Mechanism of action of OPB-31121, a novel and potent inhibitor of the Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3)

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    9siSTAT3 is a key element inmany oncogenic pathways and, like other transcriptionfactors, is an attractive target for development of novel anticancer drugs. However, interfering with STAT3 functions has been a difficult task and very fewsmallmolecule inhibitors havemade theirway to the clinic. OPB-31121, an anticancer compound currently in clinical trials, has been reported to affect STAT3 signaling, although its mechanism of action has not been unequivocally demonstrated. In this study, we used a combined computational and experimental approach to investigate the molecular target and the mode of interaction of OPB-31121 with STAT3. In parallel, similar studies were performed with known STAT3 inhibitors (STAT3i) to validate our approach. Computational docking and molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) showed that OPB-31121 interacted with high affinity with the SH2 domain of STAT3. Interestingly, there was no overlap of the OPB-31121 binding site with those of the other STAT3i. Computational predictions were confirmed by in vitro binding assays and competition experiments alongwith site-directedmutagenesis of critical residues in the STAT3 SH2 domain. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments demonstrated the remarkably high affinity ofOPB-31121 for STAT3 with Kd (10 nM) 2e3 orders lower than other STAT3i. Notably, a similar ranking of the potency of the compoundswas observed in terms of inhibition of STAT3phosphorylation, cancer cell proliferation and clonogenicity. These results suggest that the highaffinity and efficacy of OPB-31121 might be related to the unique features and mode of interaction of OPB-31121 with STAT3. These unique characteristics make OPB-31121 a promising candidate for further development and an interesting lead for designing new,more effective STAT3i.partially_openembargoed_20160518Brambilla, Lara; Genini, Davide; Laurini, Erik; Merulla, Jessica; Perez, Laurent; Fermeglia, Maurizio; Carbone, Giuseppina M.; Pricl, Sabrina; Catapano, Carlo V.Brambilla, Lara; Genini, Davide; Laurini, Erik; Merulla, Jessica; Perez, Laurent; Fermeglia, Maurizio; Carbone, Giuseppina M.; Pricl, Sabrina; Catapano, Carlo V