10 research outputs found

    Odgojitelji i glazbeno nadarena djeca u slovenskim vrtićima

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    The aim of the present study, which involved preschool teachers, was to explore the area of working with musically gifted children. In particular, we focused on the identification of musically gifted children and monitoring of their musical development, preschool teachers’ competence for working with children, and evaluation of factors important for the development of musically gifted children. Research results showed that the majority of preschool teachers: were able to identify musically gifted children; rarely monitored and documented children’s musical development systematically and did not acquire enough knowledge for working with musically gifted children during their formal and informal education. Among the important factors influencing the development of musically gifted children, preschool teachers pointed out motivation to work with musically gifted children, identification of musically gifted children, cooperation with music experts and parents, and implementation of additional musical activities.Cilj ovog istraživanja, koje je uključivalo odgojitelje u vrtiću, bio je istražiti područje rada s glazbeno nadarenom djecom. Posebno smo se usredotočili na otkrivanje glazbeno nadarene djece i praćenje njihovog glazbenog napretka, kompetencije odgojitelja za rad s djecom i procjenom čimbenika važnih za razvoj glazbeno nadarene djece. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je većina odgojitelja: uspjela otkriti glazbeno nadarenu djecu; rijetko su sustavno pratili i dokumentirali glazbeni napredak djece i nisu stekli dovoljno znanja za rad s glazbeno nadarenom djecom tijekom svog formalnog i neformalnog obrazovanja. Među važnim čimbenicima koji utječu na razvoj glazbeno nadarene djece odgojitelji su istaknuli motivaciju za rad s glazbeno nadarenom djecom, otkrivanje glazbeno nadarene djece, suradnju s glazbenim stručnjacima i roditeljima te provedbu dodatnih glazbenih aktivnosti

    Stavovi studenata prema umjetničkom i kulturnom odgoju u slovenskom odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu

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    The paper presents the results of the research involving 552 university students from across Slovenia. The research explores students\u27 cultural and artistic status, their attitudes towards/opinion on the inclusion of culture and arts in the education system, and their attitude towards education and the arts. The results show that students do not consider spiritual, cultural and aesthetic values to be of great importance. They believe that primary and secondary schools should focus more on the reading culture and Intermedia Arts, and higher education system should focus on the goals relating to the formation of positive attitudes towards the cultural heritage. Students from different study programmes agreed particularly on the need for team planning in the learning process, and on the importance of art education in the development of an individual\u27s creative potential. They agreed less on the measures necessary for the improvement of the quality of arts education and the set of views related to the contents in the higher education of future preschool and school teachers. Results relating to the objectives of the research also show statistically significant differences between study programmes. Arts and cultural education in the education system was assigned higher importance by social sciences, preschool education and early primary education university students than by the natural sciences students.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja u kojem su sudjelovala 552 studenata iz cijele Slovenije. Istraživanje ispituje kulturni i umjetnički status studenata, njihov stav/mišljenje o uključivanju kulture i umjetnosti u odgojno-obrazovni sustav, kao i njihov stav prema odgoju i umjetnosti. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, studenti ne smatraju da su duhovne, kulturne i estetske vrijednosti od velike važnosti. Oni vjeruju da se osnovne i srednje škole trebaju više usredotočiti na kulturu čitanja i intermedijalnu umjetnost, a sustav visokog obrazovanja na ciljeve koji se odnose na formiranje pozitivnih stavova prema kulturnoj baštini. Studenti različitih studijskih programa složili su se posebno da postoji potreba timskog planiranja u procesu učenja, kao i da je umjetnički odgoj od velike važnosti za razvoj kreativnog potencijala pojedinca. U manjoj su mjeri iskazali slaganje s mjerama potrebnima za poboljšanje kvalitete umjetničkog odgoja i stavovima koji se odnose na sadržaje u visokom obrazovanju budućih odgojitelja i učitelja. Rezultati koji se odnose na ciljeve istraživanja također pokazuju statistički značajne razlike između studijskih programa. Umjetničkom i kulturnom odgoju u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu veću važnost pridaju studenti društvenih znanosti, učiteljskog i odgojiteljskog studija nego studenti prirodnih znanosti

    Opinion of the Slovenian preschool teachers about arts and cultural education in kindergarten

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    AbstractThe article presents the results of a study conducted on a sample of 245 preschool teachers from all over Slovenia. The study examines the arts and culture status of preschool teachers’ views about preschool education in terms of the inclusion of arts and culture topics and their opinion about the implementation of the aims of arts and cultural education in the planned and operational curricula. Results show that preschool teachers do not consider spiritual, cultural and aesthetic values very important. Preschool teachers think that in kindergarten more attention should be given to the performing arts, music arts and cultural heritage. They often achieve most of the arts and cultural education aims in their work. However, they pay less attention to aims such as investigating and expressing the cultures of other nations, developing cultural identity awareness, expressing one's own culture and expressing one's own culture

    Music objectives planning in prevailing psychomotor domain

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    Th e paper presents the results of a study in which we analysed planning of musical objectives in the psychomotor domain prepared by 372 Slovenian general education teachers. Th e research results showed high share of objectives pertaining to the taxonomy category of speech behaviours, which was followed by the categories of gross bodily movements, fi nely coordinated movements and non-verbal communication. Th e above facts confi rm that music objectives can be classifi ed in the prevailing psychomotor domain and show the utilization of a chosen taxonomy model. Th e research results also indicate that Slovenian general education teachers are aware of the need for active approaches to music teaching although they pay less attention to music objectives planning in the category of non-verbal communication which exceeds the mere use of words and represents the basis for contemporary approach of music teaching through musical doing and making

    Interest of Slovene Students in Listening to Various Musical Genres

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    The aim of the study was to find out which musical genres are young people’s favourite, why they listen to those specific genres and which genres they used to listen to in their childhood together with their parents. The results show that most students‘s favourite genres are pop, rock, RnB and popular folk music. The results confirm that the choice of genres listened to together with parents during childhood affects musical preferences of students

    Načrtovanje ciljev glasbene vzgoje na učnih področjih

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    V sodobni družbi smo vedno bolj izpostavljeni vprašanjem, kako se orientirati v mnoštvu informacij, katere vrednote in kakšno znanje omogočajo preživetje in višjo kakovost življenja ter kako to dosegati. Namesto vprašanja, kaj poučevati, se zato danes pogosteje sprašujemo, kakšno znanje in čemu

    Arts and cultural education in Slovenian primary schools

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    Arts and cultural education in Slovenian primary school