903 research outputs found

    Radiographic spectrum of adult pulmonary tuberculosis in a developed country

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    AbstractSetting. Bispebjerg Hospital, Department of Pulmonary Medicine P. The referral centre of adult tuberculosis in the municipality of Copenhagen, Denmark.Objective. To evaluate the radiographic spectrum of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in adults in a low-prevalence country and to correlate radiographic appearances with bacteriological results, clinical and demographic data.Design. Retrospective review of medical files on 548 cases with pulmonary TB according to the criteria of WHO.Results. Usual radiographic pattern of reactivating TB, with upper lobe involvement, was found in 92% (n=504). eight percent (n=44) showed unusual X-ray patterns for adults, such as isolated lower lobe infiltrations (n=19), hilar adenopathy (n=10), miliary TB (n=7), tuberculoma (n=2), pleural effusion (n=1) and normal chest X-ray (n=3). Eighty-nine percent of cases with cavitary lesions were positive by microscopy.Conclusion. The risk of missing a diagnosis of pulmonary TB may be high if patients present with an X-ray unusual for TB, but this is fortunately seen only in 8% of cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. Unusual X-ray is more commonly found in patients with concomitant disease, such as diabetes and cancer.If chest X-ray shows cavities, but the smear is negative for Mycobacterium, TB is unlikely and further diagnostic procedures should be performed without waiting for culture results

    Can Gravitational Waves Prevent Inflation?

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    To investigate the cosmic no hair conjecture, we analyze numerically 1-dimensional plane symmetrical inhomogeneities due to gravitational waves in vacuum spacetimes with a positive cosmological constant. Assuming periodic gravitational pulse waves initially, we study the time evolution of those waves and the nature of their collisions. As measures of inhomogeneity on each hypersurface, we use the 3-dimensional Riemann invariant I (3) ⁣Rijkl (3) ⁣Rijkl{\cal I}\equiv {}~^{(3)\!}R_{ijkl}~^{(3)\!}R^{ijkl} and the electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor. We find a temporal growth of the curvature in the waves' collision region, but the overall expansion of the universe later overcomes this effect. No singularity appears and the result is a ``no hair" de Sitter spacetime. The waves we study have amplitudes between 0.020ΛI1/2125.0Λ0.020\Lambda \leq {\cal I}^{1/2} \leq 125.0\Lambda and widths between 0.080lHl2.5lH0.080l_H \leq l \leq 2.5l_H, where lH=(Λ/3)1/2l_H=(\Lambda/3)^{-1/2}, the horizon scale of de Sitter spacetime. This supports the cosmic no hair conjecture.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, 3 figures are available on request <To [email protected] (Hisa-aki SHINKAI)>, WU-AP/29/9

    Direct identification and susceptibility testing of enteric bacilli from positive blood cultures using VITEK (GNI+/GNS-GA)

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    AbstractObjective To study the possibility of reporting results of identification and susceptibility testing of Gram-negative bacilli the same day as bacteremia is detected by using direct inoculation from positive blood cultures (Bactec 9240) into VITEK GNI+ and GNS-GA cards.Methods All blood cultures with Gram-negative enteric bacillus-like morphology on microscopy found to be positive on workdays between 15 June 1999 and 29 February 2000 were included. Identification and susceptibility testing were done by three methods: the direct method using a suspension made by differential centrifugation of positive blood culture broth for inoculation of the VITEK cards; the standard method using an inoculum made from an overnight culture on a solid media; and the routine method (reference method) using conventional testing.Results Of 169 isolates, the direct method resulted in 75% correct identifications, 9% misidentifications and 17% non-identifications. All misidentified isolateswere Escherichia coli, of which 80% were reported as Salmonella arizonae. Five biochemical tests yielded most of the aberrant results; correcting the citrate and malonate reactions in most cases led to correct identification by the VITEK database. Despite a negative H2S reaction, 11 E. coli isolates were reported as S. arizonae. Two-thirds (69%) of identifications were reported within 6 h, and 95% of these were correct. The direct susceptibility testing method was assessable for 140 isolates. Correct results were found in 99% of isolate-antimicrobial combinations, and 85% were reported within 6 h.Conclusion The direct VITEK method could correctly report identifications and susceptibility patterns within 6 h, making same-day reporting possible for almost two-thirds (63%) of bacteremic episodes with Gram-negative bacilli. These results could probably be improved by modification of the identification algorithms of the VITEK software

    Long-distance vocalizations of spotted hyenas contain individual, but not group, signatures

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    In animal societies, identity signals are common, mediate interactions within groups, and allow individuals to discriminate group-mates from out-group competitors. However, individual recognition becomes increasingly challenging as group size increases and as signals must be transmitted over greater distances. Group vocal signatures may evolve when successful in-group/out-group distinctions are at the crux of fitness-relevant decisions, but group signatures alone are insufficient when differentiated within-group relationships are important for decision-making. Spotted hyenas are social carnivores that live in stable clans of less than 125 individuals composed of multiple unrelated matrilines. Clan members cooperate to defend resources and communal territories from neighbouring clans and other mega carnivores; this collective defence is mediated by long-range (up to 5 km range) recruitment vocalizations, called whoops. Here, we use machine learning to determine that spotted hyena whoops contain individual but not group signatures, and that fundamental frequency features which propagate well are critical for individual discrimination. For effective clan-level cooperation, hyenas face the cognitive challenge of remembering and recognizing individual voices at long range. We show that serial redundancy in whoop bouts increases individual classification accuracy and thus extended call bouts used by hyenas probably evolved to overcome the challenges of communicating individual identity at long distance

    Transverse NMR relaxation in magnetically heterogeneous media

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    We consider the NMR signal from a permeable medium with a heterogeneous Larmor frequency component that varies on a scale comparable to the spin-carrier diffusion length. We focus on the mesoscopic part of the transverse relaxation, that occurs due to dispersion of precession phases of spins accumulated during diffusive motion. By relating the spectral lineshape to correlation functions of the spatially varying Larmor frequency, we demonstrate how the correlation length and the variance of the Larmor frequency distribution can be determined from the NMR spectrum. We corroborate our results by numerical simulations, and apply them to quantify human blood spectra.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Temperature and ac Effects on Charge Transport in Metallic Arrays of Dots

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    We investigate the effects of finite temperature, dc pulse, and ac drives on the charge transport in metallic arrays using numerical simulations. For finite temperatures there is a finite conduction threshold which decreases linearly with temperature. Additionally we find a quadratic scaling of the current-voltage curves which is independent of temperature for finite thresholds. These results are in excellent agreement with recent experiments on 2D metallic dot arrays. We have also investigated the effects of an ac drive as well as a suddenly applied dc drive. With an ac drive the conduction threshold decreases for fixed frequency and increasing amplitude and saturates for fixed amplitude and increasing frequency. For sudden applied dc drives below threshold we observe a long time power law conduction decay.Comment: 6 pages, 7 postscript figure

    Mode-Locking in Driven Disordered Systems as a Boundary-Value Problem

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    We study mode-locking in disordered media as a boundary-value problem. Focusing on the simplest class of mode-locking models which consists of a single driven overdamped degree-of-freedom, we develop an analytical method to obtain the shape of the Arnol'd tongues in the regime of low ac-driving amplitude or high ac-driving frequency. The method is exact for a scalloped pinning potential and easily adapted to other pinning potentials. It is complementary to the analysis based on the well-known Shapiro's argument that holds in the perturbative regime of large driving amplitudes or low driving frequency, where the effect of pinning is weak.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, RevTeX, Submitte

    Vortex Dynamics and Defects in Simulated Flux Flow

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    We present the results of molecular dynamic simulations of a two-dimensional vortex array driven by a uniform current through random pinning centers at zero temperature. We identify two types of flow of the driven array near the depinning threshold. For weak disorder the flux array contains few dislocation and moves via correlated displacements of patches of vortices in a {\it crinkle} motion. As the disorder strength increases, we observe a crossover to a spatially inhomogeneous regime of {\it plastic} flow, with a very defective vortex array and a channel-like structure of the flowing regions. The two regimes are characterized by qualitatively different spatial distribution of vortex velocities. In the crinkle regime the distribution of vortex velocities near threshold has a single maximum that shifts to larger velocities as the driving force is increased. In the plastic regime the distribution of vortex velocities near threshold has a clear bimodal structure that persists upon time-averaging the individual velocities. The bimodal structure of the velocity distribution reflects the coexistence of pinned and flowing regions and is proposed as a quantitative signature of plastic flow.Comment: 12 pages, 13 embedded PostScript figure

    Zero Temperature Glass Transition in the Two-Dimensional Gauge Glass Model

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    We investigate dynamic scaling properties of the two-dimensional gauge glass model for the vortex glass phase in superconductors with quenched disorder. From extensive Monte Carlo simulations we obtain static and dynamic finite size scaling behavior, where the static simulations use a temperature exchange method to ensure convergence at low temperatures. Both static and dynamic scaling of Monte Carlo data is consistent with a glass transition at zero temperature. We study a dynamic correlation function for the superconducting order parameter, as well as the phase slip resistance. From the scaling of these two functions, we find evidence for two distinct diverging correlation times at the zero temperature glass transition. The longer of these time scales is associated with phase slip fluctuations across the system that lead to finite resistance at any finite temperature, while the shorter time scale is associated with local phase fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures; v2: some minor correction

    Velocity-force characteristics of an interface driven through a periodic potential

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    We study the creep dynamics of a two-dimensional interface driven through a periodic potential using dynamical renormalization group methods. We find that the nature of weak-drive transport depends qualitatively on whether the temperature TT is above or below the equilibrium roughening transition temperature TcT_c. Above TcT_c, the velocity-force characteristics is Ohmic, with linear mobility exhibiting a jump discontinuity across the transition. For TTcT \le T_c, the transport is highly nonlinear, exhibiting an interesting crossover in temperature and weak external force FF. For intermediate drive, F>FF>F_*, we find near TcT_c^{-} a power-law velocity-force characteristics v(F)Fσv(F)\sim F^\sigma, with σ1t~\sigma-1\propto \tilde{t}, and well-below TcT_c, v(F)e(F/F)2t~v(F)\sim e^{-(F_*/F)^{2\tilde{t}}}, with t~=(1T/Tc)\tilde{t}=(1-T/T_c). In the limit of vanishing drive (FFF\ll F_*) the velocity-force characteristics crosses over to v(F)e(F0/F)v(F)\sim e^{-(F_0/F)}, and is controlled by soliton nucleation.Comment: 18 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.