14 research outputs found

    Identification of the; Bartonella; autotransporter CFA as a protective antigen and hypervariable target of neutralizing antibodies in mice

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    The bacterial genus; Bartonella; comprises numerous emerging pathogens that cause a broad spectrum of disease manifestations in humans. The targets and mechanisms of the anti-; Bartonella; immune defense are ill-defined and bacterial immune evasion strategies remain elusive. We found that experimentally infected mice resolved; Bartonella; infection by mounting antibody responses that neutralized the bacteria, preventing their attachment to erythrocytes and suppressing bacteremia independent of complement or Fc receptors.; Bartonella; -neutralizing antibody responses were rapidly induced and depended on CD40 signaling but not on affinity maturation. We cloned neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and by mass spectrometry identified the bacterial autotransporter CFA (CAMP-like factor autotransporter) as a neutralizing antibody target. Vaccination against CFA suppressed; Bartonella; bacteremia, validating CFA as a protective antigen. We mapped; Bartonella; -neutralizing mAb binding to a domain in CFA that we found is hypervariable in both human and mouse pathogenic strains, indicating mutational antibody evasion at the; Bartonella; subspecies level. These insights into; Bartonella; immunity and immune evasion provide a conceptual framework for vaccine development, identifying important challenges in this endeavor

    A Role for the VPS Retromer in Brucella Intracellular Replication Revealed by Genomewide siRNA Screening

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    Brucella, the agent causing brucellosis, is a major zoonotic pathogen with worldwide distribution. Brucella resides and replicates inside infected host cells in membrane-bound compartments called Brucella- containing vacuoles (BCVs). Following uptake, Brucella resides in endosomal BCVs (eBCVs) that gradually mature from early to late endosomal features. Through a poorly understood process that is key to the intracellular lifestyle of Brucella, the eBCV escapes fusion with lysosomes by transitioning to the replicative BCV (rBCV), a replicative niche directly connected to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Despite the notion that this complex intracellular lifestyle must depend on a multitude of host factors, a holistic view on which of these components control Brucella cell entry, trafficking, and replication is still missing. Here we used a systematic cell-based small interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown screen in HeLa cells infected with Brucella abortus and identified 425 components of the human infectome for Brucella infection. These include multiple components of pathways involved in central processes such as the cell cycle, actin cytoskeleton dynamics, or vesicular trafficking. Using assays for pathogen entry, knockdown complementation, and colocalization at single-cell resolution, we identified the requirement of the VPS retromer for Brucella to escape the lysosomal degradative pathway and to establish its intracellular replicative niche. We thus validated the VPS retromer as a novel host factor critical for Brucella intracellular trafficking. Further, our genomewide data shed light on the interplay between central host processes and the biogenesis of the Brucella replicative niche.; IMPORTANCE; With >300,000 new cases of human brucellosis annually, Brucella is regarded as one of the most important zoonotic bacterial pathogens worldwide. The agent causing brucellosis resides inside host cells within vacuoles termed Brucella- containing vacuoles (BCVs). Although a few host components required to escape the degradative lysosomal pathway and to establish the ER-derived replicative BCV (rBCV) have already been identified, the global understanding of this highly coordinated process is still partial, and many factors remain unknown. To gain deeper insight into these fundamental questions, we performed a genomewide RNA interference (RNAi) screen aiming at discovering novel host factors involved in the Brucella intracellular cycle. We identified 425 host proteins that contribute to Brucella cellular entry, intracellular trafficking, and replication. Together, this study sheds light on previously unknown host pathways required for the Brucella infection cycle and highlights the VPS retromer components as critical factors for the establishment of the Brucella intracellular replicative niche

    Structure-function analysis of the cyclic β-1,2-glucan synthase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    Abstract The synthesis of complex sugars is a key aspect of microbial biology. Cyclic β-1,2-glucan (CβG) is a circular polysaccharide critical for host interactions of many bacteria, including major pathogens of humans (Brucella) and plants (Agrobacterium). CβG is produced by the cyclic glucan synthase (Cgs), a multi-domain membrane protein. So far, its structure as well as the mechanism underlining the synthesis have not been clarified. Here we use cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and functional approaches to study Cgs from A. tumefaciens. We determine the structure of this complex protein machinery and clarify key aspects of CβG synthesis, revealing a distinct mechanism that uses a tyrosine-linked oligosaccharide intermediate in cycles of polymerization and processing of the glucan chain. Our research opens possibilities for combating pathogens that rely on polysaccharide virulence factors and may lead to synthetic biology approaches for producing complex cyclic sugars

    Guided-deconvolution for correlative light and electron microscopy

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    Correlative light and electron microscopy is a powerful tool to study the internal structure of cells. It combines the mutual benefit of correlating light (LM) and electron (EM) microscopy information. The EM images only contain contrast information. Therefore, some of the detailed structures cannot be specified from these images alone, especially when different cell organelle are contacted. However, the classical approach of overlaying LM onto EM images to assign functional to structural information is hampered by the large discrepancy in structural detail visible in the LM images. This paper aims at investigating an optimized approach which we call EM-guided deconvolution. This applies to living cells structures before fixation as well as previously fixed sample. It attempts to automatically assign fluorescence-labeled structures to structural details visible in the EM image to bridge the gaps in both resolution and specificity between the two imaging modes. We tested our approach on simulations, correlative data of multi-color beads and previously published data of biological samples

    Mechanism of cyclic β-glucan export by ABC transporter Cgt of Brucella

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    Polysaccharides play critical roles in bacteria, including the formation of protective capsules and biofilms and establishing specific host cell interactions. Their transport across membranes is often mediated by ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, which utilize ATP to translocate diverse molecules. Cyclic β-glucans (CβGs) are critical for host interaction of the Rhizobiales, including the zoonotic pathogen Brucella. CβGs are exported into the periplasmic space by the cyclic glucan transporter (Cgt). The interaction of an ABC transporter with a polysaccharide substrate has not been visualized so far. Here we use single-particle cryoelectron microscopy to elucidate the structures of Cgt from Brucella abortus in four conformational states. The substrate-bound structure reveals an unusual binding pocket at the height of the cytoplasmic leaflet, whereas ADP-vanadate models hint at an alternative mechanism of substrate release. Our work provides insights into the translocation of large, heterogeneous substrates and sheds light on protein-polysaccharide interactions in general.ISSN:1545-9993ISSN:1545-998

    Guided-deconvolution for correlative light and electron microscopy.

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    Correlative light and electron microscopy is a powerful tool to study the internal structure of cells. It combines the mutual benefit of correlating light (LM) and electron (EM) microscopy information. The EM images only contain contrast information. Therefore, some of the detailed structures cannot be specified from these images alone, especially when different cell organelle are contacted. However, the classical approach of overlaying LM onto EM images to assign functional to structural information is hampered by the large discrepancy in structural detail visible in the LM images. This paper aims at investigating an optimized approach which we call EM-guided deconvolution. This applies to living cells structures before fixation as well as previously fixed sample. It attempts to automatically assign fluorescence-labeled structures to structural details visible in the EM image to bridge the gaps in both resolution and specificity between the two imaging modes. We tested our approach on simulations, correlative data of multi-color beads and previously published data of biological samples

    3D correlative electron microscopy reveals continuity of Brucella-containing vacuoles with the endoplasmic reticulum

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    Entry of the facultative intracellular pathogen Brucella into host cells results in the formation of endosomal Brucella-containing vacuoles (eBCVs) that initially traffic along the endocytic pathway. eBCV acidification triggers the expression of a type IV secretion system that translocates bacterial effector proteins into host cells. This interferes with lysosomal fusion of eBCVs and supports their maturation to replicative Brucella-containing vacuoles (rBCVs). Bacteria replicate in rBCVs to large numbers, eventually occupying most of the cytoplasmic volume. As rBCV membranes tightly wrap each individual bacterium, they are constantly being expanded and remodeled during exponential bacterial growth. rBCVs are known to carry endoplasmic reticulum (ER) markers; however, the relationship of the vacuole to the genuine ER has remained elusive. Here, we have reconstructed the 3-dimensional ultrastructure of rBCVs and associated ER by correlative structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopic tomography (FIB/SEM). Studying B. abortus-infected HeLa cells and trophoblasts derived from B. melitensis-infected mice, we demonstrate that rBCVs are complex and interconnected compartments that are continuous with neighboring ER cisternae, thus supporting a model that rBCVs are extensions of genuine ER

    3D correlative electron microscopy reveals continuity of Brucella-containing vacuoles with the endoplasmic reticulum

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    Entry of the facultative intracellular pathogen Brucella into host cells results in the formation of endosomal Brucella-containing vacuoles (eBCVs) that initially traffic along the endocytic pathway. eBCV acidification triggers the expression of a type IV secretion system that translocates bacterial effector proteins into host cells. This interferes with lysosomal fusion of eBCVs and supports their maturation to replicative Brucella-containing vacuoles (rBCVs). Bacteria replicate in rBCVs to large numbers, eventually occupying most of the cytoplasmic volume. As rBCV membranes tightly wrap each individual bacterium, they are constantly being expanded and remodeled during exponential bacterial growth. rBCVs are known to carry endoplasmic reticulum (ER) markers; however, the relationship of the vacuole to the genuine ER has remained elusive. Here, we have reconstructed the 3-dimensional ultrastructure of rBCVs and associated ER by correlative structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopic tomography (FIB/SEM). Studying B. abortus-infected HeLa cells and trophoblasts derived from B. melitensis-infected mice, we demonstrate that rBCVs are complex and interconnected compartments that are continuous with neighboring ER cisternae, thus supporting a model that rBCVs are extensions of genuine ER.Published versio