716 research outputs found

    Properties of Dense Strange Hadronic Matter with Quark Degrees of Freedom

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    The properties of strange hadronic matter are studied in the context of the modified quark-meson coupling model using two substantially different sets of hyperon-hyperon (YYYY) interactions. The first set is based on the Nijmegen hard core potential model D with slightly attractive YYYY interactions. The second potential set is based on the recent SU(3) extension of the Nijmegen soft-core potential NSC97 with strongly attractive YYYY interactions which may allow for deeply bound hypernuclear matter. The results show that, for the first potential set, the Σ\Sigma hyperon does not appear at all in the bulk at any baryon density and for all strangeness fractions. The binding energy curves of the resulting NΛΞN\Lambda\Xi system vary smoothly with density and the system is stable (or metastable if we include the weak force). However, the situation is drastically changed when using the second set where the Σ\Sigma hyperons appear in the system at large baryon densities above a critical strangeness fraction. We find strange hadronic matter undergoes a first order phase transition from a NΛΞN\Lambda\Xi system to a NΣΞN\Sigma\Xi for strangeness fractions fS>1.2f_S>1.2 and baryonic densities exceeding twice ordinary nuclear matter density. Furthermore, it is found that the system built of NΣΞN\Sigma\Xi is deeply bound. This phase transition affects significantly the equation of state which becomes much softer and a substantial drop in energy density and pressure are detected as the phase transition takes place.Comment: 25 pages latex and 12 figures in postscript forma

    Properties of dense strange hadronic matter with quark degrees of freedom

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    The properties of strange hadronic matter are studied in the context of the modified quark-meson coupling model using two substantially di erent sets of hyperon-hyperon (Y Y ) interactions. The first set is based on the Nijmegen hard core potential model D with slightly attractive Y Y interactions. The second potential set is based on the recent SU(3) extension of the Nijmegen soft-core potential NSC97 with strongly attractive Y Y interactions which may allow for deeply bound hypernuclear matter. The results show that, for the first potential set, the hyperon does not appear at all in the bulk at any baryon density and for all strangeness fractions. The binding energy curves of the resulting N system vary smoothly with density and the system is stable (or metastable if we include the weak force). However, the situation is drastically changed when using the second set where the hyperons appear in the system at large baryon densities above a critical strangeness fraction. We find strange hadronic matter undergoes a first order phase transition from a N system to a N for strangeness fractions fS > 1.2 and baryonic densities exceeding twice ordinary nuclear matter density. Furthermore, it is found that the system built of N is deeply bound. This phase transition a ects significantly the equation of state which becomes much softer and a substantial drop in energy density and pressure are detected as the phase transition takes place. PACS:21.65.+f, 24.85.+p, 12.39B

    Hot nuclear matter in the modified quark-meson coupling model with quark-quark correlations

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    Short-range quark-quark correlations in hot nuclear matter are examined within the modified quark-meson coupling model (MQMC) by adding repulsive scalar and vector quark-quark interactions. Without these correlations, the bag radius increases with the baryon density. However when the correlations are introduced the bag size shrinks as the bags overlap. Also as the strength of the scalar quark-quark correlation is increased, the decrease of the effective nucleon mass MN∗M^{*}_N with the baryonic density is slowed down and tends to saturate at high densities. Within this model we study the phase transition from the baryon-meson phase to the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) phase with the latter modeled as an ideal gas of quarks and gluons inside a bag. Two models for the QGP bag parameter are considered. In one case, the bag is taken to be medium-independent and the phase transition from the hadron phase to QGP is found to occur at 5-8 times ordinary nuclear matter density for temperatures less than 60 MeV. For lower densities, the transition takes place at higher temperature reaching up to 130 MeV at zero density. In the second case, the QGP bag parameter is considered medium-dependent as in the MQMC model for the hadronic phase. In this case, it is found that the phase transition occurs at much lower densities.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 4 eps figure

    Hot hypernuclear matter in the modified quark meson coupling model

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    Hot hypernuclear matter is investigated in an explicit SU(3) quark model based on a mean field description of nonoverlapping baryon bags bound by the self-consistent exchange of scalar sigma, zeta and vector omega,phi mesons. The sigma, omega mean fields are assumed to couple to the u, d-quarks while the zeta ,phi mean fields are coupled to the s-quark. The coupling constants of the mean fields with the quarks are assumed to satisfy SU(6) symmetry. The calculations take into account the medium dependence of the bag parameter on the scalar fields sigma, zeta. We consider only the octet baryons N,Lambda,Sigma, Xi in hypernuclear matter. An ideal gas of the strange mesons K and K is introduced to keep zero net strangeness density. Our results for symmetric hypernuclear matter show that a phase transition takes place at a critical temperature around 180 MeV in which the scalar mean fields sigma, zeta take nonzero values at zero baryon density. Furthermore, the bag contants of the baryons decrease significantly at and above this critical temperature indicating the onset of quark deconfinement. The present results imply that the onset of quark deconfinement in SU(3) hypernuclear matter is much stronger than in SU(2) nuclear matter. PACS:21.65.+f, 24.85.+p, 12.39B

    Homogeneity and Size Effects on the Liquid-Gas Coexistence Curve

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    The effects of (in)homogeneity and size on the phase diagram of Lennard-Jones fluids are investigated. It is shown that standard multifragmentation scenarios (finite equilibrated systems with conserved center of mass position and momentum) are implying a strong radial inhomogeneity of the system strongly affecting the phase diagram. The homogeneity constraint is therefore necessary for finite systems in order to align to the ``meaning'' of infinite systems phase diagrams. In this respect, a method which deduces the equation of state of homogeneous finite systems from the one corresponding to bulk matter is designed. The resultant phase diagrams show a strong dependence on the system's size.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Cargo and Dynamin Regulate Clathrin-Coated Pit Maturation

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    Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIR-FM) has become a powerful tool for studying clathrin-mediated endocytosis. However, due to difficulties in tracking and quantifying their heterogeneous dynamic behavior, detailed analyses have been restricted to a limited number of selected clathrin-coated pits (CCPs). To identify intermediates in the formation of clathrin-coated vesicles and factors that regulate progression through these stages, we used particle-tracking software and statistical methods to establish an unbiased and complete inventory of all visible CCP trajectories. We identified three dynamically distinct CCP subpopulations: two short-lived subpopulations corresponding to aborted intermediates, and one longer-lived productive subpopulation. In a manner dependent on AP2 adaptor complexes, increasing cargo concentration significantly enhances the maturation efficiency of productive CCPs, but has only minor effects on their lifetimes. In contrast, small interfering RNA (siRNA) depletion of dynamin-2 GTPase and reintroduction of wild-type or mutant dynamin-1 revealed dynamin's role in controlling the turnover of abortive intermediates and the rate of CCP maturation. From these data, we infer the existence of an endocytic restriction or checkpoint, responsive to cargo and regulated by dynamin

    Second Order Phase Transitions : From Infinite to Finite Systems

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    We investigate the Equation of State (EOS) of classical systems having 300 and 512 particles confined in a box with periodic boundary conditions. We show that such a system, independently on the number of particles investigated, has a critical density of about 1/3 the ground state density and a critical temperature of about 2.5 MeV2.5~ MeV. The mass distribution at the critical point exhibits a power law with τ=2.23\tau = 2.23. Making use of the grand partition function of Fisher's droplet model, we obtain an analytical EOS around the critical point in good agreement with the one extracted from the numerical simulations.Comment: RevTex file, 17 pages + 9 figures available upon request from [email protected]

    A divide-and-conquer approach to analyze underdetermined biochemical models

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    Motivation: To obtain meaningful predictions from dynamic computational models, their uncertain parameter values need to be estimated from experimental data. Due to the usually large number of parameters compared to the available measurement data, these estimation problems are often underdetermined meaning that the solution is a multidimensional space. In this case, the challenge is yet to obtain a sound system understanding despite non-identifiable parameter values, e.g. through identifying those parameters that most sensitively determine the model’s behavior. Results: Here, we present the so-called divide-and-conquer approach—a strategy to analyze underdetermined biochemical models. The approach draws on steady state omics measurement data and exploits a decomposition of the global estimation problem into independent subproblems. The solutions to these subproblems are joined to the complete space of global optima, which can be easily analyzed. We derive the conditions at which the decomposition occurs, outline strategies to fulfill these conditions and—using an example model—illustrate how the approach uncovers the most important parameters and suggests targeted experiments without knowing the exact parameter values.
