472 research outputs found

    Use of Gene Probes to Aid in Recovery and Identification of Functionally Dominant 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid-Degrading Populations in Soil

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    The herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) was applied to soils in microcosms, and degradation was monitored after each of five repeated additions. Total DNAs were isolated from soil bacterial communities after each 2,4-D treatment. The DNA samples were analyzed on slot blots and Southern blots by using a tfdA gene probe subcloned from plasmid pJP4 and a Spa probe derived from a different 2,4-D-degrading isolate, a Sphingomonas paucimobilis strain. 2,4-D applied to soil was quickly degraded by indigenous microbial populations. As determined by slot blot analyses of DNA from a Michigan soil, the increase in hybridization signal in response to 2,4-D treatments was greater with the Spa probe than with the tfdA probe. In contrast, the DNA from a Saskatchewan soil exhibited an increase in hybridization signal with the tfdA probe. This indicated that a population with 2,4-D-degradative gene sequences different from the tfdA gene sequence was dominant in the Michigan site, but not in the Saskatchewan site. A Southern blot analysis of DNA from Michigan soil showed that the dominant 2,4-D-degrading population was S. paucimobilis 1443. A less dominant 2,4-D-degrading population was detected with the tfdA probe; further analysis revealed that this population was a Pseudomonas pickettii 712. These gene probe analyses revealed that an important population carrying out 2,4-D degradation was not detected when the canonical tfdA gene probe was used. After a series of new strains were isolated, we identified a probe to detect and identify the dominant members of this new group

    Analysis of Competition in Soil among 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid-Degrading Bacteria

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    Competition among indigenous and inoculated 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)-degrading bacteria was studied in a native Kansas prairie soil following 2,4-D additions. The soil was inoculated with four different 2,4-D-degrading strains at densities of 10(3) cells per g of soil; the organisms used were Pseudomonas cepacia DBO1(pJP4) and three Michigan soil isolates, strain 745, Sphingomonas paucimobilis 1443, and Pseudomonas pickettii 712. Following 2,4-D additions, total soil DNA was extracted and analyzed on Southern blots by using a tfdA gene probe which detected three of the strains and another probe that detected the fourth strain, S. paucimobilis 1443, which belongs to a different class of 2,4-D degraders. P. cepacia DBO1(pJP4), a constructed strain, outcompeted the other added strains and the indigenous 2,4-D-degrading populations. The S. paucimobilis population was the secondary dominant population, and strain 745 and P. pickettii were not detected. Relative fitness coefficients determined in axenic broth cultures predicted the outcome of competition in soil for some but not all strains. Lag time was shown to be a principal determinant of competitiveness among the strains, but the lag times were significantly reduced in mixed broth cultures, which changed the competitive outcome. Plasmids containing the genes for the 2,4-D pathway were important determinants of competitiveness since plasmid pKA4 in P. cepacia DBO1 resulted in the slower growth characteristic of its original host, P. pickettii, rather than the rapid growth observed when this strain harbors pJP4

    Genetic and Phenotypic Diversity of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D)-Degrading Bacteria Isolated from 2,4-D-Treated Field Soils

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    Forty-seven numerically dominant 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)-degrading bacteria were isolated at different times from 1989 through 1992 from eight agricultural plots (3.6 by 9.1 m) which were either not treated with 2,4-D or treated with 2,4-D at three different concentrations. Isolates were obtained from the most dilute positive most-probable-number tubes inoculated with soil samples from the different plots on seven sampling dates over the 3-year period. The isolates were compared by using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles, chromosomal patterns obtained by PCR amplification of repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) sequences, and hybridization patterns obtained with probes for the tfd genes of plasmid pJP4 and a probe (Spa probe) that detects a distinctly different 2,4-D-degrading isolate, Sphingomonas paucimobilis (formerly Pseudomonas paucimobilis). A total of 57% of the isolates were identified to the species level by the FAME analysis, and these isolates were strains of Sphingomonas, Pseudomonas, or Alcaligenes species. Hybridization analysis revealed four groups. Group I strains, which exhibited sequence homology with tfdA, -B, -C, and -D genes, were rather diverse, as determined by both the FAME analysis and the REP-PCR analysis. Group II, which exhibited homology only with the tfdA4 gene, was a small group and was probably a subset of group I. All group I and II strains had plasmids. Hybridization analysis revealed that the tfd genes were located on plasmids in 75% of these strains and on the chromosome or a large plasmid in the other 25% of the strains. One strain exhibited tfdA and -B hybridization associated with a plasmid band, while tfdC and -D hybridized with the chromosomal band area. The group III strains exhibited no detectable homology to tfd genes but hybridized to the Spa probe. The members of this group were tightly clustered as determined by both the FAME analysis and the REP-PCR analysis, were distinctly different from group I strains as determined by the FAME analysis, and had very few plasmids; this group contained more of the 47 isolates than any other group. The group III strains were identified as S. paucimobilis. The group IV strains, which hybridized to neither the tfd probe nor the Spa probe, were as diverse as the group I strains as determined by the FAME and REP-PCR analyses. Most of group IV strains could not be identified by the FAME analysis. Strains belonging to groups I and III were more frequently recovered from soils that had greater field exposure to 2,4-D, suggesting that they were the best competitors for 2,4-D under field conditions. The selection regimen which we used led to two successful but dissimilar groups; the members of one group were similar at the plasmid level but not at the organism level, and the members of the other group were similar at the organism level. Since the members of the latter group are ecologically successful and degradative genes unlike tfd genes, they deserve more attention

    Assembling large, complex environmental metagenomes

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    The large volumes of sequencing data required to sample complex environments deeply pose new challenges to sequence analysis approaches. De novo metagenomic assembly effectively reduces the total amount of data to be analyzed but requires significant computational resources. We apply two pre-assembly filtering approaches, digital normalization and partitioning, to make large metagenome assemblies more comput\ ationaly tractable. Using a human gut mock community dataset, we demonstrate that these methods result in assemblies nearly identical to assemblies from unprocessed data. We then assemble two large soil metagenomes from matched Iowa corn and native prairie soils. The predicted functional content and phylogenetic origin of the assembled contigs indicate significant taxonomic differences despite similar function. The assembly strategies presented are generic and can be extended to any metagenome; full source code is freely available under a BSD license.Comment: Includes supporting informatio

    Detection in Soil of a Deletion in an Engineered DNA Sequence by Using DNA Probes

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    Two Pseudomonas strains were engineered to contain the nptII gene and plasmid vector sequences in their chromosomes. After incubation of these strains in nonsterile soil, total bacterial DNA was isolated and analyzed by Southern blot hybridization with the nptII gene and the plasmid vector as probes. In addition to the expected bands of hybridization, a new band corresponding to the loss of vector sequences from the chromosome while retaining the nptII gene was observed for one of the strains. The more stressful conditions encountered in soil appeared to increase the frequency of loss of the vector sequences from this strain

    Integrated genome-based studies of Shewanella Ecophysiology

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    The aim of the work reported is to study Shewanella population genomics, and to understand the evolution, ecophysiology, and speciation of Shewanella. The tasks supporting this aim are: to study genetic and ecophysiological bases defining the core and diversification of Shewanella species; to determine gene content patterns along redox gradients; and to Investigate the evolutionary processes, patterns and mechanisms of Shewanella