80 research outputs found

    Examples of Tissue Forge modeling features.

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    A: Five superimposed snapshots of a double pendulum implemented in Tissue Forge. Bonded interactions (represented as green cylinders) explicitly describe the interaction between a particular pair of particles, while a constant force acts on the blue particles in the downward direction. The red particle is fixed. B: Four Tissue Forge clusters representing biological cells, each consisting of ten particles whose color demonstrates cluster membership. Potentials describe particle interactions by whether they are in the same cluster (i.e., intracellular) or different clusters i.e., intercellular. C: Tissue Forge simulation of chemical flux during fluid droplet collision. Each particle represents a portion of fluid that carries an amount of a diffusive chemical, the amount of which varies from zero (blue) to one (red). When two droplets carrying different initial chemical amounts collide, resulting droplets tend towards homogeneous chemical distributions.</p

    Dependence of τ and κ with ϑ<sub>max</sub> in the 3D versions.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) 3D extensional model and (<b>B</b>) 3D bipolar model dependence of κ and τ parameters with ϑ<sub>max</sub>. The range of best values for both κ and τ lies at much shorter angles in the 3D extension model (<b>A</b>) than the 2D model (see <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004952#pcbi.1004952.g005" target="_blank">Fig 5D</a>), which in turn has a range of optimal values slightly lower than in the 3D convergence model (<b>B</b>).</p

    Types of convergent extension.

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    <p>In <i>active</i> convergent-extension, the cells in the tissue generate deforming forces due to anisotropic adhesion or pulling forces between cells (red arrows), while in <i>passive</i> convergent-extension, the surrounding environment deforms the tissue (blue arrows). Cell intercalation occurs in types of CE, but the axis of cell elongation is typically perpendicular to the axis of elongation in active CE and parallel in passive CE.</p

    Contact-mediated pulling version of the model.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) <b>Cells</b> only pulls <b>neighbors</b> (here, 3) that share a common surface area (shown in red) and that lie inside a maximum angle with respect to the convergence plane (here the horizontal axis). (<b>B</b>) Dependence of τ and κ with λ<sub>force</sub> is qualitatively the same as before (<a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004952#pcbi.1004952.g004" target="_blank">Fig 4</a>). (<b>C</b>) Dependence with n<sub>max</sub> is reversed, with the speed of intercalation (τ<sup>-1</sup>) saturating after n<sub>max</sub> = 3 and κ still decreasing. (<b>D</b>) The (κ τ,) x ϑ<sub>max</sub> curves are more symmetric, but the <b>tissue</b> still elongates more and faster at lower angles.</p

    Competition between filopodial tension and surface tension in the 2D filopodial tension model.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) The elongation time (τ) till the <b>tissue’s</b> inverse aspect ratio decreases to 0.5 as a function of the filopodial tension (λ<sub>force</sub>) of the cells for different surface tensions (γ). (<b>B</b>) Insert: Degree of tissue deformation (κ) as a function of λ<sub>force</sub>. An increase in the surface tension of the tissue reduces the final degree of CE (larger κ) shifting the κ vs. λ<sub>force</sub> curve to the right. The opposite effect happens when the surface tension is decreased. Main: The κ vs. λ<sub>force</sub> curves collapse when we rescale with the tension force by the surface tension plotting κ vs. λ<sub>force</sub>/γ.</p

    Simulation results for heterogeneous tissues.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Dependency of parameter κ with the percentage of passive (red dots) and refractory (blue squares) <b>cells</b>. (<b>B</b>) Dependency of parameter τ with the percentage of passive (red dots) and refractory (blue squares) <b>cells</b>. For both graphs, the measured value for the homogeneous <b>tissue</b> is represented by the green open square (<b>A</b>) or dot (<b>B</b>). Values of κ are measured for the whole <b>tissue</b> (active and non-active <b>cells</b>). (<b>C</b>-<b>D</b>) Simulations with passive <b>cells</b>; (<b>E</b>-<b>F</b>) simulations with refractory <b>cells</b>. (<b>C</b>) On a simulation with 95% of passive <b>cells</b> (in red) the remaining 5% of active <b>cells</b> (green) are still able to induce some degree of CE. (<b>D</b>) In a typical simulation with a higher percentage of active <b>cells</b> (here 33%) the active <b>cells</b> align at the center line of the extending <b>tissue</b>. (<b>E</b>) A failed CE for a tissue with less than 20% of active <b>cells</b> (here, 82% of refractory <b>cells</b>, blue). (<b>F</b>) When the percentage of active <b>cells</b> is above 20% (here 54%) the two populations sort out, with the active <b>cells</b> forming an elongated <b>tissue</b> and the refractory <b>cells</b> lying on each side of the structure. Panels (<b>D</b>) and (<b>F</b>) were rotated 90° for visualization purposes.</p

    3D filopodial tension model versions.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Rotation around the polarization vector produces the 3D equatorial model. (<b>B</b>) Rotation around the convergence line results in the 3D bipolar model. (<b>A’-A”</b>) Initial and final states of a simulation of the equatorial model with all <b>cells’</b> polarization vectors pointing up. (<b>B’-B”</b>) Initial and final states of a simulation of the bipolar model with all <b>cells’</b> convergence axis lying vertically.</p

    List of reference parameters values used in the simulations.

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    <p>Parameter sweeps vary one of the first 7 parameters, while keeping all the others constant. Key: λ<sub>force</sub>, pulling strength; t<sub>interval</sub>, time interval between link formation/breakage (MCS); r<sub>max</sub>, maximum distance between <b>cells</b> (<b>cell</b> diameters); n<sub>max</sub>, maximum number of links per <b>cell</b>; ϑ<sub>max</sub>, maximum angle (radians); N, number of <b>cells</b>; cd, <b>cell</b> diameter (lattice sites); T, temperature or level of noise in the simulations; λ<sub>volume</sub>, <b>cell</b> stiffness; n<sub>orders</sub>, neighboring orders for lattice site flip and contact energy; J<sub>c,M</sub>, adhesion energy between <b>cells</b> and <b>medium</b>; J<sub>c,c</sub>, adhesion energy between <b>cells</b>.</p

    Simulation snapshots and metrics.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Snapshots of a 2D simulation with reference parameter values, showing the initial configuration (left) and the configuration when the length of the major axis (L<sub>+</sub>, red lines) increases to twice the length of the minor axis (L<sub>-</sub>, blue lines), i.e., κ = 0.5. The simulation contains N = 109 <b>cells</b> (in green) with the tension forces shown by the white segments connecting their centers-of-mass. (<b>B</b>) Graph of L<sub>-</sub>/L<sub>+</sub> versus time for the reference 2D simulation. For all simulations we measured the final value of the ratio between the length of minor and major axes of the tissue κ (shown in red), and the time τ (shown in blue) when the length of the major axis doubles the length of the minor axis (L<sub>-</sub>/L<sub>+</sub> = 0.5).</p

    Simulation results for different levels of polarization misalignment.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Semi-log graph of τ and κ with the variance (σ<sup>2</sup>). Both metrics are exponential functions of the variance. (<b>B-D</b>) Snapshots of 3 simulations with different levels of misalignment (σ = 40°, 50° and 70°). Each cell is represented by a white vector showing the direction of its polarization. The bigger vectors on (<b>C</b>) and (<b>D</b>) are due to zoom.</p