6 research outputs found

    Nursing care for a patient after an ischemic stroke

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    Introduction and aim of the study. More than half of ischemic strokes occur above the age of 65, so a stroke is above all a disease of an old age. The problem of a stroke is crucial, because apart from a high mortality rate it also entails a disability. The aim of the study was to determine the scope of nursing care for the patient after an ischemic stroke. Methods and materials. The study was based on the case study method with the use of the following research techniques: documentation analysis, an interview, measurement and observation. Moreover, the study tools applied comprised: an individualized nursing care plan, Barthel Scale, Glasgow Scale, Dutch Scale, the authors’ own test examining the patient’s knowledge. Criteria for the care categories. Findings. After the interview, the biopsychosocial status of the patient was assessed. Nursing diagnoses were made using the empirical data for this purpose. Conclusions. The sudden occurrence of the disease, hospitalization and lack of support from relatives is a difficult and critical situation for the patient, and it disturbs normal functioning in all spheres: biological, psychological and a social one

    Nursing care for a patient diagnosed with eating disorders in the form of anorexia

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    Introduction: Nowadays, the problem of eating disorders is becoming more and more common in the society. It affects not only the youth but also adults. The canons of beauty presented by tabloids or advertisements become a benchmark of value for many people who, in pursuit of a perfect figure, are willing to make many sacrifices even at the expense of their own health and life. It is estimated that about 8 – 9% of the population is affected by eating disorders in the form of anorexia or bulimia. Mortality constitutes about 20% of diagnosed cases. A timely diagnosed disorder can be treated mainly with the help of appropriate therapeutic techniques, which allows symptoms to resolve in a significant number of patients. Aim: The aim of the study is to present the tasks of a nurse in care for a patient with diagnosed eating disorders in the form of anorexia. Methods and materials: The study was based on the individual case study method. The adopted research techniques were as follows: the interview, nursing observation, measurements and the analysis of the patient’s medical record documentation. The following research tools were used for the study: the Individual Nursing Care Card, the NRS for pain assessment, the MNA for nutrition status and the Beck Depression Inventory. Findings: During the research process, eight nursing diagnoses based on the patient's health issues were made. Conclusions: Nursing problems in the care of a patient diagnosed with eating disorders in the form of anorexia arise from the disease and the accompanying complications

    The tasks of a nurse in care for a patient after breast augmentation surgery by the implant placement method

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    Introduction. Breast augmentation is an increasingly frequent surgical intervention performed in women. This medical procedure is performed in the operating theatre or treatment room under general anesthesia. The doctor makes an incision, creates a pocket in the breast tissue and places an implant. The cut is closed with surgical sutures. A breast augmentation procedure, like any surgical procedure, is associated with the risk of complications. A nurse as a member of a therapeutic team is obliged to provide the highest quality care, prevent complications and perform therapeutic, rehabilitative, educational, preventive and health promotion functions. Aim. The aim of the study is to determine the tasks of a nurse in caring for a patient after a breast augmentation procedure by the implant placement method. Methods and materials. The study was based on the case study method, the research techniques included an interview, nursing observation, measurement and a documentation analysis. The research tools used for the study included the Individual Nursing Care Card, the Visual Analogue Scale - VAS, risk of postoperative nausea and vomiting – the Apfel score. Findings. Nine nursing diagnoses based on the patient's health issues were made during the research process. Conclusions. The nursing problems of the patient after the breast augmentation procedure by the implant placement method result from the procedure itself and hospitalization

    Life satisfaction of Lublin nurses

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    AbstractIntroduction. Life satisfaction is a concept closely related to a feeling of happiness, well-being and comfort. It is felt by every man individually and is related to general evaluation of life. The subject of interest in this study is the level of life satisfaction among nurses and male nurses working in Lublin.Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to determine the level of life satisfaction among Lublin nurses and male nurses.Methods and materials. The study involved 14 male nurses and 109 nurses. The diagnostic survey with the use of the SWLS questionnaire in the adaptation of Zygfryd Juczyński and the respondents’ particulars developed by the author. Statistical calculations were performed with the use of Statistica 9.1 computer programme.Findings. The mean value of life satisfaction was 23.17. Statistical analysis did not show statistically significant relationships between the demographic data of the respondents and the experienced life satisfaction. Such dependence occurs only between life satisfaction and the specificity of the respondents’ work (p = 0.03).Conclusions. No relationship was found between life satisfaction among nurses and male nurses and demographic data. Life satisfaction among the respondents is hugely affected by the specificity of work in some departments

    Tasks of a nurse in the care of a patient with urolithiasis treated with percutaneous nephrolithotripsy

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    Introduction. Contemporarily urolithiasis is a serious problem in nephrology. This disease is conditioned by many factors, including climatic, geographical, ethnic and genetic. The most important ones, however, include diet and the composition of urine excreted. Urolithiasis can be symptomatic and asymptomatic. There are many methods of its treatment. The most commonly used methods are pharmacological and surgical ones, and modern treatment methods are also on their increase. Untreated urolithiasis can lead to many complications. Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the tasks of a nurse in the care of a patient with urolithiasis treated with percutaneous nephrolithotripsy. Methods and materials. The individual case method was used in the study, using the following research techniques: nursing interview, observation, measurement and documentation analysis. The research tools used for the study include the Individual Nursing Care Card, the Visual Analogue Scale - VAS, risk of postoperative nausea and vomiting- the Apfel score. Findings. Nine nursing diagnoses based on the patient's health issues were made during the study process. Conclusions. The nursing problems concerning the patient result from surgery and hospitalization

    Life quality of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Introduction and the aim: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) belongs to the group of the most frequent chronic diseases. The major, and at the same time the most crucial goal of the actions undertaken for patients with COPD, is increase in early detection of this disease which will contribute to the decrease in morbidity and mortality. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Material and methods: The survey was conducted among 100 patients with recognized chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, treated in the Department of Pneumology, Oncology and Allergology, as well as in the Clinic of Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital no. 4 in Lublin as well as in ambulatory way. The research material was collected with help of the questionnaire - St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) for patients with respiratory system diseases.Results: Data analysis shows that in the range of 50% to 100% there were 72 persons, which indicates low level of life quality. Among 96 respondents, the quality of life in the category "symptoms" fit in the range 50% to 100% while no one fit in the range 0% to 10% which means that none of the respondents has reached the best quality of life in this category. The category of the impact of the disease on daily life obtained the best assessment as 69 respondents fit in the range 50% to 100%.Conclusions: Majority of respondents assess their quality of life on rather low level. The lowest quality of life was obtained in the category "symptoms". The dyspnoea was the disease symptom that occurred most often among the respondents. Longer duration of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was related to the deterioration of patients' quality of life