23 research outputs found


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    Objectives: Radiotherapy is deleterious to patient health by making the patient more susceptible to other diseases and often causes death by weakening the immune system and also affects cholesterol level. Based on these studies, it was moved toward the selection of Opuntia elatior as a herbal remedy for serum cholesterol level induced by gamma radiation. Methods: The modulatory effect of O. elatior stem extract was studied in Swiss albino mice at dose, i.e., 6 Gy of gamma radiation in the presence (experimental) or absence (control) of O. elatior extract (OEE) (10 mg/kg body weight) to observe in blood cholesterol level alterations. The animals were scarified and their blood was collected at days 1, 15, and 30 post-irradiation from heart puncture. Cholesterol level was estimated by the modified method of Roeschlau et al., 1974, using kit. Results: The cholesterol level was found almost constant in the control group (without any treatment) and increased in gamma radiation-treated group and decreased in only plant extract-treated group, whereas radiation-induced increased level of cholesterol was reduced by plant extract treatment in experimental animals (in plant extract with radiation-treated group), a normal level was achieved by day 30 post-treatment. Hence, O. elatior is beneficial to control radiation-induced blood cholesterol level. Conclusion: Radiation-induced side effects get lowered by herbal treatment and herbal products do not have their own side effects on body on their physical and chemical processes; thus, OEE is useful to manage blood cholesterol level as an edible part, it is easy to use as treatment and in my results OEE also support to maintain cholesterol level in serum of mice

    Thermal Convection in a Couple-Stress Fluid in the Presence of Horizontal Magnetic Field with Hall Currents

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    The thermal stability of a couple-stress fluid is considered to include the effects of uniform horizontal magnetic field and Hall currents. The analysis is carried out within the framework of linear stability theory and normal made technique. For the case of stationary convection, magnetic field has stabilizing effect whereas Hall currents are found to have destabilizing effect on the system. The couple stress, however, has dual character in contrast to its stabilizing effect in the absence of Hall currents. Oscillatory modes are not allowed in the system. Graphs in each case have been plotted by giving numerical values to the parameters, depicting the stability characteristics

    Detection of 3D Object in Point Cloud: Cloud Semantic Segmentation in Lane Marking

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    Managing a city efficiently and effectively is more important than ever as growing population and economic strain put a strain on infrastructure like transportation and public services like keeping urban green areas clean and maintained. For effective administration, knowledge of the urban setting is essential. Both portable and stationary laser scanners generate 3D point clouds that accurately depict the environment. These data points may be used to infer the state of the roads, buildings, trees, and other important elements involved in this decision-making process. Perhaps they would support "smart" or "smarter" cities in general. Unfortunately, the point clouds do not immediately supply this sort of data. It must be eliminated. This extraction is done either by human specialists or by sophisticated computer programmes that can identify objects. Because the point clouds might represent such large locations, relying on specialists to identify the things may be an unproductive use of time (streets or even whole cities). Automatic or nearly automatic discovery and recognition of essential objects is now possible with the help of object identification software. In this research, In this paper, we describe a unique approach to semantic segmentation of point clouds, based on the usage of contextual point representations to take use of both local and global features within the point cloud. We improve the accuracy of the point's representation by performing a single innovative gated fusion on the point and its neighbours, which incorporates the knowledge from both sets of data and enhances the representation of the point. Following this, we offer a new graph point net module that further develops the improved representation by composing and updating each point's representation inside the local point cloud structure using the graph attention block in real time. Finally, we make advantage of the global structure of the point cloud by using spatial- and channel-wise attention techniques to construct the ensuing semantic label for each point

    Assessment of Knee Joint Proprioception in Weight Bearing and in Non-Weight Bearing Positions in Normal Subjects

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    Background: Assessment of proprioception isvaluable for identifying proprioceptive deficits.There are several methods to assess the prop-rioception. Joint position sense can be assessedin weight bearing (WB) and non weight bearing(NWB) position of the limb whose joint is tobe tested. Aim and Objectives: To find out thedifference in joint position sense in NWB andin WB positions in normal subjects. Materialand Methods: 40 normal healthy subjects be-tween the age group of 20 to 25 years were se-lected. Subjects with recent lower limb trauma,pain and musculoskeletal deformity involvingknee and ankle were excluded. Right knee jointproprioception at 300 knee flexion was mea-sured using non weight bearing and weight bear-ing methods by active test with epsilateral ac-tive limb matching response. The knee joint po-sition sense was measured by universal Goni-ometer. Average of 3 response angle was takenas the final reading. Two assessment procedureswere compared with Mann-Whitney Test. Po-sition sense accuracy was measured as a rela-tive error. The relative error was calculated asan arithmetic difference between test and re-sponse positions. A measure of variability ofindividual observation was calculated by SD andcoefficient of variation Results: Present studyshows that there is a significant difference intwo assessment procedures while testing jointproprioception (P <0.005). The mean of WBmethod [31.970] is relatively higher when com-pared with NWB procedure [30.420] but lessinter-observation variability in terms of coef-ficient of variation is seen in WB position. Inthe present study relative error in WB position(-1.8650) is more as compared to NWB posi-tion (-0.2630), and the difference is statisticallysignificant (p<0.005). Conclusion: There isstatistically significant difference between thetwo assessment procedures. Average relativeerror of WB position is more as compared toNWB position. WB procedure produced morenegative relative error i.e. Response was under-estimated during WB testing of proprioception

    The Onset of Stationary and Oscillatory Convection in a Horizontal Porous Layer Saturated with Viscoelastic Liquid Heated and Soluted From Below: Effect of Anisotropy

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    The onset of double diffusive stationary and oscillatory convection in a viscoelastic Oldroyd type fluid saturated in an anisotropic porous layer heated and soluted from below is studied. The flow is governed by the extended Darcy model for Oldroyd fluid. Stability analysis based on the method of perturbations of infinitesimal amplitude is performed using the normal mode technique. The analysis examines the effect of the Darcy Rayleigh number, the solutal Darcy the Rayleigh number, the relaxation time, the retardation time and the Lewis number. Important conclusions include the destabilizing effect of the relaxation time, the Darcy Rayleigh number and the Lewis number and the stabilizing effect of the solutal Darcy Rayleigh number, the retardation time and anisotropy parameter. Some of the results are generalization of the previous findings for isotropic porous medium

    (R1954) Fractional Order on Modeling the Transmission of Devastative COVID-19 Infection: Efficacy of Vaccination

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    The second wave of COVID-19 is an unprecedented condition in India and began in mid February 2021. Individuals who were already suffering from other comorbidities were found with lung infection, and hence, the number of disease induced deaths were rising faster during the second wave in relation to the first wave. This paper has proposed a mathematical model with fractional order derivatives by correlating the model based number of infectives with the real number of infectives in India. For the system of fractional differential equations, a disease-free state has been computed and proved to be locally asymptotically stable with certain restrictions. The mathematical model has been numerically simulated using the predictor-corrector method to highlight the role played by fractional order in controlling the disease spread. Numerical simulations signify the fact that a vital role has been played by fractional order model over integer order model in determining the transmission of COVID-19. It can be visualized that the increment rate in the infectives is lower by taking into consideration the memory effect due to a previous exposure to COVID-19

    The Onset of Stationary and Oscillatory Convection in a Horizontal Porous Layer Saturated with Viscoelastic Liquid Heated and Soluted From Below: Effect of Anisotropy

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    Abstract The onset of double diffusive stationary and oscillatory convection in a viscoelastic Oldroyd type fluid saturated in an anisotropic porous layer heated and soluted from below is studied. The flow is governed by the extended Darcy model for Oldroyd fluid. Stability analysis based on the method of perturbations of infinitesimal amplitude is performed using the normal mode technique. The analysis examines the effect of the Darcy Rayleigh number, the solutal Darcy the Rayleigh number, the relaxation time, the retardation time and the Lewis number. Important conclusions include the destabilizing effect of the relaxation time, the Darcy Rayleigh number and the Lewis number and the stabilizing effect of the solutal Darcy Rayleigh number, the retardation time and anisotropy parameter. Some of the results are generalization of the previous findings for isotropic porous medium

    Brain Tumor Detection and Multi Classification Using GNB-Based Machine Learning Approach

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    In an abnormal tissue called a brain tumor, the cells of the tumor reproduce quickly. if no control over tumor cell&nbsp;growth. The difficulties involved in identifying and treating brain tumors Machine learning is the most technologically sophisticated tool for classification and detection, implementing reliable state-of-the-art A.I. as well as neural network classification techniques, the use of this technology in early diagnosis detection of brain tumors can be accomplished successfully. it is well known that the segmentation method is capable of helping simply destroy the brain's abnormal tumor regions In order to segment and categorize brain tumors, this study suggests a multimodal approach involving machine learning and medical assistance. Noise can be seen in MRI images. To make the method for eliminating noise from images easier, a geometric mean is used later. The algorithms used to segment an image into smaller pieces are fuzzy c-means algorithms. Detection of a specific area of interest is made simpler by segmentation. The dimension reduction procedure is carried out using the GLCM. Photographic features are extracted using the GLCM algorithm. Then, using a variety of ML techniques, like as CNN, ANN, SVM, Gaussian NB, and Adaptive Boosting, the photos are categorized. The Gaussian NB method performs more effectively with regard to the identification and classification of brain tumors. The plasterwork work achieved 98.80 percent accuracy using GNB, RBF SVM

    <span style="font-size:14.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";mso-bidi-language: HI" lang="EN-IN">Evaluation of radioprotective effects of <i>Opuntia elatior </i>extract on catalase and <span style="font-size:14.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";mso-bidi-language: HI" lang="EN-IN">superoxide dismutase activity in mouse liver </span></span>

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    31-35Ionizing radiations affect the living systems by damaging the vital macromolecules and structures of the target cell. A number of chemical and synthetic compounds have radioprotective potential but their high toxicity limits clinical application. Therefore, development of less toxic and potential drug of plant origin for the modification of radiation effects is required. Adult male Swiss albino mice were selected and divided into four groups. Group I was sham irradiated. Group II was fed with OE only (10 mg/kg body weight). Group III was irradiated with 8Gy Co60 gamma irradiation and Group IV was given OE one hour before irradiation. Mice were sacrificed at various post irradiation intervals to analyse the Catalase and Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the liver. Results were subjected to students 't' test. The activity of both SOD and Catalase were found to be decreased till 7th day post irradiation in control group while a significant increase was observed in the OE pretreated irradiated group as compared to the control groups at all the intervals. Opuntia elatior extract pretreatment provides protection against radiation induced changes in the Catalase and SOD activity in the mouse liver. </span