22 research outputs found

    Evidence for Extended Hydrogen-Poor CSM in the Three-Peaked Light Curve of Stripped Envelope Ib Supernova

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    We present multi-band ATLAS photometry for SN 2019tsf, a stripped-envelope Type Ib supernova (SESN). The SN shows a triple-peaked light curve and a late (re-)brightening, making it unique among stripped-envelope systems. The re-brightening observations represent the latest photometric measurements of a multi-peaked Type Ib SN to date. As late-time photometry and spectroscopy suggest no hydrogen, the potential circumstellar material (CSM) must be H-poor. Moreover, late (>150 days) spectra show no signs of narrow emission lines, further disfavouring CSM interaction. On the contrary, an extended CSM structure is seen through a follow-up radio campaign with Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), indicating a source of bright optically thick radio emission at late times, which is highly unusual among H-poor SESNe. We attribute this phenomenology to an interaction of the supernova ejecta with spherically-asymmetric CSM, potentially disk-like, and we present several models that can potentially explain the origin of this rare Type Ib supernova. The warped disc model paints a novel picture, where the tertiary companion perturbs the progenitors CSM, that can explain the multi-peaked light curves of SNe, and here we apply it to SN 2019tsf. This SN 2019tsf is likely a member of a new sub-class of Type Ib SNe and among the recently discovered class of SNe that undergo mass transfer at the moment of explosionComment: 23 pages, Comments are welcome, Submitted to Ap

    SN 2022oqm: A Multi-peaked Calcium-rich Transient from a White Dwarf Binary Progenitor System

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    We present the photometric and spectroscopic evolution of SN 2022oqm, a nearby multi-peaked hydrogen- and helium-weak calcium-rich transient (CaRT). SN 2022oqm was detected 19.9 kpc from its host galaxy, the face-on spiral galaxy NGC 5875. Extensive spectroscopic coverage reveals a hot (T >= 40,000 K) continuum and carbon features observed ~1 day after discovery, SN Ic-like photospheric-phase spectra, and strong forbidden calcium emission starting 38 days after discovery. SN 2022oqm has a relatively high peak luminosity (MB = -17 mag) for CaRTs, making it an outlier in the population. We determine that three power sources are necessary to explain SN 2022oqm's light curve, with each power source corresponding to a distinct peak in its light curve. The first peak of the light curve is powered by an expanding blackbody with a power law luminosity, consistent with shock cooling by circumstellar material. Subsequent peaks are powered by a double radioactive decay model, consistent with two separate sources of photons diffusing through an optically thick ejecta. From the optical light curve, we derive an ejecta mass and 56Ni mass of ~0.89 solar masses and ~0.09 solar masses, respectively. Detailed spectroscopic modeling reveals ejecta that is dominated by intermediate-mass elements, with signs that Fe-peak elements have been well-mixed. We discuss several physical origins for SN 2022oqm and favor a white dwarf progenitor model. The inferred ejecta mass points to a surprisingly massive white dwarf, challenging models of CaRT progenitors.Comment: 33 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables, Submitted to Ap

    SN 2023ixf in Messier 101: Photo-ionization of Dense, Close-in Circumstellar Material in a Nearby Type II Supernova

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    We present UV/optical observations and models of supernova (SN) 2023ixf, a type II SN located in Messier 101 at 6.9 Mpc. Early-time ("flash") spectroscopy of SN 2023ixf, obtained primarily at Lick Observatory, reveals emission lines of H I, He I/II, C IV, and N III/IV/V with a narrow core and broad, symmetric wings arising from the photo-ionization of dense, close-in circumstellar material (CSM) located around the progenitor star prior to shock breakout. These electron-scattering broadened line profiles persist for \sim8 days with respect to first light, at which time Doppler broadened features from the fastest SN ejecta form, suggesting a reduction in CSM density at r1015r \gtrsim 10^{15} cm. The early-time light curve of SN2023ixf shows peak absolute magnitudes (e.g., Mu=18.6M_{u} = -18.6 mag, Mg=18.4M_{g} = -18.4 mag) that are 2\gtrsim 2 mag brighter than typical type II supernovae, this photometric boost also being consistent with the shock power supplied from CSM interaction. Comparison of SN 2023ixf to a grid of light curve and multi-epoch spectral models from the non-LTE radiative transfer code CMFGEN and the radiation-hydrodynamics code HERACLES suggests dense, solar-metallicity, CSM confined to r=(0.51)×1015r = (0.5-1) \times 10^{15} cm and a progenitor mass-loss rate of M˙=102\dot{M} = 10^{-2} M_{\odot}yr1^{-1}. For the assumed progenitor wind velocity of vw=50v_w = 50 km s1^{-1}, this corresponds to enhanced mass-loss (i.e., ``super-wind'' phase) during the last \sim3-6 years before explosion.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to ApJ

    SN 2022ann: a Type Icn supernova from a dwarf galaxy that reveals helium in its circumstellar environment

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    We present optical and near-infrared (NIR) observations of the Type Icn supernova (SN Icn) 2022ann, the fifth member of its newly identified class of SNe. Its early optical spectra are dominated by narrow carbon and oxygen P-Cygni features with absorption velocities of 800 km/s; slower than other SNe Icn and indicative of interaction with a dense, H/He-poor circumstellar medium (CSM) that is outflowing slower than a typical Wolf-Rayet wind velocity of >>1000 km/s. We identify helium in NIR spectra obtained two weeks after maximum and in optical spectra at three weeks, demonstrating that the CSM is not fully devoid of helium. We never detect broad spectral features from SN ejecta, including in spectra extending to the nebular phase, a unique characteristic among SNe~Icn. Compared to other SNe Icn, SN 2022ann has a low luminosity, with a peak o-band absolute magnitude of -17.7, and evolves slowly. We model the bolometric light curve and find it is well-described by 1.7 M_Sun of SN ejecta interacting with 0.2 M_sun of CSM. We place an upper limit of 0.04 M_Sun of Ni56 synthesized in the explosion. The host galaxy is a dwarf galaxy with a stellar mass of 10^7.34 M_Sun (implied metallicity of log(Z/Z_Sun) \approx 0.10) and integrated star-formation rate of log(SFR) = -2.20 M_sun/yr; both lower than 97\% of the galaxies observed to produce core-collapse supernovae, although consistent with star-forming galaxies on the galaxy Main Sequence. The low CSM velocity, nickel and ejecta masses, and likely low-metallicity environment disfavour a single Wolf-Rayet progenitor star. Instead, a binary companion star is likely required to adequately strip the progenitor before explosion and produce a low-velocity outflow. The low CSM velocity may be indicative of the outer Lagrangian points in the stellar binary progenitor, rather than from the escape velocity of a single Wolf-Rayet-like massive star.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, to be submitted to MNRA