331 research outputs found

    New evidence on the tool-assisted hunting exhibited by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in a savannah habitat at Fongoli, Sénégal

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    For anthropologists, meat eating by primates like chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) warrants examination given the emphasis on hunting in human evolutionary history. As referential models, apes provide insight into the evolution of hominin hunting, given their phylogenetic relatedness and challenges reconstructing extinct hominin behaviour from palaeoanthropological evidence. Among chimpanzees, adult males are usually the main hunters, capturing vertebrate prey by hand. Savannah chimpanzees (P. t. verus) at Fongoli, Sénégal are the only known nonhuman population that systematically hunts vertebrate prey with tools, making them an important source for hypotheses of early hominin behaviour based on analogy. Here, we test the hypothesis that sex and age patterns in tool-assisted hunting (n=308 cases) at Fongoli occur and differ from chimpanzees elsewhere, and we compare tool-assisted hunting to the overall hunting pattern. Males accounted for 70% of all captures but hunted with tools less than expected based on their representation on hunting days. Females accounted for most toolassisted hunting. We propose that social tolerance at Fongoli along with the tool-assisted hunting method, permits individuals other than adult males to capture and retain control of prey, which is uncommon for chimpanzees. We assert that tool-assisted hunting could have similarly been important for early hominins

    Impaired photosystem I oxidation induces STN7-dependent phosphorylation of the light-harvesting complex I protein Lhca4 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Reduction of the plastoquinone (PQ) pool is known to activate phosphorylation of thylakoid proteins. In the Arabidopsis thaliana mutants psad1-1 and psae1-3, oxidation of photosystem I (PSI) is impaired, and the PQ pool is correspondingly over-reduced. We show here that, under these conditions, the antenna protein Lhca4 of PSI becomes a target for phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of the mature Lhca4 protein at Thr16 is suppressed in stn7 psad1 and stn7 psae1 double mutants. Thus, under extreme redox conditions, hyperactivation of thylakoid protein kinases and/or reorganization of thylakoid protein complex distribution increase the susceptibility of PSI to phosphorylation

    ETISEQ – an algorithm for automated elution time ion sequencing of concurrently fragmented peptides for mass spectrometry-based proteomics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Concurrent peptide fragmentation (i.e. shotgun CID, parallel CID or MS<sup>E</sup>) has emerged as an alternative to data-dependent acquisition in generating peptide fragmentation data in LC-MS/MS proteomics experiments. Concurrent peptide fragmentation data acquisition has been shown to be advantageous over data-dependent acquisition by providing greater detection dynamic range and providing more accurate quantitative information. Nevertheless, concurrent peptide fragmentation data acquisition remains to be widely adopted due to the lack of published algorithms designed specifically to process or interpret such data acquired on any mass spectrometer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An algorithm called Elution Time Ion Sequencing (ETISEQ), has been developed to enable automated conversion of concurrent peptide fragmentation data acquisition data to LC-MS/MS data. ETISEQ generates MS/MS-like spectra based on the correlation of precursor and product ion elution profiles. The performance of ETISEQ is demonstrated using concurrent peptide fragmentation data from tryptic digests of standard proteins and whole influenza virus. It is shown that the number of unique peptides identified from the digests is broadly comparable between ETISEQ processed concurrent peptide fragmentation data and the data-dependent acquired LC-MS/MS data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The ETISEQ algorithm has been designed for easy integration with existing MS/MS analysis platforms. It is anticipated that it will popularize concurrent peptide fragmentation data acquisition in proteomics laboratories.</p

    Internal medicine specialists' attitudes towards working part-time: a comparison between 1996 and 2004

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    BACKGROUND: Although medical specialists traditionally hold negative views towards working part-time, the practice of medicine has evolved. Given the trend towards more part-time work and that there is no evidence that it compromises the quality of care, attitudes towards part-time work may have changed as well in recent years. The aim of this paper was to examine the possible changes in attitudes towards part-time work among specialists in internal medicine between 1996 and 2004. Moreover, we wanted to determine whether these attitudes were associated with individual characteristics (age, gender, investments in work) and whether attitudes of specialists within a partnership showed more resemblance than specialists' attitudes from different partnerships. METHODS: Two samples were used in this study: data of a survey conducted in 1996 and in 2004. After selecting internal medicine specialists working in general hospitals in The Netherlands, the sample consisted of 219 specialists in 1996 and 363 specialists in 2004. They were sent a questionnaire, including topics on the attitudes towards part-time work. RESULTS: Internal medicine specialists' attitudes towards working part-time became slightly more positive between 1996 and 2004. Full-time working specialists in 2004 still expressed concerns regarding the investments of part-timers in overhead tasks, the flexibility of task division, efficiency, communication and continuity of care. In 1996 gender was the only predictor of the attitude, in 2004 being a full- or a part-timer, age and the time invested in work were associated with this attitude. Furthermore, specialists' attitudes were not found to cluster much within partnerships. CONCLUSION: In spite of the increasing number of specialists working or preferring to work part-time, part-time practice among internal medicine specialists seems not to be fully accepted. The results indicate that the attitudes are no longer gender based, but are associated with age and work aspects such as the number of hours worked. Though there is little evidence to support them, negative ideas about the consequences of part-time work for the quality of care still exist. Policy should be aimed at removing the organisational difficulties related to part-time work and create a system in which part-time practice is fully integrated and accepted

    Comparative 3D QSAR study on β1-, β2-, and β3-adrenoceptor agonists

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    A quantitative structure–activity relationship study of tryptamine-based derivatives of β1-, β2-, and β3-adrenoceptor agonists was conducted using comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA). Correlation coefficients (cross-validated r2) of 0.578, 0.595, and 0.558 were obtained for the three subtypes, respectively, in three different CoMFA models. All three CoMFA models have different steric and electrostatic contributions, implying different requirements inside the binding cavity. The CoMFA coefficient contour plots of the three models and comparisons among these plots provide clues regarding the main chemical features responsible for the biological activity variations and also result in predictions which correlate very well with the observed biological activity. Based on the analysis, a summary regeospecific description of the requirements for improving β-adrenoceptor subtype selectivity is given

    Experimental annotation of post-translational features and translated coding regions in the pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Complete and accurate genome annotation is crucial for comprehensive and systematic studies of biological systems. However, determining protein-coding genes for most new genomes is almost completely performed by inference using computational predictions with significant documented error rates (> 15%). Furthermore, gene prediction programs provide no information on biologically important post-translational processing events critical for protein function.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We experimentally annotated the bacterial pathogen <it>Salmonella </it>Typhimurium 14028, using "shotgun" proteomics to accurately uncover the translational landscape and post-translational features. The data provide protein-level experimental validation for approximately half of the predicted protein-coding genes in <it>Salmonella </it>and suggest revisions to several genes that appear to have incorrectly assigned translational start sites, including a potential novel alternate start codon. Additionally, we uncovered 12 non-annotated genes missed by gene prediction programs, as well as evidence suggesting a role for one of these novel ORFs in <it>Salmonella </it>pathogenesis. We also characterized post-translational features in the <it>Salmonella </it>genome, including chemical modifications and proteolytic cleavages. We find that bacteria have a much larger and more complex repertoire of chemical modifications than previously thought including several novel modifications. Our <it>in vivo </it>proteolysis data identified more than 130 signal peptide and N-terminal methionine cleavage events critical for protein function.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This work highlights several ways in which application of proteomics data can improve the quality of genome annotations to facilitate novel biological insights and provides a comprehensive proteome map of <it>Salmonella </it>as a resource for systems analysis.</p

    Comparative proteomic analysis of metabolically labelled proteins from Plasmodium falciparum isolates with different adhesion properties

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    The virulence of Plasmodium falciparum relates in part to the cytoadhesion characteristics of parasitized erythrocytes but the molecular basis of the different qualitative and quantitative binding phenotypes is incompletely understood. This paucity of information is due partly to the difficulty in working with membrane proteins, the variant nature of these surface antigens and their relatively low abundance. To address this two-dimensional (2D) protein profiles of closely related, but phenotypically different laboratory strains of P. falciparum have been characterized using proteomic approaches. Since the mature erythrocyte has no nucleus and no protein synthesis capability, metabolic labelling of proteins was used to selectively identify parasite proteins and increase detection sensitivity. A small number of changes (less than 10) were observed between four different P. falciparum laboratory strains with distinctive cytoadherence properties using metabolic labelling, with more parasite protein changes found in trophozoite iRBCs than ring stage. The combination of metabolic labelling and autoradiography can therefore be used to identify parasite protein differences, including quantitative ones, and in some cases to obtain protein identifications by mass spectrometry. The results support the suggestion that the membrane protein profile may be related to cytoadherent properties of the iRBCs. Most changes between parasite variants were differences in iso-electric point indicating differential protein modification rather than the presence or absence of a specific peptide

    Small Increase of Actual Physical Activity 6 Months After Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty

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    Limitation in daily physical activity is one of the reasons for total hip arthroplasty (THA) or total knee arthroplasty (TKA). However, studies of the effects of THA or TKA generally do not determine actual daily activity as part of physical functioning. We determined the effect of THA or TKA on patients’ actual physical activity and body function (pain, stiffness), capacity to perform tasks, and self-reported physical functioning. We also assessed whether there are differences in the effect of the surgery between patients undergoing THA or TKA and whether the improvements vary between these different outcome measures. We recruited patients with long-standing end-stage osteoarthritis of the hip or knee awaiting THA or TKA. Measurements were performed before surgery and 3 and 6 months after surgery. Actual physical activity improved by 0.7%. Patients’ body function, capacity, and self-reported physical functioning also improved. The effects of the surgery on these aspects of physical functioning were similar for THA and TKA. The effect on actual physical activity (8%) was smaller than on body function (80%–167%), capacity (19%–36%), and self-reported physical functioning (87%–112%). Therefore, in contrast to the large effect on pain and stiffness, patients’ capacity, and their self-reported physical functioning, the improvement in actual physical activity of our patients was less than expected 6 months after surgery

    The Functioning of the Drosophila CPEB Protein Orb Is Regulated by Phosphorylation and Requires Casein Kinase 2 Activity

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    The Orb CPEB protein regulates translation of localized mRNAs in Drosophila ovaries. While there are multiple hypo- and hyperphosphorylated Orb isoforms in wild type ovaries, most are missing in orbF303, which has an amino acid substitution in a buried region of the second RRM domain. Using a proteomics approach we identified a candidate Orb kinase, Casein Kinase 2 (CK2). In addition to being associated with Orb in vivo, we show that ck2 is required for orb functioning in gurken signaling and in the autoregulation of orb mRNA localization and translation. Supporting a role for ck2 in Orb phosphorylation, we find that the phosphorylation pattern is altered when ck2 activity is partially compromised. Finally, we show that the Orb hypophosphorylated isoforms are in slowly sedimenting complexes that contain the translational repressor Bruno, while the hyperphosphorylated isoforms assemble into large complexes that co-sediment with polysomes and contain the Wisp poly(A) polymerase

    Computational Analysis and Experimental Validation of Gene Predictions in Toxoplasma gondii

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    Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan that infects 20 to 90% of the population. It can cause both acute and chronic infections, many of which are asymptomatic, and, in immunocompromised hosts, can cause fatal infection due to reactivation from an asymptomatic chronic infection. An essential step towards understanding molecular mechanisms controlling transitions between the various life stages and identifying candidate drug targets is to accurately characterize the T. gondii proteome.We have explored the proteome of T. gondii tachyzoites with high throughput proteomics experiments and by comparison to publicly available cDNA sequence data. Mass spectrometry analysis validated 2,477 gene coding regions with 6,438 possible alternative gene predictions; approximately one third of the T. gondii proteome. The proteomics survey identified 609 proteins that are unique to Toxoplasma as compared to any known species including other Apicomplexan. Computational analysis identified 787 cases of possible gene duplication events and located at least 6,089 gene coding regions. Commonly used gene prediction algorithms produce very disparate sets of protein sequences, with pairwise overlaps ranging from 1.4% to 12%. Through this experimental and computational exercise we benchmarked gene prediction methods and observed false negative rates of 31 to 43%.This study not only provides the largest proteomics exploration of the T. gondii proteome, but illustrates how high throughput proteomics experiments can elucidate correct gene structures in genomes