164 research outputs found

    Method for optimization of statically determined articulated structures

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    Se ha desarrollado un algoritrr)o de programación matemática para el dimensionamiento óptimo de estructuras articuladas isostáticas. El algoritmo propuesto se caracteriza por: a) No requerir que la función objetivo o las ecuaciones de restricción sean derivables. b) Utilizan métodos de optimización unidimensionales para pasar de una solución dada a otra mejor, c) Introducir procedimientos aleatorios para obtener información que conduce a una solución mejor. Estas características lo hacen especialmente indicado para funciones no explícitas, costosas en su evaluación y con gran cantidad de mínimos relativos. Se ilustra el método con dos ejemplos de diseño óptimo de estructuras articuladas estáticamente determinadasAn algorithm of mathematical programmation for the optimum dis'fgn of iso-static articúlate structures has been developed. The characteristics of the proposed algorithm are: a) It not requires that the objective function or the restriction equations be derivable. b) They use unidimensional methods of unidimensional optimization ío pass over from a g/Ven so/ut/on to a better one. c) To introduce contingent procedures to obtain Information which leads to a better solution. Those characteristics make it specially recommended for non-explicit functions, costly in its evaluation with a great deal of relative mínimums. The method is explained by two exampies of óptima! design of statiscally determined articulated structure

    Seasonal temperature trends on the Spanish mainland: A secular study (1916–2015)

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    Trends in seasonal mean values of maximum and minimum temperature are analysed in the Spanish mainland from the new MOTEDAS_century database. This new data set has been developed combining the digitalized archives from the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) with information retrieved from Annual Books published by the former Meteorological Agency dating back to 1916, and covers the period 1916–2015. In all four seasons, mean seasonal temperature of maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) increased. The raising occurred in two main pulses separated by a first pause around the middle of the 20th century, but differed among seasons and also between maximum and minimum temperature. Analysis of the percentage of land affected by significant trends in maximum temperature reveals two increasing phases in spring and summer for Tmax, and in spring, summer, and autumn for Tmin. However, winter Tmax only rose during the recent decades, and autumn Tmax in the first decades. Negative significant trends were found in extended areas in spring Tmax, and in spring, autumn, and summer Tmin, confirming the first pause around the 1940's–1960's. Trends of seasonal mean values of Tmax and Tmin are not significant for at least the last 25–35 years of the study period, depending on the season. The areas under significant positive trend are usually more extended for Tmin than Tmax at any season and period. Areas with significant trend expand and contract in time according to two spatial gradients: south-east to north-west (east-west) for Tmax, and west to east for Tmin. We hypothesize a relationship between atmospheric prevalent advection and relief as triggering factors to understand spatial and temporal differences in seasonal temperatures at regional scale during the 20th century in the Iberian Peninsula

    ¿Dónde está el tronco coronario izquierdo?

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    La incidencia de anomalías coronarias es baja en la población general, oscilando entre el 0.46-1.55%, y la agenesia de tronco coronario izquierdo (TCI) es una de las menos observadas1, 2. Se trata de una entidad extremadamente rara en la que no existe el ostium coronario izquierdo y el TCI termina ciegamente3. De los casos publicados, el 50% afectan a la edad pediátrica, y entre ellos, el 30% se asocia a otras anomalías coronarias4. Puede aparecer aisladamente, como en los pacientes que aquí mostramos, o asociada a otras enfermedades, como la homocistinuria, la ataxia de Friedreich, el síndrome de Hurler, la progeria y el síndrome rubeólico5. Se presentan 2 casos clínicos representativos de esta enfermedad de baja prevalencia en la población general. El primer caso se trata de un varón de 59 años con hipercolesterolemia y extabaquismo como factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Es derivado a nuestro centro para la realización de una coronariografía por angina de esfuerzo, con ergometría clínicamente negativa y eléctricamente positiva con descenso del segmento ST de 2mm en el tercer estadio del protocolo de Bruce. El cateterismo muestra una agenesia del TCI con visualización de un vaso hipoplásico submilimétrico. La arteria descendente anterior se visualiza a través de la arteria coronaria anómala, que nace de la rama marginal aguda precoz desde el segmento proximal de la coronaria derecha (CD). El trayecto anómalo presenta efecto kinking y compresión sistólica. La circunfleja se visualiza a través de la arteria conal, con salida independiente en cañón de escopeta ligeramente craneal al ostium de la CD, con trayecto anómalo y efecto kinking sin evidente efecto milking. La CD es dominante, de gran calibre y sin estenosis angiográficamente significativas..

    Integración de solar térmica en redes de distrito : predicción de la producción

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMEN: El presente trabajo describe un algoritmo de cálculo de predicción de producción de plantas solares térmicas para su uso integrado en un sistema de control de redes de distrito (GIRTER). Inicialmente se describe brevemente la estrategia global con el fin de poder integrar el aporte de la producción solar, como un elemento que resta carga al sistema. A partir de la estimación de un horizonte de predicción dependiente de las inercias de la red de distrito, se obtiene una predicción horaria de temperatura y radiación horizontal de una base de datos externa que son empleadas para determinar la demanda asociada a los edificios de la red de distrito así como a la producción de la instalación solar. A continuación se describe el algoritmo desarrollado basado en la ecuación de Bliss indicando el procedimiento de cálculo de los diferentes términos. Finalmente se muestra su validación comparando los resultados que da GIRTER con los de una simulación realizada en TRNSYS®. El proyecto GIRTER ha sido realizado dentro de la convocatoria RETOS 2016.ABSTRACT: The present work describes an algorithm for calculating the prediction of the production of solar thermal plants for its integrated use in a district network control system (GIRTER). Initially, the global strategy is briefly described in order to be able to integrate the contribution of solar production, as an element that reduces the burden on the system. From the estimation of a prediction horizon dependent on the inertias of the district network, an hourly prediction of temperature and horizontal radiation is obtained from an external database that are used to determine the demand associated with the buildings of the network of district, as well as the production of the solar installation. The following describes the algorithm developed based on the Bliss equation, indicating the procedure for calculating the different terms. Finally, its validation is shown by comparing the results that GIRTER gives with those of a simulation carried out in TRNSYS®. The GIRTER project has been carried out within the RETOS 2016 call.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spin Glass Ordering in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors: a Monte Carlo Study

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    We study the temperature-dilution phase diagram of a site-diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a fcc lattice, with and without the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya anisotropic term, fixed to realistic microscopic parameters for IIB1xMnxTeIIB_{1-x} Mn_x Te (IIB=Cd, Hg, Zn). We show that the dipolar Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya anisotropy induces a finite-temperature phase transition to a spin glass phase, at dilutions larger than 80%. The resulting probability distribution of the order parameter P(q) is similar to the one found in the cubic lattice Edwards-Anderson Ising model. The critical exponents undergo large finite size corrections, but tend to values similar to the ones of the Edwards-Anderson-Ising model.Comment: 4 pages plus 3 postscript figure

    Recent Advances in Modeling Stellar Interiors

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    Advances in stellar interior modeling are being driven by new data from large-scale surveys and high-precision photometric and spectroscopic observations. Here we focus on single stars in normal evolutionary phases; we will not discuss the many advances in modeling star formation, interacting binaries, supernovae, or neutron stars. We review briefly: 1) updates to input physics of stellar models; 2) progress in two and three-dimensional evolution and hydrodynamic models; 3) insights from oscillation data used to infer stellar interior structure and validate model predictions (asteroseismology). We close by highlighting a few outstanding problems, e.g., the driving mechanisms for hybrid gamma Dor/delta Sct star pulsations, the cause of giant eruptions seen in luminous blue variables such as eta Car and P Cyg, and the solar abundance problem.Comment: Proceedings for invited talk at conference High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics 2010, Caltech, March 2010, submitted for special issue of Astrophysics and Space Science; 7 pages; 5 figure

    Prospects for asteroseismology

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    The observational basis for asteroseismology is being dramatically strengthened, through more than two years of data from the CoRoT satellite, the flood of data coming from the Kepler mission and, in the slightly longer term, from dedicated ground-based facilities. Our ability to utilize these data depends on further development of techniques for basic data analysis, as well as on an improved understanding of the relation between the observed frequencies and the underlying properties of the stars. Also, stellar modelling must be further developed, to match the increasing diagnostic potential of the data. Here we discuss some aspects of data interpretation and modelling, focussing on the important case of stars with solar-like oscillations.Comment: Proc. HELAS Workshop on 'Synergies between solar and stellar modelling', eds M. Marconi, D. Cardini & M. P. Di Mauro, Astrophys. Space Sci., in the press Revision: correcting abscissa labels on Figs 1 and

    Consumer perception of Brazilian traced beef

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    The objective of this study was to determine consumers understanding of beef traceability, identifying how consumers value this meat and traceability elements to be presented on retail shelves. The method used in this study was a survey through the internet applying the Sphinx software. The sample consisted of 417 consumers, mostly living in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Consumers are aware of certified beef, consider it important, but this is not a demand. As to traced beef, most consumers (62.4%) are in favor of mandatory traceability of beef cattle in Brazil, but 86.6% disagree with the destination of traced beef only to the foreign market. The majority of people are willing to pay more for traced beef and consider traceability a market opportunity, used as a differentiating tool

    Methodological framework for World Health Organization estimates of the global burden of foodborne disease

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    Background: The Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG) was established in 2007 by the World Health Organization to estimate the global burden of foodborne diseases (FBDs). This paper describes the methodological framework developed by FERG's Computational Task Force to transform epidemiological information into FBD burden estimates. Methods and Findings: The global and regional burden of 31 FBDs was quantified, along with limited estimates for 5 other FBDs, using Disability-Adjusted Life Years in a hazard- and incidence-based approach. To accomplish this task, the following workflow was defined: outline of disease models and collection of epidemiological data; design and completion of a database template; development of an imputation model; identification of disability weights; probabilistic burden assessment; and estimating the proportion of the disease burden by each hazard that is attributable to exposure by food (i.e., source attribution). All computations were performed in R and the different functions were compiled in the R package 'FERG'. Traceability and transparency were ensured by sharing results and methods in an interactive way with all FERG members throughout the process. Conclusions: We developed a comprehensive framework for estimating the global burden of FBDs, in which methodological simplicity and transparency were key elements. All the tools developed have been made available and can be translated into a user-friendly national toolkit for studying and monitoring food safety at the local level